Read The Diablo Ouija Page 2


  Remy didn't like leaving his twin to chat to Swanson on his own, but he knew it was the best way. Still, after he closed the door on Theo and Swanson he stalked back down the shop. He wasn't really angry with Theo for keeping secrets: he knew a few about his ex-partner, Richards, that he hadn't shared with his twin either, but the whole bookshop thing was a big one. Add to that the way Theo had been tight-lipped about the case since they'd been summoned by Sato and it left Remy on edge. He ran a distracted eye over the ranks of books that Swanson had stuffed into every available spot in the shop, but he couldn't stop his mind coming back to Swanson and the dodgy enquiry that had followed Holiday's death. It couldn't be that bad, Theo was too straight-laced to keep quiet about anything criminal, but there was definitely something that had generated suspicion in his big brother's eyes and Remy wanted to know what it was.

  Still, he wasn't about to eavesdrop: Swanson was too wily to let magic seep into his office without noticing, so Remy set his sights on finding out more about the retired DCI whom he had often spent afternoons verbally sparring with. The premise also gave him a good excuse to wander back towards Chloe, who was rather cute in a geek princess sort of way. The shop was still empty, which made Remy wonder what was a non-busy trading day for Swanson, but that meant Chloe was still deep in concentration over her laptop and Remy moved up behind her.

  Remy didn't take much notice of the screen, only enough to work out it was some kind of code.

  "Looks complicated," he announced his presence.

  To his surprise, Chloe did not jump, look up or giggle, any of which would have given him an in. Instead, she told him flatly, "I'm updating the firewall for the website. We had M-hackers last week and they nearly got through the defensive expressions."

  "Nearly, but not quite – you must be good," Remy tried a compliment.

  "Most of it is off the shelf, common sense, no more," Chloe sighed her disinterest in him, which would have dented Remy's ego if he'd been trying at all.

  "Now I know Swanson and he wouldn't employ just any hack, he always goes after the best," Remy turned on the charm and leant on the edge of the desk just to the side of his quarry. "He said you are his computer guru."

  His move more or less forced Chloe to look at him and as soon as she looked up, Remy smiled. He was given a frown for his trouble, but Chloe did not look away.

  "You're police?" she checked, pushing a rather attractive pair of purple-rimmed glasses back up her nose.

  Remy nodded.

  "What do you want with the Prof, he's retired?" Chloe sounded protective.

  "Oh, just checking up on the details of an old case, help from an old colleague," Remy dismissed with a wave of his hand and another winning smile.

  Chloe seemed to settle a bit then and her cheeks coloured as Remy continued to smile.

  "So you run the Prof's website for him?" Remy dived in, settling his arse on the edge of the table.

  Chloe nodded and glanced back at the screen. It flicked into another tab and Remy was shown a dark background proclaiming, 'Prof's Esoteric Books and Artefacts'. The girl then looked back up at him, the ghost of a smile on her face as Remy put on his interested expression.

  "It's nothing really, just a small e-commerce app," Chloe told him, a finger going to her pigtail and twirling self-consciously.

  "That doesn't look small to me," Remy flattered. "I bet it's what keeps this place afloat."

  It was a guess based on the lack of traffic in the shop, but a quick nod and, if Remy was not mistaken, a breathy giggle, confirmed his suspicions.

  "So, how did you come to be saving the Prof's business, then?"

  Chloe finally turned in her seat away from the computer and looked up at Remy properly.

  "I like to think a friend brought us together," Chloe revealed, a smile or her lips, but sadness in her eyes, "but you might think it's morbid."

  "Oh yes?" Remy kept his expression non-descript, but his interest was flaring.

  "We met at a funeral."

  Chloe bit her lip and Remy tried very hard not to let his eyebrows hit his hairline.

  "Well, it's usually weddings," he eventually had to say something to Chloe's unsure expression and he smiled.

  She relaxed and continued, "We were both non-family, outsiders, and we got talking. Prof gave me his card and told me I was free to visit anytime. That was last year. I took up the invitation and then I kept coming back. He can charm the pants off anyone, that man."

  Chloe leant in conspiratorially, giving Remy a rather good view right down her skinny t-shirt.

  "Oh yeah, I've seen him in action," Remy agreed with a laugh and was rewarded with a hand-covered, rosy-cheeked giggle that made him wonder if Swanson had done more than just charm the girl.

  "Anyway," Chloe leant back again, which was rather disappointing for Remy, "I'm a student at the college down the road, IT, and I saw the state of his old website. I couldn't leave it like that and so Prof offered me a job."

  "You're here most nights then?" Remy checked and Chloe's pale features went almost beetroot, which confirmed his suspicions. "The Prof is lucky to have you around. Why do you call him the Prof?"

  The relief at the offered out showed on Chloe's face and she gabbled quickly, "Oh, he teaches some classes at the college, History of Magic, Ancient Artefacts, stuff like that and, well, you've seen how he dresses."

  Remy grinned and nodded: the transformation had been a surprise.

  "Artefacts, really?" he began to follow his nose into the conversation.

  "Prof is an expert on medieval, semi-religious, magical relics," Chloe nodded solemnly, which revealed a whole new side to Swanson Remy had never known existed. "He's written two books on the subject."

  "Wow, when did that start?" Remy tried to sound nonchalantly interested, even though his spidey sense was tingling.

  "He told me he'd started to be interested when he was still in the Murder Squad," Chloe showed no signs of noticing Remy was digging, "something about a case that of course he's not allowed to talk about."

  Remy nodded agreement and waited for the girl to continue. However, they both heard the office door open and Remy stood as Theo came into view.

  "Thanks for keeping me company, Chloe," Remy applied a little more charm and half-bowed to the girl and then fell in beside Theo as they headed out of the shop.

  "Learn anything?" Theo asked Remy as soon as they were on the street

  "Only that Swanson is sleeping with his shop assistant and now has an expert knowledge in old artefacts," Remy replied.

  Theo frowned, which did for any amusement in Remy.

  "That would explain the odd ideas, I suppose."

  "Odd ideas?" Remy checked.

  "Doesn't matter," Theo shrugged. "Swanson did have one good idea, go see the survivors. He said they were in thrall to the board for a long time and might have been influenced."

  "Back to base?"

  Theo nodded and, walking out of the street light into the shadow of the shop wall, Remy let his magic out and felt his body grow light.