Read The Dogs of Boytown Page 19



  Eddie Greene was hurried home and put to bed, and a doctor was called.For a day or so he was watched over with tender solicitude by hismother, but he soon insisted on getting up, and the doctor said thatthe danger was past. His healthy young body recuperated rapidly and hesuffered no serious effects from his harrowing experience. In a fewdays he was running about as well as ever, and his parents, watchinghim, had good reason to bless the brave dog that had saved their boy'slife.

  But with Remus it was different. Almost immediately he showed signs ofhaving contracted a severe cold. Weakened as he was by exposure andexhausted by his almost superhuman struggles in the water, he was inno condition to combat the malady, and pneumonia set in.

  For days he lay dangerously ill on his bed in Rome, while Jack hopedand prayed in vain for a noticeable turn for the better. Tom Poulticecame down and diagnosed the case and left some medicine, but stillRemus failed to show much improvement. Sam Bumpus came, too, and didwhat he could, but he was forced to confess that the case was beyondhis powers. Remus was very weak and seemed unable to rally. JackWhipple was beside himself with anxiety.

  When Remus had distemper he received visits from a good many of theboys in town, but that was nothing to the interest that was nowdisplayed in him. The boys of the Humane Society hung about theWhipple gates at all hours of the day, vainly wishing that they mightbe of some help. Mr. Morton, Mr. Pierson, and other prominent citizenstelephoned their inquiries. Mr. Fellowes came every day, and totalstrangers rang the doorbell to ask how the sick dog was getting on.All Boytown did its best to show honor and sympathy for the hero, but,alas, that brought no relief to the poor dog suffering on his bed inRome.

  For some time now Mrs. Whipple had been unconsciously displaying adifferent attitude toward the dogs. She never petted them; she was notyet ready to go quite so far. But she never said anything against dogsany more, and she had not concealed her pleasure and pride in thetriumphs that had been won by both Romulus and Remus. And now thatRemus was sick she made no attempt to conceal her anxiety, andanswered all the inquiries patiently. One day Mr. Whipple observed herstealing out to Rome with a dish of warm broth, while the boys werein school, and he couldn't help smiling a little. The mother's hearthad been won over at last.

  There came a day when Remus seemed to be getting worse instead ofbetter, and Tom Poultice was sent for again. Mr. Hartshorn himselfbrought Tom over in the car from Thornboro. Tom tested the sick dog'stemperature and general condition and shook his head solemnly.

  "I'm afraid it's come to a crisis," said he.

  "Nothing more you can do?" asked Mr. Hartshorn.

  "I'm afraid not, sir," said Tom.

  "Then there's no time to be lost," said Mr. Hartshorn. "We must sendfor Dr. Runkle. I ought to have done it before."

  They jumped into the car and drove down to the telegraph office.

  The next day Dr. Runkle appeared with Tom and Mr. Hartshorn. He wasthe Bridgeport veterinary surgeon that had come too late to save poorRags. Mr. Hartshorn considered him the best veterinarian in the state.

  With gentle, skilful hands he made a thorough examination.

  "A bad case of pneumonia," said he. "The first thing to do is to gethim into a warmer place. This barn is all right for most things, buthe needs some artificial heat now."

  Mrs. Whipple was standing near, and Jack looked at her doubtfully. Shedid not hesitate. Apparently she had forgotten all about her vow neverto allow the dogs into the house.

  "Bring him right into the house," said she. "Jack, you go and get someof that burlap from the storeroom, and we'll make a bed for him in thekitchen."

  Tom picked Remus up in his strong arms, and the little procession madeits way up to the house. Bringing up the rear came Romulus, a subdueddog these last anxious days. His big eyes questioned the faces of hishuman friends for the meaning of it all. He could not speak, but noone showed a more genuine sympathy.

  Never before had Romulus attempted to enter the house. Now he seemedto understand that the ban had been lifted. He followed quietly inthrough the door, and no one said him nay.

  But I am happy to say that this story is not going to end sadly. Idon't believe I could tell it if it did. Dr. Runkle stayed atWillowdale for three days, and each day he came down to attend hispatient. At last his skill and knowledge and the constant carefulnursing won the battle, and gradually Remus fought his way back tohealth. His splendid constitution and stout heart stood him in goodstead, and once the crisis was passed, recovery was rapid and certain.

  And that is really the end of the story, though by no means the end ofRomulus and Remus. They were destined to live to a ripe old age, muchhonored in Boytown, and to win many triumphs on field and bench. Ineed not tell you how happy Jack Whipple was to have his beloved dogrestored to health and strength again. The rest of the family werehardly less so, and all Boytown rejoiced. I will only tell what a fewof the people said and did, because Remus, you will agree, deservedall the honors and all the love that could be heaped upon him.

  The first day that Jack was allowed to take Remus out into thesunshine for a little airing, there was one who watched them from thekitchen window. It was Irish Delia, who had objected so strenuouslywhen the puppies had first been brought into her kitchen. When Jack,smiling happily, brought the dog in again, and Remus, whose legs werestill a bit unsteady, walked over to his dish for a drink of water,Delia could restrain herself no longer. She flopped down on her kneesbeside him, and putting her arms about him, sobbed unrestrainedly intohis soft coat.

  "Ach, Remus, dear," she cried, "ye niver knew it, but I loved ye likeme own brother."

  And what did Tom Poultice say after the danger was over? He placed akindly hand on Jack's shoulder and said, "I read a book once called'The Mill on the Floss,' and there was a chap in it named BobJakin--just a hordinary chap like me. One day 'e says to a lady, 'esays, 'Hev a dog, Miss. They're better friends nor any Christian.'I've always thought 'e was right, Jacky, and I think so now more thanever."

  Mr. Hartshorn didn't say much. He was not the demonstrative kind, buteveryone knew what he thought. One day he told the boys that he hadjust received a letter from a cousin of his in the West who was asheep man.

  "He hates dogs," said Mr. Hartshorn, "worse than coyotes. He alwaysmakes fun of my sentimentality, as he calls it, and can't say too muchagainst an animal that can furnish neither eggs, milk, wool, nor meat.He calls the dog a useless creature. I sat down and wrote him whatRemus did on Hulse's Pond, and asked him if he had ever heard of asheep that had saved a human life. I guess that will hold him forawhile."

  Sam Bumpus didn't say much, either. He just stroked Remus's head andpatted his flank, and then remarked, "I've sometimes thought life wasa pretty tough proposition, but I reckon so long as there's boys an'dogs in the world, we can manage to stagger along an' bear up underit."

  What other people said didn't matter so much as what they did. Mr.Morton quietly started a little affair of his own, and after he hadmade numerous calls on business acquaintances of his, a littleceremony took place in the Whipple yard, just outside of Rome. Acommittee called, consisting of Mr. Morton, Mr. Pierson, and Mr.Fellowes, and after a short speech was made by the banker, a bronzemedal was presented to Remus.

  "It isn't to be hidden away in a drawer somewhere," explained Mr.Morton. "He's to wear it on his collar, and if he loses it, we'll gethim another one."

  One side of the medal bore the words, "Presented to Remus by thecitizens of Boytown." On the other side was a setter's head and thewords, "For heroism in saving human life."

  April came again to Boytown, and with it the bluebirds and robins, thepussy willows and red maple blossoms, and the green buds of thedogwoods that watched over the resting-place of Rags on the hill. Withit, too, came strength to the graceful limbs of Remus. There werewarm, sunny days, when it was good for dogs and boys to be out ofdoors, and there were crisp, cool evenings, when a crackling fire onthe hearth was

  Let us bid farewell to our friends as they sit before their openfires, Sam Bumpus in his lonely shack, but not unhappy any more, Mr.and Mrs. Hartshorn side by side in the big house at Willowdale, andthe Whipples in their pleasant sitting-room on Washburn Street. At oneside of the table sits Mrs. Whipple, sewing, with a look ofcontentment on her face, mingled with pride as she watches the twofine young fellows who are her sons. At the other side of the tableMr. Whipple is reading aloud from that wonderful story, "GreyfriarsBobby." Remus lies comfortably stretched out on one side of the hearthand Romulus on the other, for they are no longer banished to Rome. Thehouse is none too good for them. And about each happy dog's neck areentwined a loving master's arms.