Read The Elles Here (Elsewhere) Place Page 7

Although Jo is really tired, the day has been so filled with action and worry, that she finds it difficult to settle down and get off to sleep. Whilst there are Fusas on guard, Jo cannot help but worry about the Grobs suddenly mounting an attack.

  Desag also seems to be having difficulty in settling, he suddenly sits up and asks, “Trouble settling you Jo-Menzies? What is wrong?”

  Jo not wanting to appear to be weak, says, “I just cannot get comfortable.”

  “Too many injuries, have also you?” Desag's face is full of concern.

  “Yes, that must be it.” Jo replies.

  “Watching perhaps could we do, then get so tired fall asleep might we?” Desag suggests.

  “Good idea.” Jo sits straight up, taking Desag by surprise.

  “Keen are you, Jo-Menzies. Over there, to the edge go we.” Desag points to the left.

  Jo pauses a moment before replying, “As the Grobs got back here first, they may be further across than us, so could we go over to the opposite side.” Jo points to the right.

  “Strangely speak you. But get meaning do I. Alright as want you.” Desag stands up, from the look on his face, he is obviously still in pain. He waits for Jo to stand and even holds out a hand to help her up. Jo thinking that Desag was probably in more pain than herself, manages to get up by herself.

  Desag and Jo carefully pick their way between the sleeping Fusas and soon find themselves at the edge of the encampment, if the group of sleeping Fusas can be called that.

  After sitting in silence for a while, Jo asks, “Do you think we will find and manage to rescue Ella?”

  “Most strange are you Jo-Menzies. Never give up do Wies-An-Fusa. As much back with us is Ella as sit here you and me.”

  “If only I was as sure as you, but with two attempts, what have we be able to do? Lots of Fusas have been killed and injured and we still seem no closer to getting Ella. Are we sure that the Grobs even have Ella?”

  “Jo-Menzies, Jo-Menzies, That have Grobs do Ella, know we Wies-An-Fusa.” Desag smiles and nods in reassurance. Then continues, “Many lost and injured Grobs also. Killed we Den-Drilla and that good. Find we Ella. Worried not be you Jo-Menzies. Normal is disappointment.”


  Chapter 13 – A New Day

  The night had passed by uneventfully, Desag and Jo had even fallen asleep. They wake up as the Fusas around them get up and set off in search of food and drink.

  Suddenly there is disturbance to the north of the encampment, a large group of Fusas has formed and there are raised excited voices. Jo suggests that she and Desag join them to find out what is going on. Desag nods in agreement.

  When Jo and Desag reach the outer ring of Fusas, Desag asks one of the Fusas what is going on. The Fusas replies, “Word of having been seen, are Ella and the Grob-Lusiers, to the north of here and far not are they.”

  A Fusa taps Jo on the shoulder and says, “Talk with you does want Barse-Wise-An-Fusa. Follow me do you?”

  “Of course, I will be delighted.”

  The Fusa looks confused. Jo says, “Yes.” to put him out of his misery.

  Soon Desag and Jo find themselves in the 'circle of the decision makers' as Desag had called it. There are Ailers darting about the group, they seem so excited that they are unable to settle.

  Barse exclaims, “Ah wise counsel is here, of Jo-Menzies! Have much need of your counsel and wise words Jo-Menzies.”

  Jo blushes not knowing where to look.

  “Seen near here, have been Ella-Wise-An-Fusa and Grob-Lusiers. Plan been put to me, want to see, what make of it, do you.”

  “Well I will help if I can.” Jo replies.

  “Good. Plan like this, heard you of Vesk-A-Wa?”

  “Y, yes the Ailers have mentioned them to me. I believe they can, er, be harmful to you.”

  “Illness or worse, if just touch a Vesk-A-Wa. Lots seen of Vesk-A-Wa between us and the Grob-Lusiers' camp just to the North of us. Plan like this, some of us, Wies-An-Fusa chase Vesk-A-Wa up through Grob-Lusiers' camp, while the rest go north of camp, circle it and attack from there to stop escape of Grobs. What think you of plan?”

  There is silence for a while as Jo thinks things through. Barse patiently waits. Jo replies, “Surely all the Grobs need to do, is avoid touching the Vesk-A-Wa and they will be able to escape to the south.”

  “Good point make you Jo-Menzies, same make me.” There's a big beaming smile across Barse's face for a moment, then he continues, “Pointed out to me, that opportunity present itself for the Weis-An-Fusa, as the Vesk-A-Wa are together, to head to their multiply places. There are hundreds of hundreds of them not far from us right now and they are almost heading for camp of Grob-Lusier, but without convincing, they will head around camp.”

  “I think I understand now, there are thousands of these things and driving them through the Grobs camp, the Grobs it will find it difficult to avoid touching them.”

  “Exact speak you of this. Especially if the VeskA-Wa are to move fast, the Grob-Lusiers will be …... will, be knocked off their feet.”

  “But what is there to stop the Vesk-A-Wa turning on the Fusas?”

  “Like thinking of Jo-Menzies, do me. Our Fusas to carry long barriers which Vesk-A-Wa fear more than Grob-Lusier.”

  “Given the choice of a club wielding Grob or a barrier, surely the Vesk-A-Wa will jump the barrier.”

  “Not if too high is Barrier.”

  “What about Ella, how can we ensure that she is not touched by one of the Vesk-A-Wa?”

  “The Grob-Lusier will want to make sure that we cannot get to her, by same thinking she should be safe from the Vesk-A-Wa.”

  “That is a terrible risk to take, what if the Grobs thinking of protection, is just by sheer numbers of Grobs surrounding the place that they are holding her.”

  “Good are you Jo-Menzies, think same myself. Plan is that the Vesk-A-Wa deal with the Grobs outside whatever Ella-Wies-An-Fusa being held in, for surely not out in open they keep her. Once Vesk-A-Wa finished, we move in from north and attack the Grob-Lusier inside, others weakened or damaged enough not to be worry to Wies-An-Fusa.”

  “Well I think it is still a terrible risk to run, probably worse than using the Den-Drilla.”

  “Think it could work, you?”

  “Well as I say it is an awful risk, but.... yes it could if luck is with us.”

  “Who or what this luck?”

  “Difficult one to explain. I suppose it means, if all goes to plan.”

  “Ah what mean you, see I. Thank you Jo-Menzies, plan agree I.”

  “But I do not agree with it, I think it is a terrible risk.”


  “I do not understand, why you ask for my views and then every time, you do the opposite to what I think.”

  “That important Jo-Menzies. If think otherwise you, be worried would be I.”

  “Why is that?”

  “If challenge not you, then thinking not enough on winning edge of mine.”

  “But we have not done any winning since I have been here.”

  “Not think as Wies-An-Fusa, yet do you. Each battle with Grob-Lusier has brought success ever closer to us.”

  Jo decides not to argue against Barse's logic, although she feels quite strongly that enough suffering has been done by the Fusa's in their attempts to release their leader's daughter. Jo has the strong feeling that if it had been any lesser Fusa, the same effort would not have been put in.

  Barse issues orders and there is a great deal of activity as Fusa's cut down branches and weave them into the barriers.


  Chapter 14 – Another Way

  The Ailer scouts have returned with the good news that the Grobs are still in the same place and also that the Vesk-A-Wa are still heading towards the Grob camp. The Ailers also reported that there is a lot of cover between the Fusas and the Grob camp.

  The Fusas have finished making the barriers and are now
split into two groups, the smaller of the two, pick up their barriers, determined and confident in the challenge that lies ahead, they raise their barriers and clubs and give a triumphant wave at Jo and the others, as they set off towards the north east.

  Shortly afterwards, Jo's group set off on their march northward.

  The journey seems to be taking quite a long time. Desag takes Jo by surprise as he says, “The other Wies-An-Fusas should have encountered their first Vesk-A-Wa by now. We will soon be changing direction and be heading down towards the Grob-Lusier camp.”

  “Is that why it has taken us so long to get here?”

  “Yes, difficult it be, how far, to tell travelled have we; as surrounded, are we, most of the time by, what call them, do you? Ah yes bushes.”

  Sure enough the leaders of Jo's group, start to head off to the left. As they pass Jo and Desag, Jo can see that they are signalling that the group spread out. This must be in preparation for the attack.

  In the distance, Jo can make out something above the line of bushes, that doesn't look as though it belongs here, but they are still too far away to make out exactly what it is. Jo asks, “Can you see something above the bushes ahead?”

  “Yes see can I also it. Camp it, of the Grob-Lusier, think I.”

  “Thank goodness for that.”

  A whispered message makes its way up through the group and eventually reaches the ear of Desag, he relays it to Jo, “Close are we, so quiet must keep we, or lost element of surprise.”

  Jo whispers back, “Well the moment of truth has come, here we go then. I just hope the others have been successful in driving the Vesk-A-Wa up through the Grobs camp.”


  There is now a single line of bushes separating Jo's group from the Grobs camp, the moment of truth, has indeed come.

  Suddenly there is a mass of noise coming from the bushes. The Fusas stop in their tracks, clubs raised in readiness, for what must be a mass of escaping Grobs. Sure enough, ahead, there are the faint outlines of rapidly moving Grobs, some in their blind panic have not even bothered to make themselves invisible. Their faces,at least those that are visible, are a picture of of horror, as they emerge from the bushes, to face the row upon row of Fusas before them. Some stop, others just plough on, hoping to make it through the surrounding Fusa army.

  The Fusas and Jo, just wait patiently, not wavering in the least, in their grim determination to resist the fleeing Grobs.

  The first blows are delivered, mainly by the Fusas, the Grobs just want to get away. Then as the second wave of Grobs come out of the bushes, things become more evenly matched.

  Desag and Jo make good partners, as they see off the Grobs, often three at a time. The pair have developed a fighting style that works well and confuses the Grobs no end.

  The supply of Grobs seems to be endless.

  As the battle rages on, the number of Grobs emerging from the bushes has now dropped off considerably and it is at this point, that Jo spots a small group of Grobs, to the back of the current wave, behaving rather oddly. Having dispatched the latest Grob to the ground, Jo signs to Desag that they both should investigate what is going on. Desag nods in agreement and Jo assists him in dealing with his latest opponent. The pair of them, dart between fighting groups and head towards the suspicious group, that are now heading away from Jo and Desag.

  The going is tough and every so often Jo or Desag get drawn into a brawl that is happening around them. This slows them up and there is the real fear, that the group they are pursuing will get away from them.

  It is lucky that every so often the escaping group, also get drawn into brawls and this slows them down also. The latest of these brawls enables Desag and Jo to catch up a deal of ground.

  Suddenly Jo catches sight of something in the middle of the group, it is covered in a cream coloured cloth. Jo gets the sense that she is not looking at an object, but more likely someone, this may even be the Ella, the elusive Ella that they have been seeking.

  Jo is convinced that whoever it is, they must be important, so are worth investigating in any case. Jo is determined that whoever it is, will not escape or be taken away. Jo tries to get Desag's attention, but by the time she succeeds the person can no longer be seen. Jo, despite the risk of losing Desag, doubles her efforts to catch up. Desag, having escaped from his latest brawl, indicates that he should go to one side of the fleeing group and Jo the other. Jo nods and barges through the latest group of battling Grobs.

  Desag seems to also be making good ground and is catching up with the group, in fact the pair seem to be moving faster than the small group.

  Suddenly a club flies over Jo's head and lands square in the middle of the head of the Grob that is closest to her, in the group that she is chasing. The Grob falls and as it does, the covered person, somewhat shorter than the surrounding Grobs, is now clearly visible. As Jo looks at the bottom of the cloth covering, she can make out legs and feet, they are definitely not those of a Grob, more like the familiar ones of a Fusa. This has to Ella.

  Spurred on, Jo lunges forward, leaping over the grounded and writhing Grob that has just fallen. Jo's raised club, hurting her bruised arms, descends and makes good and forceful contact with the nearest Grob. The Grob's outline changes from being faintly visible to be almost fully visible, enough that when it turns, its face full of pain and hate, can clearly be seen. Jo retrieves her club and dives to one side to avoid the oncoming club. Jo's reaction was well timed as the club swings straight over her head. Jo, as quick as she can be, recovers her position and painful though it is, she swings her club back up and over her shoulder, to once again land with force on the Grob, catching it unawares, the Grob, falls with the powerful swing of Jo's club, pushing it over. As the Grob lands hard on the ground, its face has changed, the hate disappeared, the look, is more, one of shock and extreme pain.

  Jo is aware that to the left and middle of the group there is frenzied activity. Jo can just make out the shape of Desag, as he has also dispatched one of the Grobs and is now turning his attention to the next.

  The cloaked figure in the middle of the group is not as closely surrounded, as it was before, Jo recovers her stance, seizes her opportunity, leaps forward, grabs what seems like an arm and says, “Quick Ella come with me, I am a friend.”

  Before the Grob to the right of Jo has a chance to respond, Jo retreats with the cloaked figure willingly running with her. They head straight for the row of battling Fusas, which is now to Jo's left.

  Jo feels at the same time triumphant, that she has probably rescued Ella, but at the same time guilty at leaving Desag to fend for himself.

  After a reasonable time, of fleeing the group, Jo glances back to check on the Grob that is probably chasing them and also to check on Desag. Jo sees Desag first and is glad to see that another two Fusas have joined him in detaining the remnants of the group. Then Jo sees the pursing Grob, which is now dangerously close.

  Ella seems to be keeping a pace with Jo, so Jo knows that she can turn her attention to the pursing Grob, should she need to.

  Ahead of Jo, a pair of Fusas have broken ranks and are heading straight for Ella and Jo. Jo is somewhat relieved, at least now, if she has to stand and fight the Grob, Jo knows that Ella is most likely to be safe and be retrieved.

  Suddenly Jo is aware that Ella is no longer beside her, she looks round and there sprawled on the ground is the cloth covered shape of Ella. Not being able to see well through the cloth, she has obviously tripped on something.

  Quick thinking, Jo stops, turns, and raises her club. The pursuing Grob also raises its club, in preparation for engagement.

  Whilst Jo does not have the luxury of time to look around and check on Ella, she is aware that there is activity where Ella fell, Jo just hopes that it is Ella herself, recovering from her fall and continuing her escape. Jo knows that it cannot be the Fusas helping her as they were too far away.

  Attention drawn ba
ck to the Grob now rapidly looming up on her, Jo decides what her tactic will be and as quick as a leaping frog, Jo does a controlled cartwheel, not easy whilst still maintaining a firm grasp of her club. The action, brings Jo to the right side of the Grob, giving her two things, a brief, but important clear view back towards Ella and the element of surprise that Jo dearly needed.

  Jo immediately has her club raised and just before she launches it at the still forward facing Grob, Jo checks to see that Ella has indeed recovered and is heading away again, but in the wrong direction! No time!

  The club engages with a deal of force, into the side of the surprised Grob. It swings round in a deal of pain and surprise. The Grobs own club falling with its arm in an uncontrolled movement, but that movement, combined with the Grobs turning motion could still pose a threat to Jo. So quick as can be, Jo once more recovers her position and cartwheels on round, to now be at the back of the Grob. As Jo raises her club for another attack, she realises that she must be really fast in delivering this blow, as the Grob will quickly catch up with her, as it continues to turn.

  Blow delivered, Jo cartwheels off again, this time with the express purpose of getting away, in order to get to Ella and turn her around.

  Jo is not fast enough though, as the swinging club of the Grob, engages with Jo's right ankle. The pain is instantaneous. Jo drops to the ground and curls up into a defensive ball, cradling her painful ankle.

  What about Ella?

  Suddenly aware that she is in danger again, the Grob is falling and falling where Jo is lying, painful though it is, Jo rolls away, hoping that she is fast enough to escape the falling Grob.

  The ground shakes as the Grob lands. Jo continues to roll, but is suddenly stopped in her tracks. It is heavy, but not crushingly, the thing that has stopped Jo.

  In the distance, Jo can see Ella still stumbling at speed towards the Grobs.

  Jo feels around her and realises that she has been trapped by one of the Grob's arms, but how to break free? Jo tries to wriggle free, but it is no use. Then an idea comes to her, Jo feels around for her club. After feeling around for what seems like ages, Jo gives up.

  The sight of Ella getting closer to the Grobs, spurs Jo on again, she looks around her, swinging her head to extreme positions, it is the last of these the reveals the position of her club, it is just out of reach though.