Read The Door Page 5

  Chapter 2

  Down the Keyhole

  Selena pulled the pager out of her purse. It was around five on the screen clock... She dropped the pager back.

  “I know where the statue is...” Kevin pointed the way. He slowered his step to walk beside her. After all, it was for the first time in his life that the girl wasn't late for the meeting. And even came from the opposite direction – did she actually show up before he did? “I visited my uncle. He was transferred to one of the private hospitals, given a separate room. It turns out he was a long-time client, and a few days ago has replenished his account with a sum that will suffice for many years of vegetative existence.”

  “So, nothing has changed?” the girl asked quietly.

  “No. His condition is stable. But it's hard to predict anything – at any moment, Henry's chances of waking up are the same as of quietly dying....” Kevin realized that he talks more than his companion. It has never happened before either. Come to think of it, the girl seems weird today – looks baffled, like she doesn't understand where and who she is. Evanford decided to reciprocate her today's politeness and check on her:

  “Are you ok?”

  “Not exactly,” Selena sounded like she was spacing out. Her mind was running over the events for thousands of times, trying to understand what happened, and got tired of futile attempts. She decided to forget about it at least for some time and just live on. In his turn, Kevin didn't ask any more questions. Both kept silence until they reached the crossroads.

  “I wonder how this piece is called?” Selena came up to the fountain with the stone flowers.

  “How should I know,” Kevin shrugged. “Nothing's written here.”

  “But all sculptures in Blue Stones park have names... How would you have named it?”

  “It's the last thing on my mind right now,” Evanford sharply replied.

  “I'd name it 'Bleeding Wounds',” she paid no attention to his tone, mesmerized by slowly flowing water.

  “You'd show some interesting results on the inkblot test,” Kevin smirked.

  The girl leaned over the water and ran her hand over its surface. So clear, so cool... That's exactly what she needs to freshen up, to feel the reality again. But she can't just jump into the fountain. Though... Why not? Without giving it a second thought, Selena took off her shoes and stepped in the water. It turned out to be quite cold, but the skin quickly got used to the temperature. Silver strolled a little, feeling the coins on the rough surface under her feet.

  “What are you doing?” Kevin's eyes went wide. “Get out right now!”

  She was about to comply. Selena remembered that park security can see her at any time, and the next thing you know, the police is involved... The thought about people in uniform sent shivers down her spine. She stepped back, but suddenly realized that Evanford is standing within her reach. Should she splash some water on him to throw him off his high horse?

  Catching something in her look, young man stepped away. One can expect anything from this damsel... He didn't think much of her as it is. If Selena splatters his new shirt, she'll be completely dead for him.

  For a few moments they had their gazes fixed on each other. Then the girl smiled and calmly stepped out of the fountain. The few people that were walking the park at the time were openly staring at Selena and her companion. Women were jealous of the blonde's looks, men were envying the guy who got his hands on her. But Evanford was the only one who wasn't staring at the girl's wet legs at the moment.

  “So, are you coming?” he crossly asked, checking his watch.

  “Sure,” Selena put on her sandals. “And are you certain you don't want some refreshment?” she said playfully. Kevin rolled his eyes. Silver didn't bother him any more – even though she couldn't control herself at all times, driving people crazy on purpose wasn't her favorite pastime.

  The curvy lane they were walking eventually led them to the “Unity” statue. It was representing two human figures of indeterminate gender. Their bottom halves merged into a single whole, turning into a stone pillar. Top halves have weaved their hands as if they were drinking Bruderschaft. But there were no glasses in their hands – one of them was gently stroking the neck, another one was strangling. It wasn't immediately clear that each statue is caressing or throttling not the opposite figure, but itself. There was a blue stone tablet embedded into the base, with a glided inscription engraved:

  “If something is bothering you about someone else, it points out your own shortcomings.

  By hurting someone else, you harm yourself.

  Arguing with yourself, you lose. In harmony with yourself you're setting the rules of a game.”

  “What does it mean – points out your own shortcomings?!” Selena exclaimed after reading the first line. “If I'm annoyed by someone's sluggishness, does it mean that I myself am slow like a turtle?”

  “No. It points out that you're too fidgety,” unexpectedly for her, Kevin kept up the conversation.

  “Well, maybe... It depends,” the girl smiled cunningly. “And what if some person is really haughty, imagines himself to be an expert on everything and talks like he's doing a favor?” Selena looked him in the eye.

  “He actually might be this way,” Evanford glanced at her, crinkling his nose. “But if it bugs you personally – then you have a damaged self-esteem.”

  “Got dammit, you're impossible!” Selena finally exploded. “Can you get back to the ground for at least a minute and speak to people not as if they're worms?”

  “I won't treat you better than you deserve,” Kevin replied coldly. “You must've got used to the way your looks blind people to your temper? For me, such superficial things don't matter. I don't care how you look. I don't like you.”

  “You... You...” the girl was bloating with anger. She couldn't even pick a word suitable and offensive enough to curse him. “You're a swagger... A bag of sh... A damned smug... You're a shwuggering shmug!” Selena yelled. Even though it was the first time this expression came to her mind, it somehow seemed familiar.

  “Shwu... Shwuggering shmug?” Kevin smiled wryly. Silver's absurd behavior began to amuse him. She's probably more of a fretful child after all, not a calculating bitch who got used to having everything she wants... In either case, they're on different levels.

  “Yes! A shmug!” Selena repeated. But Evanford didn't react any more, and she calmed down a bit. “So, are we taking picture or not? Let's get this over with already,” the girl said and muttered under her breath: “I hate this...”

  “Me either,” young man nodded.

  “I mean, having my pictures taken...” being distracted by her thoughts, only after saying this Silver realised what she spilled. Kevin eyed her over – a remark like that coming from the person of her looks seemed illogical. “Just forget it,” Silver turned away.

  Evanford shrugged and pulled out the camera. “Flashphoto” indeed turned out to be in the storage room, and was in good order, even though noone has used it for at least seven years. Kevin looked around and approached an elderly woman who was walking the park. She appeared only half a minute ago and haven't witnessed their quarrel.

  “Of course, I'll take your picture,” the passerby said in reply to his request. Young people stood in front of the statue, about a foot apart from each other. But the woman didn't press the button, waiting. She probably had the same false idea everyone did – that those two are a beautful couple... But the wait didn't drag – something came to Selena's mind. She jumped up to Kevin and wrapped her arm around his waist, widely smiling into the camera. Her reckoning was right – the shutter clicked immediately. Evanford didn't have time to do anything, but the whole range of emotions reflected on his face was captured on film.

  “Thanks... Nice picture,” Selena ran up to the woman and took the camera.

  “You're welcome. Have a nice day,” she winked and continued on her way.

  “Indeed, the photo is great,” the girl was dying with laughter. “It'
s a pity I can't keep it...”

  “You're going to present this one? I don't care, though,” he was already too tired of her escapades.

  “And now... What are we waiting for? Let's to go the lawyer,” Selena said cheerfully. Her companion nodded. It was for the first time that their thoughts were in the same direction.