Read The Echoes of Solon Page 2

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  Within the temple a great banquet was laid out. The company hurried into their places at the enormous table, sitting upon golden plated grand chairs surrounding the white clothed woodwork.

  At the head sat Atl’As, his face covered by a golden mask that was a scaled down replica of the face of Poseidon. To his immediate right rest the priest king, Tetu’Ra, opposite the queen of the third district, and his life partner, Ma’At. The eldest brother of Atl’As and his queen laid the laws of the majestic city, though Tetu’Ra had created much controversy amidst the Atlantean sovereignty. In recent times he suggested that the sun, as opposed to Poseidon, was the true ruler of all things, that it was the true herald of life.

  His knowledge of the stars and his study and understanding of nature were matched by none, yet in his enthusiasm to share his theories he found only disdain for the very idea of shunning the Atlantean god. His brother had forgiven him, but he knew, for all the time Tetu’Ra remained within the walls of his city, the people would never forget.

  Atl’As’ aged hand raised a golden chalice and a frail voice of the shadow of a once eminent hero broke the silence of the beautifully decorated feasting chamber.

  “Here’s to Thu’Ra, first chosen of the kings of Atl’An, servants of Poseidon, responsible for the successes of our expeditions abroad.” HERE the word rang out across the table as every one of the elongated skulls tilted back and took a sip of fine wine. “Tell me, my child, how went your valiant excursions in the west?” Thu’Ra rested a hand to his chest and nodded across the table at his king, he had so much respect for the man whom he looked upon as a father, for he had never known his own.

  “My king,” he raised his golden chalice, “here’s to the unsung heroes who gave their lives for Atl’An.” Here this cheer was merely mumbled amongst the sovereign much to Thu’Ra’s disappointment, Atl’As himself however gave a hearty shout to salute his chosen’s announcement. “In short, your eminence, our expedition to the west was a great success. We now boast harbours all along the eastern shores of the southern mass of Amek’Ra. Our reports tell us the north is still scarcely accessible, and holds little resource under its soils, unlike the south which is abundant and rich in ores and minerals. Still, another source of orichalcum evades us.”

  “You are well spoken, Thu’Ra,” although nobody was aware, the old king was smiling proudly at his chosen one, who as Thu’Ra looked upon him as a father, he too looked upon the man as a son. “Let us begin.” With a sharp authoritative gesture his royal servants hurriedly went about placing the freshly spit banquet out amongst the revered company. An aroma of sizzling elephant hide and bovine cuts that lined the table caused Thu’Ra’s stomach to grumble in excitement. He had grown accustomed to the pangs of hunger whilst away in the west, though with so much enticing food basked in front of him he could not help but long to have the succulence of the hot dishes thrown into his mouth.

  He glanced briefly at Kotu who sat entranced in her life partner’s eyes, she stared dreamily at him putting an enormous smile across his face. As the servants worked he felt the desire to learn of what news he had missed whilst away from home.

  “How progresses the Equi’Dae, my king?” Atl’As had removed the lower half of his mask to enjoy the food placed before him, revealing just how aged he was, the skin sagged away from his once prominent jaw line yet his teeth remained a healthy white amidst the light brown of his complexion. Before Atl’As had chance to respond the immature tone of his son, Imr’As, yelled out, his anger focused towards a handmaiden.

  “I expect the food to be diced in preparation to eat, I do not simply wish it to be shovelled onto my plate!” The tone of it still peaked at peculiar pitches for the boys coming of age was evidently not yet entire, still he was ignored by all that sat, his father did not even give him a glance of recognition, his proud gaze remained upon Thu’Ra.

  “A matter I would prefer to discuss in the privacy of a much smaller company, Thu’Ra, let me say this, however, the inventors within the district of Atu’Rus have put the refined orichalcum to much use,” a brief moment of silence cut the king’s sentence. “It’s a shame we run short on the resource for its properties are invaluable.” While Atl’As spoke Thu’Ra felt Kotu’s warm foot make contact with his shin, she repeatedly and slowly ran the base of it up to the inside of his knee and back.

  “Were there many injured, Thu’Ra?” This time Tyram spoke to the first chosen from across the expanse of the grand table, their eyes met and he stared formally into them as they communed.

  “Far more than I would have wished for, your eminence, many were lost in combat and few returned to health in the time we were away. Once the natives of the southern landmass were subdued however we persuaded them to fight for us and the tides of battle quickly turned.” Thu’Ra paused for a moment. Memories of his expedition flooded his mind, though the constant sensation of his life partner’s touch threw his concentration off. “The people there were primitive, but had a rich history. Through images they attempted to explain their past. The north of the continent was overcame by masses of raiders from the west of their western shores, in vessels larger than entire towns and cities. Although the natives never dwelled upon the northern mass for it is heavily frozen, as more and more of the yellow men came from beyond the ocean all the tribes of the land retreated into the forest, never to return to the north.” Atl’As had stopped eating and rested both his hands in a fist under his chin. The history of other cultures fascinated him. In his day he had strode above all else upon excursions to faraway lands to discover the history of his world.

  “Was there more, Thu’Ra?” The first chosen shook his elongated skull lightly, disappointed in himself that he could not further his king’s interests.

  “I had little time to settle, my king, it was a pressing task to distribute our men and settle amongst the endless trees of the Amek coasts. Eba, my sea captain, spent much time with the captives and their tribes. Perhaps an audience with him might be of pleasure to you.” Atl’As nodded his head satisfactorily.

  “Eat and rejoice, my chosen, be sure to take as many indulgencies as you may upon this eve, for at first light we must discuss some matters of grave importance.”

  “Of course, my king, I am at your service.” He briefly glanced at Kotu who now looked down at her plate of food, she relieved her foot from his leg looking most sullen. Thu’Ra went quiet at Atl’As’ words for he knew he was not going to be in the comfort of his home for long. It seemed the kings of Atlantis were already aware of the plans too, for the rest of the evening they made small talk upon irrelevant matters, as if to avoid acknowledging he was to be burdened with a daunting task.

  Whilst they sat and communed, Thu’Ra attempted to put the troubled thoughts of what might lie ahead of him out of his mind, and enjoy what time he had with his life partner and his king.

  Once the magnificent feast had ended Thu’Ra took a hasty leave with Kotu out of the temple of Poseidon. They hurried back to their own gypsum home which was a spectacle alone. So tall and impressively constructed, the huge pillars upheld a vast walkway which lead into a great open chamber painted dark red within. A small fire burned constantly bellowing smoke outwards from the extending gypsum chimney pipe, subtly disguised as a pillar upholding the roof of the building.

  A young servant who watched over their children was quickly dismissed and Thu’Ra took a moment to take them both to their resting chamber. The youngest of them was scooped up into his enormous arms with the greatest ease whilst his first born walked with them through to their bed. Kotu followed, and standing in the doorway of the large chamber, with a smile that stretched from one ear to the other, watched her love with their children.

  The giant effortlessly lifted them onto a large feather packed mattress and laying them down gently pulled a thick woollen blanket over them. Thu’Rus looked up and starred at his father for a moment before quietly speaking.

  “Did you kill many men at war,
father?” Kneeling, the colossus rested an arm upon his children’s bed, his gaze fell away from the boy, he had no answer for his son that he would wish him to hear. It was not until his life partner spoke that the silence was broken.

  “Your father is tired, my dearest, you may ask him your questions in tomorrow’s light.” She elegantly moved across the cold stone floors and kissed her children upon their heads, she strained with great effort to raise her life partner from his distanced state. Extinguishing the fire light she took his hand and lead him through to their private chamber.

  With his children at rest Thu’Ra sat upon his bed holding lightly upon Kotu’s hips, he looked over her in silence until their gaze met and he stared into her deep blue eyes.

  “He asks me of war with such excitement.” He looked away from her with a glum expression.

  “He’s just a child, my love, he knows not of the burden which you carry.” Without saying another word she released the golden clinch that held her thin dress around her body. It fell to the floor revealing the slender frame that Thu’Ra had imagined the dimensions of perfectly each night before sleeping beneath the stars in the west. He ran his hands delicately over her stomach and traced the faint marks where her stretched skin had not long ago bore his youngest son. Kissing her belly button softly he looked up once more to see tears rolling down her cheeks.

  The giant grasped her hand pulling her onto their bed on her knees over him. He wiped the watery streams away with the lightest touch and kissed her passionately before Kotu pulled away from him for but a brief moment. She leaned back and with an arched arm grasped at her golden hair, sliding it up and off of her bald elongated skull. The lovers slid under the covers to embrace each other as they had longed to since Thu’Ra’s departure to Amek’Ra, though despite his desires, the thoughts of his leaders’ words and what might lay ahead of him deeply troubled his mind.