Read The Devil's Intended-Love & Evil In Palm Beach Page 42



   When Karl and Kristen landed, the mist cast a pall of gray over the morning. Kristen was happy to be with Karl and the weather did not bother her. It suited England very well.  She loved it there and its side of the ocean too!

   Karl’s driver picked them up at the airport and they embarked on a long and scenic drive to his estate which was located in the suburbs outside of London. Kristen was in awe as they entered his neighborhood and proceeded down a dense tree-lined street to his outer gate. As they went up the driveway, Kristen stared ahead at Karl’s mansion. It was gothic and oppressive with beastly gargoyles lined up along the stone roof’s edge.

   Karl followed her gaze and laughed. “Ahh, my sweet home. How grand to be back!” They continued up to the stately front door. It was very fitting for Karl. It looked just like Dracula’s castle. Kristen looked up the grand staircase as they entered and at all the artwork and antique oil paintings. “Wow, you live in a museum!” She then laughed when she saw a large bronze statue of Aleister Crowley wearing Mickey Mouse ears in his foyer. She nervously looked at it and said “You’re not into the occult, are you?” Karl pretended not to hear and led her on a short tour, and then into his more modern kitchen. He went to the refrigerator and handed her a small glass of orange juice. She thanked him and drank it down.

   Everything seemed cheerful in this part of the house, except for a large rusty iron door at the end of it. It had an old- fashioned keyhole and no doorknob. Kristen curiously asked “Where does that lead to?” He looked quite serious now. “It goes to the basement. You might call it my playroom.” Kristen remembered Chicago and said “Another one of those? I don’t think I want to see that.” Karl said curtly “You’re not invited.” She seemed surprised at his abrupt answer and was no longer feeling comfortable being alone with him. Karl reached for her hand and said “Let’s go upstairs and I will show you your quarters.” They went up the creaky back steps to the next level and walked down the long hallway passing several rooms. Many of them had large padlocks on them. Then Karl stopped and pointed. “This is your suite Kristen; I hope it is to your taste.”

   She questioned “Aren’t I staying with you?” Karl said “I feel you would be better off in here. When I desire you in my bed, I will summon you.” Kristen felt like this was getting real creepy. “Karl, I have decided that I am just going to stay here for a few days.” Unaffected, he answered “That is fine Miss Stratford, as you wish. Just say the word and I will charter you a jet back.”

   Then he slowly put his arms around her waist. “Now, you don’t really want that? Do you Kristi?” He gave her a hard kiss. His eyes controlled her as they blackened. It was like he was two people. Again, that feeling came over her and fear now filled her with desire. She strongly felt the need to make love with him. She was powerless to resist.

   Karl then stood back. “Kristen, I will leave you now so that you may bathe and get unpacked. You need to catch up with this time zone or you may become ill.” He walked downstairs.

   Kristen took a long shower. As she was drying her hair with a small towel, she sat down on the bed and started thinking about Anthony. She felt strange being in another country and wondered how he had reacted when he found out that she had left him. He had not even bothered calling her yet. She reached for her cell phone and held it up to dial. It would not go through. She said “Strange, why can’t I get a signal?” She tried it again.  She called out “Karl, why won’t my phone work?” There was no answer.

   She walked downstairs and did not see him anywhere. She walked outside and observed that all of his cars were still there. She still could not get any reception so she walked to the front gate. Down the street, she noticed a woman trimming her bushes. Kristen walked up behind her. Startled, the woman turned around and held her trimmer like a weapon. She then saw it was only Kristen and placed it on the ground. “My dear, are you alright? Do you need help?” She looked suspiciously towards Karl’s manor.

   “I am fine. Do you know if there are telephone signals out here?” The woman looked at her phone and said “I am sorry. I don’t own one of those gadgets. My phone in the house works. Do you need to use it? Are you in trouble?”

   Kristen wondered why she kept asking that. The woman then said “Why are you here? Don’t you know you are in danger?” Kristen looked alarmed “What do you mean?” The neighbor became very nervous and said “I have seen a few women go into that house, but I never see them leave. He throws those parties all the time for his men friends…” The women's eyes widened and she stopped speaking. Kristen turned around and saw that Karl had walked up.

   “Good afternoon Millicent. How have you been doing?” She just ignored him, picked up her trimmer, and went back to her bushes. Karl took Kristen’s arm and began walking her back to the house.

   “I thought we would take a drive back into London for a nice dinner. Would you like that?” Kristen looked towards Millicent and then back at Karl. “Yes, I would enjoy that. Do you know why my cell won’t work here?” Karl said “I don’t know Kristen. Mine works just fine out here. Maybe you need a British carrier.” Kristen shook her head “This phone has worked on all my trips all over the world. It doesn’t make sense.” Karl gave her a stern look. “Who are you trying to reach that is so important?” Kristen would not answer him.

   They walked back into his living room and each sat in a velvet throne chair.  Karl started the conversation. “So, did you have a nice chat with Millicent?” Kristen said “I didn’t have much of a chance. You showed up. Is she afraid of you?”  Karl chuckled “She is afraid of most humans; she doesn’t get out much. Just holes herself up with a bunch of cats.” Kristen laughed “Well, I don’t think she cares too much for you. She told me that girls disappear whenever they come over here. I am curious. Where do they go?”

   Karl lowered his eyes and said point blank “Why, into the sea, of course.” Kristen looked hard at him.  Then she laughed “Oh, come on Karl, quit being so silly.” She now knew she had been worried for no reason. “So, where are we going to eat?” Karl seemed to be absorbed in thought and answered “Let’s just start driving and then I will pick one, I usually don’t need reservations. You will need to dress up. Let me know when you are ready and I will bring the car around. I gave both my driver and the butler time off for the rest of the week; I want to be alone with you.”

   Kristen stood up from the chair and Karl walked to her. He held her in his arms and said “Always trust me Kristen. I only have the best of intentions.”  

   As Kristen dressed, she heard Karl honk the horn. She tried her cell phone again. This time she just wanted to call Ashley in Chicago. It started ringing and then went to her voicemail. Kristen was surprised it was working and pushed the number again for Anthony. It was just dead air. She said “What is going on here?” She tapped the phone on the dresser and dialed. It still remained silent.” She sighed, put it into her purse and went to join Karl.

   They had a lovely meal near Trafalgar Square and Karl took her on a long walk afterwards to see London’s lights. As they walked over the Westminster Bridge, Karl lovingly sat her up on the railing and began kissing her. “Kristen, I desire you in my bed tonight. I need you to know that you are my “Intended”. I need to take possession.” Possession? Those words bothered her. She was afraid to show him any negative reaction and thought even more about contacting Anthony. She just managed a small smile back at him and did not reply.

   As they drove back to his estate, Karl kept watching his side mirror. Kristen saw this and glanced at hers. She noticed that a car appeared to be following them. Karl put on his brakes and pulled his car to the side. The other car slowed to a stop as if it were hesitating, and then eventually started forward again and passed them up. The windows were tinted and they could not see the driver.

   When they arrived at his mansion, Karl went into his den and locked the door. He stayed in there until late and there was
no attempt to take any “possession” of Kristen. She was relieved and wondered what had changed his plans. She stayed up most of the night thinking how horribly everything was going. She realized it was a big mistake to leave Anthony and she hoped he could forgive her. It was maddening she had no contact with him. It was pretty obvious that Karl did something to her phone so she could not call him. Something was very wrong with all of this!

   The next morning Kristen announced “Karl, I want to visit with some old friends of mine in London. I am not sure, but I might even stay overnight.” Karl answered “That would be nice for you. You should go. I have my own plans in the city this evening too.” He held out his car keys and walked off. Kristen was caught off-guard by this and wondered what was up with him. She was very puzzled that he made no attempt to offer to go with her.


    It was after midnight and the rain-soaked cement resonated as two stiletto heels traveled alone down the dead-end street in West Soho. They came to a pause at the curb as a black high-end sedan pulled up under the dim streetlight.

    A weathered female face leaned into the car window as it opened halfway. “So, love, you want me to take care of