Read The Devil's in My Bathroom Page 63

CHAPTER SIXTY-ONE: Camera One, Camera Two

  Nick was sitting on the couch next to Julie. They heard Tony’s door open and close.

  “I guess Son of Satan is home,” said Nick.

  “What do you mean by that?” asked Julie.

  “Oh, it’s nothing I want to get into.” He grabbed the remote and turned on the TV.

  “It’s been a really rough week. Do you mind if we just veg out and watch the tube? I’m really tired of talking.”

  “No complaints here,” said the agreeable Julie. Nick turned the channel to ESPN and fell asleep after a couple of minutes. Julie took the remote out of his hand and changed the channel to MTV. She was just in time to see a close-up of herself as the video for Love Blender was showing.

  Benny stopped his Yugo right in front of Nick’s apartment. He opened the door and it fell off the hinges. The springs in the seat grabbed hold of his pants and ripped them as he got out of the burned up bomb of a car. Not caring about the hole in his pants, he fiercely walked up the driveway, ready to confront his so-called best friend. He was near the side of the house and was going to the back stairs when Mrs. Ratzenburger came out the side door.

  “Is that you, Barney?” she asked. She was squinting through her thick glasses. Benny immediately calmed down.

  “No, Ma’am, its Benny,” he said.

  “I’m sorry. That’s what I thought I said. Are you going to visit Nicholas?”

  “Yes, ma’am. You could say that.”

  “Would you be a dear and ask him if he wouldn’t mind picking up my prescription tomorrow morning at the drugstore? My arthritis is acting up and he always helps me out. He is such a sweet boy.”

  “Yes, ma’am. I’ll tell him.”

  “Thank you so much, Bunny,” she said. She went back inside her house.

  Benny’s temper had subsided and had turned to shame. He couldn’t bear to see the sight of Nick and Julie together so he walked back to his car and drove away. He passed in front of Balls & Burgers and decided to stop for a drink. He parked right in front and that there were no other cars but the front door was open. He walked in.

  “Anybody here?” he asked. He searched around but found no one. He noticed a small glow coming from behind the bar. When he walked around, he discovered the four monitors focused on Nick’s apartment. The towel that was covering the Jimi Hendrix poster had fallen off. Benny could see the black and white image of Julie sitting on the couch watching TV. Nick was fast asleep on the other end.

  “What is this doing here?” he said to himself. “And what is Nick doing sleeping when he has the most beautiful girl in the world sitting next to him on his couch – wearing his robe?”

  “Maybe he has more morals than you give him credit for,” said Jamie. Benny was startled.

  “What are you doing here?” asked Benny.

  “I was on my way to Nick’s apartment when I noticed your infamous flame-broiled auto. I guess you’re wondering why you see a bunch of monitors here showing Nick’s apartment.”

  “I guess you can say it caught my interest,” said Benny.

  “Well, while you’re back there, you might as well grab a beer and sit down for this one. Get me one while you’re at it.”

  Benny grabbed two beers, pulled out his wallet, and left a ten-dollar bill next to the register. He walked over to Jamie.

  “I’m not who you think I am,” said Jamie.

  “You’re not Jamie O’Malley?”

  “No – that, I am. I guess I should say I’m not what you think I am.”

  “I don’t get it.”

  “I wasn’t sent here to take over your record company. I work for the FBI.”

  “What?” Benny asked.

  “We’ve been working on a sting operation for months involving Wainwright and Grimes, Carlos Verona, and Gary Bell.”

  “Gary Bell? Isn’t he the talent agent from LA?”

  “Same guy. He’s been working behind the scenes trying to get hold of Verona enterprises. Carlos has been trying to get hold of Wainwright and Grimes to hide his illegal portion of his business. Peter Grimes had been trying to double-cross Verona and take over his business. The chief of police has been working for both of them, trying to manipulate a piece of the pie for himself.”

  “I don’t get it. What does Nick have to do with this? Why do you have cameras pointed at him?”

  “Nick was in danger. His uncle was in on the scheme and his life might have been threatened. I had a special agent keep watch on his apartment while I sent Nick away. I guess that agent no longer works for us.”

  “Wouldn’t Nick have been in danger no matter where he went? I mean, if somebody wanted him out of the picture, they could have had him followed.”

  “We had agents following him everywhere he went. I needed him to leave town and be followed by Lieutenant Elderberry.”

  “That local homicide detective?”

  “He just happens to be the best in the business. I sent him on a wild goose chase and he took the bait. He’s been following Nick all week.”

  “Why would you want him following Nick –and what was he doing in New Orleans?”

  “Because Nick was also in New Orleans and he could have blown this whole operation. He would have solved the Zipper Down case in no time, destroying our chances to convict Grimes, Verona, Bell, and Chief Bushman.”

  “He knows who killed Zipper Down?”

  “No, but I’m sure he would have figured it out in no time. Things were working out perfect with the murder. You got Julie involved, making it seem as though Apocalypse was capitalizing on Zipper’s death.”

  “But we were.”

  “I know, but it made all our targets confused and they ended up turning on each other.”

  “What about Wainwright?”

  “Yeah, I heard about your experience with him. He’s been helping us out. He’ll be back in control of the firm in a few weeks. We’re going to put him back in detox and sober him up. We have people at his house right now making sure he doesn’t start drinking again. He’ll be well rewarded for helping us out.”

  “What about Mr. Levon?”

  “He’ll be back in a few weeks. We sent him to Jamaica with Ursela Vanderhousen for a little vacation.”

  “He was in on it?”

  “Yes. He should be an actor.”

  “Ursula Vanderhousen? That sounds familiar.”

  “She works directly for Peter Grimes. She’s been helping us out with all the inside information we need.”

  “Does Nick know what’s going on?”

  “Ben, does Nick ever know what’s going on?”

  “I guess you’re right,” said Benny, as they shared a chuckle.

  “My guess is that he’s helping Julie hide out from Gary Bell.”

  “Why would she be hiding out from him?”

  “That’s her agent, Benny. I thought you already knew that.”

  “Oh, my God. I’m the one who convinced her to do the job for free.”

  “And your life was in danger because of it.”

  “What? My life was in danger? You were going to let me be a pawn in your little sting operation?”

  “Settle down, Ben. Julie is the one who saved you. She was going along with Bell to save you. We had agents at the hotel and airport observing the whole thing. I think she genuinely likes you.”

  Benny’s eyes lit up. “You think so?”

  “Why else would she risk her life for you?” Benny ran back behind the bar. He saw Julie falling asleep. Nick had fallen off the couch and was sleeping on the floor. He looked up and saw Andie’s Camry speed by - obviously going to Nick’s apartment.

  “Can we go there now?” Benny asked Jamie.

  “I guess it’s time to let him in on what’s going on,” said Jamie. “Let’s finish these beers first. Nick could use a few more minutes of rest.”

  Benny pulled up a chair and asked, “By the way – who did kill Zipper Down?”