Read The Elphame Chronicles - Part 1 The Poisoned Sceptre Page 13

normal protocol, but being as the whole meeting was very unusual, the Chairman nodded, allowing Roggie to stay for a few moments.

  When they had all settled down again, with the help of several staffs and attendants, the Chairman continued.

  “Who is it that makes the Challenge, and why are they making it?”

  There was a hush, as they all waited to find out the answer.

  “Concordia, daughter of Tyr.”

  There was a gasp from the Council as Cuddles spoke.

  “Nokie, daughter of Tyr.”

  There was another gasp, as that name had not been spoken in Council for several years. Tyr had been regarded as the natural successor to the previous King, and had disappeared under very mysterious circumstances, allowing the present King to take over, much to the dismay of the entire Bear population.

  “We wish to make the challenge to restore pride back to the Bear People, by reversing the decision to yield to the demands placed upon the Bear Kingdom by the Men.”

  The members of the Council looked stunned, as it was not the reason for the challenge and its implications which had shocked them, but who was making it. It was not just extraordinary that the challenger was a female bear, but the fact that it was Tyr’s daughter. There was still a great deal of respect for that name, and this information changed the whole perspective of the meeting.

  Most Council members had their suspicions about Tyr’s disappearance, suspecting foul play, although, they had no evidence to back up their suspicions. It was just a gut feeling, and one based on a wealth of experience. Tyr had always been an outstanding Bear, and one whose honour was held in the highest esteem. Not showing up for the wrestling match had been something which had shook the Bear nation to its very foundations. To hear that name again now had indeed put a wholly different complexion to what they were about to decide.

  Things were very tense, as the elderly Bears considered the ramifications, not only of the challenge, but it also brought up many issues surrounding Tyr’s disappearance.

  The mood for accepting the challenge had certainly changed, and looking around, the Sisters could see that by announcing who they were, it had increased their chances of success.

  The Chairman broke the silence, clearing his throat.

  “After due consideration, I would like to ask all members if they have reached a decision.”

  There were nods from the other Council members, as they signalled that they were ready to vote.

  “If we are all in agreement, then I would like to put the proposal to a vote.”

  The Sisters looked on, realising that this was the moment that they had been waiting for. Roggie also knew that everything depended on what they were going to decide, and had hoped that he may have been able to slip away unnoticed. However, that was not going to be possible, and so he had to remain where he was, until they had made their decision.

  “All those in favour of the challenge, please raise your hand.”

  They all looked at the Council members sitting on their cushions, as a few hands began to rise.

  “We have six in favour.”

  That meant that the vote would be split, and things did not look good for the Sisters.

  “All those against.”

  Another six hands rose, meaning that the vote was now tied.

  “It would appear that I as Chairman have the deciding vote.”

  The Sisters anxiously waited for the Chairman to cast his vote, and as they did so, both of them looked towards Roggie with a pleading look on their faces.

  Roggie felt even more uncomfortable than ever, having his doubts as to whether Concordia had any real chance of defeating the Bear King. He realised that he would have to do something, as he did not wish to let them down, and if he did, then they might not be nearly as helpful or friendly towards him as they had been. However, if he did nothing then he would save Concordia from harm, but lose their help in finding the Wise Old Griffin.

  So, reluctantly Roggie rose to his feet, and walked slowly forward, as an attendant quickly stepped in front of him, preventing him from going any further.

  There was an uneasy stand-off, as everyone waited wondering what was going to happen next. This had already been the most extraordinary meeting they had ever had, and things were about to take a very unexpected twist.

  Roggie lifted his hand, reaching for his hood, and then slowly he began to pull it back to reveal his face. There was a gasp, as there standing in front of them was who they thought was the Great King returned…


  The sound of drumming invigorated the atmosphere, filling the air with a new sense of excitement, lifting the gloom which had hung over the village only the day before. News of the challenge had quickly spread, and the crowds grew steadily in anticipation.

  The Bear King was deeply unpopular, and there was an overall wish for him to be defeated. It was made all the more exciting by the fact that this was going to be the first time that a female Bear would be wrestling for the crown. Many felt that the male dominance was something which had been holding them all back, whilst others just wanted to see a good wrestling match. By capitulating to the Men and giving away the kingdom’s gold, the honour of the Bear People had been tarnished, and they wished more than anything else, for their honour to be restored.

  Although their champion was a rank outsider, they were hopeful of her victory, despite the reputation of the Bear King. He was noted for his size and strength, which was something that would be difficult to overcome. They were not on their own, for the Bear Council also felt the same.

  It was going to be quite a risk in getting behind the challenger, for if she lost, then they would have to face the wrath of the present King. That was not a prospect any of them relished, as his bad temper was legendary, but not quite as legendary as the Great King. Rumour of his sudden appearance had quickly spread, although it was only the Council who knew for sure, and it had been such a shock for the elderly members that the physician had to be called.

  Never before in their, or the lifetimes of countless generations, had the Great King graced them with his presence. He had been absent for such a long time, and although most of them believed in the legend, there were not many who thought that they would ever live to see the day when it would be fulfilled.

  The Chairman felt that he had little choice but to vote in favour of the contest, particularly as Roggie had accompanied the Sisters. After all, what greater authority was there than the Great King himself!

  No one stopped to question why the Great King had been standing there in front of them, and that was just as well. If they had known the truth, then it would have been a very different matter altogether.

  Roggie was just a simple Elphin Rabbit from a small village tucked into a distant hillside. When the Sisters had explained how he had emerged from the mountain with the Sacred Spear in his hand, there was no doubting him. He also had the Sceptre too, although that was something which did not really belong to him. If he would have told them that he had taken it from the monument of the Great King, then he would not only have been arrested as an impostor, but also as a thief!

  Fortune had favoured Roggie, and he, like practically everyone else, hoped that it would also favour Concordia.

  The wrestling ring had been marked out by carefully cut branches pegged into place. They were quite narrow in width, and each one was about an arms length, forming a large circle. It was a permanent fixture that had seen many matches over the years, but seldom had there been one of such magnitude. The whole fate of the Bear kingdom now rested on what was about to take place.

  Contests of any sort always followed the same simple rules. All you had to do was to get your opponent completely out of the ring, or hold both of their shoulder blades down on the ground for a count of three. There was to be no biting or scratching, and only certain moves were allowed. A referee chosen by the Council was to adjudicate, and if the rules were broken then he had the power to issue a warning - three warnings and
you were disqualified, and even the referee was judged by the Council afterwards, as honour had to be upheld at all costs!

  The drumming suddenly came to an abrupt end, as the Chairman of the Council stood up to make an announcement.

  “A challenge has been issued to the King, and by a unanimous decision, the Council has voted to uphold it, so let the contest begin.”

  There was a loud cheer from the crowd, as the drumming resumed, and the noise was almost deafening. Bears were excitable creatures, and although they liked to live quite a solitary life, once they got together, there was a lot of dancing, singing, and not to mention drinking!

  This was in complete contrast to the atmosphere of the village the day before, as the sombre mood had quickly lifted when news of the contest had spread like proverbial wildfire.

  The only ones not to have been pleased by the news were the Men, and particularly the Friar. They had all tried to leave, but had been restrained by the Royal Guard. No decision could now be made until the contest had been decided, and if the challenger won, then the agreement could be revoked. The Friar knew how much the Self Appointed One desired the gold, and failure to produce it could result in all of them being sent to the gold mines!

  That was not a very desirable prospect, as they knew how hard the work really was, and the fact that not many people lasted beyond the first few months. So, whilst everyone else focussed on the contest, they were busily