Read The Devil's in My Bathroom Page 34


  Harold pulled up to Carlos Verona’s driveway. The security guards at the front gate checked him out and let him through. He arrived at the house, which was more like an extravagant mansion. He walked to the front door rang the bell. Instead of hearing a ring, Harold heard the first twelve notes of Speak Softly Love (Love Theme from the Godfather).

  The door flung open and an excited Gina greeted him. She jumped on him, wrapping her legs around his waist, and gave him a huge kiss.

  “What are you doing?” asked Harold. “Isn’t your uncle home?”

  “He sure is,” said Carlos, as he walked into the front foyer. “I notice the display of affection my Gina is showing you. You must really be showing her a good time.”

  “Not that good of a time,” said Harold. “I swear it.” He made Gina get off him.

  “Don’t worry, Harold. I know no man in his right mind would have sex with the sixteen-year old niece of a prominent businessman like myself. You keep on showing her a good time. I have to leave. I have a meeting with Grimes at his office.”

  “Yes, sir,” said Harold, as Carlos walked past them.

  “You heard my uncle,” said Gina. “You need to keep on showing me a good time.” She licked his ear as she grabbed his crotch.

  “I’m a dead man,” said Harold.

  Debbie had tried to start packing for her trip, but passed out on her bed before she could finish. She didn’t hear the phone ringing.

  “I guess she’s not there,” Andie said to herself, as she hung up the phone. She really needed to talk to a friend. She hadn’t talked to Nick since Tuesday, but thought it would be uncomfortable talking to him about Harold. She called Benny’s house and got his answering machine. “Hi, Benny, it’s Andie. Just wanted to talk. Call me when you get a chance.” She opened the drawer of her nightstand and pulled out her all-too familiar vibrator.

  “This is O’Malley, sir,” Jamie spoke into the phone. “I just got a call from Motabi in Chicago. Peltier is heading to New Orleans and Elderberry should be headed for LA – I know it’s getting rather complicated. I’m still waiting for them to make some kind of move – Yes, sir, today on CNN – Okay, I’ll do what I can – Thank you, sir. You do the same.”

  “A vodka sour,” said Carlos, to Peter. “Easy on the sour.” Peter made the drink and handed it to Carlos. He drank it down in three gulps.

  “Would you like another?” asked Peter. He could tell by the way Carlos guzzled down the first one that this would be a difficult meeting.

  “Yes, and while you’re at it, you can come up with the solution to this mess we’re in.”

  “Carlos, we’re not in that much of a mess,” assured Peter.

  “Oh yeah? We got that pansy-ass detective on to us and it’s all over the national news.”

  “He’s not on to us. He’s on to Apocalypse.”

  “You’re right. He’s on to you guys. The deal was to leave me out of it.”

  “Also, we still don’t know who this O’Malley woman works for.”

  “So you’re admitting you screwed up?” asked Carlos.

  “No, on the contrary. If they think someone at the record company was responsible for the murder, we’re not tied to it at all. And honestly, Carlos, we had nothing to do with the death of Zipper Down. If the person who put O’Malley in place had something do with the possible murder, I’ll make sure that situation is taken care of. Nothing illegal will be tied to this firm or you. I promise.”

  “You know, I bought the company for you guys as part of the deal.”

  “Well, somehow, some other players got into the game.”

  “I don’t like this.”

  “Don’t you see, Carlos? We won’t be in the picture. I can draw up papers in five minutes detaching me from the holding company I own. It’s been set up as an escape option just in case something like this would happen. These so-called new owners will be in a huge mess with a murder trial hanging over their heads. In fact, I can wipe out all traces of my ownership of the company and we can actually represent them.”

  “Wouldn’t that be defeating the purpose?” asked Carlos.

  “Not if we throw the case,” said Peter.

  “That would be shrewd, unethical, and illegal. I like it.”

  “Another thing – I think it’s time. People are becoming suspicious.”

  “No. I want him to continue suffering. I got him where I want him.”

  “He will. I’ve arranged a little accident. No bodies will be found.”

  “How did you manage that?”

  “Wainwright’s chartered plane will be leaving Africa sometime tomorrow. There will be personal belongings, but, of course, no body.”

  “How will you get the plane up there?”

  “Remote control. We have a contact there that’s arranged a flight plan, and a pilot-less plane. The plane has an ejection seat for the pilot, who won’t be on board since he doesn’t exist. Wainwright’s seatbelt will become broken on impact, making it look as if he was thrown from the plane.”

  “Are you sure this will work?”

  “Positive. All the news networks will be notified about the crash and an all-out search will be ordered. Of course, no bodies will be found.”

  “And Wainwright will be presumed dead.”


  “I like it.”

  “And the media coverage will overshadow the Zipper Down murder situation, leaving us with the time to arrange all the outs.”

  “How’s the list coming along?”

  “Just three more ahead of Frank,” said Peter.

  “You know,” said Carlos, “being a businessman like myself, I have a certain reputation to live up to. It’s very important that no deaths are associated with my organization or me. We must be careful.”

  “It’s all under control,” said Peter. “Nobody is going to actually die.”

  Carlos strolled to the window and glanced at the scenery. “This is a beautiful city. It would be nice to get it on the map, you know, maybe get a NFL or NBA franchise. I want it to grow to be big enough for something like that. I could build another university so my Frank can get an education like he’s supposed to get. Those bastards at Rollins University don’t understand Frank. He’s a smart kid. He just doesn’t apply himself the way they want him to. Maybe I can expand the airport and take away business from Dallas and Denver. This could be the next major hub. I’m going to control this city soon, but it don’t mean much if I don’t have my Frank to leave it to.”

  “I understand,” said Peter.

  “Come here. Look at this view.” Carlos pointed to the downtown skyline, which was lit up in all its glory. “Ain’t it beautiful?”

  “It sure is,” said Peter.

  Carlos looked down at the street below. “Look at this,” he said, as he pointed down. “You see that convertible down there?”

  Peter looked and recognized Harold’s car. “Yes, sir.”

  “It looks like that couple is screwing right there, while they’re trying to drive.”

  “That’s just your imagination,” said Peter, trying to divert Carlos’ attention.

  “I know what I see. Are you calling me a liar?”

  “Absolutely not,” said Peter. “If you think you see a couple having sex in a car right below us, then I’m sure that’s what it is.”

  As the car rolled out of sight, Carlos asked, “What kind of man is that Harold?”

  “He’s great, sir. Loyal, dedicated…”

  “No, not that. I mean do you think he would try something like that with my Gina?”

  “No way, sir. He’s a very respectable gentleman.”

  “That’s good. I would hate to have to kill him. I don’t like that kind of thing. That’s why I hired you guys. However, if someone messes with my family, I don’t mind doing the deed myself.”

  Peter started sweating. “I can understand that, sir.”

  “Will you please get off me, Gina?” scr
eamed Harold, as he swerved through traffic.

  “I’m trying to get off on you,” she said.

  At New Orleans International, Nick’s plane landed. Since he was a night early, his hotel room wasn’t pre-arranged. He checked himself into a nearby Holiday Inn. He settled into his room and turned on the TV.

  “And in New Lake City,” said the newscaster, “Zipper Down was laid to rest.”

  Mark Samberg was there, covering the story. “It wasn’t your normal funeral,” said Mark Samberg. “The film crew making a video overshadowed the services. The eulogy was disrupted when Julie Templeton, the BreastMaster model, entered the church. Miss Templeton was in town making a video for The Cramping Violets. Her appearance caused the cameras to start clicking and reporters to start running as you can see here.”

  Nick saw Benny standing right next to Julie. “I feel like I’m in an episode of The Twilight Zone. Why does that girl look so familiar?” Nick said to himself. He had never seen the commercials for BreastMaster so he knew it had to be from another source. He turned off the TV and reached for the radio. Love Blender was playing. He turned it off, drank the little bottles of bourbon he got from the plane, and went to sleep.

  Gerome Elderberry stepped off his plane at LAX and was met by a slew of reporters.

  “Is the murderer here in Los Angeles?” asked one.

  “Is Apocalypse Records involved?” asked another.

  “How did such a good-looking man become such a great detective?” asked a third.

  Elderberry looked at the third reporter after the question. He was a gorgeous man, who was giving him a meaningful smile.

  “I’ll only answer one question,” said Gerome, as he pointed towards the man.

  “Have you been to LA before?” asked the man. “No, I haven’t. Would you be so kind as to show me around?” asked Gerome.

  “I’d be honored,” replied the handsome reporter.

  “No more questions,” Gerome said to the other reporters. “I have lots of work to do.”

  “My name is Lance Miller,” said the reporter, as he shook Gerome’s hand. “I’m a reporter for the LA Times. I can show you around if you’ll help me with my story.”

  “You understand I’m tracking down a murder suspect, don’t you?”

  “Of course I do. That’s what my story is about.”

  “Well, as long as it doesn’t hamper my investigation,” said Gerome.

  “I’m sure we’ll get along fine, Lieutenant Elderberry,” said Lance.

  “Please, call me Gerome,” he said.

  “Thank you, Gerome. I would offer to take you out to dinner, but I realize you have a lot of work to do, so I’ll…”

  “Work can wait until morning,” said Gerome. “I’m hungry. You can take me anywhere you’d like.” Elderberry was exhausted and lost his guard. The attention from a polite, interesting, and good-looking man was enough to make him lose his focus.

  “Okay. You get your luggage and I’ll meet you by the baggage claim exit. I have to make a quick call.” He watched Elderberry smile and trot away. Lance went to the nearest pay phone. “He’s here. You won’t have to worry about him for a few days,” Lance said into the receiver.

  “Great job. Keep in touch,” said Jamie. As she hung up the phone, she said, “I finally found his weakness.”