Read The Dragon and the Raven; Or, The Days of King Alfred Page 15


  Although for a time the Northmen abstained from grand assaults,continued skirmishes took place. Sometimes parties landed beneath thewalls, and strove to carry off the cattle which the besieged turned outto gather a little fresh food there. Sometimes the citizens, led byEudes or Ebble, would take boat and cross, and endeavour to cut offsmall parties of the enemy. They had now sufficient boats at theirdisposal for expeditions of this kind; for, in their last defeat, theDanes had in their haste left several boats behind them. Of one of thelargest of these Edmund took possession, and going out in her at night,several times succeeded in capturing Danish vessels, sometimes whilethey were rowing along the river unsuspicious that any foes were near,sometimes by boarding them as they lay alongside the bank.

  As the vessels so captured were too large to be dragged ashore, andcould have been easily recaptured by the Danes, they were, after beingemptied of their contents, always burned. The plague continued itsravages, and the city became straitened for provisions. Count Eudestherefore determined to go to King Charles to urge him to hurry to thesuccour of the town. Almost all the chiefs of the defence had fallenvictims to the pest, or had been killed in battle with the Danes, andthe count at his departure committed the defence of the city to theAbbe Ebble and Edmund. He then crossed the stream at night, and madehis way successfully through the Danes.

  The abbe and Edmund vied with each other in keeping up the spirits ofthe garrison with successful little forays with the Danes, frequentlycrossing the river to the one bank or the other, sometimes with partiesof only five or six men, and falling upon similar bodies of the enemy.Several times they pounced upon small herds of the enemy's cattle, anddriving them into the river, directed them in their boats across thestream.

  In the commencement of July Eudes appeared on the slopes on Mont Martrewith three battalions of soldiers. The enemy, who were for the mostpart on the other side of the Seine, crossed the river. A desperatebattle ensued. A portion of the garrison crossed in boats to theassistance of their friends, Edmund leading over his band of Saxons.With these he fell upon the rear of the Danes engaged in fighting withthe force under the count, and the Northmen, attacked on both sides,gave way and took to flight. They were hotly pursued by the Franks.

  The reinforcements entered Paris triumphantly by the bridge, which hadlong since been repaired. But the siege was not yet over. When the newsof the victory of Eudes spread, the Danes again drew together from allparts, and crossing the river, attacked the city on every side. Theonslaught was more furious than any which had preceded it. The Daneshad provided themselves with large numbers of mangonels and catapults.Every man capable of bearing arms was upon the walls; but so furiouswas the attack, so vast the number of the assailants, so prodigiouswere the clouds of missiles which they rained upon the walls, that thebesieged almost lost heart.

  The relics of St. Genevieve were taken round the walls. In severalplaces the Danes had formed breaches in the walls, and although thebesieged still struggled, hope had well-nigh left them, and abjectterror reigned in the city. Women ran about the streets screaming, andcrying that the end was at hand. The church bells tolled dismally, andthe shouts of the exultant Danes rose higher and higher. Again ageneral cry rose to St. Germain to come to the aid of the town. Just atthis moment Edmund and Egbert, who had till now held the Saxons inreserve, feeling that a desperate effort must be made, formed up theirband, and advancing to the principal breach, passed through the ranksof the disheartened Franks, and with levelled pikes charged headlongdown into the crowd of Danes. The latter, already exhausted by theirefforts, were at once borne back before the serried pikes of theirfresh assailants. In vain their chiefs at that point tried to rallythem; nothing could withstand the impetus of the Saxon attack.

  Astonished at seeing the tide of battle swept away from the breach, theFrench believed that St. Germain had wrought a miracle in their favour,and taking heart poured out in the rear of the Saxons. The news of themiracle spread rapidly. Through the breaches, and from every gate, theypoured out suddenly upon the Danes, who, struck with consternation atthis sudden onslaught by a foe whom they had already regarded asbeaten, hesitated, and soon took to flight. Vast numbers were cut downbefore they could reach their vessels. A great portion fled towards thebridge and endeavoured to cross there; but their numbers impeded them,and the Saxons and Franks, falling upon their rear, effected a terribleslaughter.

  Two days after the battle a force of six hundred Franks arrived fromthe Emperor Charles. The Danes sought to oppose their entrance to thecity, but were defeated with a loss of three thousand men. The siegewas now virtually over, and in a short time the emperor himself with agreat army arrived. It was now November, and after some negotiationsthe Danes agreed upon the receipt of seven hundred pounds of silver toretire to Burgundy and to leave the country at the beginning of March.

  Having wasted Burgundy, however, they again returned to Paris.Consternation seized the capital when the fleet of the Northmen wasseen approaching. A treaty was, however, made, for the wind had fallenjust when the Danish fleet, which had but lately arrived and wasdescending the river, was abreast of Paris. As soon as the wind becamefavourable the Northmen broke the truce, slew a number of Franks whohad mingled among them, and passed up the Marne.

  In the meantime Emperor Charles had died and Count Eudes had beenchosen his successor. When the Danes again advanced against Paris hespeedily sent reinforcements. The town had already repulsed an attack.Eudes himself on St. John's Day was advancing with 1000 men-at-armswhen he was attacked by 10,000 mounted Danes and 9000 footmen. Thecombat was desperate but the Franks were victorious. Eudes, however,had other difficulties. Burgundy and Aquitaine revolted, and in orderto secure peace to the kingdom he made a treaty with the Danes, givingover to them the province of Normandy.

  Edmund and Egbert had no part in the second siege of Paris. As soon asthe place was relieved by the Emperor Charles they prepared to depart.Taking boats they ascended the river, and to their joy found the Dragonsafe in the hiding place where she had been lying for nearly a year.She was brought out into the stream and floated down to Paris, where bythe order of Count Eudes she was thoroughly repaired and redecorated.

  The Franks, convinced that next only to the assistance of St. Germainthey owed the safety of their city to the valour of the Saxons, loadedthem with presents; and these, with the gifts which they had previouslyreceived after the destruction of the three towers, and the sums forwhich the booty captured from the Danes had been sold, made up a greattreasure.

  Upon the day before they had arranged to sail a Danish boat was seenrowing down the stream. It approached the Dragon and the helmsman asked:

  "Is this ship the Dragon? and has it for a captain Edmund the Saxon?"

  "I am Edmund," he replied, "and this is the Dragon. What would you withme?"

  "I am sent by the Jarl Siegbert, who lies wounded near, to beg that youwill come to him immediately, as he is in a sore strait and needs yourassistance."

  "I will come at once," Edmund said. "Put one of your men on board toshow me where he is, for I shall be there before you."

  Edmund's horn sounded the signal, and messengers were sent to the townto order the crew at once to repair on board the Dragon. Edmund landedand took leave of the Frankish leaders. The provisions and stores werehastily carried on board, and then, amidst the enthusiastic cheers ofthe inhabitants, who thronged the walls and shore, the oars were gotout and the Dragon proceeded at the top of her speed up the river.

  On the way Edmund questioned the Dane, and found that Siegbert had beenwounded in the last assault upon Paris. He had not been present at thefirst part of the siege, having but recently arrived from Norway. Hisdaughter Freda had accompanied him. "Yes," she was still unmarried,although many valiant Northmen had sought her hand, chief among themthe brave leader Sweyn "of the left hand;" but there had been a fray onthe previous night in Siegbert's camp, and it was said--but for that hecould not vouch--that Freda ha
d been carried off.

  The news filled Edmund with anxiety. Ever since the day he left her onher father's galley his thoughts had turned often to the Danish maiden,and the resolution to carry out his promise and some day seek her againhad never for a moment wavered. He had seen many fair young Saxons, andcould have chosen a bride where he would among these, for few Saxonsgirls would have turned a deaf ear to the wooing of one who was at onceof high rank, a prime favourite with the king, and regarded by hiscountrymen as one of the bravest of the Saxon champions; but thedark-haired Freda, who united the fearlessness and independence of awoman with the frankness and gaiety of a child, had won his heart.

  It was true she was a Dane and a pagan; but her father was his friend,and would, he felt sure, offer no objections on the ground of theenmity of the races. Since Guthorn and his people had embracedChristianity, the enmity between the races, in England at least, wasrapidly declining. As to her religion, Edmund doubted not that shewould, under his guidance and teaching, soon cast away theblood-stained gods of the Northmen and accept Christianity.

  In the five years of strife and warfare which had elapsed since he sawher Edmund had often pictured their next meeting. He had not doubtedthat she would remain true to him. Few as were the words which had beenspoken, he knew that when she said, "I will wait for you even till Idie," she had meant it, and that she was not one to change. He had evenbeen purposing, on his return to England, to ask King Alfred to arrangethrough Guthorn for a safe pass for him to go to Norway. To hear, then,that she had been carried off from her father's side was a terribleblow, and in his anxiety to arrive at Siegbert's tent Edmund urged therowers to their fullest exertions.

  It was three hours after leaving Paris when the Dane pointed to avillage at a short distance from the river and told him that Siegbertwas lying there. The Dragon was steered to shore, and Edmund leapingout followed the Dane with rapid footsteps to the village. The woundedjarl was lying upon a heap of straw.

  "Is it really you, Edmund?" he exclaimed as the young Saxon entered."Glad am I indeed that my messenger did not arrive too late. I heard ofyou when we first landed--how the Danes, when they sailed up the Seine,had seen a Saxon galley of strange shape which had rowed rapidly up theriver; how the galley herself had never again been seen; but how ayoung Saxon with his band had performed wonders in the defence ofParis, and had burned well-nigh half the Danish fleet.

  "They said that the leader was named Edmund, for they had heard thename shouted in battle; and especially when he, with one other alone,escaped from the burning tower and swam the river. So I was sure thatit was you. Then, a week back, my men told me of a strange ship whichhad passed down the river to Paris, and I doubted not that it was yourDragon, which had been hidden somewhere during the siege. I thoughtthen of sending to tell you that I was lying here wounded; but Freda,who had always been talking of you, suddenly turned coy and said thatyou might have forgotten us, and if you wanted us you would come to usin Norway."

  "But where is Freda?" Edmund, who had been listening impatiently,exclaimed. "One of your men told me that she had been carried off. Isit true?"

  "Alas! it is true," Siegbert replied; "and that is why I sent for you.I have never been good friends with Bijorn since the wounding of hisson, but after a time the matter blew over. Sweyn, who though but withone arm, and that the left, has grown into a valiant warrior, is now,Bijorn being dead, one of our boldest vikings. A year since he became adeclared suitor for Freda's hand. In this, indeed, he is not alone,seeing that she has grown up one of our fairest maidens, and many arethe valorous deeds that have been done to win a smile from her; but shehas refused all suitors, Sweyn with the others. He took his refusal inbad part, and even ventured to vow she should be his whether she willedit or not. Of course I took the matter up and forbade all furtherintimacy, and we had not met again till the other day before Paris. Wehad high words there, but I thought no more of it. A few daysafterwards I was struck by a crossbow bolt in the leg. It smashed myknee, and I shall never be able to use my leg again. I well-nigh diedof fever and vexation, but Freda nursed me through it. She had mecarried on a litter here to be away from the noise and revelry of thecamp. Last night there was a sudden outcry. Some of my men who sprangto arms were smitten down, and the assailants burst in here and toreFreda, shrieking, away. Their leader was Sweyn of the left hand. As Ilay tossing here, mad with the misfortune which ties me to my couch, Ithought of you. I said, 'If any can follow and recapture Freda it isEdmund.' The Danes had for the most part moved away, and there were fewwould care to risk a quarrel with Sweyn in a matter which concernedthem not closely; but I felt that I could rely upon you, and that youwould spare no pains to rescue my child."

  "That will I not!" Edmund exclaimed; "but tell me first what you thinkare his plans. Which way has he gone, and what force has he with him?"

  "The band he commands are six shiploads, each numbering fifty men. Whathis plans may be I know not, but many of the Danes, I know, purposed,when the war was finished here, to move east through Burgundy. Someintended to build boats on the banks of the Rhine and sail down on thatriver, others intended to journey further and to descend by the Elbe. Iknow not which course Sweyn may adopt. The country between this and theRhine swarms with Danes. I do not suppose that Sweyn will join anyother party. Having Freda with him, he will prefer keeping apart; butin any case it would not be safe for you to journey with your band, whowould assuredly become embroiled with the first party of Danes theymet; and even if they be as brave as yourself they would be defeated bysuch superior numbers."

  "You do not think that Sweyn will venture to use violence to forceFreda to become his wife?"

  "I think he will hardly venture upon that," Siegbert said, "howeverviolent and headstrong he may be. To carry off a maiden for a wife isaccounted no very evil deed, for the maiden is generally not unwilling;but to force her by violence to become his wife would be a deed socontrary to our usages that it would bring upon him the anger of thewhole nation. Knowing Sweyn's disposition, I believe that were there noother way, he would not hesitate even at this, but might take ship andcarry her to some distant land; but he would not do this until allother means fail. He will strive to tire her out, and so bring her inher despair to consent to wed him."

  Edmund was silent for three or four minutes; then he said: "I mustconsult my kinsman Egbert. I will return and tell you what I purposedoing."

  On leaving the cottage Edmund found Egbert walking up and down outsideawaiting the result of the interview. He had been present when the Danehad told of Freda's abduction, and knew how sore a blow it was to theyoung ealdorman, for Edmund had made no secret to him of his intentionsome day to wed the Danish jarl's daughter. Edmund in a few wordsrelated to him the substance of Siegbert's narrative, and ended bysaying: "Now, Egbert, what is best to be done?"

  "'Tis of no use asking me, Edmund; you know well enough that it is youthat always decide and I agree. I have a hand to strike, but no head toplan. Tell me only what you wish, and you may be sure that I will do mybest to execute it."

  "Of course we must follow," Edmund said; "of that there is no question.The only doubt is as to the force we must take. What Siegbert said istrue. The Danish bands are so numerous to the east that we should besure to fall in with some of them, and fight as we might, should bedestroyed; and yet with a smaller number how could we hope to rescueFreda from Sweyn's hands?"

  Edmund walked up and down for some time.

  "I think," he went on at last, "the best plan will be to take a partyof but four at most. I must choose those who will be able to pass bestas Danes. With so small a number I may traverse the country unobserved.I will take with me two of Siegbert's men, who, when we get nigh toSweyn's band, may join with him and tell me how things are going, andhow Sweyn treats his captive. If I find he is pushing matters to anextreme I must make some desperate effort to carry her off; but if, asis more probable, he trusts to time to break her resolution, I shallfollow at a short distance."

  "Shall I go wi
th you, Edmund?"

  "I think it will be better not, Egbert. Your beard would mark you as aSaxon at once."

  "But that I can cut off," Egbert said. "It would be a sacrifice truly,but I would do it without hesitation."

  "Thanks, dear kinsman, but I think it would be of more purpose for youto remain in command of the Dragon. She may meet many foes, and it werebest that you were there to fight and direct her. I pray you at once todescend the Seine and sailing round the north coast of France, placethe Dragon at the mouth of the Rhine. Do not interfere with any Danishships that you may see pass out, but keep at a distance. Should Sweyndescend the Rhine I will, if possible, send a messenger down beforehim, so do you look out for small boats; and if you see one in whichthe rower hoists a white flag at the end of his oar, you will know heis my messenger. If I find Sweyn goes on towards the Elbe I will alsosend you word, and you will then move the Dragon to the mouth of thatriver.

  "Lastly, if you receive no message, but if you mark that in a Danishvessel when passing you a white cloth is waved from one of the windowsof the cabins in the poop, that will be a signal to you that the vesselis Sweyn's, and that Freda is a captive on board. In that case you willof course at once attack it. Let us ask Siegbert. He has sailed up boththe Rhine and the Elbe, and can tell us of some quiet port near themouth of each river where you may lay the Dragon somewhat out of sightof passers-by, while you can yet note all ships that go down the river.My messengers will then know where to find you." Having settled thispoint they returned to Siegbert, and Edmund told him what he thought ofdoing.

  "I can advise no better," Siegbert said. "Assuredly you cannot prevailby force. At present I have only ten of my followers with me; the rest,after I was wounded, and it was plain that a long time must elapsebefore I could again lead them in the field, asked me to let themfollow some other chief, and as they could not be idle here Iconsented. I have ten men with me, but these would be but a smallreinforcement. As you say, your Saxons would be instantly known, andthe Northmen have suffered so at their hands during the siege that thefirst party you met would set upon you."

  "I will take two only of your men," Edmund said. "Choose me two who arenot known by sight to Sweyn. I wish one to be a subtle fellow, who willact as a spy for me; the other I should choose of commanding stature;and the air of a leader. He will go with my party, and should we comeupon Danes he will assume the place of leader, and can answer anyquestions. There is far too much difference between the Saxon andDanish tongue for me and my men to pass as Danes if we have many wordsto say. I shall take four of my men, all full grown, strong, and goodfighters. They have but little hair upon their chins at present, andthey can shave that off. Now, jarl, I want five Danish dresses, foryour costume differs somewhat from ours. Have you horses? If not, Imust send back to Paris to buy some."

  "I have plenty to mount you and your party."

  "Good," Edmund said; "I will go down to my ship and pick my men."

  In half an hour the party were ready to start. Egbert had received fromSiegbert particulars of villages at the mouths of the Rhine and Elbe,and he promised Edmund that a watch should be kept night and day at themouth of the Rhine until a messenger arrived. Edmund had alreadyascertained that Sweyn had left a fortnight before with his following,and had marched towards Champagne. There probably he had halted hismain body, returning only with a party of horsemen to carry off Freda.

  "I would I could go with you," Siegbert groaned as Edmund said adieu tohim. "I would ride straight into his camp and challenge him to mortalcombat, but as it is I am helpless."

  "Never fear, good Siegbert," Edmund said cheerfully; "when your leg iscured travel straight homeward, and there, I trust, before very long toplace Freda safe and unharmed in your arms. If I come not you will knowthat I have perished."

  A minute later, after a few parting words with Egbert, Edmund mountedhis horse, and followed by his six companions, rode off at full speed.He knew that it would be useless making any inquiries about Sweyn andhis party. But few of the inhabitants of the country were to be seenabout, for the Danes had burned every house within very many miles ofParis, and the peasants would assuredly not have paid any specialattention to a party of Danes, for whenever they saw the dreadedmarauders even at a distance they forsook their homes and fled to theforests. The party therefore rode eastward until nightfall, thenpicketed their horses, and having lit a fire, made their supper fromthe store of provisions they had brought with them, and then lay downto sleep for the night.

  At daybreak they again started and continued their journey until it wasnecessary to halt to give their horses a rest. They had passed severalparties of Danes, for these in great numbers, after the siege of Parishad been given up, were journeying towards Burgundy. There was butslight greeting as they passed; but on one occasion a horseman rode outfrom one of the bands and entered into conversation with the two Daneswho rode at the head of the party. They told them that they werefollowers of the Jarl Siegbert, and were riding to join the rest of hisband, who were with the company of Jarl Eric, as Siegbert would be longbefore he would be able to move, and had therefore kept only a few ofhis followers with him.

  "Eric is a long way ahead," the Dane said; "he must be full as far asNancy by this time. Those who left first," he grumbled, "will have thepick of the country. We were fools to linger so long before Paris."Then turning his horse, he rode back to his comrades, and the partycontinued their way.

  They avoided all towns and large Danish encampments on the way, butmade inquiries from all small parties they met after the party ofSweyn. They learned without difficulty the place where he had beenencamped a few days before, but on their arriving in the neighbourhoodthey found that the place was deserted, nor could any tell them thedirection in which the Northmen had travelled.