Read The Dorrance Domain Page 18



  It was truly astonishing, even to Dorothy, how easily the machinery of abig hotel could be made to move along. The Dorrances all agreed that theFaulkners were no trouble at all, and that their presence in theDorrance Domain added greatly to the happiness of all concerned.Doubtless the explanation of this lay in several different facts. Tobegin with, the Faulkners were most charming people; refined, tactful,and kind-hearted. It was their nature to make as little trouble aspossible, wherever they might be.

  On the other side, Dorothy's determination to succeed in her enterprise,grew with what it fed upon, and she became day by day more capablethrough experience. Also, she was ably assisted by Leicester and thegirls, who were always ready to do anything she wished them to. Then,the servants were certainly treasures, and as Dorothy said, it would bea perfect idiot of a hotel proprietor who couldn't succeed under suchadvantages as she had.

  With her success her ambitions grew.

  Again sitting on the east veranda, one afternoon, she found herselfwishing that another buggy would drive up and deposit two more suchpeople as the Faulkners at her hotel office. If she could succeed withtwo, why not with four, or even six?

  Indeed, in her imagination she saw a long procession of buggies bringingeager guests to the hospitality of the Dorrance Domain.

  Acting on an impulse, she went in search of Mrs. Faulkner, and foundthat lady just coming down-stairs, dressed for afternoon, and quiteready for a chat.

  So Dorothy carried her off to one of her favorite nooks which was alittle vine-clad arbor on the east lawn.

  This proprietor and guest had become firm friends in the few days theyhad been together. Dorothy admired Mrs. Faulkner's lovely graciousdisposition, and her clever cultivated mind. Mrs. Faulkner saw greatpossibilities in Dorothy's character and took a sincere interest in thegirl. Aside from this there was that subtle, inexplicable bond ofsympathetic congeniality, which makes a real friendship possible.

  "I want to talk to you seriously," said Dorothy.

  "I'm all attention," said Mrs. Faulkner; "proceed with yourseriousness."

  "You and Mr. Faulkner have been here a week to-morrow," Dorothy went on,"and----"

  "And you can't stand us any longer,--and you want to break it to megently?"

  "No, indeed, nothing of the sort! and you know that well. But I want toask you frankly, and I want you to tell me honestly, how I havesucceeded this week in what I have undertaken."

  "What have you undertaken?" said Mrs. Faulkner, who dearly loved to makeDorothy formulate her thoughts.

  "Why, I undertook to give you and Mr. Faulkner, in a general way, and sofar as I could, just such comforts and accommodations as you would getat the average summer hotel."

  "Is that all you tried to do?"

  "I think," said Dorothy, speaking slowly, and thinking hard, "I think Itried to give you a little bit extra, in the way of home comforts anddainty service, to make up for the things that the average summer hotelprovides, but which I can't give you."

  "Like a brass band, for instance."

  "Yes, a brass band, and a great array of bell-boys and porters, andSaturday night hops, and,--lots of things like that."

  "Well," said Mrs. Faulkner, "to tell you the truth, I don't care twostraws for brass bands, or Saturday night hops; and Mr. Faulkner doesn'teither. We are both charmed with this place, and we are both absolutelyhappy and comfortable. So, if you are willing, we are quite ready toprolong our stay indefinitely. Mr. Faulkner enjoys the quiet and freedomfrom interruption, while he is pursuing his scientific studies. And asfor myself, I want to get well rested this summer, for during thewinter, my city life is very full of gayety and excitement."

  "I'm so glad you are satisfied," said Dorothy, earnestly; "for this wasan experiment, and I was so anxious it should succeed. Of course, on myside it is more than satisfactory. You and Mr. Faulkner are idealboarders; you make no trouble at all, and you have helped me in lots ofways by your advice and suggestions. Now I want to ask your advice somemore. You know what I can do,--you know the house, and all,--do youthink, if I could get them, I could take two or three more boarders?"

  "Do _you_ think you could?" asked Mrs. Faulkner, smiling at Dorothy'seager face.

  "Yes, I think so; but sometimes, you know, I'm apt to overrate my ownability. I could do the work all right,--or have it done,--but I'm notsure whether I could manage to satisfy people who might not be so lovelyand amiable as you and Mr. Faulkner are. And another thing, I wouldn'twant any more boarders if it would bother or annoy you two the leastmite."

  "Why do you think you would like to have more?"

  "Because, Mrs. Faulkner, I want to earn more money. Grandmother isbothered with her financial affairs, and if we children could help herany, we'd all be so glad. You see we are an awful expense to her; butsoon, I hope we'll be old enough to earn money for her instead. Now ofcourse to have two boarders is a good help towards the living expensesof our own family; and I've counted up, and I think if I could havefour, it would almost entirely pay our running account. And if I hadsix, I think we might begin to save money. Oh, Mrs. Faulkner, do youthink we could do it?"

  "Where would you get these boarders?"

  "I don't know; but I thought I would ask you first, and see if youobjected to having other people here. And then, if you didn't, I thoughtperhaps I'd write to some of my friends in the city, and see if any ofthem wanted to come up for a few weeks."

  "You are a brave little girl, Dorothy," said Mrs. Faulkner, looking intothe eager anxious eyes upturned to hers; "and I must tell you how muchI appreciate your love for your grandmother, and your courage and pluckin taking up this burden of the family fortunes. I have watched youthrough the week, and I have noticed your many little self-denials andyour unfailing patience and perseverance. _I_ know who walked over toWoodport and back yesterday in the hot sun, in order that I might havecream for my peaches last night at dinner."

  "Oh, how did you know?" cried Dorothy, blushing at her friend's praise;"but there was really nobody to send,--the children had been on severalerrands,--and so I just went myself."

  "Yes, I know it; and that is only one instance that shows yourdetermination to have things right. And with that plucky perseverance ofyours, and with your pleasant house, and good helpers, I see no reasonwhy you shouldn't take a few more boarders if you can get the rightkind. Of course it wouldn't annoy Mr. Faulkner nor myself to have someother people here; and even if it did, we would have no right or wishto stand in your way. When you reach the stage of brass bands, andSaturday hops, that will be time for us to leave you, and push on intothe wilderness."

  "You needn't begin to pack your things to-day," said Dorothy, smiling,"as it isn't at all likely I can persuade anybody to come,--let alone abrass band."

  "Suppose I present you with two more guests," said Mrs. Faulkner.

  "Oh," cried Dorothy, "do you know of anybody? Who are they?"

  "You may not like them altogether. They are two ladies who are now overat the Horton House. They are not enjoying it there, and they asked meto let them know if I found any place which I thought they would like.I'm sure they would like it here, and I know they would be glad to come;but, to be honest about it, they are a little fussy in some ways. Theyare spinsters, from Boston, and though they are refined and well-bredladies, they are sometimes a little exacting in their requirements."

  "I wouldn't mind what their requirements were, if I could meet them totheir satisfaction."

  "You mustn't take that stand too strictly, Dorothy dear; it is well totry to give your guests satisfaction, but some requirements areunreasonable, and it is a mistake to grant them. If these ladies come,you must exercise your judgment in your treatment of them, for they'rethe kind who are quite likely to impose on your good nature."

  "Do you think they would come? How can I find out about them?"

  "Yes, I'm sure they would come; and if you wish me to, I will write tothem."

  "Oh, thank
you; I wish you would, please; that is, after I have spokento grandma, and to the other children about it. What are their names?"

  "Van Arsdale. Miss Marcia and Miss Amanda. They are quite as imposing astheir names sound; but you need not be really afraid of them. Rememberthe Faulkners will always protect you from their ferocity."

  Dorothy laughed; and kissing her good friend, ran away to find theother children. Having gathered them together, they all went up toGrandma Dorrance's room for a caucus.

  "It's a new plan!" exclaimed Dorothy, perching herself on grandma'sbureau. As a rule, the more excited the Dorrances were, the higher seatsthey selected. At present the twins were sitting on the headboard of thebed, and Fairy was making unsuccessful endeavors to climb up on themantelpiece.

  Grandma Dorrance, well accustomed to these gymnastics, sat in her easychair, and placidly awaited Dorothy's further announcement.

  "You see," Dorothy went on, "we've made, and we are making a greatsuccess of our boarders. I've just had a talk with Mrs. Faulkner andshe's quite satisfied; and goodness knows _we_ are."

  "Yes," said Fairy, from a heap of sofa-pillows into which she had justtumbled, "I do think they are the loveliest people. Why, Mr. Faulknersays he's going to send to New York for a book, a-purpose for me. It's alovely book, all about bugs and slugs and ear-wigs. We went walkingyesterday, and he showed me the funny little houses where beetles andthings live in. Oh, he _is_ a nice man!"

  "Yes," said Dorothy, starting afresh; "it's a great success all around;and therefore, my beloved brethren, this is my plan. If two boarders aregood, four boarders are twice as good; and so, what do you think oftaking two more guests into our hotel?"

  "At the same rates?" asked Lilian.

  "Yes," said Dorothy, "at the same rates. Just think! that will give ussixty dollars a week income, and it won't cost us much more than that tolive, even with four boarders."

  "Hooray!" cried Leicester, flinging a pillow up in the air, and catchingit on his head, "hooray for the great financier! proprietor of theDorrance Domain!"

  This was followed by a series of ear-splitting cheers; a performance inwhich the Dorrances had indulged but seldom during the past week; butjust now the occasion really seemed to demand it.

  "Who are your millionaire friends?" asked Leicester, "and when do theyarrive?"

  "Oh, they don't know yet themselves, that they're coming," said Dorothy,airily; "and they're two ladies, and their name is Van Arsdale, andthey're very aristocratic, and they want to be waited on every minute,and I'm sure they won't want any of us to make a speck of noise whilethey're here."

  A long low growl from Lilian, started the Dorrance groan, and the otherthree joined in with such force and energy, that the next day Mr.Faulkner inquired privately of grandma the meaning of the fearful soundshe had heard the day before.

  When they were quiet again, Dorothy explained the whole thingrationally, and they were all much pleased with her plan.

  Grandma feared that the added responsibility would be too much for heroldest granddaughter; but the rest all promised to help, and the girlsagreed that they could do even more of the parlor and dining-room work,and so give Tessie more time to help Kathleen in the kitchen.

  "I suppose the Van Arsdale ladies will register," said Leicester, with asudden remembrance of his last experience as a clerk.

  "Yes, of course," said Dorothy; "and we mustn't giggle this time,either. I'm not at all sure they'll come, but I hope they will; and ofcourse, if they do they must be received properly."