Read The Dragonbone Chair Page 89

  Fengbald—Earl of Falshire

  Freawaru—innkeeper, master of Dragon and Fisherman in Flett

  Godstan—soldier at Dragon and Fisherman

  Godwig—Baron of Cellodshire

  Grimmric—soldier, Simon’s companion on journey from Nagilmund

  Grimstede, Sir—Erkylandish noble, supporter of Josua

  Guthwulf—Eari of Utanyeat, High King’s Hand

  Haestan—Naglimund guardsman, Simon’s companion

  Heahferth—Baron of Woodsall

  Heanfax—innkeeper’s boy

  Helfcene, Father—Chancellor of Hayholt

  Hepzibah—castle chambermaid

  Hruse—Jack Mundwode’s wife in song

  Inch—Doctor’s assistant, later foundry-master


  Jack Mundwode—mythical forest bandit

  Jael—castle chambermaid

  Jakob—castle chandler

  Jeremias—chandler’s boy

  John—King John Presbyter, High King

  Josua—Prince, John’s younger son, lord of Naglimund, called “Lackhand”

  Judith—Cook and Kitchen Mistress

  Langrian—Hoderundian monk

  Leleth—Miriamele’s handmaiden

  Lofsunu—soldier, Hepzibah’s intended

  Lucuman—stable-worker at Naglimund

  Malachias—castle boy

  Marya—Miriamele’s servant

  Miriamele—Princess, Elias’ only child

  Morgenes, Doctor—Scrollbearer, King John’s castle doctor, Simon’s friend

  Noah—King John’s squire

  Ordmaer—Baron of Utersall

  Osgal—one of Mundwode’s mythical band

  Ostrael—pikeman, son of Firsfram of Runchester

  Peter Gilded-Bowl—Seneschal of Hayholt

  Rachel—Mistress of Chambermaids

  Rebah—castle kitchen maid

  Ruben the Bear—castle smith

  Sangfugol—Josua’s harper

  Sarrah—castle chambermaid

  Scenesefa—Hoderundian monk

  Shem Horsegroom—castle groom

  Simon (Seoman)—a castle scullion

  Sophrona—Linen Mistress

  Strangyeard, Father—Archivist of Naglimund

  Susanna—Simon’s chambermaid mother

  Tobas—castle houndmaster

  Towser—jester (original name: Cruinh)

  Wuldorcene—Baron of Caldsae


  Arthpreas—Count of Cuimnhe

  Bagba—Cattle God

  Brynioch of the Skies—Sky God

  Cadrach-ec-Crannhyr, Brother—monk of indeterminate Order

  Cifgha—young lady of Taig

  Craobhan—old knight, advisor to King Lluth

  Cryunnos—a God

  Dochais—Hoderundian monk

  Efiathe — original name of Queen Ebekah of Erkynland, called “Rose of Hernysadharc”

  Eoin-ec-Cluias—legendary poet

  Eolair—Count of Nad Mullach, emissary of King Lluth

  Fiathna—Gwythinn’s mother, Lluth’s second wife

  Gealsgiath—ship’s captain, called “Old”

  Gormhbata—legendary chieftain Gwelan—young lady of Taig

  Gwythinn—Prince, Lluth’s son, Maegwin’s half brother

  Hern—Founder of Hernystir

  Inahwen—Lluth’s third wife

  Lluth-ubh-Llythinn—King of Hernystir

  Maegwin—Princess, Lluth’s daughter, Gwythinn’s half sister

  Mircha—Rain Goddess, wife of Brynioch

  Murhagh One-Arm—a God

  Penemhwye—Maegwin’s mother, Lluth’s first wife

  Red Hathrayhinn—character in Cadrach story

  Rhynn—a God

  Sinnach—Prince, Battle of Knock war-leader

  Tethtain—King, only Hernystiri master of Hayholt, called “Holly King” Tuilleth—young Hernystiri knight


  Bindesekk—Isgrimnur’s spy

  Dror—Ancient War God

  Einskaldir—Rimmersgard chieftain

  Elvrit—First Osten Ard king of Rimmersmen

  Fingil—King, first master of Hayholt, “Bloody King”

  Frayja—Ancient Harvest Goddess

  Frekke—old soldier

  Gutrun—Duchess of Elvritshalla

  Hani—young soldier killed by Bukken

  Hengfisk—Hoderundian priest

  Hjeldin—King, Fingil’s son, “Mad King”

  Hoderund, Saint—priest from Battle of Knock

  Hove—young soldier, relative of Isgrimnur

  Ikferdig—King, Hjeldin’s lieutenant, “Burned King”

  Ingen Jegger—Black Rimmersman, master of Nom hounds

  Isbeorn—Isgrimnur’s father, first Rimmersgard duke under John

  Isgrimnur—Duke of Elvritshalla

  Isorn—Isgrimnur and Gutrun’s son

  Ithineg the Harper—character in Cadrach story

  Jarnauga—Scrollbearer from Tungoldyr

  Jormgrun—King of Rimmersgard, killed by John at Naarved

  Loken—Ancient Fire God

  Memur—Ancient Wisdom God

  Nisse (Nisses)—Hjeldin’s priest-helper, writer of Du Svardenvyrd

  Sigmar—young Rimmerswoman courted by Towser

  Skali—Thane of Kaldskryke, called “Sharp-nose”

  Skendi—Saint, founder of abbey

  Sludig—young soldier, Simon’s companion

  Storfot—Thane of Vestvennby

  Thrinin—soldier killed by Bukken

  Tonnrud—Thane of Skoggey, Duchess Gutrun’s uncle

  Udun—Ancient Sky God

  Utë—of Saegard, soldier killed by Bukken


  Aeswides (probably Nabbanization of Erkynlandish name)—first lord of Naglimund

  Anitulles—former Imperator

  Antippa, Lady—daughter of Leobardis and Nessalanta

  Ardrivis—last Imperator, uncle of Camaris

  Aspitis Preves—count of Eadne, master of Prevan House, Benigaris’ friend

  Benidrivine—Nabbanai noble house, kingfisher crest

  Benidrivis—first duke under John, father of Leobardis and Camaris

  Benigaris—son of Duke Leobardis and Nessalanta

  Camaris-sá-Vinitta—brother of Leobardis, friend of Prester John

  Clavean—Nabbanai noble house, pelican crest

  Claves—former Imperator

  Crexis the Goat—former Imperator

  Dendinis—architect of Naglimund

  Devasalles—Baron, intended of Lady Antippa

  Dinivan—Lector Ranessin’s secretary

  Domitis—Bishop of Saint Sutrin’s cathedral in Erchester

  Elysia—mother of Usires

  Emettin—legendary knight

  Enfortis—Imperator at time of Fall of Asu’a

  Fluiren, Sir—famous Johannine knight of disgraced Sulian House

  Gelles—soldier at market

  Hylissa—Miriamele’s late mother, Ellas’ wife, Nessalanta’s sister

  Ingadarine—noble family, albatross house-crest

  Leobardis—Duke of Nabban, father of Benigaris, Varellan, Antippa

  Mylin-sá-Ingadaris—Earl, master of Ingadarine House, Nessalanta’s brother

  Nessalanta—Duchess of Nabban, Benigaris’ mother, Miriamele’s aunt

  Nin Reisu—Niskie aboard Emettin ‘s Jewel

  Nuanni (Nuannis)—ancient sea god of Nabban

  Pelippa—noblewoman from Book of Aedon, Saint, called “of the Island”

  Plesinnen Myrmenis (Plesinnen of Myrme)—philosopher

  Prevan—noble family, osprey house-crest

  Pryrates, Father—priest, alchemist, wizard, Ellas’ counselor

  Quincines—Abbot of Saint Hoderund’s

  Ranessin, Lector—(born Oswine of Stanshire, an Erkynlander) Head of Church

  Rhiappa—Saint, called “Rhiap” in Erkynland

lis—Rogue noble, former master of Hayholt, “Heron King”

  Tiyagaris—first Imperator

  Turis—soldier at market

  Usires Adeon—Aedonite religion’s Son of God

  Varellan—Duke Leobardis’ youngest son



  Yuvenis—ancient chief god of Nabban


  Amerasu—Eri-queen, mother of Ineluki and Hakatri

  An’nai—Jiriki’s lieutenant, hunting companion

  Finaju—Sithi-woman in Cadrach story

  Hakatri—Ineluki’s elder brother, gravely wounded by Hidohebhi

  Ineluki—Prince, now Storm King

  Isiki—Sithi Kikkasut (Bird God)

  Iyu’unigato—Eri-king, Ineluki’s father

  Jiriki, (i-Sa’onserei)—Prince, son of Shima’onari

  Kendharaja’aro—Jiriki’s uncle

  Ki’ushapo—Jiriki’s hunting companion

  Mezumiiru—Sithi sedda (Moon Goddess)

  Nenais’u—Sithi woman from An’nai’s song, lived in Enki e-Shaosaye

  Shima’onari—King of Sithi, Jiriki’s father, son of Hakatri

  Sijandi—Jiriki’s hunting companion

  Utuk’ku—Queen of the Norns, mistress of Nakkiga

  Vindaomeyo the Fletcher—ancient Sithi arrow-maker of Tumet’ai


  Binabik (QANUC)—(Binbimqegabenik) Ookequk’s apprentice, Simon’s friend

  Chukku (QANUC)—legendary troll hero

  He Who Always Steps on Sand (WRAN)—god

  Kikkasut (QANUC)—king of birds

  Lingit (QANUC)—legendary son of Sedda, father of Qanuc and men

  Lost Piqipeg—legendary troll hero

  Middastri (PERDRUINESE)—trader, friend of Tiamak

  Ookequk (QANUC)—Singing Man of Mintahoq tribe, Binabik’s master

  Qinkipa of the Snows (QANUC)—snow and cold goddess

  Roahog (WRAN)—potter

  Sedda (QANUC)—moon goddess

  She Who Birthed Mankind (WRAN)—goddess

  Streáwe (PERDRUINESE)—Count of Ansis Pelippe

  Tallistro, Sir (PERDRUINESE)—famous knight of Johannine Table

  Tiamak (WRAN)—scholar, correspondent of Morgenes

  Tohuq (QANUC)—sky god

  Vorzheva (THRITHINGS)—Josua’s companion, daughter of a Thrithings-chief

  Yana (QANUC)—legendary daughter of Sedda, mother of Sithi


  Abaingeat—Hernystiri trading port, on Barraillean River at coast

  Aldheorte—large forest covering much of Central Osten Ard

  Ansis Pellipé—capital and largest city of Perdruin

  Asu’a the Eastward-Looking—Sithi name for Hayholt

  Baraillean—river on border of Hernystir and Erkynland, called "Greenwade" in

  Erkynland Cellodshire—Erkynlandish barony west of Gleniwent Crannhyr—walled city on Hernystiri coast

  Da’ai Chikiza (Sithi; “Tree of the Singing Winds”)—abandoned Sithi city on east side of Wealdhelm, in Aldheorte

  Eirgid Ramh (Hernystiri)—Abaingeat tavern, haunt of Old Gealsgiath

  Enki-e-Shaosaye (Sithi)—“Summer-city” east of Aldheorte, long-ruined

  Ereb Irigú (Sithi: “Western Gate”)—the Knock; in Rimmerspakk: Du Knokkegard

  Hewenshire—northern Erkynlandish town east of Naglimund

  Hullnir—eastern Rimmersgard village on northeast rim of Drorshullven

  Jao é-Tinukai’i (Sithi: “Boat on [the] Ocean [of] Trees”)—Only thriving Sithisettlement, in Aldheorte

  Jhiná-T’senei (Sithi)—city of An’nai’s song, now beneath ocean

  Little Nose—mountain in Yiqanuc where Binabik’s parents died

  Moir Brach (Hernystiri)—long, finger-shaped ridge off Grianspog Mountains

  Nakkiga (Sithi: Mask of Tears)—Stormspike, Sturmrspeik (Rim merspakk)

  Qilakitsoq (Qanuc: Shadow-wood)—Troll name for Dimmerskog

  Runchester—northern Erkynlandish town on Frostmarch

  Sancellan Aedonitis—palace of Lector and chief place of Aedonite Church

  Sancellan Mahistrevis—former Imperial palace, now palace of Nabban's duke

  Seni Anzi’in (Sithi; Tower of the Walking Dawn)—Tumet’ai’s great tower

  Seni Qjhisá (Sithi)—cited in An’nai’s song

  Skoggey—central Rimmersgard freehold east of Elvritshalla

  Stormspike—mountain home of Norns, “Sturmrspeik” to Rimmersmen, also called “Nakkiga”

  T’si Suhyasei (Sithi: “Her Blood is Cool”)—river running through Da’ai Chikiza; in

  Erkynlandish: Aelfwent

  Tan’ja Stairs—great Asu’a stairs, formerly centerpiece of Asu’a

  Tumet’ai (Sithi)—northern city buried under ice east of Yiqanuc Ujin

  e-d’a Sikhunae (Sithi: “Trap that captures the Hunter”)—Sithi name for Naglimund

  Urmsheim—dragon-mountain north of White Waste

  Warinsten—island off coast of Erkynland, birthplace of King John

  Woodsall—barony between Hayholt and southwestern Aldheorte


  Aeghonwye—Maegwin’s brood sow

  Atarin—Camaris’ horse

  Croich-ma-Feareg—legendary Hernystiri giant

  Greater Worm—Sithi-myth, original dragon from which all others are descended

  Hidohebhi—Black Worm, mother of Shurakai and Igjarjuk, slain by Ineluki; in Hernystir: Drochnathair

  Igjarjuk—Ice-worm of Urmsheim

  Khaerukama’o the Golden—dragon, father of Hidohebhi

  Niku’a—Ingen Jegger’s lead hound

  One-Eye—Ookequk’s ram

  Qantaqa—Binabik’s wolf companion

  Rim—plow horse

  Shurakai—Firedrake slain beneath Hayholt, whose bones are Dragonbone Chair


  Boar and Spears—emblem of Guthwulf of Utanyeat

  Bright-Nail—sword of Prester John, containing nail from the Tree, and finger bone of Saint Eahlstan Fiskerne

  Citril—sour, aromatic root for chewing

  Ciyan—a Nabbanai fruit shrub, very rare

  Fire Drake and Tree—emblem of King John

  Ilenite—a costly, shimmery metal

  Indreju—Jiriki’s witchwood sword

  Kvalnir—Isgrimnur’s sword

  Lu’yasa’s Staff—line of three stars in the sky’s northeast quadrant early Yuven

  Mantinges—a spice

  Mezumiiru’s Net—star cluster; to Qanuc: Sedda’s Blanket

  Minneyar—iron sword of King Fingil, inherited through line of Elvrit

  Mockfoil—a flowering herb

  Naidel—Josua’s sword

  Oinduth—Hern’s black spear

  Quickweed—a spice

  Pillar and Tree—emblem of Mother Church

  Rhynn’s Cauldron—Hernystiri battle-summoner

  Shent—Sithi game of skill

  Sorrow—sword of iron and witchwood smithied by Ineluki, gift to Elias (Sithi:


  Sotfengsel—Elvrit’s ship, buried at Skipphavven

  Thorn—star-sword of Camaris

  Tree—the Execution Tree, on which Usires was hanged upside down before temple of Yuvenis in Nabban, now sacred symbol of Aedonite religion

  Knucklebones—Binabik’s auguring tools; Wingless Bird Fish-Spear The Shadowed Path Torch at the Cave-Mouth Balking Ram Clouds in the Pass The Black Crevice Unwrapped Dart Circle of Stones Mountains Dancing


  Feyever 2—Candlemansa

  Marris 25—Elysiamansa

  Avrel I—All Fool’s Day

  Avrel 30—Stoning Night

  Maia 1—Belthainn Day

  Yuven 23—Midsummer’s Eve

  Tiyagar 15—Saint Sutrin’s Day

  Anitul 1—Hlafmansa

  Septander 20—Saint Grams’ Day

  Octander 30—Harrows Eve

p; Novander 1—Soul’s Day

  Decander 21—Saint Tunath’s Day

  Decander 24—Aedonmansa


  Jonever, Feyever, Marris, Avrel, Maia, Yuven, Tiyagar, Anitul, Septander, Octander, Novander, Decander

  Days of the Week

  Sunday, Moonday, Tiasday, Udunsday, Drorsday, Frayday, Satrinsday



  Erkynlandish names are divided into two types. Old Erkynlandish (O.E.) and Warinstenner. Those names which are based on types from Prester John’s native island of Warinsten (mostly the names of castle servants or John’s immediate family) have been represented as variants on Biblical names (Elias—Elijah, Ebekah—Rebecca, etc.) Old Erkynlandish names should be pronounced like modem English, except as follows:

  a—always ah, as in “father” ae—ay of “say” c—k as in “keen”

  e—ai as in “air,” except at the end of names, when it is also sounded, but with an eh or uh sound, i.e., Hruse—“Rooz-uh”

  ea—sounds as a in “mark,” except at beginning of word or name, where it has the

  same value as ae g—always hard g, as in “glad” h—hard h of “help” i—short i of “in” j—hard j of “jaw” o—long but soft o, as in “orb” u—oo sound of “wood,” never yoo as in “music”


  The Hernystiri names and words can be pronounced in largely the same way as the O.E., with a few exceptions:

  th—always the th in “other,” never as in “thing”

  ch—a guttural, as in Scottish “loch”

  y—pronounce yr like “beer,” ye like “spy”

  h—unvoiced except at beginning of word or after t or c

  e—ay as in “ray”

  ll—same as single l; Lluth—Luth


  Names and words in Rimmerspakk diner from O.E. pronunciation in the following:

  j—pronounced y: Jarnauga—Yarnauga; Hjeldin—Hyeldin (H nearly silent here) ei—long / as in “crime” e—ee, as in “sweet” o—oo, as in coop au—ow, as in “cow’


  The Nabbanai language holds basically to the rules of a romance language, i.e., the vowels are pronounced “ah-eh-ih-oh-ooh,” the consonants are all sounded, etc. There are some exceptions.

  i—most names take emphasis on second to last syllable; Ben-i-GAR-is. When this syllable has an i, it is sounded long (Ardrivis: Ar-DRY-vis) unless it comes before a double consonant (Antippa: An-TIHP-pa)

  e—at end of name, es is sounded long: Gelles—Gel-leez

  y—is pronounced as a long i, as in “mild”