Read The Devil's in My Bathroom Page 25


  Harold Rogers earned his law degree at Princeton. He was let go from two previous law firms because of possible sexual harassment suits. With that black cloud hanging over his head, he made his living by free-lancing his services. He learned that most firms had dealings that required discrete outside help. This became his specialty. Helping Peter Grimes was his latest venture. The payoff agreement was lucrative and the chance to get in bed with the sexy Andie made it even more rewarding.

  Jamie was in her new office bright and early the next morning. Her secretary buzzed her and said, “Ms. O’Malley, there’s a Harold Rogers to see you.”

  “Send him in,” said Jamie.

  Harold entered the office with a sense of arrogance. “So we meet again, Ms. O’Malley,” as he held out his hand.

  “We’ve never met in the first place,” said Jamie, as she shook his hand.

  “You had lunch right next to us yesterday.”

  “Oh, really? Well, even if we did, we didn’t actually meet.”

  “Okay, let me start over. Hi, I’m Harold Rogers with Wainwright and Grimes.”

  “I already know who you are,” said an unmoved Jamie.

  “Oh, so my reputation precedes me.”

  “Not really. My secretary told me you were outside.”

  “You don’t seem too impressed.” Harold knew it was time to amp up his charm.

  “Should I be?” asked Jamie.

  “Well, you see, Ms. O’Malley – that is so formal. May I call you Jamie?”

  “No,” she stated.

  “Okay, Ms. O’Malley. Wainwright and Grimes is one of the top law firms in the country. We’re representing the new company.”

  “I get the feeling I’m supposed to be impressed.”

  “You should feel proud to know that your company is putting out the resources to get the best in the business when it comes to commercial acquisitions.”

  “And just what company are you representing?”

  “Why, yours, of course.”

  “We have our own team of cracker-jack attorneys. The buyout has already been completed. I really don’t know what business you have here, Mr. Rogers.”

  “Wait a second. Just what company are you working for?”

  “Apocalypse Records,” said Jamie.

  “No, I mean who owns Apocalypse Records now?” asked Harold.

  “Isn’t it the same company that hired you?”

  “Apparently not. I’ve been working on the transaction and wasn’t aware of any other players in the game.”

  “Well, Mr. Rogers. I don’t think I am at liberty to tell you until you tell me. Who hired you?”

  “I’m pretty sure it’s not the same company who hired you.”

  “Probably not.”

  Benny ran into the office, bypassing the secretary. “I got her.”

  Jamie knew whom he was talking about. “That’s great, Benny, but don’t you believe in knocking?”

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” He looked at Harold. “Hey, you’re Harold Rogers. We just met yesterday at lunch. What brings you here?”

  “That’s what I’m trying to find out,” said Harold.

  “Mr. Rogers, Benny has found a replacement drummer for The Cramping Violets and booked Julie Templeton to work on their music video.”

  “The BreastMaster girl?” asked Harold. He was no stranger to the sexy exercise apparatus and its seductive spokesperson.

  “The one and only,” boasted Benny.

  “Wow, you guys are on the ball here,” said Harold. “ I’m sure this is just some kind of miscommunication. I’ll talk to my boss and find out what’s going on. Nice seeing you again, Benny. I’ll keep in touch, Ms. O’Malley.” He left without causing a disturbance. There is no way some other group got this deal before us, he thought. She must be working for us and Peter put her there temporarily to throw the police off our trail.

  “What was that all about?” asked Benny.

  “Oh, it’s nothing for you to be concerned about. Things are going exactly to plan.”

  Andie was getting ready to meet her new client, Carlos Verona. She had a blistering hangover and didn’t know what happened the night before. All she knew was she woke up wearing her red bra and panties. She usually slept naked. She didn’t know what she would do when she faced Harold later. She called Debbie’s office to talk.

  “This is Harold, uh, damn it, I forgot his name, oh yeah, here it is, Rogers’ office,” said Debbie.

  “Deb, it’s me,” said Andie. “What’s wrong? You sound terrible.”

  “I’m hung over.”

  “I know the feeling.” This was not a feeling she had experienced often.

  “What’s up?” asked Debbie.

  “Well, Harold and I kind of got…”

  “You got some?”

  “No, well at least I don’t think I did. I got so drunk last night. I don’t remember what happened.”

  “You sound like Nick.” There was a hesitation.

  “Oh, my God, Debbie. You’re right. That sounds exactly like something Nick would do. How do I face Harold this morning?”

  “I’m not the person to ask for any advice concerning men, today,” said Debbie.

  “I’m sorry, Debbie. I almost forgot. Did you hear from Tony yet?”

  “That slimy bastard tried to come over last night, but I had his ass taken away.”


  “Apartment security.”

  “Don’t you think you’re being a little hard on him? Why don’t you give him a chance to explain?”

  “Hey, you were there. You saw him with that tramp. He was avoiding me then I see him with that - oh, wait a second. I got a call.” Debbie put Andie on hold.

  “Good morning, this is that Harold guy’s office, what do you want?”

  “Is that any way to answer a phone?” said Harold, who was calling from his car phone.

  “Look, Harold, I’m going through a rough time and I don’t need you giving me any shit,” said Debbie.

  “You and I need to have a little talk,” said Harold. “In the meantime, I need you to bring all the Verona files to Mr. Grimes’s office. I have a meeting with him this morning.”

  “You expect me to bring all those boxes to Grimes’s office by myself?”

  “Well, that’s what you’re getting paid for, isn’t it?”

  “You don’t have to be so sarcastic. I’ll get as many as I can.” She hung up and took Andie off hold. “That was your boyfriend.”

  “Really?” asked Andie. “How did he sound?”

  “He sounded kind of bitchy. You know what? I think he’s an asshole. I’m sorry I fixed you two up.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Debbie,” said Andie. “You’re just down on men this morning because of what happened to you with Tony.”

  “It’s going to be a long time before I go down on any man,” replied Debbie.

  “There’s my phone, now, Debbie. I need to get that. I’ll talk to you in a bit.” Andie hung up with Debbie and picked up the call.

  “Good morning, this is Andrea Jenson.”

  “I hope you’re wearing your best slutty dress this morning.”

  “Excuse me?” said Andie. She recognized Ms. Vanderhousen’s condescending voice.

  “You’ve got a meeting with Mr. Grimes and Mr. Verona in five minutes. The old Italian likes the short dresses as much as Mr. Grimes does, so do yourself a favor – wear the shortest one you have.”

  “It’s none of your business what kind of dress…”

  “Save it, Jenson. I know you probably don’t have any real legal skills, so you might as well play what you’ve got.” Ursula was in rare form. “Just be here in five minutes. She hung up on Andie.

  “I can’t believe that woman,” said Andie. She got up from her desk and checked herself out on the wall mirror. She was wearing a conservative, knee-length dress. Her long brunette hair was in place and her make-up was on just right. She put aside the thoug
ht of being like Nick. She was ready to meet Carlos Verona.

  “Is she easy on the eyes?” asked Carlos.

  “Oh, yes, sir,” said Peter Grimes, as he walked towards Carlos, who was gazing at the sight of New Lake City, a panoramic view from Peter’s office. “She is definitely a sight for sore eyes.”

  “Are you implying that my eyes are sore?”

  “Oh, no sir. That’s just an expression. I mean…”

  “Of course, I know what you mean,” said Carlos.

  “You think I just got off the immigration boat yesterday?”

  “No, sir. I didn’t think that at all.”

  “Well, you should have. I got five cousins off the boat from Italy yesterday. I want you to arrange visas for them.” Carlos was wearing a gray fedora and a pinstripe suit. He had an ivory cane to help support his small, but overweight frame. He had an intimidating aura about him. He had solid black hair, obviously touched-up, considering his advanced age. His skin tone was almost grey. Looking at him was like gazing at an old black and white movie. He spoke with a graveled and muffled tone. “Where are these attorneys you spoke so highly about?”

  The buzzer sounded. “That must be one of them now,” said Peter. He pressed the button. “Yes, Ms. Vanderhousen.”

  “Ms. Jenson is here, sir.”

  “Well, send her in, immediately.”

  “Yes, sir. I’ll send her right in.” Ms. Vanderhousen put the receiver down and told Andie, “He’ll be with you in about ten minutes.”

  “Oh, no,” said Andie. “We’re not going through that again. You just told Mr. Grimes I would be right in.”

  “Look, girlie, I know what I said and I know what my boss wants.”

  “Why are you such a mean woman?” asked Andie.

  “I have my reasons.”

  “I bet it’s because you’ve been divorced three times, isn’t it?”

  “How did you know about that?” asked a surprised Ursula.

  “Everybody in the company knows about it. You’re a legend.”

  “Well, at least I got every one of my husbands the respectable way. I didn’t have to go showing off my legs and breasts like all you young women today to get their men.”

  Andie put both her hands on the desk and leaned towards Ms. Vanderhousen.

  “You are a bitter woman, Ms. Vanderhousen,” she said. “I don’t care how you got all three of your previous husbands. I would just like to do my job to the best of my ability. I don’t need to show off my body. I am a good – let me rephrase – an excellent attorney. I made it this far on my own merits. Mr. Grimes wants me in his office, right now, to do the job I was assigned to do. I would be so appreciative if you would kindly let me into that office.”

  At that moment, Debbie came through the outer office, pushing a handcart full of boxes. She set them down right in front of Ms. Vanderhousen’s desk.

  “Harold Rogers said Mr. Grimes needed these files. This is only a third of them. I’m not hauling the rest of them up here. Don’t we have some guys here that do this sort of thing?” said Debbie. This was not the sweet, innocent Debbie that Andie knew. She was transforming into something darker.

  “May I help you?” said a sarcastic Ms. Vanderhousen, as she gave Debbie a dirty glare.

  Debbie looked at Andie. “You were right. She is a mean-spirited bitch.”

  “I beg your pardon,” said an insulted Ursula.

  “Honey, with an attitude like that, I’m sure that’s not the only thing you beg for. Now, where do you want all this crap?” Andie couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Debbie was without make-up, and was wearing a wrinkled shirt hanging out over a pair of pair of khaki cargo pants. She also sounded like a woman possessed.

  “Debbie, are you okay?” asked Andie.

  “She obviously is not,” said Ursula. “Young lady, do you realize who I am?”

  “Sure I do. You’re the old battle-axe who keeps watch over your precious Mr. Grimes. Now, like I just asked you, where the hell do you want this crap?”

  “You are not going to get away with talking to me like that.” Ursula buzzed Mr. Grimes. “Sir, we’ve got a rude…”

  “Ah, screw you, bitch,” said Debbie, as she let herself into Mr. Grimes’ office with the handcart. The heavy oak door flung open like cardboard as she rammed the cart into the office with the force of a battering ram. Peter and Carlos both jumped with surprise at the grand entrance they just witnessed.

  “Excuse me, but who are you?” asked Peter.

  “I’m Harold’s slave woman,” said Debbie. “Here are some of the files he demanded I bring up here. I’m tired. If you want the rest of them, you can get them yourselves.” She turned around to leave but stopped. She looked at Carlos’ cane. “Is that real ivory?”

  “Why yes, it is,” said Carlos.

  “Do you know how many elephants are slaughtered every day just so arrogant assholes like you can have canes?”

  “Excuse me,” said Peter. “Do you realize who you’re talking to?”

  “Why does everybody ask me if I realize who I’m talking to. Of course I do. I’m not crazy. You can all go to hell. I’m going to take an early lunch.” She walked out of the office, leaving the door open. “Good luck in there,” she told Andie, as she passed her by.

  “I’m so sorry, Mr. Verona,” said an apologetic Peter.

  “I like her,” said Carlos. “She’s got spunk.” He saw Andie settled near the doorway. “Well, is she going to come in or not?”

  “Andie, come on in,” said Peter. “Why are you just standing there?”

  “I’m sorry,” she said, as she walked in past Ursula’s desk. “Your secretary wouldn’t let me in.”

  “Oh, that Ms. Vanderhousen is such a kidder. Come here. I want you to meet Mr. Carlos Verona.” Carlos took off his fedora as he grabbed Andie’s hand and kissed it.

  “I’m pleased to meet you, Ms. Jenson,” he said.

  “Likewise, sir,” said Andie.

  “Andie, here, is going to be handling the case involving Little Italy,” said Peter.

  “I didn’t kill anybody. It wasn’t food poisoning. Everybody’s trying to paint a bad picture of me. I ain’t no bad man,” said Carlos. He sounded as if he were reading from a teleprompter. His argument didn’t sound sincere.

  “I’m sure that’s true,” said Andie. “My job is to prove it in court.”

  Carlos turned to Peter. “She’s a pretty lady. I don’t like the way she’s dressed, though. It’s too conservative. I don’t think she can handle this case.”

  “Excuse me, sir,” said Andie. “I don’t mean to be rude, but what does my dress have to do with my ability to handle this case?”

  “You got a lot of gutsy women working for you, Grimes. I like that.”

  “What Mr. Verona means is that he would prefer his attorney, in this particular case, to wear something that would be more suitable in Judge Jacobson’s court,” explained Peter. Andie had heard of Judge Jacobson. He had a reputation of liking female attorneys wearing short dresses in his courtroom. They all had a one hundred percent success rate.

  “Oh, I understand. I’m a little insulted, but…”

  “No, don’t take it as an insult,” said Peter. “I still think you are the best candidate to handle this case, no matter how great your legs are.”

  “I think she’s probably got nice legs,” said Carlos. “It’s hard to tell in that dress.” Andie was holding back the tears. She thought she was picked for her ability, but it was an obvious discovery she was wrong. She did have the sense to realize how important Carlos was to the firm, so she held back.

  “Okay, I’ll dress any way you want me to. I will, however, handle this case with dignity, and we will win on our own merits.”

  “And a nice set of legs,” said Carlos. He couldn’t take his creepy eyes off Andie’s trembling legs. He lowered is mirror-coated sunglasses and stared even harder. Harold walked into the outer office.

  “Good morning, Ms. Vanderhousen.
Mr. Grimes is expecting me.”

  Ursula’s face cracked as she smiled at Harold. “Good morning to you, too, Harold. Go right on in.” She wasn’t immune to his charm. Andie’s face was red with rage, but turned to embarrassment as Harold walked in.

  “Good morning, everyone,” said Harold. “I see we’re all here.” He shook hands with Peter and Carlos. He nodded to Andie, “Nice to see you again, Ms. Jenson.”

  “Andie was just leaving,” said Peter. “Go work on that case, Andie. Mr. Verona, Harold, and I have a little matter to discuss in private. We’ll all have lunch about noon. Carlos has asked us to be his guests at Little Italy. See you there.”

  Carlos grabbed Andie’s hand as she was walking out. “I am looking forward to working with you, Ms. Jenson.”

  Andie gave him a half smile and left the office. She didn’t look at Ms. Vanderhousen on the way out.

  “Hope you have a lot of short dresses, missy,” said Ursula. “This could be a long trial.”

  Andie stopped for a second. She wanted to turn around and flip Ursula the finger. She took a deep breath, kept marching away and didn’t look back.

  “What’s the deal with this O’Malley woman?” asked Peter.

  “I’m not sure, but she’s going through with the plan faster than I expected,” said Harold, as he gave Peter a knowing wink.

  “I don’t know what kind of plan you boys got,” said Carlos, “but as long as you know who this O’Malley woman works for, I got no problems with that. This record company deal is your baby.”

  “She works for us, of course,” said Peter. “My holding company put her in charge while the transactions were taking place. She’s an expert at taking over company operations without revealing who is behind the actual transactions. My people hired her. I just haven’t met her personally.”

  “She hired Julie Templeton to do a music video,” said Harold.

  “The BreastMaster girl?” asked Carlos. “You guys are on the ball. Keep up the good work. I’ll see you all at my restaurant in about an hour.” He walked out the door, tipping his hat at Ms. Vanderhousen as he walked past her.

  “You still don’t know whom O’Malley works for?” asked Peter.

  “Not a clue,” said Harold, as he winked at Peter again.

  “Why do you keep winking at me?”

  “I just like the way you’re handling this whole deal. You’re impressive. I’m going to learn a lot from working with you.”

  “Thank you,” said Peter. This guy is a major butt kisser, he thought.