Read The Devil's in My Bathroom Page 20

CHAPTER NINETEEN: The Journey Begins

  Nick was starting to feel the effects of the wine.

  “Man, I can’t believe I’ve been beating myself up for all these years, just because of some minor technicality.”

  “I wouldn’t call this minor where you’re concerned,” said Jamie. “So tell me, Nick, have you ever been serious with anyone else?”

  “No,” said Nick. “But don’t get me wrong – I’ve had my share of women.” He noticed Andie turning her head to hear the conversation. “But, never anyone I can say I was actually in love with.”

  “What about your friend there?” Jamie pointed her thumb towards Andie.

  “You mean, Andie?” He lowered his voice, realizing that she may be overhearing the conversation. “She’s just my friend.”

  “Didn’t I hear you say she was your best friend?”

  “You’re right. I did say that. She is my best friend.” Nick meant it.

  Andie was trying her best to ignore the conversation. Harold noticed and did his best to keep their own conversation flowing.

  “Nick,” Jamie said, “You’re in love with her.”

  “No, damn it. I just told you, she’s just my best friend.”

  Jamie added, “I know I haven’t seen you in seventeen years, but I’m pretty sure I still know you – and there is no way you can be best friends with a woman.”

  “Was that a shot?”

  “No, just a fact.”

  “Well, for one thing, you’re being pretty presumptuous, and another thing – I don’t think of her in that way. She’s my friend. I mean, don’t get me wrong again, I wouldn’t mind doing her, but – no, wait. Forget I just said that.”

  “You’ve never slept with her?”

  “That’s right.”

  “But you want to.”

  “That’s right – No, damn it, wait a second. You’re putting words in my mouth,” said Nick. He kept forgetting that Andie and Harold could hear every word, no matter how hard they tried not to.

  “But you just said you wouldn’t mind sleeping with her,” said Jamie.

  “I started to say it, but I took it back.”

  “But, subconsciously, you’d like to.”

  Nick was irritated. “Ah, hell, Jamie. Just look at her. Who in their right mind wouldn’t want to sleep with her?” Andie was fidgeting.

  “Honestly?” said Jamie, “I wouldn’t mind.”

  Andie started choking on her salad as she heard Jamie’s remark.

  Nick was overwhelmed. “Oh, my God. I can’t believe you just said that.”

  “Why, just because we have the same taste in women?” asked Jamie.

  “Oh, man, Jamie. Let me say this one more time. I – don’t – want – to – sleep – with – Andie.”

  Andie and Harold both turned their heads to stare at Nick. Nick and Jamie were enthralled in their conversation. They didn’t notice the stares.

  “But, you’d like to sleep with me,” said Jamie.

  Nick’s eyes opened wide. “What are you getting at?”

  “You’d like to have sex with me,” Jamie stated.

  Harold’s phone started ringing. It was Peter Grimes calling from the office.

  “But, you’re a lesbian,” stated Nick.

  “Just answer the question.”

  “You know, all these years, I’ve wondered what I’ve missed by not being with you. I’m not talking about just the sex part, I mean, I’ve wondered what I missed by not being with the one person I thought I wanted to spent the rest of my life with. Now – you’re asking me an irrelevant question, because it doesn’t matter what my answer is. I can’t have you.”

  Andie was engulfed in Nick’s words. She didn’t notice Harold trying to get her attention.

  “Mr. Grimes needs me back at the office, immediately, Andie” said Harold.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, Harold. What did you just say?”

  “I have to get back to the office. We can get our food to go and try to grab Debbie on the way.” He motioned for a to-go order and a check.

  “Oh, sure. That’ll be fine,” said Andie, feeling good about Harold and confused about Nick. Pizza Guy brought their food order out in take-out boxes and Harold and Andie left. Andie turned to give Nick one last look, which he didn’t notice.

  “Nick, honey, this is important,” said Jamie. “Do you still want to sleep with me?”

  He looked at her, smiled, and said, “You know what? No – I don’t want to sleep with you anymore.” He thought for a second. “Whoa. Did I just say that?”

  Jamie was all smiles. “Yes, you did, and you know what? I couldn’t be happier.”

  “Why are you so happy about that?”

  “Don’t you see? Since you found Andie - you’ve been too scared to pursue a relationship with her. She’s stirred up emotions that you haven’t felt since high school with me. You feel that you would lose her, the same way you lost me, if you let yourself fall in love with her.”

  “God, Jamie. You really flatter yourself.”

  “But I’m right, aren’t I?”

  “I don’t know – wait a second. Hold on just one damn minute. You’re doing it to me again. You are totally screwing up my head.”

  “No, sweetheart. As a matter of fact, I’m clearing it up.”

  “And just how are you doing that?”

  “By putting closure on the part of your life which has been confusing you for all these years.”

  “Closure?” asked Nick. “You call this closure? You’re opening up old wounds again.”

  Jamie scooted her chair close to Nick and put her arm around him. She put her other hand on Nick’s hand. She started to rub the top of his sweaty and with her soft thumb.

  “Nick, you always have and always will have a very special place in my heart. I've felt extremely guilty all these years for what I put you through. When I got hired to help this transition of Apocalypse to the new company, and I found out you worked for them, I figured it would be the perfect opportunity to talk to you. Now that I have, it feels as if a huge weight has been lifted.” She looked in Nick’s eyes and gave him a sweet little kiss on the lips. “That’s why the Nickster name popped out. It reminded me of the only man who had ever touched my heart. Now, go on out there and listen to your own heart.”

  Nick was startled. Her lips didn’t taste like he remembered. He didn’t get the same overwhelming sensation he once did.

  “How am I supposed to listen to my heart when I don’t know how to feel anymore?”

  Jamie put her hand on his shoulder. “I think you need to put some distance between you and this place. According to your files, you haven’t traveled in over a year. Why don’t you search for Zipper Down’s replacement somewhere far away from here?”

  “You think running away will help me find my heart?”

  “You’d be surprised what distance can do. That’s how I got over you.”

  “You have a point there.”

  “And besides, being away from Andie might be the kick you need to realize how you feel about her.”

  “So you think I should go away for a while.”

  “Yes, far away.”

  “Any suggestions?”

  Jamie pulled out a plane ticket from her briefcase. “I was hoping the meeting would go this way, so I took the liberty of booking you on a flight to Chicago. You leave this evening.”

  “Why Chicago?”

  “Why not? The Cramping Violets are going to need some diversification as well as great publicity to make it big. Check out some drummers in Chicago for a few days. I’ve got you booked on a flight to New Orleans after that.”

  Nick started squirming. “Jamie – I haven’t been there in a long time.”

  “All the more reason to go. If you can’t find a decent replacement there, I have a ticket to Seattle for you. Don’t come back until you find a drummer.”

  “You know, I really haven’t left town since Andie moved here.”

  “You see, you’re already
starting to think clearer,” said Jamie. “You get yourself ready. I’ll let Ben know what’s going on. Good luck, sweetheart. Don’t forget to listen to your heart.” They both stood up and gave each other a big hug.

  “Listen to my heart,” said Nick. “I think I can do that.”

  “Keep in touch. I put your itinerary with the tickets. Your hotels are booked. Let me know your progress.”

  Nick smiled. “Thanks, Jamie. I'll keep in touch.” He staggered away from the table, feeling the effects of the wine, and walked towards his apartment. After a few steps, he turned back to look at Jamie. She looked like a normal woman – as opposed to the unattainable goddess he had been imagining all these years.

  Jamie sat down, took her last sip of wine from the glass, and smiled.