Read The Devil's in My Bathroom Page 56

CHAPTER FIFTY-FOUR: Bleached Blonde Bombshell

  Elderberry got on the last available flight from Lafayette to Houston. There, he would be able to get the last connecting flight to New Lake City, putting him in town early evening.

  At New Lake International, Benny kept his distance while he kept focus on Julie, Kristi, and Gary Bell. They were checking in on a flight to Argentina. They found three chairs next to window facing the runway. Gary sat in the middle while Julie and Kristi sat on either side of him. Benny positioned himself in a seat on the side of a post where he could keep an eye on them without being seen. Julie excused herself to go to the restroom.

  “Hurry back,” said Gary. “The plane boards in five minutes.”

  Julie walked towards the restroom and looked back to see if Gary was watching. When she saw he wasn’t, she detoured and went to the nearest payphone. Benny followed her and hid behind a rather large woman using the phone next to Julie.

  “Nick, it’s Julie. Are you there? Please pick up if you are. I really need to talk to you,” were the words Benny heard come from Julie’s mouth.

  Benny was thinking. Why is she calling Nick? First, Kat calls her, now she’s calling Nick. I don’t get it.

  “Can I help you with something?” asked the large woman, in a sarcastic manner.

  “Just stay right there,” whispered Benny. “You’re doing a great job.”

  “Do I need to call security?” she asked.

  “No, everything’s fine. Just keep quiet.”

  “Security,” yelled the woman, just as Gary Bell grabbed Julie’s arm and pulled her away.

  “I don’t need you causing a scene,” said Bell. “Let’s get out of here. They just announced our flight was suddenly canceled.”

  Julie looked back and saw Benny running away from a security guard.

  “Keep walking and don’t look back,” said Bell. “Who were you just talking to?”

  “I was just calling my mother to let her know I won’t be there for her birthday next week,” said Julie. What was Benny doing there? she thought.

  “Hey, it’s the BreastMaster girl,” said a curious onlooker. Everybody in the airport turned their heads to see Julie.

  “Can’t you come up with better clothes to hide this great body of yours?” asked Bell. “I hate it when you draw attention to us.”

  “I thought you liked attention,” said Kristi, who just met up with them. “You’re always telling me to dress to show what I’ve got.”

  “That’s different; you’re not famous like Julie,” said Bell.

  “And who’s fault is that?” asked Kristi.

  “Hey, don’t start with me. I got you that centerfold gig. You’re the one who got lazy at that Playboy Mansion and put on the extra ten pounds. It’s no wonder nobody wanted to hire you. You were lucky to get that receptionist job at Apocalypse.”

  “Listen here, you son-of-a-bitch,” said the infuriated Kristi. “I was a damn good receptionist for that record company. How was I supposed to know that the asshole detective you warned me about was going to come bother me at work? I didn’t have to put up with all that shit. He was an abusive, horrible man – and get a better-looking fake hand. That one looks ridiculous.”

  “Settle down, baby,” said Bell. “You’re causing a scene.”

  “I don’t care. And another thing – some men out there actually like the extra weight I put on.”

  Several men around her started clapping and cheering. She smiled, put her arms way above her head, and did a model’s turn for the appreciative male crowd.

  “See what I mean?”

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart. Let’s just get back home and we can catch the flight tomorrow.” He turned around to see Julie. She wasn’t there. “Where in the hell did Julie go?”

  Julie had sneaked away during the argument. She was trying to find out where Benny went. Benny managed to escape from the pursuit of the security guard. He looked around a corner to see Gary Bell dragging Kristi by the arm, trying to find Julie.

  “Look, you wait in that bar over there while I try to find Julie,” said Bell.

  “And just what makes you think I’ll stay?” she asked. Bell stopped and took a deep breath. He put his arms around Kristi and gave her a sweet hug.

  “Would you please sit in this bar until I find Julie? I promise I’ll make it up to you,” he said, in the sweetest of tones.

  “That’s better,” said Kristi. She took a seat at one of the tables and ordered a martini. Benny saw her there, saw Bell running away, but saw no sign of Julie. He casually approached Kristi.

  “Kristi, is that you?” he asked.

  “Benny. What are you doing here?”

  “I’m waiting to pick up my, uh, mother, who’s coming in from Philadelphia. How about you?”

  “Oh, me? I’m, uh, doing the same thing. My mother’s coming to visit me, too.”

  “Oh, really? What a coincidence. Do you mind if I sit here and wait with you?” Kristi was squirming in her seat.

  “Well, my mother is kind of a strange person. I’m not sure what she what do if she saw me sitting here talking to somebody.”

  “That’s weird,” said Benny. “Tell me, Kristi – would your mother just happen to be about six feet tall, have a bald head, and be chasing Julie Templeton around this airport?”

  “That’s not a nice thing to say about my mother.”

  “Come on, Kristi. I saw you leave William Wainwright’s mansion earlier, in the arms of Gary Bell, and now with Julie Templeton.”

  Kristi was stunned. “What were you doing following me?”

  “I was really following Julie. Why are you, her, and Gary Bell all together, apparently trying to leave the country?”

  “This is really starting to get screwed up,” said Kristi.

  “What is?”

  “Benny,” said Kristi, as she looked to see who was listening, “You weren’t supposed to get involved in this.”

  “In what?”

  “You know how Love Blender is doing such a great job on the charts and The Cramping Violets are so popular right now?”

  “Yeah, so?”

  “I had a lot to do with it.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Well, you see, the agency Gary Bell works for is owned by Carlos Verona. Gary has been doing under the table work without Carlos knowing about it. He’s been setting Carlos up for a big fall.”

  “What have you and Julie got to do with it?”

  “I really can’t say much more. Gary would kill me. Just get away as fast as you can and don’t let Gary…”

  “Don’t let Gary what?” asked Bell, who just walked up to the table.

  “Hello, Mr. Bell,” said Benny. “My name is Ben Myers with Apocalypse Records, and…”

  “Oh, just shut up, Myers. I know who you are. What are you doing asking Kristi all these questions?”

  Benny felt like a rat in the cage. He did the only thing he could think of doing.

  “Security,” he yelled. A security guard was at the table in a matter of seconds; followed by the large woman Benny was standing next to by the pay phone.

  “That’s him,” said the woman. “That’s the man who was harassing me while I was using the phone.”

  “Sir, could you come with me, please?” the guard asked politely. Benny graciously walked away with the guard. He figured it would be safer than staying there with Gary Bell.

  “Just what in the hell were you doing?” Bell asked Kristi, as he grabbed her arm.

  “Ouch, damn it, that hurts,” she cried.

  “It’s going to do a lot more than just hurt if you don’t keep quiet. We have to leave right now. I don’t want to cause a scene.”

  “What is it with you and scenes?” asked Kristi.

  “I just don’t like them. Is that okay with you?” he asked.

  “Okay, I get the picture. Did you find Julie?”

  “No, I didn’t get the chance to look. I glanced back over here and saw you talkin
g to that Myers punk. What did he want with you, anyway?”

  Kristi smiled. “Come on, sweetie. What would any guy want with me?” She put her arm around him and gave him a sexy kiss. “I can play games too, you know.”

  Gary started breathing heavy. “I think we need to get back home, right now,” he muttered.

  “What about Julie?” asked Kristi. “I really don’t trust her.”

  “It’ll be okay. She’s worked for me a long time. I’m sure she’s around here somewhere. Let’s go find her.”

  “Can I just stay here and finish my drink I just ordered while you look? I’m really thirsty and it’ll put me even more in the mood for later – if you know what I mean,” she said, with a naughty little wink.

  “Okay, you win,” he said. “Just don’t start talking to anybody. I’ll come get you right after I find her.”

  The bartender approached Kristi with the drink. She gulped it down and ordered another one. The second one went down even faster than the first. As she lowered the glass from the third martini, she looked up and saw Nick walking by.

  “Nick,” she yelled.

  “Kristi?” he asked, as he walked in front of the bar. “What are you doing here?”

  “From the looks of it, I’m getting pretty sloshed,” she said. “It looks like your black eye cleared up nicely.”

  “Yeah, thanks for saving me last week.”

  “I’m sorry for leaving you so quick, but I really didn’t want to talk to that asshole that was waiting for you in front of your apartment.”

  “Oh, you mean Lieutenant Elderberry?”

  “Yes, him. What was he doing there?”

  “He had some strange idea that I killed Zipper Down. Now he thinks my father did it. He’s a strange man.”

  “He sure is. I didn’t think you even had a father, I mean…”

  “It’s okay. I know what you’re getting at. I actually just met him this afternoon. Elderberry followed me to Chicago, then New Orleans, and then to Lafayette. I don’t know where he got the idea that my father would be a murderer.”

  “What if I killed him?” asked Kristi.

  “What do you mean by that?” asked Nick. “I mean – what would you think if I told you that I was the one?”

  Nick was starting to get a little nervous. “Look, Kristi,” he said, “I don’t know what’s going on here, but I think you’re getting a little too drunk and don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “I think you’re right,” said Bell. He had just walked up - empty-handed. “Just who do we have here?”

  “I’m Nick Peltier. Are you with Kristi?”

  “You could say that,” said Bell.

  “I think you need to take her home. She doesn’t seem to be feeling okay.” “I’m going to do just that,” said Bell. Nick watched as Bell grabbed Kristi and dragged her across the terminal.

  “Where’s Julie?” asked Kristi.

  “I can’t find her, and who in the hell was that bastard you were talking to?”

  “He said his name. Weren't you listening?”

  “I heard his name, Nick Peltier. I mean – who is he?”

  “He told you – Nick Peltier.”

  “Listen here, bitch. Don’t you start causing…”

  “A scene? Is that what you were about to say? Well, just how predictable was that? Why don’t you just leave me the hell alone.”

  As Nick noticed the situation, he felt an arm pull him aside next to a shoeshine booth. He glanced up and saw the gorgeous face of Julie Templeton.

  “Julie?” asked the surprised Nick.

  “Shhh, be quiet Nick,” she whispered. She watched Bell dragging Kristi out of their sight. “I need your help.”

  Nick studied the flawless features of her face and suddenly remembered the encounter he had with her in New Orleans.

  “Oh, wow. When I thought I saw Cheryl Anderson in that bar in New Orleans – that was you. No wonder you knew my name. How long has it been, what, about five years?”

  “Nick, please shut up. We’ll have time for small talk later. Benny’s in big trouble and I need your help.”

  “What kind of trouble? No wait – let me guess. He went over budget on that video y’all made and Jamie wants him to come up with the difference out of his own pocket, right?”

  “No, Nick. Gary Bell is going to kill him.”

  “Who’s Gary Bell?”

  “He was that big man you just saw when you were talking to Kristi.”

  “Wait a second. Isn’t Gary Bell your agent?”

  “He’s more than that.”

  “So you finally settled down. That’s nice.”

  “No, damn it – I didn’t mean anything like that. He’s more than just an agent. He overheard Kristi talking to Benny about what’s going on. I’m sure Gary is going to kill him. I was trying so hard not to get him involved.”

  “I don’t understand – involved in what?”

  “Nick, remember that night in the strip club when we met?”

  “How could I forget? That bouncer had me by the belt buckle with one hand. I don’t even want to say where the other hand was.”

  “Well, you remember why he didn’t toss you on the street?”

  “Because you told him not to.”

  “And do you know why?”

  “I thought it was because I gave you an extra hundred dollars for the table dance.”

  “No, goofy. It was because you were a truly sweet man. I saw all kinds of assholes and jerks in that place, but I could tell you were one of a kind. You talked me out of the stripping profession that night.”

  “That’s only because the patrons weren’t allowed to have sex with the strippers. I thought if you quit, I would be able to get you to sleep with me.”

  “Well, I did quit and we did sleep together, but it was just that - sleep.”

  “I never did like that part of the story,” said Nick.

  “I never got the chance to thank you. You gave me the number of a modeling agency and I called it. It ended up being the break I was waiting for. That number you gave me was for Bell and Associates Modeling Agency. That man you were talking to was Gary Bell.”

  “I knew that name sounded familiar. So that was the big man himself?”

  “You never met him?” asked Julie.

  “No, I just got his number out a phone book in L.A. and gave it out to strippers looking for a break.”

  Julie started laughing. “You are so funny.”

  “No, I’m dead serious. I never had any connections with Gary Bell other than sending him business by using that number.”

  “Now, that takes the cake,” said Julie.

  “I’m sorry, Julie. I was just being honest.”

  “Well, forget about all that. Remember when you said you would like to pay back the favor for me getting you out of being tossed out the club and you gave me your number?”

  “Yeah, vaguely.”

  “Now’s your chance. I need you to hide me out at your house for a while.”

  “It’s an apartment,” said Nick.

  “It doesn’t matter,” said Julie. “I need a place to stay where Gary won’t find me.”

  “Okay, no problem.”

  “I also need you to find Benny and let him know that Gary Bell will be looking for him. He needs to be warned.”

  “Okay. I’m sure I’ll see him tomorrow at work.”

  “No, right now. He’s in the airport security office right now. A guard just took him away.”

  “He gets into the strangest predicaments. Okay, we’ll get him out and go to my apartment.”

  “No. He can’t know that I know you.”

  “Why? I don’t understand.”

  “Nick, Benny’s been through hell with his last girlfriend…”

  “Yeah, Kat.”

  “You know Kat?” asked a surprised Julie. Nick stalled for a few seconds.

  “Let’s just say I know of her and leave it at that.”

  “She’s th
e reason I know so much about Benny. I told him it was because of what I read in the trade papers about him.”

  “How do you know Kat?” asked Nick.

  “She’s my cousin.”

  “Your what?”

  “My cousin. In fact, she was supposed to call me at my hotel room to let me know how my Aunt Priscilla, that’s her mother, was doing after her surgery today.”

  “I don’t get it. What are you doing going after your cousin’s boyfriend?”

  “She was about to break up with him, anyway. Besides, it was the perfect opportunity to find out all I needed to know about him.”

  “Why did you need to know all about him?”

  Julie looked around. She grabbed Nick’s arm and led him into a secluded spot near a maintenance closet.

  “Nick, this is going to freak you out, but I need to let you in on something.”

  Nick started to turn pale. “Are you Satan?” he meekly asked.

  “No, of course not.”

  “Okay, then you can tell me anything.”

  “I needed to find out all about Benny so I could get the gig for the video shoot.” She quickly poked her head out to make sure nobody followed her.

  “I don’t think you needed help for that,” said Nick.

  “Well, I needed to make sure Benny would be distracted. Kat told me he was a pretty sharp guy.”

  “Why would he need to be distracted?”

  “So he wouldn’t find out what was really going on at Apocalypse.”

  “What in the hell is going on over there?” asked Nick.

  “You noticed how the Cramping Violets became popular so fast?”


  “Well, the death of Zipper Down sure helped that situation, don’t you think?”

  “Sure, it did – but what does all this have to do with you pulling a scam on Benny?”

  “Please, don’t call it that, Nick.” Julie was ashamed.

  “But isn’t that what it is?”

  “Hear me out. Zipper Down was murdered. It was timed to coincide with their album’s release. It was supposed to get the attention of the public, making them want to buy the CD’s, tapes, video, tee-shirts, you know – all that stuff that turns over a quick profit.”

  “It looks like it worked.”

  “It sure did. The company is finally going to turn over a huge profit. It was supposed to be part of a deal to be handed over to Wainwright and Grimes law firm.”

  “Jamie doesn’t work for Wainwright and Grimes,” said Nick.

  “No, but they work for Carlos Verona.”

  “But Andie is working on a case for Carlos Verona. He’s just a client.”

  “No, Nick. He’s a lot more than that. Carlos has been using Wainwright and Grimes as a cover to take over every possible business in this city.”

  “This is terrible. Andie talked so highly of William Wainwright. I didn’t think he was the type to be involved in anything like this.”

  “He wasn’t, Nick. He wasn’t even in Africa this past year.”

  “Where was he?”

  “He’s been living behind a dumpster near a 7-eleven.”

  “Oh, my God,” said Nick. “That’s the old man who knows everything about me. How do you know about all this.”

  “Because Gary Bell is trying to take over Verona Enterprises. He wanted me to make sure I kept Benny out of the way so he wouldn’t screw anything up.”

  “So you used him. You used my best friend.”

  “Oh, that’s the pot calling the kettle black,” responded Julie.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” asked Nick.

  “Kat told me how you took her home the night of the party.”

  “But you just acted surprised when I told you I knew of Kat.”

  “I was just testing you. She told me all about that night – in detail.”

  “Oh, shit. Please don’t tell Benny about that.”

  “Only if you’ll help me out.”

  “Okay, you got a deal. What else do you know about this thing?”

  “I know Peter Grimes is trying to two-time Verona. He has no intention of letting Carlos follow through with his plan. He was letting Carlos have fun by letting him see Wainwright go through hell – some kind of personal vendetta. All the while, Peter was doing dealings by using Wainwright’s signature electronically. He had some guy in Africa fronting the whole scam. Everything that Carlos thinks he owns is owned by Wainwright and Grimes, except that Wainwright doesn’t have a thing to do with it. Grimes expects to come away with everything. He let his buddy, Harold Rogers, believe he was going to take over the record company. That’s why Rogers is playing along with all this.”

  “That son-of-a-bitch,” said Nick. “That’s why he’s been going after Andie.”

  “Oh, I don’t know anything about that. I just know he’s in for a rude awakening if he thinks he’s going to get Apocalypse.”

  “I still don’t understand. Why do you need my help?”

  “Nick, I really like Benny. He was supposed to be someone I distract for a while, but I really like him. I can’t go through with this anymore.”

  “You know, he thinks your cousin is the one who killed Zipper Down.”

  “Oh, that’s just great. He really needs to know differently.”

  “Well, I know for a fact she didn’t do it. She was with me that night, but I’m definitely not going to tell him that.”

  “What are you two doing here?” asked the security guard who sneaked up on Nick and Julie.

  “Uh, we’re just trying to say good-bye in private,” said Julie. “Do you mind?”

  “I’m going to have to ask you to step away from the closet area. There’s been a report of suspicious actions going on in the airport and we need to take all necessary precautions,” said the thick-necked guard.

  “That’s just fine, sweetheart,” Julie said to Nick. “You have a nice trip and I’ll be waiting for you when you get back.” Nick looked at Julie and gave the guard a quick glance.

  He miraculously figured out what Julie was up to and said, “Okay, sweetheart. I’ll see you when you get back.”

  “No, sweetheart, you’re the one who’s leaving. I’ll see you when you get back.”

  “Uh, right,” said Nick. He looked at the guard and walked away.

  “Sweetheart, aren’t you forgetting something?” yelled Julie. Nick gave Julie a confused look as she motioned him to come back. The guard watched them closely.

  “What am I forgetting, sweetheart?” asked Nick.

  “You forgot to give me the keys to our apartment,” said Julie.

  “Oh, yes,” said Nick, trying to do his best impersonation of a husband. “The keys to our apartment. How could I forget?” He gave her the keys and started walking away again.

  “Oh, sweetheart,” Julie said.

  Nick stopped, looked at the suspicious guard, and asked, “Yes, sweetheart?”

  “Which apartment are these the keys to?”

  “The apartment,” said Nick. He faced the guard. “Women can be so forgetful sometimes.”

  “Do you mean the one on Rollins Boulevard or the other one?” asked Julie, as she gave Nick that you are an idiot look. Nick finally realized he didn’t tell her where the apartment was.

  “Oh, yeah, how stupid of me. It’s the apartment on 1103 Maplewood – the one where you have to go up the stairs in the back and has the letter A on the front door.”

  “Thank you, sweetheart. You have a great trip.”

  Nick said to the guard, “It’s hard to keep up with all the apartments we keep. My wife didn’t want to give up her place when we got married and I definitely didn’t want to give up mine.”

  “That’s amazing,” said the guard.

  “What, that we have two apartments in the same city? Hey, it’s not an uncommon thing. I’m sure lots of couples do it.”

  “No, I’m talking about the fact that the BreastMaster girl is married to an idiot like you,” said the guard

  “What do you mean by BreastMaster girl?” asked Nick. He was more upset about not knowing what that meant than being called an idiot. The guard pointed to the TV mounted on the wall, which happened to have the commercial showing.

  “Wow, that thing really works well,” said the surprised Nick.