Read The Devil's in My Bathroom Page 22


  Debbie had taken the afternoon off. She was still shaken from seeing Tony riding with Kat in Benny’s car. She spent the afternoon drinking. She felt better after drinking an entire bottle of Chardonnay. The phone rang and she stumbled to pick it up.

  “Hell-oo?” she asked, trying to hold her composure.

  “Hello, my little meatball,” said Tony.

  “Go to hell,” said Debbie, as she slammed down the phone. Tony called back. She had no intention of answering it. One of her fellow actors picked her up, so she didn’t have to drive. The phone rang for the tenth time as she staggered out the door.

  At rehearsal, Donovan gathered his players on stage.

  “All right, everybody. You’ve all had the chance to look over the scripts. Let’s see how much we can put together this evening. Debbie, start with the opening line.”

  Debbie looked at the line. It was blurry, so she relied on her memory.

  “I’m here today, people, to stell you a tory,” she slurred.

  “Debbie, sweetie,” said Donovan, “It’s to tell you a story. Let’s try it again.”

  She stood in place. “I’m here today - to story you people.”

  “Love, please, let’s try it again.”

  She took a deep breath. “I’m here today - ”


  “People, to - ”

  “Tell you.”

  “Tell you a - ”

  “Story,” yelled Donavan. He was peeved.

  “Yeah, I got it - I’m here today, people, to sell you…”

  “Tell you, damn it.” He became a little more disturbed.

  “Tell me what?” asked Debbie.

  “The word is tell.” Donavan’s coolness was melting.

  “You don’t have to be so sarcastic about it. Let me try it again.”

  “Please do.” Donavan’s frustration level was just about maxed out.

  Debbie put her head down to concentrate, raised it up, smiled, and recited,

  “I’m here today, people, to tell you a story. It’s one about love, deceit, betrayal, passion, and the love one woman has for her man.”

  “Great,” said Donovan. “Continue.” He exhaled a sigh of relief.

  “It’s a story about how a woman can close her eyes to the real world, and live in a completely different one – where husbands don’t cheat, politicians don’t lie -”

  “Go on,” said Donovan.

  “And boyfriends don’t run around with blonde bimbos right in front of you.”

  Donovan looked at the script. “Debbie, sweetheart, that’s not the line.”

  “A story of how a gorgeous hunk of an Italian man can sweep you off your feet, promise you all kinds of stories about love and stupid shit like that. And you know what? He is Satan.”

  Donovan stared at the script. “Debbie, just where in the Helen Hayes are you reading from?”

  She burst into tears and ran off the stage.

  “Damn prima donnas,” said Donovan.

  Nick climbed on board the plane at five fifty-nine. He sat in his first class seat and buckled up as the plane took off. He was up for it. He loved the feel of the plane as it took off, pushing him back into the seat. He felt a sudden burst of freedom. He looked out his window and saw New Lake City. It was an attractive place to live. The beautiful sunset allowed just enough light to see his house, the Eagleton building, the 7-Eleven, and Balls & Burgers. He even noticed the abandoned Ratzenburger propane store. He could follow Deville Creek and he saw how it ran in back of the wealthiest neighborhood in town. Within that secluded area, it was easy to spot the Wainwright mansion. The flight attendant came to him.

  “Can I get you anything, sir?” she asked. Nick looked at her. She was his type – mesmerizing.

  “I’d like a rum and coke, if you don’t mind,” he said with a grin.

  Meanwhile, back at the airport, Elderberry arrived to question Nick. He didn’t see a seven o’clock flight to Chicago from American Airlines. He did see a six o’clock flight soar away into the clouds. He went to the ticket counter.

  “Excuse me, miss,” asked Elderberry.

  “May I help you, sir?” said the little lady from the counter.

  “Did your seven o’clock flight leave an hour early?”

  “We don’t have a seven o’clock, sir. We have only a six.”

  “That bitch.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “That goddamn red-headed bitch. She told me the flight was at seven.”

  “Sir, if you would just settle down, I’m sure we can find you another flight.”

  “I don’t want another flight, goddamn it. I wanted to question that asshole on the flight that just left.”

  “I’m sorry sir.” Gerome started thinking. I bet she sent me here late, thinking I would miss him. She doesn’t think I would follow him to Chicago. That’s it. “Can you help me get another flight to Chicago tonight?” he asked the ticket agent.

  The little silver-haired lady checked her computer. “Let me see – yes, sir. I can get you on an eight forty-five on Delta.”

  “That’s great. Do it.”

  The attendant made all the arrangements. “How will you be paying for this, sir?”

  “With my looks, what the damn hell do you think?” he said, as he threw his credit card on the counter. He presented his badge and asked to meet with airport security to arrange clearance for him to carry his gun.

  “Here you go, sir. Airport security is just around that corner snack bar,” she said as she handed him the ticket. He grabbed it without so much as a thank you. She picked up the phone. “Hello, Ms. O’Malley. It’s all set.”

  “Great, thanks,” said Jamie, as she hung up the phone. Since it was after five, her secretary had already left for the day. There was nobody to stop Benny, as he came running into the room.

  Jamie looked and asked, “Yes, Ben. What can I do for you?”

  “I got one,” he said.

  “One, what?”

  “I found a replacement drummer,” Benny was ecstatic.

  “How did you find one so fast?”

  “Well, I went a little nuts after our meeting. I’m really sorry about that. I guess seeing Kat with Tony kind of freaked me out a little. But then I figured – who cares. I’ve got a job to do and I’m not going to let murderous ex-girlfriend ruin my career.”

  “I don’t understand what you’re saying. What do you mean about a murderous ex-girlfriend?”

  “It doesn’t matter. I’ve got the perfect replacement.”

  “When you say murderous, are you referring to the supposed Zipper Down murder?” This was a revelation she wasn’t ready for.

  “It’s okay, Jamie. I’m fine now. Let me tell you about this drummer.”

  “Ben, wait. Do you know something about Zipper Down’s death that I don’t?”

  “Look, I can’t prove Kat didn’t do it, and frankly, I don’t care anymore. Let me tell you about this drummer.”

  “Okay, go ahead,” Jamie said.

  “After I left the meeting, I did a lot of thinking. That’s when I realized the answer was right in front of me - the Pizza Guy.”

  “Who’s the Pizza Guy?”

  “He’s the guy who waited on us at the bistro today. He told us he was a drummer, so I went back there and asked him if he’d like an audition. I brought him to our studio and let him play. He was totally awesome. I got the other members of The Cramping Violets together and let them hear him play. They were blown away. We spent the rest of the day getting to know him. He fits perfectly. The guys love him.”

  “That’s nice, Ben, but what do you know about…”

  “And you know what else? I think I can get Julie Templeton’s commitment to make a video with the band.”

  “Isn’t she the BreastMaster model?”

  “She sure is,” he said with a proud smile.

  “I absolutely love her,” said Jamie.

  “Yeah, me too,” said Benny.
  “How did you get her?”

  “Well, I made a few calls, and…”

  “When is she coming to town?”

  “Well, I thought we’d go to LA to shoot, since…”

  “Nonsense. You have her flown here. We’ll shoot the video at the lake. This is great. Super job on this one, Ben.”

  “I never saw a woman get this excited over another woman before,” said a surprised Benny.

  “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to meet her. Make the arrangements.”

  “Sure, no problem. By the way, have you seen Nick since the meeting? I’d like to tell him the news.”

  Jamie hesitated. “Nick’s on his way to Chicago right now. I, uh, have him on a special assignment.”

  “Really?” asked Benny. “How did you get him to leave the city?” Benny had been trying to get Nick to travel for months.

  “Ben, I know Nick. I know what it takes to get him motivated. If you had thought of how to do that a few years ago, maybe this company wouldn’t be in the mess it’s in now. Maybe Mr. Levon would still have a job.”

  That hit home for Benny. He was going to miss that big, grumpy old man.

  “You’re right, ma’am.”

  Jamie was glad she put him back into his place. “That’s okay, Ben, and you don’t have to call me ma’am.”

  “Okay - Jamie.”

  “Now, what did you say about a murderous ex-girlfriend?”

  Benny told Jamie the whole story of how they dated, the night of the party, and of Kat’s leaving with Zipper down.

  “Are you sure Kat is the one who left the party with him?” asked Jamie.

  “I don’t know, anymore. That detective character sure thinks so. He wanted to question her about that night.”

  “I don’t think we have to worry about Gerome Elderberry for a while. Let’s just get on with business as usual. No, I’m sorry - that would mean bad business. Forget what I just said. Keep up the great work with the band and make sure they practice their butts off with the new drummer. Work up a single release date and a tour to follow. Make sure the world knows about The Cramping Violets, Zipper Down, and this new guy.”

  “Pizza Guy,” said Benny.

  “That can’t be his real name. What is it?”

  “Actually, I don’t remember what it is. The band kept calling him Pizza Guy and it just stuck.”

  “That’s okay. We can use Pizza Guy as his name. It is kind of catchy. Go out there and set the world on fire with The Cramping Violets.”

  “You got it.”

  “And, Ben.”


  “Don’t forget to tell me when Julie gets here.”

  “No problem. Good-night.” He walked out and thought to himself, She sure is excited about seeing Julie.

  Jamie picked up the phone and made a call to the same person as before. “Hello, sir, this is O’Malley, again. The plan’s moving faster than I anticipated – a new drummer – yes, sir – I’ve been assured – yes, sir, videos, single releases, and a tour – eight forty-five to Chicago – Delta – yes, sir. Thank you, very much. Good-bye.”

  Now it was time for Jamie’s real work to begin.