Read The Devil's Intended-Love & Evil In Palm Beach Page 51

trivialities of an outdated way of life that was fading fast. There was no way he would endanger himself or his business, he was too established, too well-known. Kristen had never heard inkling about the Fiore family being involved in anything these days. All these thoughts now spun around in her head.

   Kristen said “Antonia, get out of my way and stay out of our life!” She brushed past her and walked out the door. Antonia called after her “You’re in denial. Your kids will be just like him, exactly like him!”

   Anthony was standing there in the hall when she exited. He looked at Antonia following behind his fiancée and gave her a suspicious look. He called to his bride-to be, “Kristen, I’ve been trying to find you, I think you need to get some rest. I’ll have the driver take you back to the hotel now.”

   Anthony kissed her warmly. Kristen wondered why he was back to normal again and said to him “That Witch is not welcome at our wedding!” He agreed “Don’t worry. She’s a troublemaker. Don’t ever believe what she says. She can’t get over me.”

    Kristen got in the limo and Anthony gave her another romantic kiss. “I will see you tomorrow honey. We’re doing this! Right?” He closed the door. Kristen looked at him through the window and faked a faint smile. Now she was very worried about moving forward.

















   Daylight came to Palm Beach and found Michael lying halfway in the bushes in the Publix store parking lot. It was a block away from Cucina, the island’s latest night spot, where he had been whooping it up at closing time. He had been trying to drink away his sorrows. A trickle of blood flowed from his mouth and tiny geckos scurried over his body.

   He groaned and rolled over on the hard pavement, covering his eyes from the sun. “Ouch! What happened?” He slowly lifted himself and sat up. All he could remember was that he was dancing and two short men wearing flashy suits came up to him. They held guns in each side and made him quietly go with them, throwing him in the back seat of a limo. He wasn’t too sure where he was now, but he could see the sun’s location in the sky, so he stood up and headed east. Once he reached County Road he knew the Breakers hotel was not far from there. His cell phone was cracked and everything was gone from his pockets. He painfully limped on a swollen ankle.

   When he arrived at the hotel he stopped by the fountain and splashed water on his face to wash the blood off. The men at the outside valet desk stared as he straightened up to walk by them and into the hotel lobby. 

  In another part of the hotel, Kristen began preparing for her ceremony. She knew Michael was staying in the same place and she didn’t dare try to contact him since she was uneasy that Anthony might actually be keeping spies on her.

  Kristen badly wanted to ask Michael’s advice, and what he thought about the Mafia claims that Antonia had made. Even more, she desperately wanted him to tell her again how much he had always cared for her. She also wanted to hear him say that it was a big mistake that she was getting married to Anthony. She really needed this, she couldn’t think for herself anymore. It was all closing in on her! Anthony had acted terribly the night before and she was no longer convinced that she wanted to be with him. Her impassioned moment with Michael wouldn’t let her.

   Kristen took a long shower and tried not to think at all.  She placed a towel on her head and waited for her hair stylist. She was surprised that Anthony hadn’t called her yet. She drummed her fingers nervously on the wooden coffee table as she glanced at the television.

   She heard a knock. The stylist was right on time. Kristen now devoted herself to getting ready but felt like she was just going through the motions because her heart was not into it.

   Michael lay on his hotel bed and felt like a kicked dog.  He was depressed that Kristen was almost his yesterday and then he lost her to cold reality. He moaned in pain as he rolled off the bed and headed to the closet. The wedding was now an hour away but he wasn’t sure if he should still go since Kristen didn’t mention it either way when he left her at the beach. It was too much to see her marry that jerk! But he also thought of her happiness and that she would value his blessing, so he decided to attend.

     Michael had an imported Italian suit that he knew would outrank the groom. As he was trying to find a tie in his suitcase he thought about the men that beat him up.  It was a sure bet that they were friends of Tony, or maybe they were his mobbed-up brothers. He was worried. If Tony Fiore was gunning for you it wasn’t good news!

   He thought about grabbing some food first and then realized where he was and yelled in exasperation “There’s no McDonald’s on this God forsaken island. This day completely sucks!” He just wanted to go rent a jet ski and get lost in the ocean somewhere.”

   Michael reluctantly finished dressing and left his room. He was very worried about Kristen. She had no clue what Fiore was about and what she was getting herself into. And he was afraid to do anything about it because he would probably get himself killed. But Michael still couldn’t help thinking that this was something she could not handle by herself.

   On the floor below, Kristen had finished having her make-up done and her hair decorated with small flowers to make her look like a goddess. She waited patiently until her bridesmaids arrived. Ashley showed up first and looked sheepish as Kristen greeted her. She had recovered from her drunken tryst with Marco, was forgiven, and was handed the garment bag containing the wedding dress. 

  The group cheerfully walked into the hallway. Each woman was carrying an array of accessories to bring to the church to finish dressing there. The bridal party reached the first floor and headed to the white Rolls-Royce awaiting them outside. Unfortunately for him, Michael’s elevator landed just after the girls.

   The women traveled only a few short blocks to the church. As the Rolls pulled up, on the street stood a white horse and a Cinderella carriage covered in flowers. Kristen was touched. It was amazing and Anthony was wonderful to do this! She was now caught up in the moment and the beauty of the day and all the wedding embellishments. Just the act of getting married appealed to her!

  Though, she still had many doubts about Anthony, she buried them for the moment. The group alighted from the car and into the church, looking around in awe. Sunlight filtered through the magnificent stained-glass windows and every pew was adorned with orchids. It smelled like a tropical garden! They hurried to the dressing room because the guests were going to be arriving in a few minutes. Laughing and sipping champagne they helped Kristen dress. Finally, when she was as perfect as she could look, the maids left to go take their places.

   Kristen sat for a while at the dressing table and studied herself. She looked radiant! But she didn’t look happy. She tried to laugh when she caught herself looking up at the small window above her. It was the only way out. She thought “Might be a tight fit in this dress.” Her heart was now a hard pit in her stomach. She closed her eyes and envisioned Michael and her on the rock. The water was peaceful. They were now making love. She needed to be with him.

    Maybe it was jitters, but she sure knew she had doubts about getting married today. She just wasn’t ready! She needed to find out more about Anthony. She now absolutely felt that the reason that she had always been so unsure about him since the day they met was why she always found it so easy to be rescued by Karl and Gregory. Or, maybe the strong allure of the other men was caused by something else completely? Something she had no control over? She was so confused.

   Tap, Tap…her Godfather cheerfully knocked at the door with his cane and entered. Kristen arose. He was overjoyed and said softly “Oh, you look so beautiful. I wish your parents could see you!” Kristen smiled at him “Thank you for being here today. It means a lot
to me.” He gallantly held out his arm and she lightly laid her gloved hand on it. They started to walk out together when Kristen turned and said “I forgot something, I’ll catch up with you in a minute.”

   Inside the church the guests had all taken their seats. Anthony’s mother was wearing a large flowered bonnet and sobbing in the front row. Her daughters and Vincente were leaning in around her and hugging her. Anthony and Marco playfully stood at the altar waiting for Kristen’s grand entrance. Marco joked “Think your bride is going to show up?” Anthony winced and stiffly answered “I have no reason to believe that she won’t.”


  After several more minutes, the groom raised his head and crossed his eyes as he looked above at the crucifix looming over them. He gave it an evil grin, and then became very serious and said “It’s almost time.”


  Nervously reaching into his tuxedo pocket, he slowly pulled out the edge of a black veil. He nudged Marco and subtly pointed down at it. Marco nodded as the brothers turned around to look towards the back of the church.


    The room became darker as several members of The Black Veil Society filed in and took their places throughout the church. They lowered their heads toward Anthony in acknowledgement. A space was being saved at the end of the front pew on the bride’s side awaiting the arrival of Karl, who was indeed, their founder. He had made a special trip