Read The Dragonlings’ Very Special Valentine Page 3

  Paul chuckled. He wondered what new adventures tomorrow would bring when he brought the materials for making the Valentine’s Day cards. He remembered doing it one year with Trisha, Ariel, and Carmen. He had been exhausted, the house had been a wreck, and there had been gold glitter paint on the ceiling of his kitchen until he redid it ten years later. He had gladly turned the event over to Ariel and Carmen’s mom when she volunteered the next year.

  “I’ll gather all the materials and meet everyone before lunch tomorrow,” Paul suggested with a grin. “It might be best since I’m the only one besides the women who knows what Valentine’s Day is.”

  Chapter Four

  Several hours later, Creon and Carmen had said goodnight to the others, arrived home and wrangled Spring and Phoenix into the bath, then out of the bath, had given them another bedtime story and several goodnight kisses, and now the girls were finally asleep in their beds.

  “Watch over them, Harvey,” Creon whispered.

  The gold symbiot softly snorted and padded into the room. Harvey settled down on the area rug that was littered with toys. One last glance at the girls showed Phoenix, Spring, and their smaller symbiots tucked in their matching twin beds.

  Creon quietly closed the door. He glanced at Carmen, his eyes glittering with promise. His eyes widened with surprise when Carmen pinned him against the door and kissed him with a passion that left him craving more.

  “Last one to the far meadow is on the bottom,” she whispered before running her hand down the front of him and turning away.

  Creon blinked, his body still humming from the kiss when her words sank in. He strode down the hallway and into the living room just in time to see a flash of Carmen in her dragon form leap over the railing. A deep growl escaped him and he sprinted for the balcony, shifting the moment he was clear of the doors. In a flash, the black dragon was in pursuit of his beautiful mate.

  I likes her on top, his dragon grumbled.

  I do, too. We’ll almost get there first, Creon promised.


  Phoenix lifted her head and rolled onto her stomach. She glanced at the door before turning to look over at Spring. Her sister grinned at her and nodded.

  They had both heard their parents sneak out.

  “Come on,” Phoenix whispered, pulling back the covers.

  Spring giggled and slid out of her bed so she could go climb into the bed with Phoenix. They had each received their own beds after the first of the year, but they still preferred to sleep together. Once she had scooted down, Phoenix covered her sister back up before looking around for Harvey. The gold symbiot didn’t need a second invitation. Both girls giggled when the bed sank under Harvey’s weight. The symbiot walked around in a tight circle before lying down with his head partially between them.

  “Good Harvey,” Spring whispered, stroking the massive head. “Phoenix…?”

  “Mm?” Phoenix answered around a huge yawn before she laid back against the pillow and blinked sleepily at her sister. “What, Spring?”

  Spring rolled onto her side to look at Phoenix. “What’s going to happen to you?” she asked in a hushed voice.

  Phoenix was quiet for several minutes. Unsure of how to answer Spring, she reached out and threaded her fingers through Harvey’s mane. Her symbiot lifted his head and blinked at Harvey before settling back down. Spring’s symbiot was sprawled out on her bed, snoring.

  “I’m not sure yets,” she whispered, looking back at Spring.

  “I don’t wants you to ever leave me,” Spring whispered, laying her hand over Harvey so she could touch Phoenix’s hand. “We’s sisters. We gots to be together.”

  “I know, but… I’m not sures I can always be here, Spring. I sees things I don’t understand,” Phoenix admitted.

  “Are they bad things?” Spring asked in a trembling voice. “I’m older than you. I have to protects you from bad things.”

  Phoenix’s gaze softened. “I loves you, Spring. We’ll always be together in our hearts, just like Mommy and Daddy says,” she whispered.

  Spring sighed and yawned. She released Phoenix’s hand to tiredly rub her eyes. Her hand searched once again for her sister’s when she was done.

  “What’s we going to do about the dragon warrior? If he doesn’t find the lonely lady, he won’t be ables to fix her heart likes Daddy fixed Mommy’s,” she mumbled, half asleep.

  “We’ll talks to the others tomorrow,” Phoenix replied. “We’ll figures out what to do.”

  “Okay,” Spring softly replied before she fell asleep.

  Phoenix was almost asleep when she felt the gentle brush of a hand against her hair. She rolled slightly onto her side and blinked up at Arosa. Her lips curled into a smile.

  “Will you helps us find the lonely woman and dragon warrior?” She asked, fighting to stay awake.

  “Yes,” Arosa whispered.

  “How?” Phoenix asked with a frown.

  “She lives in the yellow and white house on your Mommy’s world,” Arosa said with a thoughtful expression.

  “But, how is the dragon warrior going to find her if she’s on my mommy’s world?” Phoenix asked, struggling to sit up.

  “He is already there. He just needs to find the house,” Arilla whispered.

  “But, what if he can’t find it? My mommy says the lonely woman is afraid of the dragon warrior. What if she won’t talks to him?” Phoenix asked.

  “Well, he is a bit of a grouchy male,” Arosa muttered in a thoughtful tone.

  “His dragon isn’t very cooperative either. I can see where he might scare her,” Arilla replied with a sigh.

  “Can’t you tells him to be nice? His dragon and symbiot would have to listens to you, wouldn’t they?” Phoenix asked, yawning again.

  “We can’t…,” Arilla started to say when her sister shook her head.

  “But, you could!” Arosa replied with a smile.

  Phoenix frowned. “How can I talks to him?” she asked.

  “You could talk to the lonely woman,” Arilla said.

  “The dragon warrior could follow you to her house,” Arosa added with a nod.

  Phoenix shook her head and laid back down against the pillow. “But… How do I get to my mommy’s world?” she mumbled.

  “You could go through the mirror you make,” Arilla replied, soothing Phoenix back down.

  “Oh! I forgots I can do that,” Phoenix exclaimed with a sigh. “Can I ask my daddy for helps this time? He says that we aren’t supposed to goes off by ourselves.”

  “Of course,” Arilla and Arosa said at the same time. “Sleep now, child.”

  Phoenix sleepily smiled up at Arosa and Arilla before closing her eyes. Her soft sigh brushed the air. She rolled over, her tiny hand searching for her sister’s. Only when they were holding hands did she relax and fall into a dream-filled sleep about a lonely woman and the dragon warrior whose heart she had touched.

  Chapter Five

  “Arosa and Arilla says you just gots to show the dragon warrior where the lonely woman lives? And, we’s got to make sure she isn’t afraids of him? How are we’s suppose to do that?” Spring asked, tilting her head to stare at her sister the next morning.

  “Yes, yes, and yes. I’m goings to make one of my mirrors and helps the dragon warrior find her, but first we are going to finds her and talks to her so she knows dragons aren’t scary,” Phoenix explained.

  “I didn’t knows you could go through your mirror to different places. I thoughts we could just plays in it. Can I goes with you?” Spring asked with a hopeful smile.

  Phoenix nodded. “Of course. We’s got to tell her about the dragon warrior,” Phoenix explained.

  “What about Harvey? Can he comes with us, too?” Spring asked, threading her fingers across Harvey’s golden coat.

  “I guess so. We better takes our symbiots, too. Daddy says we are suppose to haves them with us all the times. Arilla and Arosa said Daddy can comes too. I told them that we’s don’t want to get in trouble,??
? Phoenix explained.

  “He and Mommy are still sleeping, though. Maybe we can goes for just a little while. I want to see where Mommy lived,” Spring said, turning a pleading look on her sister. “We won’t be gones for very long and we’ll have Harvey and our symbiots. We’ll just take a small peek.”

  Phoenix looked at Spring with an expression of uncertainty. She finally nodded in agreement when Spring stuck her bottom lip out. It was still really early here. If they weren’t gone for very long, their mom and dad would never know. Besides, they would have the symbiots with them. They were the bestest babysitters ever!

  “Okay, but only so we knows where she lives,” Phoenix said, pushing the covers back and sliding out of bed.

  “Yay! Come on, Harvey. Come on, Little Bit. We’s going on an adventure. We gots to go find the lonely lady before Mommy and Daddy wakes up,” Spring softly squealed in delight.

  Spring’s symbiot tried to burrow back into her pillow, but Phoenix’s symbiot, Stardust, pounced on it, rolling the small, golden Werecat over onto its back. Soon the two smaller symbiots were wrestling under the covers.

  “I’m going to needs more room,” Phoenix said, looking around their bedroom.

  “We could do it in the garden,” Spring replied with a thoughtful look. “What about the others? Do you think they should comes with us? This way we would have more company and really not be alone.”

  Phoenix thought for a minute before she nodded. “I thinks that would be a good idea,” she said.

  “Yay! I’ll gets the talking box Amber and Jade gave us,” Spring exclaimed in delight, throwing the covers back and sliding out of bed.


  Twenty minutes later, Phoenix and Spring waited in the lower courtyard garden. Harvey walked around the perimeter, sniffing and exploring. Phoenix glanced up at the sky. It was still dark enough to see the stars.

  “What’s wrong?” Jabir asked, yawning and rubbing his eyes. “I was still sleeping when Spring wokes me up.”

  “I’m here!” Alice announced, suddenly appearing with a bright smile that faded to confusion when she saw Phoenix, Spring, and Jabir still in their night clothes. She was dressed in dark brown pants, matching boots and cape, and a bright red shirt. “I didn’t knows we were supposed to stay in our pajamas.”

  “You don’t have to,” Phoenix said. “We can’t changes like you do.”

  “Oh, I can help,” Alice offered. “What do you wants to wear?”

  “I want a jumper,” Spring said excitedly. “A dark blue jumper with a white tops.”

  Alice’s brow creased and she bit her lip while she concentrated. Within seconds, Spring was wearing a dark blue top and a white jumper. Alice blinked and she shook her head.

  “I’m still workings on making things for others,” Alice said with an apologetic expression.

  “That’s okay. I loves it,” Spring reassured her, running her hands down the soft material. “Phoenix, what do you wants to wear?”

  “I likes my soft pants and pink shirt – with flowers on it. I like flowers on my shirt,” Phoenix replied.

  “I like flowers, too,” Alice replied, waving her hands.

  She turned to Jabir when she was finished. Phoenix grinned when Jabir backed up and shook his head. He was wearing a pair of pajamas with pictures of dragons all over it.

  “I likes my pajamas,” Jabir muttered. “There’s Zohar and the others.”

  Phoenix turned and watched Zohar, Bálint, Amber, and Jade bound out of the palace and down the steps. She frowned, looking for Roam. Bálint landed, and Roam pounced out from behind a bush. Bálint dodged and grinned.

  “Awh, Bálint, I almost tagged you,” Roam complained, yawning and scratching his belly. “What’s so importants that we had to get up before the sun? Tigers don’t likes getting up before the sun. My mommy says it makes us cran… cranky, whatevers that means. My dad has to gives my mom lots of kisses and coffee befores he talks to her if he wakes her up. My new baby sisters wakes them boths up a lot now though, so my daddy sleeps later.”

  “Why’s Amber and Jade gots dirt all over their faces?” Jabir asked with a puzzled frown.

  “It’s not dirts. It’s camo-fogging,” Amber announced.

  “Yeah, ours Mommy told us abouts it. It helps makes you invisitable when you are on a mission,” Jade said, smoothing her hands down over the black shirt and pants.

  “I never heards of camo-fogging before,” Jabir muttered under his breath.

  “It’s what Mommy and Grandpa Paul does when I’s tracking them,” Bálint leaned over to explain in Jabir’s ear.

  “Oh!” Jabir replied with a sudden understanding.

  Spring cleared her throat and stepped up in front of the group. “Phoenix talked to Arilla and Arosa last night. They told her where the lonely lady lives. We’s are going to go see her and tells her that dragons are good and nots to be scared. Then, we’s got to find the dragon warrior and lead him to her so that she can heal his dragon’s heart,” she announced. “We thoughts you’d like to go with us to see her. We got to show her that she won’t be lonely no more if she loves the dragon warrior.”

  “Where’s the lonely lady? Didn’t your mommy say she lived in a yellow and white house on a world that’s far away?” Zohar asked with a frown.

  “She lives in our Mommy’s old house. It’s where all of our mommies came froms,” Spring replied.

  Bálint shook his head. “But we nots suppose to go on adventures by ourselves,” he reminded Spring.

  “This times is different. The Goddesses told Phoenix she was supposed to go. Besides, we’ll have Harvey, Little Bit, and Stardust with us.”

  “I wants Precious to come, too,” Jabir said, stepping forward. “If Harvey can goes, so can Precious.”

  “Can Symba come?” Jade asked.

  “I thinks all of the symbiots should come with us,” Zohar stated.

  “But, I don’t have a symbiot,” Roam complained.

  “I don’t eithers, Roam,” Alice said, wrapping her arm through his. “We could be each other's symbiot.”

  “I’ll shares Bio with you, Alice,” Bálint offered, shooting a fierce scowl at Roam.

  “I’ll sticks with Alice. She can do neats things,” Roam replied with a grin, gripping Alice’s hand in his.

  A soft snarl escaped Spring and she stepped close to Roam and Alice. Reaching out, she glared angrily at Roam and pulled him away from Alice.

  “Bálint says he will shares Bio with her. You can shares with Jabir and Precious,” she snapped before turning away.

  Roam stared at Spring’s stiff back with a confused frown. He shrugged at Jabir before stepping closer to the smaller boy. Precious ran a silky tongue up his cheek.

  “I guesses Spring needs kisses and coffee before the sun comes up, too,” Jabir whispered.

  “I guesses so,” Roam said, wrapping his arm around Precious. “I likes your pajamas. I gots tiger ones.”

  “Oh, I would likes some like those,” Jabir exclaimed. “Do you have matching slippers?”

  Roam looked down at Jabir’s dragon clad slippered feet and nodded. “Yep, only they’s tigers,” he replied.

  “Cool!” Jabir grinned.

  “I’m going to makes the mirror. It’s better if you are in your dragon forms so you can go through it,” Phoenix said, turning to glance at Roam and Alice. “Roam, you turn into your tiger. Alice….”

  “I can cross through, Phoenix,” Alice interrupted with a confident nod.

  “I’ll make sure she can,” Bálint added, stepping closer to Alice.

  “Okay. Stands back,” Phoenix warned.

  Shifting into her dragon form, Phoenix spread her wings and shook her body. Unlike the other dragonlings, her body was covered in a fine layer of midnight colored feathers. Her eyes flared, changing colors until they swirled with the reflection of the galaxies. All of the other children took a step back except for Spring. Hurrying forward, she threw her arms around her sister and gave her a fierc
e hug before she took a step back.

  “You are beautiful, Phoenix,” Spring whispered.

  Phoenix leaned forward and ran a tongue up Spring’s cheek, drawing a soft squeal of disgust from Spring. Then she turned and crouched on her haunches, wiggling her tail before she launched up off the ground. She flapped her wings to gain altitude, then made a sweeping dive back to the ground. Over and over and over she flew in a vertical circle.

  “Looks at her feathers,” Alice whispered in awe. “They are glowing.”

  “Looks at the circle! It looks like it’s on fires,” Zohar whispered.

  Light and dark blue flames danced, connecting to each other the faster that Phoenix flew. Tiny sparks of white, red, and yellows snapped before turning to the varying shades of blue. Phoenix’s body blurred, at times becoming invisible as she focused on creating the portal, or mirror as she thought of it, to the distant world. In her mind, she focused on the yellow house with the white shutters that her mother had told them about.

  The circle expanded until a large hole appeared in the center. The darkness of space, lit by billions of stars and galaxies could be seen in it.

  Phoenix twisted, soaring in graceful turns. Her feathers glowed and changed colors as one image blurred into another. A small, frozen planet appeared and disappeared to be replaced by a larger one with delicate rings of rock, dust, and ice. Next, a giant planet appeared, a massive red storm swirling on its surface before it too was gone.

  The other dragonlings, Roam, and Alice watched in fascination as a small, blue and white planet appeared in the distance. All too soon, they had swept past the small satellite moon circling it and were flying over a vast ocean.

  “It’s beautiful,” Alice whispered, staring at the vivid pictures speeding by.

  “Looks at all the water!” Jade exclaimed. “It’s so blue!”

  “Look at the forests,” Bálint whispered.

  The images began to slow, not changing quite as rapidly. A large, two-story house with several barns glided by and they saw a road winding along a river bed before it turned and led up a long winding road that cut through a grove of thick trees. All of them caught sight of the top of a silver roof.