Read The Elphame Chronicles - Part 1 The Poisoned Sceptre Page 16

little different than he was used too, he really enjoyed all that they had to offer.

  Talk eventually turned towards the future, as the ale flowed and the plates emptied. The Chairman spoke at length about all of the things the Council had voted on, and it was with some dismay that he revealed that the former King had not consulted them on several other matters which had arisen. He had just taken decisions on his own, and not for the benefit of the Bear People either.

  The talking and drinking continued, as the noise of the crowd, and the beating of drums went on well into the night. For the occupants of the Chairman’s house, it came to an end in the small hours.

  Morning arose with the stillness of a new day, although for Roggie, the pounding of drums within his head awoke him from his slumbers. He had been nestled on some large cushions by the fire, which was now nothing more than a few smouldering embers. Nokie and Concordia were asleep next to him, snoring loudly as only Bears can!

  His head really hurt, and he realised that he had drunk far too much ale. It was the first time that he had ever felt like this, and he made the decision then and there, never to do it again. It may have been a celebration, but today was supposed to be the coronation. He felt in no fit state for anything at the moment, and wished more than ever that he was safely tucked up in his own bed as usual.

  Concordia awoke next, followed by Nokie, and Roggie was not only grateful of their company, but also for the fact that their snoring had ceased. It was almost as loud as the drumming in his head, and he hoped that Bears had some sort of a cure for a hangover!

  He was in luck, for they did, and as soon as the Chairman’s wife emerged from the bedroom, she gave them all a bowl of something which smelt terrible, but did ease their suffering.

  They did not have much time to recover, as there was soon a pounding on the door, just as loud as the one which had been inside Roggie’s head. It was the Chief of the Royal Guard, an enormous fearsome looking Bear, with great big powerful arms. He was, thankfully, a lot more sociable than his looks suggested, and was very courteous to them all. Arrangements for the coronation were already in place, and it looked as though at least some of the Bear People had conducted themselves with some restraint last night. Looks can be deceptive though, as beneath his calm exterior, there lay a pounding head ache too!

  They all sat down to breakfast, along with the Chairman, who had slipped out earlier, and returned with news that they were to report to the Palace after they had eaten, as there were a few formalities to take care of. There was no need for the cloaks this morning, although Roggie had to shield his eyes from the bright sunshine, as they walked across to the deserted village. It seemed as though everyone had a hangover this morning, although it would not be long before everywhere began to fill up again with excited Bears, and the whole thing would start up all over again.

  Once inside, Roggie found a comfortable seat to sit on, and left the Chairman to attend to his duties. He was still feeling a bit delicate, and dozed off into a deep sleep, only awakening with the sound of the gathering crowd. That was the first sign things were under-way, and it did not take the Bear People long to arrive on mass. The drumming also started up again, with the pounding rhythms echoing through the great doors, even though they had been firmly closed.

  Morning had slipped into afternoon, and the two sisters were now in their coronation clothes. All Bears usually wore trousers and shirts, made out of hardy cloth, and did not go in much for fashion. What they wore was practical, and the only way to telling the sexes apart, was the fact that the female Bears wore slightly brighter clothing. Today, the Sisters were wearing white dresses, and had flowers in their hair, which made them look surprisingly feminine.

  Roggie had also been presented with new clothing, and wore white trousers and shirt, which he assumed would normally have fitted a Bear child. He was a good deal smaller than the average Bear, and realised how remarkable it must have been for the Great King to have commanded the Bear people, as neither he, nor any other Elphin Rabbits, could ever match them for their strength and power.

  It was now time for the coronation to commence, and they all made their way up the large wooden staircase, which led to the balcony overlooking the very large crowd. It stood on the front of the Palace, which was just big enough to accommodate the Sisters and the Chairman of the Council. There was also a throne, from where the King would normally address the Bear People. Over the years it had born witness too many events, but none of which was like the one destined for today. This was going to be the very first coronation of a Queen, and marked a change in the whole Bear society. There were great hopes of change, and the people were united in a way that they had not been for generations.

  There was an enormous cheer, as Nokie and Concordia walked out onto the balcony, with Roggie staying in the background, not wishing to be recognised.

  The Chairman of the Council also joined them, and moved his hand up and down trying to quieten them. The Royal Guards, who stood around the Palace, also did their best to quieten the people, and when he thought that he could be heard, the chairman shouted out to them as loudly as he could.

  “The King has been defeated - long live the Queen!”

  The crowd went wild again, and despite his attempts, there was no way of quietening them again for quite some considerable time.

  There was a great cheer as the sisters waved, and the drumming now reached fever pitch as the waving and cheering raised to a new level. After letting the crowd have their way for a few minutes, the Chairman raised his hand again, and the noise began to subside. When it was quiet enough for him to speak, the Chairman stood on the edge of the balcony, and shouted at the top of his elderly voice.

  “Today we are going to crown our very first Queen”

  The sound of cheering drowned out his voice, as he struggled to gain control. It took a few minutes for them to settle down again, before he could proceed.

  “Concordia has won the right to be Queen, after defeating King Innocence in the wrestling ring of our ancestors.”

  Innocence was the last name anyone would have chosen for a bully and someone regarded as nothing more than a scoundrel. People often thought that it was not his real name, as his past was clouded in mystery. It had been a great surprise that their champion had disappeared, and he had suddenly appeared on the scene. Now, they knew that the truth would emerge, and were overjoyed at the prospect of their champion’s daughter being crowned Queen.

  The Chairman guided Cuddles to the throne, and the cheering erupted again, as she sat down. He had to wait several minutes before they settled down enough for him to continue. When they had, he passed her the small wooden box containing the sacred scroll, which she took gently holding it in her hands.

  “Concordia, daughter of Tyr, do you solemnly swear to uphold the principles contained within these ancient words of wisdom, and swear to uphold them in the name of the Great King?”

  She took a deep breath, as it suddenly dawned on her that she was about to become Queen. Everything that had happened over the last couple of days had been more like a dream, and now reality hit her with the comparable force of one of Innocence’s blows, if he had managed to land one that was!

  “I do!”

  Cuddles swore her oath on the ancient scroll.

  “I now pronounce you Queen Concordia!”

  The crowd went wild with excitement, as the waving and cheering reached a new level. The Chairman then passed the scroll over to Nooks, who looked a little shocked.

  The noise of the crowd died down again as the Chairman spoke.

  “Nokie, daughter of Tyr, do you solemnly swear to uphold the principles contained within these ancient words of wisdom, and swear to uphold them in the name of the Great King?”

  She was a little bemused, wondering why she had been passed the box containing the scroll, and asked to swear the oath. The Chairman gave her a nod of encouragement, as she took hold of it.

  “I do!”

  The chairman then s
miled broadly, as she handed it back, still none the wiser.

  “I now pronounce you Princess Nokie!”

  The crowd cheered and waved again, as Nooks suddenly realised that she was a Princess. This was the first time that there had ever been a Bear Princess, and they both beamed with pleasure.

  This was the happiest day of their lives, and in their hearts they promised to do the right thing by their people. They only had the one desire for themselves, and that was to be reunited with their father, whom they greatly missed. That was something which would make their lives complete, although it would depend upon what the defeated Bear King would tell the Royal Guards when he was questioned. They still did not trust him, and realised that it was not going to be easy getting the truth out of him.

  Cuddles stood up and Nooks joined her at the front of the balcony, waving to the crowd who seemed to be equally as happy, this was indeed a wonderful day for everyone!

  After staying there waving until their arms ached, they left the balcony and the noise of the crowd, and re-entered the Palace.

  The drums had started pounding again, as the crowd cheered and danced, and it did not seem to bother them that for many, the pounding of the hangover was just as loud in their heads as the drumming outside!

  The celebrations were destined to run right into the night, until there were no Bears