Read The Devil's Intended-Love & Evil In Palm Beach Page 45

beneath Palm Beach for several days now. As the waters warmed and the currents changed their course, small bubbles could now be seen rising out of the tunnel. Strangely enough, there was a consistent low tide only present on the ragged shores by the Whitestone. It made it easier for its members to dock their yachts day or night.

   This occurrence could easily be written off as a weather phenomenon that occurred at different times of the year, but to those who believed in the folk lore and pirate’s tales, it indicated that the demons were ready to be fed again. Of course, it also meant something even more significant for the members of The Black Veil.

   There was a flurry at the airports as several members arrived that week to attend a special Whitestone event. It was similar to an awards ceremony and involved the elevation of certain members to the next threshold. Except for the tennis courts, the club had been closed for two days in order for renovations to be completed to prepare for it.

   Karl was also back in Palm Beach. His return was to be brief so to attend the Whitestone affair that evening. It was uncertain what else his intentions were besides that. He then planned to return to England for an indefinite period. And, even though he had the recent confrontation with Anthony, he was not concerned should he run into him anywhere.

   Earlier that afternoon Kristen walked over to Publix, the local grocery store, on her way to the beach. She went inside to pick up a cold drink to bring with her and was surprised when she saw her brother John pushing a cart through the wine aisle.

   “John What are you doing here?” Her brother turned around “Kristen, how are you? It has been a very long time. What’s new?” Kristen held out her left hand “I am getting married!” Then she frowned. “But you know that. I left you a message and sent you an invitation. Why didn’t you respond?”

   John brushed it off “Oh, you know, I have been very busy, out of the country, things like that. I am not sure if I can make it, that’s why I did not reply yet.” He gave her an insincere pat on her shoulder “But I am very happy for you. I know that Fiore is making great strides in business and he should keep you adorned with all the gifts that I know you need to keep you happy.”

   Kristen looked at him like he had just insulted her and it took her enthusiasm to see him down a notch. “Alright John, well, do as you please and let me know. Maybe we can have dinner sometime while you are here.” He smiled “Yeah, sure, that would be nice. I have to get going now; I have a date waiting in the car for me. I am taking her to Dad's old club. She gets hot wearing her collar.” He chuckled at his own attempt to be funny. “I’ll see you around Kristen and will let you know soon.” Acting like he was in a hurry, he rushed over toward the front check-out.

   Kristen grabbed a can of Pepsi from the cooler and a small bag of potato chips. She stood at the register and pulled some crumpled bills from the pocket of her shorts. As she was waiting for her change, she looked out the window and saw John drive out of the parking lot. He had a very young woman sitting by herself in the back seat with her eyes closed and her head slumped against the window.

   Just down the road, a shiny stretch limousine arrived at the front doors of the Chesterfield Hotel. The driver opened the door and Karl emerged. Karl politely nodded to the desk clerk as he walked into the building and down the hallway leading to the cigar room.

     As he entered, three men, who were dressed impeccably, and seated comfortably in the overstuffed chairs, rose to greet him. Karl said “Good afternoon gentlemen, I hope you all had a peaceful flight back from overseas. Have the arrangements been made yet for this evening?” The three nodded their heads. Karl smiled “Very well. It should be quite an eventful occasion. I am looking forward to it.”

     As Karl sat down, two beautiful women with their long black hair twisted into tight buns, came through the side doors and stood in front of him. They were attired in tight red tube dresses and six inch heels. They obediently dropped to kneel as he patted their heads. “Very nice ladies, it is a pleasure to see you again.” One of the three acquaintances spoke, “That new member has been processed as you requested. It took some time for him to grasp our ways.” Karl simply replied, “I guess it wasn’t in his nature to obey. Not acting very presidential, now is he? Soon enough, he’ll learn who he needs to bow down to. They all will. What about the other one, the chap that has been causing me even more problems?” They replied in unison, “He understands and is ready.”  

     “Very well.” Karl then stood up and snapped his fingers. The women threw themselves up towards him rubbing on his arms and nuzzling his neck. Karl slid his hands down their backs and grinned, “We are going upstairs to one of the suites for some appetizers. I will see you much later this evening.”

     Back at the Whitestone Country Club, all the trappings were in place. The usual employees had been given the day off and a mini-bus pulled in carrying a special staff for the event. They alighted from the vehicle wearing pointy hooded sweatshirts. As they began to take their positions throughout the club, the catering vans pulled away. There was great anticipation waiting out the few hours before the sun was to set.

   It was a clear full moon night. Towards mid-evening, several Rolls and limousines arrived and the members alighted with their guests. They kept a tight hold on the arms of the beautiful women and men as they accompanied them through the doors.

   The type of parties that Karl had thrown in Chicago were similar to this, but had only served as a casting call. The ones that passed their test up north and at other locales were usually invited to this occasion for another performance. And perhaps, a final curtain.

   An hour later, the men of The Black Veil entered separately and alone. Their dates were already being held for them inside. Upstairs, a lively party was taking place in the banquet hall. A small pop band provided the music, and champagne flowed from a magnificent silver fountain as the partakers filled their glasses and danced with abandon. In dimly lit corners, bodies were sinfully laid out in various configurations as envious others continuously clawed at them to join in or replace them. The rafters filled with their raucous laughter.

   This excessive debauchery was always more prevalent among the lower ranking Whitestone members. In contrast, off the main room, the seniors were settled comfortably in large leather chairs as they sipped their cognac and engaged in chess and serious discussion.

   The Black Veil ceremony was set to take place at midnight in the club’s lower level. In the backroom, the select invitees were being prepared for their debut. As the clock tolled the end of the twenty-third hour, they were disrobed and silently escorted by their respective hosts down into the grotto.

   With only their veil to keep them warm, “the chosen ones” were led into the boardroom to be presented and judged. Four of the eight red velvet chairs were now occupied by masked men attired in black robes.  One of them rose, and in a low voice, he began an incantation. As they all listened, the guests were lightly pushed down to kneel before him.

  A cold wind twisted itself throughout the room and blew the heavy metal door closed. One by one, each time a decision was rendered; the members would bow, take their guest’s hand, and depart down the stairs to the chamber below. Those who remained, still had to wait to hear their fate. In the opposite direction, the portal leading to the ocean was propped open by a large boulder for the rest of the evening…

   The next afternoon, Karl was at the Whitestone’s “Guesthouse” packing for his return to London that evening. He carried his suitcases outside and left them by the front door. As he was adjusting the handle on one of them, he looked up to see a West Palm Beach squad car and an unmarked vehicle pulling into the driveway. As the patrol car remained stationary, two men emerged from the other one attired in polyester-blend suits.

   Karl remained stone-faced and said “Good afternoon gentlemen. Is there something I can help you with?”  They cautiously walked up to him. The taller one sported a buzz cut of dark red hair and seemed to be the
senior partner. He sarcastically said “Oh, I think you know what we are here for.” Karl chuckled “Sorry, but tea time has passed and I must be going.” He began to pick up his suitcase as the man announced “My name is Detective Morton. We need to ask you some questions and I am going to have to ask you to come with us downtown to the station. We are not talking here.”

   Karl was still not miffed “Ah, but my good man, my driver is set to arrive now and I must go or I will miss my flight. Seriously, what is the nature of your business?” Karl did not wait for an answer and turned to walk towards the house. The other “suit” went back to the patrol car and reached out his arm. The officer inside looked inconvenienced and handed him the radio transmitter.”

   A few minutes later, two more marked cars pulled up. They jumped out from their vehicles and Karl was no longer amused as he stood on the front step and found himself surrounded by officers. Detective Morton said “Now, once again, I am asking you to merely come with us back over to West Palm.” Karl became defiant and stated “Not until you tell me exactly what you plan to ask me.”  The detective carefully guarded his words, “We feel that you are a “Person of Interest”