Read The Devil Inside Page 23

  My eyes found that desk just in time to see a large forty-something man pick up a screaming woman about half his size and slam her down onto it. She struggled and kicked so convincingly that for half a second I thought she actually meant it. Then my brain caught up with my emotions and I realized it was all for show.

  She wore the pleated skirt and crisp white button-down of a good little Catholic schoolgirl, complete with knee-high socks and Mary Janes. She was small enough to make a convincing young girl. If the ridiculousness of the costume hadn’t tipped me off, I’d have known she was acting when the flailing of her legs made her skirt ride up enough to show everyone she wasn’t wearing any panties.

  The “teacher” shoved books and papers out of his way, then pinned the “girl’s” wrists above her head with one meaty hand. A rhythmic clicking sound told me someone in the audience was jerking off to the sight. I clenched my teeth and didn’t let my eyes wander. Bad enough to be forced to watch this disgusting scene—I didn’t want to see the orgy it was inspiring.

  Of course, as soon as I thought that, I couldn’t stop myself from glancing in Adam’s direction.

  He watched the scene with an impassive expression, looking neither excited nor disgusted. Shae clung to his arm, and there was no mistaking her pleasure at watching the simulated rape of a child. I let my eyes slide downward and was relieved beyond measure that there was no telltale bulge in Adam’s pants. Which led me to wonder at myself. I mean, I already knew how unpleasant his tastes were. I’d experienced firsthand his cruelty. So why should I be relieved that this wasn’t turning him on? Why the fuck did I care?

  I glanced at Dominic and saw that his eyes were fixed on the floor. A bead of sweat ran down the side of his face, and instead of just looking pale, he looked positively green. How had he survived it when Adam and his demon had come down here in the past?

  He must have read the question in my face, because he leaned down and spoke softly into my ear.

  “I’ve always hated this place,” he confided. “Saul always shielded me when we came here. He never let me see anything that would upset me.”

  I couldn’t contain my retort. “But he had no problem with making you ‘perform’ in public, even though he knew you didn’t like it.”

  Dominic shook his head. “He didn’t make me do it. I agreed to come here, and he agreed to shield me whenever he wanted to do something I wouldn’t like.” A hint of a smile played around the edges of his mouth. “I definitely had some good times here when Adam drew the curtains.”

  For the first time, I noticed the black curtains that framed the inside of the window. I bit my tongue to keep myself from saying anything I would regret. Just what did Dominic mean when he said Saul “shielded” him? I had visions of the demon using his body in revolting ways while Dominic remained blissfully unaware, and I had to suppress a shudder. I couldn’t imagine trusting anyone enough to surrender so completely.

  Dom’s eyes flicked to Shae, then away. “Shae and Saul never liked each other. She thought his being considerate of me was a sign of weakness.” His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed hard. “I think she chose this particular time to come to our table because she knew what was going to be happening down here and knew how I’d feel about it.”

  Oh, ick! I’d disliked her already. Now I despised her. How could Adam let her continue to operate? I mean, yeah, I understand the concept of snitches, understand they’re a necessary evil at times, but surely there’s a limit to how evil they should be allowed to be!

  The scene I was now carefully avoiding watching reached its climax—so to speak—and the “schoolgirl’s” screams took on a very different tone. Moans and sighs from the audience told me some of them were going along with the ride.

  When Shae turned to look at Dominic and me, there was no way I could hide my revulsion. Dom didn’t even try. Shae briefly touched her tongue to her upper lip, then slid her arm through Adam’s to lead him farther down the hall.

  I wanted desperately to flee back up the stairs. Instead, I followed them into the heart of darkness.

  The curtains were closed over one of the windows we passed. Dominic leaned over to whisper to me.

  “That’s the rack room,” he said.

  My heart clenched, and I had to force myself to keep moving, not pay special attention to the room. I strained my ears, but heard no screams from behind that curtain. I hoped that meant they were leaving Brian alone. And I wished we could just hurry this little expedition up.

  Shae and Adam stopped in front of one of the doors, and Shae dug a key ring out of her pocket.

  “Shit!” Dominic hissed under his breath.

  You can imagine I didn’t like the sound of that. But I kept walking, and so did he.

  Adam stood blocking the doorway while he and Shae tried to stare each other down. I peeked through the window and tried to keep my expression as neutral as humanly possible.

  The setup was much less elaborate than the schoolroom. Then again, it was also much more blatant.

  A padded, adjustable-height table, like an examining table at a doctor’s office, sat in the middle of the room. Only this table had legs with thick leather restraints attached to them.

  Along one wall hung an assortment of whips and paddles. It was reminiscent of Adam’s black room, only more revolting due to its public nature. I eyed the restraints on that table, and it was obvious just what position the victim would be restrained in.

  “Thank you for offering us free use,” Adam said to Shae, still wearing his neutral face.

  “Oh, the pleasure’s all mine.” Her grin was feral and unpleasant.

  They stared at each other, neither one backing down, neither one speaking. I glanced at Dominic and saw his jaws working as he ground his teeth. I suspected he would have enjoyed the prospect of “playing” in that room with Adam in private. But not like this.

  It was Adam who backed down from the staring contest first, which kind of surprised me.

  “I’ll be drawing the curtain,” he said. “If you’d like to rescind your offer of a freebie, that’s fine, but—”

  Shae smiled up at him. “Let’s talk inside, shall we?” she said, gesturing toward the room.


  “Inside, Adam. I know why you’re really here, and I don’t think we should discuss it in the hall, do you?”

  It was all I could do to suppress my gasp.

  For the first time I could remember, Adam looked unsure of himself. I’d have enjoyed the spectacle, if I wasn’t sick to my stomach. Shae put her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow.

  “Let’s hear what she has to say,” Dominic suggested. He looked scared shitless, and I wished like hell I’d never dragged him into this mess.

  “All right,” Adam agreed, but I could tell he didn’t like it.

  He stepped through the doorway, followed closely by Shae. Dominic started to follow, but I planted my feet and tugged on his arm.

  “Dominic—” I started, but he wouldn’t let me finish.

  “Anything that happens to me will be something I’ve consented to. The same can’t be said of your Brian.”

  My eyes teared up at the thought he was willing to sacrifice himself to save a man he’d never met. Of course, he’d been willing to sacrifice himself to host a demon and save lots of people he’d never met. It must be in his nature somehow. Once upon a time, I would have scorned him for it. Now I saw him for the hero he truly was and wished I could take back all the nasty things I’d said to him.

  I settled for squeezing his hand and saying, “You’re a really good man, Dominic.”

  His smile was grim. “Wait until I’ve actually consented to something before you get too grateful.”

  I had to admit, he had a point.

  Taking a last deep breath, trying not to hear the sickening noises that still echoed through the hall, I stepped into Shae’s playroom. Dominic followed and closed the door behind himself. The three of us stood facing Shae, whose smil
e looked supremely smug.

  “How lovely to have the tables turned for once in my life,” she said, her attention fixed on Adam. “Year after year, you’ve bullied and threatened me into doing what you wanted. Now it’s my turn.”


  “Shut up, Adam.” Her smile was sweet as a shark’s. “It’s only because I’m so fond of you that I didn’t pick up the phone the moment I heard you were here. You are the world’s worst fool for walking straight into a trap like this.”

  I’d thought my pulse was racing before. Now I found out what racing really was. If this was a trap, I was dead. Adam didn’t need a gun to kill me, and I knew he’d do it without hesitation if he thought Lugh was at risk. I was grateful he hadn’t already broken my neck. But he didn’t even glance in my direction.

  “I’m a fool?” Adam asked, sounding incredulous. “You’re allowing a human to be held prisoner and tortured here, and you think I’m a fool?”

  She shrugged. “It’s a risk, I’ll admit. But a risk for which I’ve been well paid. You know me—anything for a buck.”

  I’d been doing a pretty decent job of keeping my temper under control, but it struggled to the surface.

  Adam must have known me too well by now, for he turned to me before I managed to say anything and quelled me with one fierce look.

  “What are your terms?” he asked Shae.

  “Twenty-five thousand dollars, and you put on a lovely show for me.”

  I practically choked, but Adam didn’t even blink.

  “And in return, I get…”

  “The key to the rack room. The key to the back exit. And a ten-minute head start before I make my phone call.”

  He glared at her. “Thirty minutes! We need to be long gone before they start looking. And no show.”

  “Ten,” she countered. “I want to live through this, you know. It can’t be too obvious that I’ve helped you. And no way you’re getting out of here without giving me that show.” Her eyes flicked to Dominic. “I’ve been waiting a long time for this.”

  “Your beef’s with Saul, not Dominic,” Adam reminded her.

  She laughed. “No, my beef’s with you. You’re going to enjoy this despite yourself, and you’ll hate yourself for it afterward.”

  Adam looked like he was one heartbeat away from killing her, but somehow he restrained himself as she turned to look at Dominic.

  “Who knows?” she taunted. “Maybe you’ll enjoy it, too.”

  Adam’s lip peeled away from his teeth in a feral snarl, and he took a step toward Shae. Obviously, she was insane, because she didn’t back down.

  “Those are my terms,” she said. “Take ’em or leave ’em.”

  Why would this bitch be willing to help us anyway? She was an illegal demon, after all, and Lugh wanted to make her kind as illegal in his world as they were in ours. Then again, she was a mercenary. She didn’t give a damn what she was fighting for, so long as she got paid.

  Adam visibly controlled his rage, then he turned to Dom and asked a question with his eyes. I was still holding Dom’s hand, so I could feel how clammy it was. He didn’t want to do this, though he might consent.

  Looking up at his pale, scared face, I knew what I had to do. This wasn’t his battle. It was mine. And for the second time in two days, I was going to have to let Adam hurt me.

  “Leave Dom out of it,” I said. My voice came out froggy with fear and disgust, but I soldiered on. “Whatever has to happen should happen to me, not him.”

  To my surprise, Dominic barked out a definitive “No!”

  I blinked up at him.

  Color rose to his cheeks. “I may not want to do this, but it would hurt far worse to be forced to watch Adam fuck someone else.”

  Now my own cheeks blazed. I hadn’t really thought about what I was offering. I’d focused on the whole pain thing, had allowed myself to forget what this place was really all about.

  Would I have let Adam fuck me to save Brian? And would Brian ever have forgiven me if I had? I’d never know—thank God.

  “It’s a deal,” Dominic said, directing his words to Shae.

  She smiled that unwholesome smile of hers. And I vowed to myself that if I lived through the night, I’d find a way to pay Shae back for this.

  Chapter 24

  Shae left the three of us alone, slipping outside to sit on the bench and look in the window. I’d have liked to get the hell out of there, too, but that didn’t appear to be among my options. Dominic looked miserable, but determined, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. When Shae beckoned the crowd of perverts over to our window, I seriously considered storming out of the room and punching that malicious little grin off her face.

  Adam looked at me, then at the gathering crowd, then at Dominic. “We’re not doing this.”

  My heart lurched, but as desperately as I longed to save Brian, I didn’t have it in me to protest. That Dominic would even consider doing something this degrading for the chance to help a total stranger—and it was a chance only, for who knew if Shae would hold up her end of the bargain?—amazed and humbled me.

  “Yes, we are,” Dominic said. As miserable as he looked, there was no hesitation in his voice. “I’m not leaving a helpless, unwilling victim down here.”


  “No, Adam. I could never live with myself if I just walked away.”

  “I’m so sorry I dragged you into this,” I said.

  He waved that off. “It’s ultimately my choice.” His eyes locked with Adam’s. “And I choose to do it.”

  Adam cut a look in my direction. I had a feeling this was one more sin he was going to blame me for. I had a feeling I would blame me for it, too.

  “Stand over there in the corner,” he barked at me. “Stay out of the way.”

  His tone would ordinarily have raised my hackles, but I sympathized too much with his anger to object to it. I meekly obeyed. Adam cupped his hands around Dom’s face and looked into his lover’s eyes.

  “Forget about everything,” he said, and the anger had disappeared from his voice as if it never existed. “Forget about everyone else. It’s just me.” He laid an almost chaste kiss on Dom’s lips. “And if you need me to stop, say the word and I will.”

  Dominic swallowed hard and nodded. They both looked toward the table, and Dom heaved a heavy sigh. Then, with Adam’s arm around his shoulders, he moved to stand at the table’s foot. Adam stood close behind him and ran his hands over his chest, moving downward until his fingers found Dom’s belt buckle. Dom leaned back against him and closed his eyes as Adam undid his pants and pulled them down.

  Not surprisingly, considering how tight those pants had fit, Dom wasn’t wearing any underwear. My eyes slid away, but they soon returned to the spectacle. I’m not sure if it was morbid fascination, or whether I wanted to punish myself for putting them through this by making myself as uncomfortable as I could possibly be. Whatever the motivation, I watched as Dominic bent over that table and allowed Adam to cuff his wrists and ankles to the table’s legs. Adam whispered something in his ear that made him smile briefly.

  From the corner of my eye, I saw movement behind the window, but I didn’t allow myself to look. I didn’t want to think about how many people were out there, witnessing this. Bad enough that I was witnessing it.

  Adam left Dominic bent over that table, his ass bare for everyone to see, as he selected a paddle from among the many choices. He slapped it hard across the palm of his hand. The noise, far louder than I’d expected, made me jump. Adam frowned at the paddle and put it back, making another selection. He tried a few others, his hand getting redder and redder as he hit it. Was he punishing himself? Or was he really just testing them out? I didn’t know.

  He finally picked one and went back to the table. He smoothed his reddened hand over Dominic’s butt, the gesture unmistakably tender.

  “Ready?” he asked.


  Dominic’s hands tightened into fists. I felt
a fist-sized lump in my throat, and I pressed myself as tightly into the corner as I could, wincing in anticipation.

  The table was positioned parallel to the window so that the watchers outside could see both his butt and his face. Unfortunately, my position gave me a really clear view of his butt—not that it wouldn’t have been nice to look at under other circumstances! But I got to watch as the blows rained down on him and his skin glowed an angry shade of red.

  Dominic was very quiet, though every once in a while a soft whimper escaped him. I don’t know if it was because of the audience, or the taint of Shae’s malice and blackmail, but no one watching could think he was enjoying himself. His hands stayed clenched, and he struggled feebly against the bonds, trying to avoid Adam’s blows.

  Adam’s face was as red as Dom’s ass, but it wasn’t from exertion or pleasure. Fury radiated from him. If I’d been in that audience, watching for pleasure, I’d have run like hell when I caught a glimpse of that face.

  Finally, Adam hurled the paddle across the room so hard it broke clean in half when it hit the wall. Even with the insulating glass, I could hear the audience outside gasp.

  Then, God help me, Adam attacked his pants, getting them open and down in about five seconds flat.

  I couldn’t help admiring him. I just couldn’t, no matter how sickening this spectacle. He had an ass a body double would kill for, lean and rounded and very, very firm. And his cock…Well, let’s just say my earlier cucumber analogy was surprisingly apt.

  He had to stroke himself awhile to get himself to full tumescence—which he did while baring his teeth in a feral snarl at the audience. I guess Shae was wrong about him enjoying this against his will, though from the look in his eyes it wasn’t much consolation. He went through two condoms in his bid for safe sex, the first one tearing from too much rough handling. Then he was finally ready for action.

  I looked away at first. It was just too much. But in the end, I suppose I was as much a voyeur as everyone else in the place, for my eyes were inevitably drawn back.