Read The Devil Of Oz Page 21

  Chapter 1.The Great Fall.

  Lucifer was in torment. Falling, tumbling and plummeting like a skydiver in free-fall, the ultimate jump that had no ending, no destination, no bottom. He’d been dropping forever and still there was no end to this horror that he’d been plunged into. The silky darkness which surrounded him was absolute, the spiritual pain of separation indescribable. After the light and serenity of his Heavenly home this inky abyss was soul destroying.

  Creasing his brow he swivelled his head from side to side, his hands waving before him in a sweeping pattern, trying to find someone else in this perpetual night-ocean that he was flailing in. The blackness crested like a giant night wave, washing over him, pulling him down into its onyx depths. Filling his chest, it saturated his lungs and his head swam as his breaths came too hard and too fast.

  Tipping his head back he yelled, his voice cracking, “Mikhail, Samuel, Salomè. Where are you all? What went so wrong?”

  Wrapping his arms about himself he shivered as the demonic wind of his descent roared past his ears unwilling or unable to answer him. His heart pounded out a rapid tattoo. Surely there was someone else in this eerie wasteland of nothing?

  “Maybe this is my punishment, the place where I’ll spend all eternity?”

  As he descended he rotated gracefully like a pirouetting dancer and his gut twisted into a tight knot. Groaning, he threw his arms out to the side, slowing his body’s giddy dance downwards, completely disorientated and clueless as to which direction he now faced.

  Am I up or down?

  His long hair whipped down his back, onto his raw bloody wounds in a twisted form of self-flagellation and he never had the chance to contemplate his earlier question any further as a legion of wickedly honed swords pierced his back. Bending he fisted his hands against his abdomen, feeling the muscles grow taut as he sucked back and held his breath in an attempt to ride the sensation out.

  He’d never known pain before his punishment and clenching his teeth he threw his head back and briefly felt the tendons in his neck bulge. The agony was too much and he moaned, feeling fresh blood trace a hot path down the length of his spine, inching in-between his bare buttocks and trickling down his thighs, calves and feet.

  “Argh!” he screamed through gritted teeth as agonising fiery fingertips caressed a molten path along the nerves of his body.

  Burying his face in his palms he wept for the loss of his glorious wings, torn from his back as he knelt head bowed, humbled and utterly ruined before the beatific glow of his Father’s presence.

  Lucifer’s eyes closed and he swallowed noisily as he recalled the sorrow laced through the omnipotent voice that had echoed around in his head as his sentence had been pronounced, along with countless others. Amongst those, his closest friends: Samuel, Salomè and Mikhail.

  Eternal banishment from the only home he’d ever known.

  He’d never meant it to go as far as it did. He really hadn’t. He’d only wanted to teach that high and mighty Michael a lesson.

  He growled low in his throat at that name.

  “Pompous arsehole.”

  Lucifer clenched his jaw, his hands fisting by his thighs as he remembered the events leading up to his betrayal. It had all started when he’d mentioned to Michael how unfair he believed it was that others were placed before him and the other Archangels when principalities’ positions in the Angelic third hierarchy became vacant. And how he believed that Father consistently favoured others over him.

  As Archangel in charge of Venus, Lucifer was pretty pissed at being passed over, time and time again. He really wanted to spend more time caring about these wonderful new creations the humans, and not some — quite frankly — boring chunk of rock.

  As he tumbled he closed his eyes and drifted backwards to the trigger of his downfall; his ill-fated discussion with Michael.

  † † † †

  Grabbing him around the bicep Michael squeezed and narrowing his eyes momentarily he opened them wide and leaned forward, staring into his face.

  “Look, you know you can’t have that position. You already have an important job….”

  “Important?” he interrupted and laughed and Michael saw his dark eyes glitter. Taking a step back, he shook his hand loose and snorting he unfurled his massive wings fanning them furiously in his agitation intentionally ignoring Michael’s white thinning lips.

  “Of course, how could I forget my so very important occupation?” he snapped. Feeling himself growing hot he looked down and taking a deep breath he exhaled slowly and deliberately before allowing himself to continue, “I have to watch over a barren round lump of burning gas. I’m the chief Angelic rock-watcher, how idiotic of me to forget! Why would I be needed to help watch over his precious humans when I can watch a rock? Anyway you all seem to be doing such a fine job of guiding the humans, don’t you think?” he spat.

  He turned away and looked up, studying the fiery long tail of a passing comet and releasing a sigh he glanced back at Michael. Rubbing the heel of his hand across his forehead he wondered why Michael couldn’t see his argument, or at least try and understand his point of view.

  Trying a different, more civilized tack he crossed his arms over his bare chest and rocking back on his heels he softened his tone as he appealed to his fellow Archangel’s sense of fairness. “Michael, a word or two from you will carry weight. Won’t you help? Or don’t you think I’m good enough for the job?”

  Feeling eyes on him he spun on his heels, glaring at a group of lesser Angels standing nearby, who were not quite quick enough to disguise the fact that they had been staring. He saw their eyes dart from him to Michael and peeling his lips back he snarled, noting with satisfaction as they blushed before turning and walking away.

  Giving his attentions back to Michael he smiled tightly. “Haven’t I proven my loyalty and love, over and over again?” he argued, his voice rising as he added for good measure, “It’s high time things were done a little differently around here.” Pausing he glanced down at his bare feet, his fingers thoughtfully stroking his chin. Dropping his hand he heaved a heavy sigh and blurted out, “You may as well know, I’ve recruited many of the other Archangels, Guardians and lesser Angels to my cause and for your information they’re all eager to join with me in protest.”

  † † † †

  As the wind whistled mournful laments in his ears he tensed, recalling his extreme naivety at the time. Bowing his head he shook it from side to side reigniting the flames in his back. He’d never expected the betrayal which his former comrade would serve him and his friends. He had genuinely believed that Michael would understand. Even Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel had been — if not overly sympathetic – patient as they’d listened to his criticisms and none of them had spoken up in condemnation of him at the hearing.

  He’d never suspected a thing as Michael’s face had grown stern as he listened.

  Lucifer had seen the thinning of his lips and the steely look which had transformed his normally pleasant features into that of the fearsome and avenging warrior that he was. His eyes had grown frosty and narrowed and the large hand which gripped his fiery sword was white-knuckled. But Lucifer had ignored the warning signs and chosen to keep running off at the mouth never for a minute believing that he’d ever betray them.

  In the darkness Lucifer’s lips curled back as he recalled that it was only later when all of them had been rounded up and brought before the gathered court of Archangels — of which Michael now sat closest to Father — that the penny had finally dropped.

  He’d seen the look of triumph on Michael’s face as he’d detailed their sins of envy and arrogance in his commanding voice and he’d seen the look of disappointment that had flashed across Father’s face as he’d listened patiently to the charges.

  Lucifer tasted a bitterness in his mouth as he remembered the sick feeling which had swept over him as he’d knelt before them, listening with a scalding face as his crimes were detailed for all
to hear and judge. Deep in his gut a painful mass of knots had tightened making the hairs on his body rise in alarm, while his mind had spun with such a range of emotions he’d been giddy. The embers of a latent fire in his belly had flared into life and as he’d humbled himself, his chest so tight he’d been gasping for breath, he’d vowed that he’d get Michael before their punishment was pronounced, three days hence.

  After they were dismissed to await Father’s verdict Lucifer waited patiently for the moment when Michael was alone. It had taken two and a half frustrating days of subtle, but fruitless inquiries as to his whereabouts. But on the eve of their judgement, his opportunity had been handed to him on a platter.

  † † † †

  Spying some gossiping Guardian Angels heading towards the Heavenly Square Lucifer gestured to his three friends to wait and calmly walked over to them. As they turned upon hearing his approach he dipped his head in greeting, and taking a deep breath he exhaled slowly, in an attempt to calm himself as his gut fluttered with a strange emptiness.

  Taking a step backwards they tilted their heads to the side, and their eyes narrowed as they waited for him to speak. Noticing their set jaws and crossed arms Lucifer scuffed his feet and clasping his hands behind his back, he dug his nails into his palms and grimaced, before smiling quickly to hide it.

  Clearing his throat he chose to ignore their obvious suspicion of him. He was aware of the other Angelic hierarchy’s opinions of him. Father’s favourite, the golden-boy now turned rogue, he knew that’s what they were thinking, it was stamped all over their smarmy pale faces and seething internally he chewed the inside of his cheek waiting for his feelings of resentment to pass.

  “Good evening, would any of you happen to have seen Michael?” he casually inquired, his resentment at them threatening to bubble out.

  Their eyes flicked to each other. Shrugging, they swivelled, pointing in the direction of the Gardens. “You’ll find him in there,” they said before spinning about and walking off, their heads bent towards each other.

  Lucifer heard the faint droning of their conversation drift back to him, but he was buzzing, his head humming like a busy hive. Swiping his sweating hands down the sides of his sheer sarong, he walked back over to the waiting Angels, his heart racing wildly.

  “Come on,” he ordered and breathing heavily, he stalked towards the golden portico which denoted the entranceway, the other three silently keeping pace, the sensual whispers of their fanning wings and sheer linen garments the melody to which they marched.

  Their eyes darted sideways to Lucifer’s tense body and back to each other, the unspoken question showing on their faces, what’s he planning?

  Pausing, he turned and said tightly, “Wait here and don’t let anyone in. I won’t be long.”

  Squaring his shoulders, he thrust his chin up and unsmiling he stepped through the opening, blind to the ornately carved pillars supporting the magnificent gilded roof. He was not of a mood to admire beauty this evening, his mind was occupied with other more vital thoughts.

  As he spied his quarry’s long frame leisurely stretched out on the lush grass, arms folded beneath his head and eyes closed, he almost laughed out loud. Pausing a heartbeat he looked up and releasing a heavy exhalation he strode up, planted himself at his bare feet and with his white-knuckled fists rapping out a quick disjointed beat against his thighs, looked down.

  “Get up, I want to have words with you,” he snarled.

  Michael sighed.

  “Look, if it’s about the judgement I’m not privy to what Father’s pronouncement will be.” Opening his eyes he sat up and seeing the hard cold look on Lucifer’s face he jumped to his feet and brushed stray blades of grass off himself before walking off, saying over his shoulder, “You brought this on yourself Lucifer. You should have been happy with your lot and not thought to place yourself above others. You are no better or deserving than anyone else here.”

  Lucifer tensed, his teeth grinding noisily as he took note of the fact Michael wasn’t bearing arms and emboldened by the fact the playing field was now on equal footing, he raced after him. Grabbing his bare shoulder he spun him around, smiling coldly as Michael’s mouth dropped open.

  “What …?”

  Michael never finished his sentence as in two quick simultaneous moves Lucifer planted his left fist into his solar plexus and swung his right up, his hard knuckles connecting with the side of his jaw, while Samuel, Mikhail and Salomè watched wide-eyed and fidgety from the entrance.

  Michael’s sapphire eyes widened, the pupils fading to mere suggestions of black as the air gushed from his lungs in a long wheezing noise.

  But before he could get his bearings, and retaliate Lucifer drove two more quick jabs into his belly and as he bent over he punched him hard in the temple. Breathing heavily he stepped back, satisfied as Michael dropped to his knees and keeled over onto the grass at his feet, motionless, while discreet ribbons of blue blood trickled from his ear.

  That next morning in the sundrenched Heavenly Square hunched over on his knees before a crowd of his peers and lesser Angels, Lucifer’s gut clenched as he looked up into that same face, although now swollen and bruised like an overripe banana. Lucifer saw steely-storm clouds drift across the blue ocean of Michael’s eyes as he leaned over and ripped his sarong off, throwing the silky scrap of material to the side like a spurned lover.

  Grabbing hold of Lucifer’s wings firmly at the base, Michael’s fingers brushed against his trembling back as he wriggled them slowly from side to side, taunting him. Before Lucifer could react Michael yanked them forward, the delicate skin at their base stretching, thinning, the veins which supplied the life-blood to the large feathered wings exposed as they pulsed rhythmically.

  Releasing the pressure he re-tightened his grip and wrenched again, hard enough this time Lucifer bit down on his lip to stop the humiliating cry -- which was poised on his tongue -- from escaping.

  Michael smirked and bent over his shaking body. “I’m just warming up Lu…ci…fer,” he mouthed as he gave his wings an extra tug for good measure, his chest tightening at the muffled sounds of Lucifer’s groans.

  Michael, enough! roared Father’s voice in his head, and turning to the dazzling throne which sat high on a dais above the square he bowed, murmuring, “Forgive me Father.”

  After he’d passed Father’s sentence, he leaned back over Lucifer’s trembling, bloodied back and with his lips brushing against his ear he whispered over the sounds of Lucifer’s sobs, “This is only the first agony that is coming your way, Father is not finished with you yet. The second part of your sentence will be made known to you upon your arrival. I’ll be waiting for you Lucifer.” And with those words Michael stood and stepped back, his arms folded across his chest his face hard as he waited to carry out the other three’s punishments.

  Lucifer didn’t bother with a retort, he was numb with pain, his mind a dizzy, shattered mess. Moaning softly through parted lips he rocked gently on his hands and knees, his head hanging low between his trembling arms, his breaths ragged, much too fast. Like fresh lava flows, blood moved in hot continuous streams from the yawning maws of flesh that were now all that remained of his wings. Snaking blue trailed a path over his shoulders, down his ribs, his spine, and finally over the curves of his lean hips, before puddling beneath him like glacial melt-water.

  Swallowing down the gorge which flooded his mouth at the sight of his glorious wings laying before him like two dead albatrosses he closed his eyes, only to see them behind his lids, the image burnt into his retinas for all eternity.

  A blinding flash of light lit up behind his closed lids and at that same moment the ground softened beneath him, becoming spongy and bog-like. Snapping his eyes open he was just in time to witness a hole open up beneath his trembling knees.

  Accompanied by the heart wrenching sounds of Samuel, Salomè and Mikhail screaming in agony he commenced his never-ending plummet into the darkness.

  And as
he fell his hatred grew and festered until it consumed him.

  † † † †

  Nine days passed, although Lucifer was unaware of this. He was lost, floundering in his own private hell where time had no meaning: seconds, minutes, hours, days none of these concepts existed in this bottomless crevasse he was in.

  At times he wept, angrily swiping the tears from his eyes, whilst at other times he ranted and screamed abuse into the darkness, his throat raw from the force of his poisonous rages, his voice reduced to a croaky whisper.

  Just when he thought his last scrap of sanity was about to desert him, there was a dot of dazzling light below him, the beam of a lighthouse piercing through thick sea fog. He blinked, his vision blurring as it grew larger, the dot becoming a large round circle, growing larger, brighter. Moaning he covered his eyes as the unaccustomed brightness threatened to sear his retinas.

  Without warning he exited the cold darkness, finding himself plummeting through sunny skies to the ground below. Looking down his mouth dried up as blurred indistinct shapes grew sharper; green smudges became thick forests, patches of blue in the distance, lakes. Swallowing he winced at the sharp pain in his throat as he saw he was heading straight towards a vast brown area and before he could comprehend what it was, he made impact.

  Landing with the power of a nuclear bomb in the shallow swamp he disappeared beneath the surface of the filthy water. Hitting his back on the muddy bottom he screamed as hordes of claws and teeth rooted around in the raw wounds on his back. Instantly his mouth flooded with the foul taste of mud and bitter slime; coating his tongue it burnt its way down his throat as he involuntarily swallowed. Resurfacing his arms flailing, he gagged, vomiting putrid water and through streaming eyes he glimpsed land close to where he huddled, shivering, dizzy and ill.

  Pulling himself through the water he dragged himself up and onto the soggy ground and lay panting, spasms shaking his body as more water was ejected.

  Groaning and spent he rolled over, biting his tongue to stop the cry as his back scraped on the clumps of spiky grasses. His stomach clenched painfully and covering his eyes he waited until the nausea and pain passed. As the flames in his back eased off to mere embers he dropped his forearm, squinting upwards.

  The darkness which had held him captive had dissipated and in its place stretched a glorious azure canvas, a sprinkling of cloud artfully applied here and there just to break up the endless blue without distracting from its beauty. Dragging his filthy hand across his watering eyes, he blinked away the minute muddy grits which lodged beneath his lids and as his vision cleared he saw three black shapes hurtling from out of nowhere towards him.

  His eyes fluttered, the light faded and just before he passed out, the shapes exploded into the same swamp that had, up until a little while ago, hosted his presence.

  † † † †

  The shadows had lengthened when Lucifer awoke. Tipping onto his side he groaned and opening his eyes he gasped as he saw stretched out beside him, Samuel, Mikhail and – his heart stuttered – the battered beauty of Salomè. Groaning he rolled onto his front and jerked upright. His legs threatened to give way beneath him and he staggered sideways before regaining his balance. His back was on fire again and biting his lip he hugged himself, rocking backwards and forwards on the balls of his feet.

  “It’s about time you woke up. I was just going to do it myself, lucky for you, you beat me to it,” drifted a voice from the shadows behind him.

  He growled as he recognised the low voice and spinning about he stumbled, falling to his knees. Placing his hand on his thigh he levered himself up, looking towards where the voice had originated from. At first he saw nothing and then a tall shape materialised and walked towards him and his now stirring companions.

  Michael walked out from the shadows, coming to a stop before Lucifer and crossing his arms over his dazzling gold breastplate his gaze dropped downwards.

  “Get up you treacherous curs, or you’ll feel my sword across your backs,” he said and smiled and Lucifer saw his eyes flash, “and I don’t think any of you want that. Do you?”

  As the Fallen swayed on wobbly legs Michael methodically unrolled a scroll and peering at Lucifer over the top he proceeded to read aloud.

  “Lucifer, for your crimes against your Angelic brothers and sisters you are hereby banished for eternity from my sight and from Heaven. Furthermore, you are condemned to live for nine months of the lunar year in one place of your choosing. You may not leave during this time but you shall be at liberty to freely roam during the hot season of Samhradh.”

  Michael paused, swept his gaze over them and clearing his throat he continued, “If you disobey and do not return to your abode before the wane of Samhradh you shall be condemned to live in darkness beneath the rocks, soil, mountains and seas of this world for eternity. During these three month periods you are to follow a strict set of rules. They are as follows.”

  Lucifer’s jaw clenched and now that he’d recovered his wits somewhat, his mind raced. Despite the creeping chill which accompanied the twilight he was sweating and deep in his belly the fire roared into a fully-fledged bushfire.

  Drawing himself up to his full height he spread his legs and folding his arms across his chest he hissed, “Please do go on Michael, what are they? May I add, you do seem to be enjoying yourself. A little too much if you ask me, although I’m sure you won’t.”

  Michael ignored him and rolling the scroll up he tucked it away and produced another, smaller one which he made a great show of unrolling. Looking up he smiled tightly before dropping his eyes back to his hand.

  “I’ll pretend you didn’t speak shall I?” he said, his voice icy. “Now your list of rules are:

  1: You are not permitted to associate with the humans.

  2: You are not permitted to interfere in the human’s lives.

  3: You are not permitted to incite chaos or violence of any sort amongst the humans.

  4: You are not permitted to deceive humans of their souls, whether through trickery, coercion or by the use of Angelic persuasion. And last but not least.”

  He grinned.

  “Rule number 5: You are not permitted to fornicate with the humans, male or female. Do you all understand the terms and conditions of the aforementioned contracts?”

  Without waiting for an answer he produced a quill and stepping forward he said, “Pass me your hand Lucifer.”

  Lucifer dropped his brows and glancing at his friends he unwrapped one arm and stuck his hand out. Michael grabbed it and quick as a flash he turned it palm side up and jammed the end of the quill into his hand, handing it and the contracts to him.

  “These are for you alone to sign, the other three are exempt from signing.” He rolled his eyes and exhaled noisily. “You can all fall on your knees and thank Father’s grace and mercy that your miserable lives are not on the line like golden-boy’s here. I wouldn’t have been so merciful. Lucifer, sign it now!” he demanded, his voice betraying his impatience as he pointed to the gilded feathers at the bottom of the creamy parchments which marked the place for his signatures.

  “Although before you do, I’m charged to inform you that you do have a choice. We all have a choice and I suppose that’s why you’re in trouble isn’t it? You made the wrong one. Anyway, you can either sign, or forfeit your life.” Michael shrugged. “It’s up to you.”

  Gritting his teeth Lucifer snatched the papers and knelt. Resting the documents on his thigh he signed his name on both in his elegant sweeping script and standing he handed them silently to Michael.

  Rolling them up he fastidiously tied them with fine golden cord and tucked them back into his waistband. Turning he paced, his head lowered, his hands placed low on his back.

  Finally he stopped and turning back to the four Fallen he said, “Personally rule number five is my favourite. How awful, to spend all eternity…” he waved his hand around and snickered, “…here and not be able to amuse yourself with the natives.” S
haking his head from side to side he tsked. “Oh well, you’ll manage to find something to occupy yourselves with I’m sure.”

  He pointed to the other three, who he noticed were glaring daggers at him, their loathing plain to see in their glittering eyes.

  “You three are exempt from the Samhradh order, that’s an extra special rule just for him,” he gestured at Lucifer, “but you are still bound by the rules one to five.”

  He rubbed his hands together.

  “Well I think that concludes Father’s business with you. I have to go and see to the others who unfortunately didn’t fall in the same place as you all. I must now waste my time chasing them up.” He clicked his tongue and shrugged. “Tiresome really, but that’s my job. I’ll be keeping my eye on you all, so behave.”

  The four Fallen watched on furious as Michael spread out his pure white wings and with a powerful sweep of their vast span he rose and vanished from sight.

  Lucifer was trembling, his heart pounding like a jackhammer. He didn’t feel the fire in his back anymore, the blaze in his gut had taken precedence. Throwing his arms into the air he clenched his fists and raising his face to the heavens he roared, “You’ll pay for this Michael.”

  From the protection of the thick forest the raven haired, violet eyed woman clamped her hand over her mouth, watching breathless as the tall muscular man yelled at the sky. Her heart skipped a beat as she studied his fine features and as her eyes skimmed down she blushed, he was naked as were the three others with him.

  In spite of the slimy, muddy, filth and strange blue paint that decorated his nude form she couldn’t take her eyes from him and low in her belly she felt herself responding to his beauty and sensuality.

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