Read The Elf King Page 17

Midnight left Tane staring skyward to a full moon, lighting the way like a beacon of hope. The vast sky was littered with the twinkling of stars. The warm wind blew gently at his back, peaceful and welcomed. He kept his gaze on the magical view above as he rode, finding some comfort in what it offered. As a kid, he and Qenn would spend most nights lying on their backs watching the sky, talking and dreaming, bonding as brothers would, discussing things that they might otherwise not in the daylight.

  They had been riding the better part of five hours now, and still Shadox showed no sign of recovery. He was slumped across his horse’s mane unmoving and unresponsive. Tane would talk to him every once in a while, hoping to stir something in the sorcerer, letting him know that he wasn’t alone, trying to grant him whatever comfort he could. But Tane knew he wouldn’t be able to help him. The sorcerer was too depleted by the usage of his magic. It would take some healing outside of what he knew and understood to bring Shadox back to the world of men. He only hoped the horse knew where it was going.

  Tane was thinking that they must be reaching the southern end of the Lower Krune by now, the land was still flat and patches of woods were still plentiful. He could hear the sound of water and thought that they were moving along one of the river outlets from the lake. It wasn’t long before he could see the river shining with the moon’s light. As they reached the river, the horses didn’t hesitate to cross. Tane, however, held tight to his leather harness and sat uncomfortable once the water reached the bottom of his boots. But the river wasn’t deep enough for the horses to lose footing and they reached the other side without a struggle.

  On bank again, the horses followed the river as it bent and twisted, turning northeast into a woods so thick that the moon’s light would not penetrate. Darkness prevailed, leaving Tane to sit nervously. The nighttime sounds in the woods were much different than those in the plains, he thought. Having no light didn’t help matters. Having the sorcerer in a comatose state helped nothing.

  But the trek through the woods was proving to be more nerves than fear. Tane shrugged off several instances when he thought the shadows were moving, yet nothing showed.

  It was late and he hadn’t slept much, his eyelids were growing heavy and his breathing was slow and deep. Once or twice the horses snapped some twigs with their hooves, alerting Tane from his drifting, scaring him awake for a few more minutes. But the drowsiness was overcoming him. He blinked once, that was all he remembered.

  He wasn’t sure how long he had slept, but when he opened his eyes again, the horses had stopped, the trees were cleared out in a wide circle ahead of him, and a small hut sat in its center.

  A lone figure suddenly appeared in the doorway, blacker than its surroundings. Tane swallowed nervously.

  “I am looking for Mantel Orris.”

  The shadowy figure left the doorway and moved slowly over to them. “I am he.”

  “I have a sick friend.”

  “Yes, you do.”

  Tane wasn’t as nervous now, finding some comfort that this is where Shadox requested they be. Still, he should have more concern than he did, he thought. He was surprised to find how comfortable he was.

  “I am Tane Ellantri. This is my friend, Shadox.”

  “Let’s get him inside,” the man said, already working on the task before Tane unstraddled his horse and joined. “He’s in bad shape, this one. You came to the right place. Let’s get him in.”

  In the darkness, Tane wasn’t able to make out much of the man’s appearance. Aside from his wild, shoulder length white hair, Mantel Orris was tall like himself, thick in the chest and shoulders, that much was obvious even in the dark, and his face was coated in a thin white stubble. And his raspy, deep voice gave Tane the impression that Mantel was much older than he appeared.

  Tane joined in as they carried Shadox into the hut, the man known to be Mantel Orris directed Tane to carefully lay the sorcerer down on his bed then tucked him in the blankets.

  “Here.” Mantel Orris handed Tane a lamp, then lit it. The light flickered brightly in the dimness. Mantel lit several, all hung around the hut.

  To Tane, the hut looked humble. There wasn’t much inside, some cabinets and cans, a table, a few wooden chairs, an iron stove and a fireplace. The walls were bare, no window shades or paintings, nothing anywhere. Tane stood just outside the bedroom, when Mantel left Shadox and gently shut the door. He walked over to a cabinet full of jars and offered one to Tane.


  Tane nodded. He drank what was offered and smiled in response. “Thank you.”

  Mantel Orris stood beneath a low hanging lamp and his face was revealed to Tane clearly. He had been right about the other’s age, he was much older, though rugged and strong. His eyes were dark, his face was etched in wrinkles, and a very serious look cast out always. Mantel reminded Tane a bit of the sorcerer in that fashion.

  Mantel offered Tane to sit at the table, handing him another can full of dried meats. Tane sat and ate, watching Mantel remove several cans holding pouches full of colored dust, or something of that fashion. It was hard for Tane to tell exactly what the pouches held. But as the other man began mixing amounts together in one can, he realized that he was making a solvent for Shadox.

  “Tell me what happened, Tane.” Mantel Orris continued stirring in solutions, mixing them with a wooden spoon.

  Tane hesitated, unsure where to begin, uncertain how much information he could release. He didn’t know anything about Mantel Orris. Except for that Shadox requested him.

  “We were attacked by demons,” he began, speaking softly. “Shadox fought them off. But one of them caught him off-guard. The sorcerer did something then, I don’t know what, but it killed the demon. Then he asked for you.”

  Mantel Orris didn’t flinch. His work didn’t slow at the response; he was unfazed. He continued to stir and mix, until after a few moments when he set the spoon down and nodded in satisfaction.

  “Demons. Their powers are strong and deadly. For Shadox to be in the shape he is, it must have been a terrible battle. You were right to bring him here. I might be the only one who could save him.”

  Tane wanted to ask him about his relationship with the sorcerer, but didn’t want to distract him. There would be time for that later, he thought. Right now, the only thing that mattered was tending to the needs of the dying sorcerer.

  Mantel nodded once again, then moved from the table, taking his solution with him to the bedroom. Tane rose and followed, watching the other kneel down next to Shadox. Tane stood at the sorcerer’s feet, straining himself to hear what the other was whispering as he placed a hand across Shadox’s forehead and slowly rubbed in a soft, circular motion. Mantel’s eyes were closed in concentration for a few minutes, his lips moving, saying something that was beyond Tane’s reach. Several minutes went by before he stopped, reached for his can, and began to softly apply an application to Shadox’s face and chest. The medicine was clear, and it seemingly disappeared upon contact. Mantel Orris said nothing as he worked, moving slowly, gently.

  The whole process lasted about half an hour. When he was finished, Mantel rose and smiled. “It has begun. Shadox needs rest.”

  Tane walked out with him, leaving the wounded sorcerer to rest. Shadox’s appearance did not look any better, though his breathing was back to normal. They left, returning back to the table, where Tane was offered more to drink and eat. He gratefully accepted. As he ate, the other made a makeshift bed on the floor for him.

  “What was that? That medicine?” Tane asked, once Mantel Orris was finished with the bedding and seated himself next to Tane at the table.

  “It’s an old healing potion. Very strong.” Mantel sat with his hands clasped together on the table, staring at Tane, his eyes not so tense anymore. “I was a healer, many, many years ago. Shadox is not wounded in a way that you would be able to familiarize with. It’s not a pain you can see. It’s deep within the core of who and what he is. The demon that he was fighting with was trying to overthr
ow, or adjoin to, if you will, his soul. It was trying to make him its own. And very well would have, if Shadox were an ordinary man. Its poison was flushed out of his system through a vigorous extraction, one that would have spent him of his magic completely. And so it seems that it has.”

  Mantel Orris shifted his body to be more comfortable. Tane watched, thinking that the other didn’t move easily.

  “But the solution will work. It will need time, that’s all. And I’ve never known him to be a man who had plenty to spare.” Mantel Orris finished with a slight smile.

  “We are on our way to Cillitran. There’s a war forming. We must stand against the demon army advancing on the Races.”

  Mantel Orris nodded. “Then you must rest yourself.” He motioned to Tane to go to the bed he had prepared for him. “Go. Sleep. It doesn’t look like much, but I promise you, you will sleep peacefully.”

  Tane smiled. “Thank you for everything. I would like to talk to you more tomorrow, if that’s all right.”

  “Yes. Tomorrow. Rest, Tane.”

  Tane rose from the table, shook the other’s hand, and walked for his bed. Mantel was right, it didn’t look like much. Tane smiled, lying down comfortably. Mantel was right about that too, he thought. Tane closed his eyes. Seconds later, he was asleep.

  It was nearing midday when he awoke again, finding the room empty with a jar of water on the table. Mantel Orris was nowhere to be found. He looked in Shadox’s room, finding the sorcerer asleep still. His body looked better though, Tane thought. His breathing was calm and he slept peacefully. With nothing better to do, Tane walked outside and tended to the horses.

  The day was warm and bright, with a few clouds towering above. The woods were full of birds and insects chattering and scrambling about. Tane watered the horses, groomed them as best he could, then walked back inside to see if Shadox had made any more progress. Finding the other still sleeping, Tane sat next to him for a few hours, if nothing more than to not feel alone.

  The day slipped into afternoon, the sun gently dropping down to the horizon below the treetops, the air cooling and the wind picking up, when Tane stepped outside again. Nightfall was approaching and still there was no Mantel Orris. Tane looked around and saw some firewood. He took a stack inside and made a fire. Once the yellow flames were lit and the fire began to crackle, Tane moved away to the bedroom again to check on Shadox and found Mantel Orris knelt beside the bed.

  Tane was surprised. He stood in the doorway for a moment, uncertain if he should intrude or not, wondering how long the other had been in the hut. Mantel had his head down on the bed, hands clasped onto one of Shadox’s. Tane quietly backed out of the room, deciding to wait by the fire. If Mantel had wanted to speak with him, he would have made his presence known. Tane seated himself a few feet in front of the fire and began to think about his life.

  “He will recover much sooner than I thought,” Mantel spoke from just behind Tane suddenly.

  Tane’s head jerked back quickly, startled. “I didn’t hear you come in. How long have you been here?”

  “If you call, if I am needed, I will be here.”

  “Thanks, but you don’t have to leave. I hope you don’t mind the fire.”

  Mantel smiled. “Make yourself at home, Tane. Would you like some food?”

  Tane nodded. He rose and moved to the table as Mantel prepared some food. Mantel Orris brought a few cans over to the table, each of them containing either dried meat or a bread material, and he opened a small pouch containing fresh berries. Tane helped himself to all that was offered, finding the food to be quite agreeable.

  “Are you well trained with a sword?” Mantel asked, his face as serious as ever.

  Tane shrugged. “To be honest, I’ve never had much use for one. Not until now, that is. I have none to carry. Not until we reach Cillitran.”

  “You need to be ready. You will be tested in the days to come. You need to be sharp, swift, and strong. Ready at all times.”

  Mantel paused, staring into Tane’s eyes. “You must not waiver, nor retreat. Not like you would. Not you. You are bold enough to stand firm. You will handle yourself well, I should think.”

  Tane watched the other nod with approval. Suddenly at a loss for words, he kept eating until he was full. His mind stayed on the other’s words, thinking of the sword he would carry into battle, and the battle itself. It will be terrifying, he thought. He believed that Mantel was merely confirming his doubts about that.

  “Do not be worried, Tane.”

  Tane stopped eating. He looked into Mantel’s eyes and wondered how much the other knew. Are you reading my mind? But then the old man rose from the table, smiling gently, and seated himself next to the fire. He called Tane over to join him, and he did so without hesitation.

  “Tell me about yourself. Tell me about your childhood. It’s been so long since I’ve been young. Leave nothing out.”

  Tane smiled, unsure why. Maybe it was the ache in the other’s plea, like he was so old he couldn’t remember being a child. Maybe it was just the thought of being with Qenn in better times. Nonetheless, Tane began talking about himself, watching the other smile in return.

  Tane talked for hours. From his earliest memories, to the most present, from tough situations he’d been in, to harder decisions he had been a part of, from his brother, to the information on his father, from his mother’s death, to Shadox’s narrow escape of it. He found himself exhausted by the time he had brought Mantel up to speed on his life. But the other seemed satisfied enough. When Tane had finished, Mantel rose from the floor, patted Tane on the shoulder, thanked him, then offered him to sleep. Tane was at peace as he lay down in his bed. His eyes closed and he was asleep.

  When morning came, Tane was surprised to find the old man sitting at the table staring at him. A long sword lay across the table and Mantel motioned for Tane to have it.

  “A man should not travel without a sword, I should think.” Mantel Orris smiled broadly, his eyes full of excitement. “It’s for you, Tane.”

  Tane smiled. The look the old man had was enough for him to do so. He picked up the sword and tested its weight, swinging and slashing through the air, pleasing its former wielder. “Thank you, Mantel. It suits me fine.”

  Mantel set some fresh fruit on the table from his pouch. “Here, eat. I will meet you outside when you are finished.” He rose from the table and walked out of the hut.

  Uncertain of what the other had intended, Tane sat and ate. He kept the sword in his right hand, squeezing the pommel firm, enjoying the feel again. He didn’t feel so vulnerable anymore, he was able to defend himself, letting some of his fears dwindle away. He ate what he could, snuck a look to his sleeping friend, then walked outside.

  Mantel Orris stood in the clearing, sword in one hand, the other motioning for Tane to join him. “Today we begin our training,” he said, as he watched Tane move in closer. He raised his sword. “Defend yourself.”

  With little time to prepare, Tane watched as the old man rushed him, sword swinging much faster than he thought Mantel could muster. Tane blocked a series of jabs before the old man backed off. Mantel stared him down, sword ready once again.

  “Attack,” Mantel said calmly.

  Tane hesitated, not really enjoying the situation. But from what he just saw, the old man was able enough. So he darted for him. Tane’s sword was raised high as he ran, his voice screaming angrily. But before he could bring down his weapon, Mantel lunged forward, sweeping the legs out from under him and Tane went sprawling. As he landed on his back, he saw the glint of steel in the early light as Mantel’s sword rested just shy of his nose.

  “I would advise of a new attack strategy, my friend.” Mantel smiled and helped Tane to his feet. “Visualize what you want to happen. Follow through with your actions.”

  Tane was embarrassed. “Again, then?”

  “When you are ready.”

  Mantel stood with is weapon at his side, using it as a crutch almost. Tane backed away, then
hesitated, waiting for the other to prepare. When he realized that he wasn’t going to, Tane rushed him again. His sword was held at half-mast, prepared to swing when ready. This time he waited for Mantel to trip him and was caught off guard when he didn’t. Instead, as Tane went to strike out, the old man quickly brought up his sword tip and hit Tane’s sword out of his hands, leaving him stunned. Tane swallowed hard, finding himself staring down the other’s blade again.

  “Pick up your sword. Do it again.”

  This time there was no patience in Mantel’s voice. Tane turned and retrieved his sword, his face turning red. He didn’t walk much further away, and when he turned again, he didn’t wait for the other to prepare. He moved cautiously towards Mantel with his sword held close to his chest, blade straight up, pommel at waist level. This time he was within a few feet from the other when their blades met and the sparring began.

  Tane was surprised by the old man’s quickness; he was fluent and strong. But Tane held his own, his pride wouldn’t allow him to end up on the ground again. Mantel wouldn’t embarrass him further, he thought. He kept his head in the fight, staring down the old man with fury, backing him away slowly. His face was sweating freely and his breathing was ragged. They went on for several minutes before Mantel backed away. Tane held his sword ready just in case.

  “Good. You’re getting better.” Mantel smiled approvingly. “See it happening, Tane. Then, it will work for you.”

  Tane came at him again, the sounds of metal clashing filled the empty silence. The sun drifted high overhead as afternoon settled in and the two men stopped the exercise. With a motion from Mantel’s hand, they went in the hut for a brief lunch and some water. They spoke little to each other. Mantel offered Tane some time to himself to recuperate, but it was denied and Tane was the first one back outside ready to spar once again.

  Mantel walked over to Tane, offering him a different approach to handling his sword, teaching him how to maneuver it more efficiently. Once Tane picked up on his tips, they were back at sparring again. This time Tane was more comfortable, using the advice Mantel offered left him with more energy. He was working Mantel Orris as hard as he could for what felt like hours, when he watched the old man’s sword fly out of his hands.

  “Very good,” Mantel smiled. His face shined proudly, though Tane saw no evidence of sweat or exertion in any form.

  “Not so bad yourself. I thought you said you were a healer?” Tane joked.

  “He was the most feared healer in all the lands,” Shadox said, standing in the hut doorway with a sly smile.

  Mantel Orris and Tane Ellantri both walked to greet the sorcerer. Shadox stepped outside and took a deep breath. His face was youthful, his eyes not so intense. He moved gingerly. He was still recovering, they knew. He’d been through a lot; it would take some time for him to back to normal.

  “Shadox,” Mantel began with a smile, “is there no other way for you to come visit me?”

  “Old man, I am in your debt forever it seems.” They met each other with a handshake that turned into a strong hug. “This place suits you well.”

  Mantel Orris laughed aloud. “Some things are just for looks, as you well know.”

  “How do you feel, Shadox?” Tane cut in, real concern mirrored in his eyes and voice.

  “I should be ready to travel by nightfall.” Shadox turned to Mantel, the happiness on his face was slowly fading.

  “That soon?” Mantel frowned slightly.

  Shadox nodded. “I wish it were otherwise.”

  Tane caught a look pass between them, two old friends who have missed each other. He was hoping they could spend the night, if only for the sake of them spending more time together. It seemed they both wanted it.

  “Should we wait until dawn? You would be further rested.”

  They both shook their heads, to his surprise.

  “The war will start without us as it is, Tane. I hesitate to think of staying yet a few more hours.” Shadox answered.

  “You need some water,” Mantel Orris stated to his friend. “Tane and I will join you.”

  As one, they moved into the hut and seated themselves at the table. A glass of water was poured by their host for each of them. Fruit was provided as well. Mantel didn’t eat, but rather sat and stared at Shadox.

  “Where are you heading now?”


  “You go in search of Issilix Delsoue then?” Mantel turned to stare at Tane, a bit longer than Tane enjoyed, then turned back to Shadox. “But you search for something more, as well.”

  Shadox nodded. “We also search for a magic powerful and true enough to destroy the root.”

  “Ah, yes. Eliminate the core, then the rest will weaken.” Mantel was quiet for a second, thinking. “You sent them to the LifeWaters.”

  Shadox said nothing. He remained staring at the old man, both faces serious, eyes concentrating, full of concern.

  “They have to be careful there. Faeries do not share our fates, nor our concerns.” Mantel paused then, looking as if he was considering something dreadful. “Their fates are not yet decided.”

  Tane sat quietly, thinking that the conversation was taking place as if he were not present. He wondered how it was that Mantel Orris knew what they were doing when he had not said anything about the Mrenx Ku, or the sword at Cillitran. He appeared to have a great understanding of a lot of things unsaid. As Tane’s thoughts began to drift to the war, he was suddenly aware that they were both staring at him.

  “Well, then. You two need to rest.” Mantel stared fixedly at Tane.

  Tane grew so tired then it was all he could to just make it to his bed before his eyes closed and he was asleep.

  “Thank you again,” Shadox said to Mantel Orris as they walked to his bed. Shadox laid down, the other stood at his side.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  Shadox smiled. “Your potion will fade within the hour. The rest I can manage.” Shadox paused for a second. His intense eyes softened, nearly teary. “I am not ready for the life you live.”

  “Nor was I, my son.” Mantel’s eyes watered. He smiled sadly. “You shouldn’t worry about that now. Not so soon, I think. Sleep.”

  Mantel raised his hand over Shadox’s head and instantly he was asleep. Mantel bent down and kissed his forehead.

  It was nearing midnight when the strong hand gripped Tane’s firm shoulder, waking him at once. Tane looked up and saw Shadox. “It is time, Tane.”

  Tane stood to his feet and followed Shadox out of the hut in the darkness. The horses stood next to the door waiting. Shadox mounted his at once, Tane hesitated. “I would like to say goodbye to Mantel. Where is he?”

  “He is gone, Tane. You will not see him again.”


  “I just wanted to thank him for all he has done. That much, I owe him.”

  “See for yourself,” Shadox said softly, pointing behind Tane to the hut.

  Tane turned, holding his breath. The hut dissolved away like a mirage, disappearing into the dark. The clearing faded too. Within a second, what he knew of Mantel Orris was replaced by the night and the woods.

  “I don’t understand!”

  “He was a shade. A sorcerer from long ago. My mentor. My father. He died over a hundred years ago. Rein your horse, Tane. We must leave.”

  Tane felt his heart ache. He forced himself to remember to breathe. As Shadox began to ride away, he took another look back for Mantel Orris. The woods were dark and empty.

  He whispered, “Thank you.”

  With that, he mounted his horse and hurried to catch Shadox.