Read The Devil's in My Bathroom Page 27

CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX: Little Italy, Big Meal

  Peter and Harold drove to Little Italy in Peter’s red Porsche 911 Turbo.

  “I hope Andie meets us there,” said Peter. “Carlos wouldn’t like it if she was a no-show.”

  “She seems pretty reliable,” said Harold. “I’m sure she’ll be there.”

  “It seemed to me like Carlos wasn’t too impressed with her. Do you think she’s the right one for this case?”

  “Well, like we discussed, we need to get other attorneys involved in the Verona files to keep it looking legit. I have all the confidence in the world in Andie.”

  “You’re just trying to get a little on the side, aren’t you?”

  “Ah, one of the fringe benefits of this job,” said a smiling Harold.

  “You’re a dog,” said Peter. “That’s what I like about you. Now, you’ll have to work on her to play the type of lawyer Carlos wants for this case, you know, make her dress the part.”

  “That might be a little difficult. She seems pretty headstrong and is into this feminism thing. I’ll see what I can do.” Harold felt pretty confident. He knew Andie was putty in his hands.

  Andie opened the package on her desk. Medical records and a coroner’s report put a huge smile on her face. She made another trip into LuAnn’s. She bought the sexiest business outfit she could find. The jacket was tight, the dress was short, and the shoes had four-inch heels. She went to Ramone’s Hair Boutique. She had her hair styled in sexiest way possible. Her hair covered half of one eye on one side, and the other side was pulled in back of her ear. She hopped in her Camry and headed to Little Italy.

  Gina, a beautiful, petite Italian girl, greeted Peter and Harold as the entered the restaurant. “Carlos is waiting for you gentlemen,” she said. “Where’s the other person in your party?”

  “She’ll be here shortly,” said Peter. “Hopefully.”

  “Oh, she’ll be here,” said Harold. “You have nothing to worry about.”

  “Come this way, sirs. Mr. Verona doesn’t like to be kept waiting.” She gazed at Harold and gave him a sexy wink.

  Carlos was already sipping on his wine as they arrived at the corner table.

  “Welcome to my humble establishment,” he said. “Where’s the girl?”

  “She’s on her way,” said Peter.

  “Are you sure about this girl?” asked Carlos. “I don’t want her messing up this case.”

  “You have my word,” said Peter. “She’ll be fine.”

  “Well, before she gets here, you boys tell me something. How’s it going with Wainwright?” Carlos asked, as he poured wine for the two men.

  “Everything is going fantastic,” said Peter. “We talked about setting up a plane crash on his way back from South America.”

  “Africa,” Harold corrected.

  “Yeah, right, Africa,” said Peter.

  “It’s got to look like an accident. No trace of a body can be found. I want him to continue suffering the same way he made me suffer. That’s the plan and I don’t want any deviation from it. Are you sure he’s miserable now?” asked Carlos.

  “We’re positive,” said Harold.

  “Good. I like knowing that,” Carlos replied.

  “Let me ask you this,” said Peter. “After he’s officially gone, how would you like it if we called the firm Verona and Grimes?”

  “No. You are not to use my name at all. You promised me a low profile. My name is never to be associated with this firm other than being a legitimate client. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, sir,” said Peter. “I just thought you would like…”

  “I’m not paying you guys to think. I’m paying you to do. Keep the plan like it is. I don’t want my name tied with you guys at all. What do you think I am - a gangster?”

  “I’m sorry, sir. We’ll continue the plan as is,” Peter assured Carlos. He was relieved Carlos didn’t like his half-hearted suggestion.

  “Good. Now where is this Jenson woman?”

  “I’m right here,” said Andie, as she approached the table. Peter, Harold, and Carlos stared open jawed, as they looked at this transformed woman.

  “I’m sorry I’m a little late,” said Andie.

  Carlos stood up the greet her. “What’s the matter with you boys? Didn’t your mothers teach you better? Stand up when a lady comes to a table.” Peter and Harold followed Carlos’ advice. “Have a seat right here, Ms. Jenson,” said the suave Carlos. He pulled out the chair for her. Andie sat right next to Carlos. She looked at him and played the seductive role, as she moved her hair from her eye.

  “Mr. Verona…”

  “Please, call me Carlos.”

  “If you are to be my client, I would like to keep this on a formal basis, Mr. Verona.”

  “As you wish, my dear.” Peter and Harold were amazed. She had Carlos wrapped around her finger.

  “I’ve reviewed this case thoroughly, Mr. Verona…”

  “Would you like some wine?”

  “No – thank you. We are at a business lunch. I don’t find it professional to be drinking at this time of the day when discussing something as important as a client’s future.”

  “You’re right,” said Carlos. “Gina, get us some sodas over here.”

  “Water, with lime, if you don’t mind,” said Andie.

  “And get this beautiful lady some water with lime,” said Carlos.

  “As I was saying, I’ve studied this case and have all the information I need. The family of the man that died is trying to sue you for ten million dollars. The claim is food poisoning. I obtained his medical records and found out he had a bad liver. In fact, he had been on a donor list for the past six months. The coroner’s report shows extensive liver damage. Since he died less than four hours after eating here, the family thought they could cash in and make a few dollars from his death. No toxins were linked to the food he ate that night. An indictment hearing is to be held tomorrow. I have a meeting with Judge Jacobson this afternoon. I’m positive this case will be thrown out and you will have nothing to worry about.” Peter and Harold were speechless as they witnessed Andie taking over. Carlos just sat there with a huge smile on his face.

  “Excellent work, my dear,” said Carlos. “You boys were right. She definitely is the right person to handle this case.”

  “Nice going, Andie,” said Peter.

  “Mr. Grimes, you and I are not an a first name basis. I would prefer if you call me Ms. Jenson.”

  “Excuse me?” Peter asked.

  “You heard the lady,” said Carlos. “Treat her with the respect she deserves.”

  Peter took a sip of wine right before Gina could grab it away from him.

  “All right. Nice going, Ms. Jenson,” Peter said.

  “Thank you, sir. Now gentlemen, I would like to stay here and chat with you, but I have a lot to do before I meet with Judge Jacobson.” She took a drink of the water that Gina had just put in front of her. “Mr. Rogers, you and I have some unfinished business we need to take care of. You can meet me tonight at my apartment at eight. Good day, gentlemen.” Andie stood up, as did Carlos.

  “What’s the matter with you guys? When a lady stands up to leave a table, you do the same.” Peter and Harold followed Carlos’s gesture.

  “Good luck with Judge Jacobson this afternoon,” said a snarling Peter.

  “Oh, it will have nothing to do with luck,” said Andie, as she walked to the exit. Before she reached the front door, she noticed a couple sitting at a table away from the window. It was Tony and Kat. She turned her head so they wouldn’t recognize her.

  “She’s a smart cookie. I like her,” said Carlos.

  “She sure caught on to the liver damage angle quickly,” said Harold. Peter added, “Maybe just a little too quick.”

  “Speaking of liver damage, how is your son,” Harold asked Carlos.

  “Not too good. He’s going to need that transplant soon,” said Carlos, as his demeanor made a solemn turn.

  “Well, a
s you can see, we’re working on that situation as we speak,” said Peter

  “I just hope it’s not too late. My boy, Frank, means the world to me.”

  “The list is getting smaller,” Peter said.

  “You boys better keep making it that way. You know the deal – you give me what I want and I’ll make sure you get what you want.”

  A group of food servers attacked the table with a veritable feast.

  “Now, we eat,” said Carlos. He raised his glass of wine to propose a toast. “Here’s to Frank.”

  Once again, Peter and Harold followed Carlos’s lead. Gina filled Harold’s glass with wine. She gave him another seductive smile, followed by a wink and a kissing gesture.

  “You think she’s pretty?” Carlos asked Harold.

  “Very much.”

  “You single?”

  “Uh, yes sir.”

  “You like girls?”

  “Of course I do.”

  “I just wanted to make sure. Sometimes a pretty boy like you is batting for the other side, if you know what I mean.”

  “No problem there, sir. I’m as straight as they come.”

  “Good. You got a girlfriend?”

  “Well, actually…”

  “No, he doesn’t,” added Peter.

  “Good. I want you to take my Gina out.”

  “Your Gina?” asked Harold.

  “She’s my brother’s little girl. She don’t know nobody decent over here. I want you to take her out. You know, show her a good time.”

  “I don’t know if that’s such a good…”

  “He’d love to,” said Peter. “Wouldn’t you, Harold?”

  “What about…”

  “Wouldn’t you, Harold?” Peter said, with a scowl.

  “Yeah, I guess I would.”

  “All right,” said Carlos. “Hey, Gina, come over here, sweetheart.”

  Gina glided towards the table. All eyes in the restaurant, male and female, were fixed on her. She had an alluring walk that made it hard to look away.

  “Yes, Uncle Carlos?”

  “This here is Harold. He’s going to take you out tonight and show you a good time.”

  She held out her hand to Harold and smiled. “It’s nice to meet you, Harold.”

  Harold grabbed her hand and kissed it ever so elegantly. “The pleasure is all mine.”

  “You pick her up here at eight tonight,” said Carlos. “Here’s my credit card. You treat my Gina nice. Just don’t spend more than two.”

  Harold was confused. “You mean two, what, hundred?”

  “Don’t insult me. You can’t show my Gina a good time in this city for two hundred dollars. It’s two grand. Don’t spend more than that.”

  “Oh, I’m sure I can show her a good time with that,” said Harold.

  “And don’t get me wrong; she’s a beautiful girl. I don’t want you having that good of a time, if you know what I mean.”

  “I have a good idea,” Harold said.

  “You’ll just have to cancel your eight o’clock meeting with Andie,” said Peter.

  “Oh, I forgot about that for a second,” Harold remembered.

  “You do what you gotta do,” said Carlos. “My Gina here has been in this city for almost two weeks with nothin’ to do but hang around here. Boys been comin’ in here and starin’ at her like she’s some kind of piece of meat. I don’t like that. You – I like. Ms. Jenson looks like she can handle things herself. You can have your meeting in the morning, or whenever you guys hold meetings.”

  “No problem, Carlos,” said Peter. “I’m sure my boy here won’t let you down.”

  “Good,” said Carlos. “It’s time to eat. Gina, why don’t you sit in that chair next to Harold and eat with us. We have plenty of food.” Gina was more than happy to oblige her uncle. They sat at the table and enjoyed a meal fit for a king.