Read The Devil In Disguise (Bad Things #1) Page 10

  Her body was pressed fully to his, so she could feel his heat, his strength.

  “How about we start with a kiss?”

  Because he thought he could seduce her. Hadn’t he told her that before? That he’d be able to entice her into his bed. That she’d go, willingly, easily.

  He didn’t realize how many others had tried to seduce her. Tried and failed. Like she was some sort of game to be played. A pang hit her heart, but he’d just saved her ass, and denying him a kiss…there seemed no point in that. After all, it was just a kiss. “Okay.” She tipped back her head. Closed her eyes. And waited.

  Then she felt the faint stir of his breath over her cheek. “I told you already, sweetheart…closing your eyes doesn’t make the bad things go away.”

  Her lashes fluttered open.

  “I’m still here.”

  She could see that.

  “Remember, Mina. Bad things don’t just disappear.”

  Their mouths were so close. She could almost taste him.

  “How about we get you out of that robe…” Luke murmured.

  No, no, stripping hadn’t been part of the deal. A kiss. Just a kiss.

  “…and we put you into some real clothes.”

  Her eyes widened.

  “I know…I’m actually getting you into clothing. Trust me, I have issues with this, too,” he said and his expression was wry.

  Her lips curved and her heart seemed to soften a bit. “You are not nearly as big and bad as people say.”

  His gaze was on her mouth. “Oh, I am. Never doubt that.”

  He sounded so certain but…Mina gave a quick shake of her head. “You’ve been good to me. You have every reason to rage and to hate me.” They’d hardly had the best beginning. “But you aren’t. You’re helping me.” She just didn’t get that. No one ever went out of their way to help her, not without getting something big in return. “Why?”

  “You interest me,” Luke replied softly. The words were spoken as if he were puzzling through the reasoning himself. “I laugh with you. I…can’t figure out what move you’ll make next.” He nodded. “You surprise me, and I find that I like that.”

  Her smile widened. “Careful…or you may find that you like me, too.”

  His stare was still on her mouth. “I may.” His hand lifted. Touched her cheek. “You have a dimple, right here.”

  His touch made her heart jerk.

  “And another to match on the other side.” His eyes gleamed. “Everything else about you seems built for sin and seduction. You’re a walking fantasy, and then I see the dimples…”

  Her smile slipped.

  His gaze rose to meet hers. “And I think of innocence. Dark creatures aren’t known for their innocence.”

  “I don’t want to be dark.” Wasn’t that the whole reason she’d come to him? Why she’d risked so much? “The Eye can change who I am.”

  “No.” He seemed sad, for her. “Nothing changes who we are. The Eye will only make you weaker. You’ll still be the same on the inside. We are what we were always born to be.”

  So…what? She was born to be an instrument of destruction? A weapon to be used and abused? “I don’t believe that. Anyone can change.”

  He pulled away from her. “I have some clothes in my room that you can use.” He turned away.

  She didn’t follow, not yet. “Just how long have you had the clothes? As long as you had this robe?” She was figuring another former…guest…had left it. “If so, then why am I just learning about a clothing option now?” And not hours ago?

  He looked back, his lips curving. “Because I liked you in the robe. You’ve got killer legs.”

  She growled at him.

  “But I don’t exactly want to share the view of you this way.” His eyes gleamed for a moment, power flaring. “And if your FBI ex comes around again, he won’t find you this way.”

  Luke was almost out of her Chamber of Horrors, so Mina hurried after him. “How did he not find me this time?”

  “I made the entrance to the tunnel vanish.” He spoke so casually, as if it were the easiest thing in the world to do. Making a whole tunnel vanish, no biggie. “Mortal eyes couldn’t see it. He walked right past it and never even knew it was there.”

  She was just a step behind Luke then. He was fast, but—

  He whirled toward her. His face had gone cold and hard. Such a sudden change. “We should be very clear about one thing.”

  “Ah, what’s that?” And what was up with his sudden mood change?

  “I won’t ever be cutting out my heart for you.”

  Her own heart stilled. “I wouldn’t ask you to do that.”

  “Really?” His dark head cocked as Luke studied her. “Isn’t that what you told him to do? The FBI ex-lover? Wicked, wicked Mina.” But he sounded…admiring.

  She didn’t speak again. Just hurried out of that tunnel and back into the luxurious walls of his house. He thought she was bad to her core, and maybe that was why she…interested him. But if he knew the truth? If he knew that she’d been a victim, not some powerful paranormal force, would he react the same way?

  Maybe she wouldn’t interest him then. Maybe she’d lose her appeal.

  So she’d play the role he wanted, for now. And she’d try to figure out a way to escape—escape Garrick and escape Luke.

  They walked toward his curving staircase, and when she reached for the banister, she caught a glimpse of Rayce. He was smashing something in his hand.

  “Got them all, Luke,” Rayce called, his voice almost cheerful.

  She frowned. “Got what?”

  “The bugs your boyfriend left behind,” Rayce told her with a quick nod. “Don’t worry, they won’t hear anything you two do now.”

  “First, Garrick is not my boyfriend. Not even close.” She had a flash of pain. Of terror. Of herself begging. Her trembling fingers pressed to the banister. “And next…bugs? The guy left listening devices here?”

  Luke just shrugged. “You heard Rayce. They’re gone now.”

  “How do you know you got them all?” Then she slapped a hand over her mouth. If they hadn’t gotten them all, then Garrick had just heard her talking. He’d know she was there. He’d come back for her. He’d lock her up. He’d—

  Luke’s fingers closed around hers. “You’re afraid.”

  Rayce stepped closer. His nostrils had flared. “I can smell her fear.”

  She was about to hyperventilate. Garrick could be circling around in his chopper even then. She’d thought she was safe but she wasn’t. She wouldn’t be safe. Not as long as she still had her power. Not as long as Garrick still wanted her.

  “We got all the bugs,” Rayce told her again, voice softer, and his gaze was considering as it slid over her. “I’m a wolf remember? Not much gets past me. I watched the agent who was sweating…he was giving off as much fear as you are. It was easy to follow his movements.”


  “Agent Lang,” Luke said. He was caressing her hand, almost absently. “He didn’t look as thrilled as Garrick and Agent Slate to be here. It was obvious he’d been given a separate mission.”

  To bug the place.

  “Lang…he was always nice to me. Or he tried to be.” Her shoulders hunched. “I’d like those clothes now, please.”

  “The magic word,” Rayce muttered.

  “What?” He’d lost her.

  But Luke was already wrapping an arm around her and guiding her up the stairs. As if she needed guiding. Mina looked back at Rayce, he was still watching her with that assessing stare.

  “You aren’t who you seem to be,” he said.

  But the warning—was it for her? Or was it for Luke?

  “Fuck off, wolf,” Luke ordered, his hold tightening on Mina. “I have her.”

  For the moment, it would seem that he did.


  She wore jeans—jeans that hugged her legs and curved over her ass. Jeans that stretched and felt pretty much like heaven on her. Her
top was loose, dark red, a color that she secretly loved. It was as soft as silk and she loved it, too.

  And he’d given her back the fuck-me heels. At least they matched her shirt but…she didn’t love them.

  Mina took a deep breath and opened the doors that would take her out onto the balcony. “I guess your last lover and I must be the same size—” she began.

  But her words ended when she saw the table. A perfectly set table that even had lit candles softly glowing. Luke stood by the table, wearing…a suit. Black coat, white dress shirt, perfectly tailored pants. He looked absolutely sexy. Drop dead gorgeous.


  He frowned at her. “Why would you say that? You’re not the same size as my last lover. You’re nothing like my last lover.”

  “Uh, the clothes?” Mina cleared her throat. “I just meant, um, they fit—” Her words broke off. The wind had tousled his dark hair. He was lethal. Damn, damn, damn but he made that suit look good.

  “They’re your clothes. I bought them when I went to the mainland to check on Eli and no, before you get all worried…Garrick wasn’t aware I’d made the purchase. I gave your sizes to a trusted friend and she picked things up for me and had them sent to Marcos. All very secretly, I assure you.”

  She should move. Step out of the doorway. Go to the table. Not drool at him. Do something. “How did you know my size?”

  He pulled out the chair to his right. Very gentlemanly-like. “Because I’ve touched you. I held your body close. I know you.”

  Her legs were moving again. That was good. Her high heels clicked. “You may have figured out what size jeans I wear…but trust me, you don’t know me.” She sat in the chair. He pushed her forward, just a little bit.

  Then he moved around the table and sat across from her.

  She managed to yank her gaze off his sexy self and actually focus on the table and then—there was no help for her drooling. A feast was before her. An actual, honest-to-God feast. And her stomach was cramping she was so excited.

  “Fresh seafood,” he said. “Shrimp and grilled fish, some calamari, oysters if you like them…”

  She liked everything. Mina put her hands in her lap so that she wouldn’t start grabbing things and shoving them in her mouth.

  “What’s wrong?” Luke asked, that faint line appearing between his brows. “Aren’t you hungry?”

  Aren’t you—She was almost crying because she was so hungry and there was just so much food there. So much.

  “I can get something else,” he said, voice stilted. And he reached for a little silver bell that she hadn’t even noticed before. What, did he actually ring that bell to get service? Because she hadn’t seen anyone else and if he was about to make someone appear—

  Her hand closed around his wrist. “Stop.” The word came out hoarse.

  He was staring at her with the dark gaze that made her want to get lost…in him.

  “What’s wrong with the food?” Luke asked quietly.

  “Nothing.” Absolutely nothing. “Thank you.”

  His eyelashes flickered. She released him and tried to slowly put some food on her plate. She was going to be careful, and she was not going to act as if she were starving.

  She wasn’t.

  Mina picked up her fork and knife. She cut into the fish, hoping that her shaking fingers wouldn’t send the utensils flying. But she actually managed to get a little piece cut and she lifted it to her mouth.

  “How long has it been since you’ve eaten?”


  “I left you today without food. I’m sorry.” His voice had thickened. “Fucking sorry…I will never do that again.”

  She ate the fish and it was so good. So incredibly good. She took another bite. Another. She squeezed her eyes shut. Tried to make herself slow down and chew.

  “Longer than just a day…wasn’t it?” Now there was a bite in his voice. “Mina.”

  Her eyes flew open. “I-I ate some yesterday.” And—screw it. She was not going to keep fighting her hunger and act all prim and proper. She was starving. She started shoving shrimp into her mouth. She ate and she loved it and she was so happy that she wanted to laugh, but she was afraid she’d choke on all of that delicious food if she did.

  And he just…he watched her. Luke drank his whiskey—she was sure that amber liquid in the short, squat glass was whiskey—and he watched her eat.

  She cleaned her plate. Since he was just sitting there, she may have helped herself to his, too. Why waste the food? Then she went for the wine that was waiting. The dizziness that had been filling her body all day was gone. She was back to being herself. She was—

  “You will never go without food again.”

  “It’s hard to stop for meals when you’re running for your life.” The words slipped out. She drank more wine. “That was…delicious.”

  “You were weak…from hunger.”

  “Hunger, fear, desperation—you name it.” She took another sip. That wine was incredible. So sweet. She’d never had anything quite like it before. She drank more.

  “Your ex-lover was after you.”

  “Because he wants to use me. Garrick knows what I can do and his little team of twisted agents—they’re hunting me down because they want me to be their weapon.” She poured more wine. Don’t mind if I do. “But I’m not going to be their weapon.” Another long sip. More of a gulp. That wine was fantastic. Never, ever had she had a drink that good. “I won’t get into the heads of humans and make them do things…make them hurt each other. I don’t care what Garrick has in mind. He can torture me again. He can lock me up again, but I won’t use my power to hurt people.” She lifted her wine glass, preparing for another long gulp. “I—”


  He sounded angry. Why? Oh, was it because she was drinking all the wine? Her bad. “Do you want some?” She offered the wine to him, blushing a bit.

  He looked at the dark liquid. Red wine.

  “Your whiskey is gone.” She licked her lips, still savoring that wine. “It only seems fair to give you some of this.”

  “Fair.” It was almost as if he were tasting the word. “I suppose that would be fair.” He leaned forward. “Just a sip.”

  Her breath caught. Just a sip. “Because you’re afraid that if you get drunk, I’ll use my power on you again?”

  But he gave a deep, rough laugh. “Ah, sweetheart. I’ve learned my lesson. I’ll keep my guard up when I drink around you.” His smile was lethal. “I’ll stay in control. Don’t you worry about that. When we’re together, I’ll always have free will. Everything I do, it will be because I want it. You have nothing to fear on that end.”

  A man she couldn’t hurt with a careless word. Finally.

  She put the glass to his lips and Mina watched, oddly fascinated, as he drank from her. His lips—why had she thought that they were cruel? They weren’t. They were sexy. He was sexy.

  “Ask me a question, Mina. I’ll give you the truth now. Fair play and all that jazz.”

  She wasn’t sure what he meant. Her mind was a little foggy. Maybe she was drunk. “Do you want me?” Mina blurted.

  “I’d like nothing better than to strip you naked and take you right here.”

  Her lips parted. Yes, please was literally on the tip of her tongue. She had to fight to hold those words back and that was when Mina knew… “You bastard.” She could only shake her head. Her heart thudded in her chest and her hands began to shake. “There was something in the wine, wasn’t there?” The wine she’d been chugging.

  He shrugged. “Only a little bit of truth.”

  She shot to her feet. “What does that even mean?”

  He tilted back his dark head as he stared up at her. “It means…payback.”

  She was hurt. He’d blindsided her. “I thought you were helping me.” She had to blink, quickly, because—

  He grabbed the sides of the table, his hands clenching. “You are not crying.”

  She was. She dashed at
her left cheek, swiping away a tear. “So what if I am? What does that do to you? Why does it matter?”

  Luke rose to his feet. “It hurts me.”

  The wind wasn’t blowing any longer. Everything was suddenly very, very still.

  “Your tears hurt me. I can watch a thousand humans cry. I have watched that. I’ve watched paranormals die. I’ve watched them suffer in agony. None of that mattered. It’s your tears that have my guts feeling like they’re being ripped out of me.” His breath was ragged. He was still gripping the table too tightly. “That’s why it matters. Because for some fucking reason that I haven’t fully figured out yet…you matter to me.”

  Her gaze jerked to the wine glass. The glass she’d given to him. “You…you took the truth, too.” Whatever had been in that glass, whatever potion that had made her lips too loose and truth spill from her mouth…he’d taken it too.

  I suppose that would be fair.

  “Better hurry with your questions, sweetheart,” he gritted out. “I only had a few sips. You’ll be spilling secrets all night, but I only have a few moments more. Not as much brew, and…” He gave her a slow wink. “Faster metabolism, too.”

  She could ask him anything—and he had to tell her the truth? “Where is the Eye of Hell?”

  And he lifted his right hand. On his ring finger, she saw a heavy flash of gold. Big, thick.

  “The Eye is in here,” he told her, gazing down at the ring. “But it won’t do you any good. Only I can wield it. You want power taken away…that’s something only I can do. On your hand, the Eye would be useless.”

  Dammit. If he had to tell the truth…

  This was all for nothing. She should have kept running. She could have hopped a boat and made it to the Caribbean. Maybe Garrick wouldn’t have followed her there.

  “My turn,” Luke said. “Did you really tell your lover to cut out his heart?”

  “No.” She felt almost numb. “What I said was…‘Do it.’” Two such simple and terrifying words. “I’d managed to get free of the chains that he was keeping me in. I tricked him and locked him in my cell instead. He was yelling at me, screaming that if I left him, it would be like cutting out his heart.” She shuddered as she remembered the feel of all the bruises on her. “So I told him to ‘Do it’. I ran and didn’t look back.” Did that make her evil? Well, since everyone thought she’d been born evil, she wasn’t sure it really mattered.