Read The Devil's in My Bathroom Page 65


  Andie parked her car in the driveway. After passing by Balls & Burgers, she knew she had beat Benny to Nick’s apartment. She walked up the stairs and reluctantly knocked on the door. The noise startled Julie.

  “Nick, wake up,” she said as she leaned over to shake him.

  “Not now, Andie, I’m trying to get some sleep,” he said, in a groggy whisper.

  “Who?” asked Julie. Nick opened his eyes and saw the gorgeous Julie bending over him. He was still in a dreamlike state.

  “Andie, you look like the BreastMaster girl.”

  “Nick, get up. There’s somebody at the door.”

  Nick came to his senses and realized what was going on. He slowly got up and shuffled to the door. He opened it to the sight of a nervous Andie.

  “Andie, I was just thinking about you,” said Nick.

  “I’m sorry to disturb you, Nick. Am I interrupting something?”

  “No, not at all. Come on in.” Andie stepped into the apartment, which was amazingly clean.

  “Would this be your new maid?” asked Andie.

  “No, this is Julie. You don’t recognize her? She’s the BreastMaster girl.”

  “Yes, Nick. I recognize her.” She extended her hand to Julie. “I’m Andie Jenson. Pleased to meet you.”

  “Likewise,” said Julie.

  “How’s Benny?” asked Andie.

  “What do you know about Benny?” asked the surprised Julie.

  “I know that he seems to be falling for you, but you’re here screwing Nick.”

  “Hold on one second, Andie,” Nick interrupted. “There is nothing going on between Julie and me.”

  “You expect me to believe you can be alone in your apartment with a beautiful woman and not be doing anything with her?”

  “Hey, I do it with you all the time,” said Nick.

  Andie was dumbstruck.

  “Don’t worry, Andie,” said Julie.

  “Nick is just helping me out by letting me stay here. I am definitely not screwing him, as you so graciously put it. I know Benny is a dear friend of yours. I think he’s a terrific guy. I’m not going to do anything to hurt him.”

  “Well, that’s nice to know, but that’s not what he thinks,” said Andie.

  “How’s it with you and that Hal guy?” asked Nick.

  “You mean Harold?”


  “That relationship never got off the ground,” said Andie.

  Nick’s eyes revealed a slight twinkle.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” asked Julie. “I cleaned up the place and actually found some things that were consumable.”

  “That’s quite an accomplishment,” said Andie. “I’ll take a glass of wine, preferably something older than last month.”

  “Believe me, most everything in this place is way over a month old,” added Julie.

  “I had to take a shower and throw my clothes in the washer after cleaning this place. I hope there’s nothing in this robe that bites.”

  “Come on, girls. I’m not that bad,” said Nick. Andie chuckled and turned to Julie.

  “How did you come to know Nick?”

  “Well, it’s quite a long story, but…”

  A knock interrupted the conversation. Nick strolled to the door, opened it, and saw Tony.

  “Hello, my friend, Nicholas,” said the dejected looking Tony. “May I come in? I need a friend to converse with.”

  “I guess so,” said Nick.

  “Hello, Tony,” Andie said, in the coolest of manners.

  “Andrea. It is so good to see you. How is my Deborah?”

  “I haven’t seen her in a few days, but I’m sure she’ll be okay – considering.” She gave Tony a nasty scowl.

  “What matter is there to consider?” asked a confused Tony.

  “You know,” Andie said.

  “No, I do not – and what is this beautiful BreastMaster lady doing in this apartment?” Julie smiled and extended her hand to Tony.

  “Hi, I’m Julie Templeton.”

  “You are almost as exquisite as my precious Deborah,” he said, as he gently kissed her hand.

  “Cut the crap about Debbie,” said Andie. “How could you do this to her?”

  “I am just innocently kissing the hand of this lovely women.”

  “Not this. I’m talking about Kat.”

  “Who is Kat?” asked Tony.

  “What about Kat?” asked Julie.

  “You know Kat?” Andie asked Julie. Another knock was heard at the door.

  Nick walked over to open it and discovered Benny and Jamie.

  “Oh, great,” said Nick, as he stared at Jamie. “What are you two doing here?”

  “That’s not much of a friendly welcome, Nick,” Jamie answered.

  “You’re not exactly high on the list of people I want to see right now.”

  “Hello, Nick,” said Benny.

  “Hey, Benny. I guess you’re probably wondering why Julie is here.” Nick wanted to get the explanation out of the way.

  Benny looked into Julie’s eyes. He approached her with caution.

  “Gary Bell? Nick? Am I just another pawn in some kind of game?” Benny asked Julie.

  Julie started to cry. “Benny, I have so much to tell you.”

  “What about this Kat person?” asked Tony.

  “What about Kat?” asked Benny.

  “Didn’t you say that you thought Kat was Zipper Down’s killer?” asked Jamie.

  “I just thought she left the party that night with him – by the way, Nick, you keep that thought.” said Benny. He turned to Julie. “What is it you have to tell me?”

  “This is getting ridiculous,” said Nick. He turned to go to his kitchen when he heard another knock at the door.

  “Ah, man.” He shuffled over and opened it.

  “Party time, dude,” said Pizza Guy. “Me and the guys wanted you to come out with us tonight before we start our tour tomorrow.” He entered the apartment followed by Dylan, Wesley, and Dustin – The Cramping Violets.

  “Look, guys, its Julie,” said the drooling Dylan. They started flocking around her, crowding Benny in the process.

  “Did you bring more of those pizza pies?” Tony asked Pizza Guy.

  “I don’t do that gig anymore, dude. This band kicks ass. We’re starting our tour tomorrow.”

  “I believe you already said that,” said Benny, as he moved Pizza Guy away from Julie’s side.

  “No need to be passing violence, dude,” said Pizza Guy. “I know she’s your honey. I’m just trying to enjoy the view.” He was staring at the open robe Julie was wearing.

  “Settle down, guys,” said Julie, as she crossed the open ends of the robe across the front of her body. “I need to talk to Benny – alone.”

  She grabbed Benny’s hand and led him into the bedroom. Another knock was heard at the door.

  “Never a dull moment here,” Nick told Jamie and Andie, as he went to the door.

  Chaz, who was holding up a swaying Debbie, met him.

  “Nick? I didn’t know you lived here,” said Chaz. “I was just bringing Debbie over to Tony’s place. Maybe I got the wrong door.”

  “My meatball,” cried Tony. He ran to the door as Debbie glared at him.

  “What kind of shit are you pulling on me?” asked Debbie.

  “I do not understand,” said Tony. “Who is this man you are in the arms of?”

  “He’s my – who the hell are you, anyway?”

  “I’m Chaz. Don’t you remember?”

  “He is the man I saw you in a warm embrace with at your apartment earlier this evening,” said Tony.

  “What were you doing at my apartment?”

  “I needed to see you.”

  “Well here I am – and you know what? I needed to see you, too.”

  “Really?” Tony’s eyes lit up.

  “Yes – to tell you I never want to see you ever again.” She turned to Chaz. “You can
home me take now.”

  “I’m sorry, Debbie. You’re on your own here,” said Chaz, as he turned around and left.

  “Are you okay, Debbie?” asked Andie.

  “I’m fine. And as for you – I hope you’re enjoying my ex-boss.”

  “What do you mean by ex-boss?” asked Andie.

  “He fired me last week – and he’s been screwing some little teeny-bopper. I wanted to tell you but I’ve been – oh, crap. I don’t know what the hell I’ve been.”

  “Why don’t you come sit over here?” asked Andie, leading her to the sofa.

  “Just keep that asshole away from me,” she said, as she viciously pointed her finer at Tony.

  “Why is she so angry with me?” Tony asked Nick.

  “Man, she saw you driving around with Kat last week – right in front of her.”

  “I do not know this Kat person you are talking about.”

  “Quit denying it, Tony,” said Andie. “We saw you in the passenger seat of Benny’s Lexus last week. You passed right in front of the little French bistro, right across from the 7-Eleven where you work.”

  “I was riding with Mary Kathryn. I do not know this Kat.” Benny heard the Kat conversation. He came running out the bedroom and jumped right in front of Tony.

  “Mary Kathryn is Kat’s real name,” said the angry Benny.

  “Oh, my,” said Tony. “If this is true, then I have been mistaken. I do know this Kat person.”

  Debbie got up from the sofa and shoved Benny out the way.

  “Okay, spaghetti boy,” blurted Debbie. “Just what in the hell were you doing with Benny’s girlfriend?”

  “I did not know she was Benny’s girlfriend.” He turned to Benny.

  “Wait a moment. Is this the same woman who was having a sexual relationship with someone else while you were still her boyfriend?”

  “Yes,” said Benny. “I do not blame you for being upset. She is quite a beautiful young lady.”

  Julie pulled Benny away as he lunged towards Tony. Debbie reclaimed her place in front of Tony’s face.

  “Just answer the fucking question!” screamed Debbie.

  “Oh, my. I have never heard you use the F word before, Deborah,” said a stunned Tony.

  “Oh, yeah? It’s probably because I’ve never been this pissed-off at anybody before. Now, just answer the question. What were you doing with Kat?” Tears of anger flowed down her face.

  “My linguine. Mary Kathryn is my friend at the University. We attend art class together. She has been helping me design and search for the perfect one.”

  “One what?”

  Tony reached into his pocket and pulled out a small case. He got on one knee and handed it to Debbie. Debbie’s hands were shaking as she slowly opened the case, revealing a three-carat, heart-shaped diamond.

  “Deborah Bailey, would you give me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  Debbie was speechless.

  “Say yes!” screamed Andie.

  “Look at that rock,” said Benny.

  “Come on, Debbie, tell him something,” said Julie.

  “How much did you pay for that?” asked Nick.

  “For God’s sake, tell him yes,” said Jamie.

  “No wonder he could never afford to tip me. That dude must have spent a fortune on that bad-ass stone,” said Pizza Guy.

  Tony stared into Debbie’s eyes, waiting patiently for an answer. She was still crying but now her tears were for a different reason.

  “Yes,” Debbie murmured through her tears.

  The sound of applause and cheering muffled the knock at the front door. As it opened, nobody saw Kat walking in.

  “Is there a party going on?” said Kat. The jovial sound turned into dead silence.