Read The Elder Witches Page 5

  Chapter 5

  I saw Shelly to her apartment, getting an enthusiastic hug before she closed the door. Then I went across the hall and let myself into my apartment. Rutger greeted me with his normal excitement, then calmed down faster than usual.

  When I started toward the kitchen, Rutger gave a low warning growl. Trusting his instincts, I unholstered my gun as I crept forward.

  I could see most of the kitchen from the light in the main room. Sitting at the table in the gloom was a now familiar face. Reynolds sat eerily still at the small table. He wore a dark green suit, a light gray fedora sat on the table in front of him.

  “You broke into my apartment,” I said. “I could legally shoot you.”

  I thought I could see a small smile at the corners of his mouth.

  “Sorry to barge in. Your canine has done a wonderful job of making sure I didn’t leave this room.”

  I’d have to remember to give Rutger some extra treats later.

  “I wanted to follow up on out previous conversation; to make sure you spoke with the witches?”

  “I talked to them.”

  “May I ask what they said? Are they going to attack?” he asked.

  “Attack who, the government? Are you serious?”

  “Yes, of course. They must be stopped,” he said in his slow way, like he was used to dealing with mentally challenged people.

  “You did tell them… that I was courteous to you, I hope.”

  “I said that we had tea and scones, the whole nine yards,” I said unable stop from being a bit snarky.

  “Thank you,” he said with a deadpan expression.

  “Was there anything else you wanted me to tell them? Maybe I could pass them a note or something in class,” I said.

  To my surprise he pulled out a letter, already written and handed it to me. It was sealed with a wax stamp.

  “Before you do your creature of the night disappearing act, answer me one question,” I said.

  He sat patiently waiting for me to continue.

  “What’s in it for you? Do you have anything to gain from hurting the women? And yeah, I know it’s 2 questions.”

  “What can kill them can surely kill my kind. To help them would be to help myself. Unless they kill me first, as I said they are still upset with our previous leader,” he said. “Nothing could be gained by killing them. Not for me anyway.”

  The next morning I woke up with a stiff neck having slept in my easy chair. Rutger and I took an extra long run as I tried to clear my head of all the thoughts bombarding my mind. Then we both headed to work. I didn’t usually take him with me, but I had a feeling today would be my last day working this job and who was I to deny my dog a chance to meet real witches.

  When I arrived at the manor, James was sitting in his normal spot in front of the little TV in the kitchen, sipping coffee. He took a shine to Rutger right away, and after enough ham slices Rutger finally gave in and decided that James was okay too.

  James started tossing a tennis ball for Rutger to fetch. After a few minutes, he looked up and said, “I think Gwendolyn has something planned for you this morning. She’d like you to meet them in the den when you get settled. I can watch your dog for you.”

  I wondered if they’re going to fire me, especially after telling me their secret. Well what would happen would happen. I got up and headed into toward the den, leaving Rutger with James. One thing was for sure, I was going to find out what they knew about my parents.