Read The Elphame Chronicles - Part 1 The Poisoned Sceptre Page 8

had given way under a landslide. Getting his breath back, he realised that there was no way of crossing it, and so he sat down wondering what he was going to do next.

  Roggie was hungry which only added to his predicament, as he realised that he could not just sit here feeling sorry for himself. Looking around for a solution, he noticed that one of the trees on the other side hung over the gap in the path. If he could just reach one of its branches then maybe he could swing himself across?

  It would not be easy, but the more that he thought about it, the more he realised that there was no other alternative. So, despite his better judgement, Roggie gathered his things together, making sure that his bag was secure, and carefully stepped back, so that he could take a good run up.

  When he was ready, he ran forward, jumping up into the air as high as he could, aiming for an outstretched branch. He threw himself towards it, and managed to catch hold of it with his free hand. However, instead of swinging himself forward, there was a load cracking sound, as the whole thing snapped clean off!

  Roggie looked at it in horror, as he hung there in mid air for a few moments, before suddenly tumbling down the slope, taking part of the mountainside with him!


  Fine plumes of smoke drifted up from a campfire, followed by the unmistakable smell of cooking, which wafted out on the gentle breeze. It was only a small fire, and one which, if you had not been close to, you would have probably not have known that it was there at all.

  Hidden amongst the trees, two Bear Sisters sat eating their lunchtime meal, gently scooping up vegetable soup into their mouths from their large wooden bowls. They were hungry, and the soup provided them with the nourishment they craved. A cooking pot dangled over the fire from a three-legged stand, which they had constructed out of some neatly cut branches.

  The remainder of the soup simmered gently over the fire, as they ate in silence, gently blowing onto their wooden spoons, before gratefully accepting the contents. It had been a long morning, and now they relaxed, slowly emptying their bowls, with the aid of some bread, which they dipped in periodically.

  They spent all of their time together, and were very close, as close as sisters can be. Never apart and always together, they were more like one than two. They did have different personalities though, both so very different, and yet fitting together perfectly like a pair of old book ends.

  Nokie or Nooks for short, was very quiet, and one of life's thinkers being very intelligent, where as Concordia or Cuddles was quite talkative, being a gentle soul, apart that was, from when she was wrestling. Then, she changed into a formidable opponent, which is how she got her nickname. Her kind and gentle nature was very misleading as many other Bears took it as a sign of weakness. She had been ridiculed many times by other Bears who suggested that her bear hug would be nothing short of a cuddle. It went without saying how wrong they had been proved, as she had always been grossly underestimated. Standing with her arms wrapped around her opponent’s chest, she could swing around and pin down practically any other bear in the land.

  Like most Bears, they really loved their food, particularly sweet things, such as honey biscuits, which they enjoyed after a meal of wild mushrooms, berries, and roast nuts, all cooked over an open fire. Today it was vegetable soup, as they were travelling, and far away from their normal home.

  Sitting quietly eating together there was not the slightest hint of the bad temper Bears were reputed to have. For the most part it was a misconception brought about by their rather primitive culture based around conflict, although having said that, they did have a strong code of honour. If an opponent was beaten, then they showed respect to the victor, and the more victories a Bear had, the higher in the pecking order they became.

  Bear society was very male dominated, with little family groups scattered throughout their lands, and only coming together at certain times of the year when they held wrestling tournaments. The most important one of the year was the Midsummer Festival, which stretched over three days. It was already nearing midsummer, and the sisters were journeying towards the village of the Bear King.

  It was going to be the largest wrestling tournament in the calendar, and practically every Bear in the land was making his or her way towards the Great Clearing at the centre of the kingdom. It was going to be quite an occasion with lots of eating and drinking, tale telling, and overall merriment!

  The Sisters were relaxing, enjoying their food when they were disturbed by a piercing cry followed by a large rumbling sound. They looked up to see a landslide not too far away from them, followed by a large cloud of dust and debris.

  “Did you hear that cry?”

  Nooks looked at her sister, wondering what could have caused it.

  “Yes I did!”

  Cuddles looked back at her sister, and both having the same thought, spoke at the same time.

  “It sounds as though someone is in trouble. Do you think that we should go and see if there is anything that we can do to help?”

  They smiled at each other, being so close they knew exactly what they other one was thinking, as it was not uncommon for them both to say the same words at the same time.

  Putting down their half empty bowls, they stood up, looking in the direction of the landslide. It was relatively close, so with a mutual nod of the head, they left their meal and began to walk towards it.

  It did not take them long to reach the landslide, and when they arrived, the dust had already begun to settle. It was a mass of rubble and broken tree branches, which had formed a large heap on the forest floor. At first, they could see no signs of life, but as they looked a little closer, they could see the tip of a spear protruding from the debris.

  The sunlight glinted off its metal blade, and if it had not been for that, then they would probably not have known that there was anyone under there at all. They were both curious, and as they went a little closer, they were astounded to see that there were some carvings upon it.

  They both became transfixed by the blade, which was very unusual. Most spears had crude wooden shafts, with a stone or possibly metal blade attached to it. This spear was a little different having been delicately crafted out of a metal that neither of them had ever seen before. It did however, have a familiarity about it, as it resembled something from the tales of their glorious distant past.

  “No, it can’t possibly be!”

  They both exclaimed, looking at each other, before looking back towards the blade.

  “I thought that the Sacred Spear was just a myth!”

  They looked at one another again, both thinking of the ancient legend.

  Long ago, there was a Great King, who united all of the lands under one kingdom, which he called Elphamia. Everyone lived in peace and prosperity until one day his jealous younger brother appeared with a large army claiming the kingdom for himself!

  Despite all of his considerable efforts, the Great King could not pacify his younger brother, and was forced into a terrible battle. The battle lasted for many days, with the kingdom eventually being destroyed, and most of the people lost. It is said that one day the Great King will emerge from the mountain, and return to bring peace and prosperity back to his kingdom.

  The Sisters, like all of the other Bears, knew the legend very well, as it was one of the tales told at the wrestling tournaments, usually during the large drinking sessions that followed a day’s competition. There was even a large stone carving of the Great King himself in the village of the Bear King, which they had both seen on many occasions. He was depicted sitting on his thrown with a sceptre in one hand, and the sacred spear in the other.

  What made the sight of the blade so unusual, was the fact that only the Great King’s spear had carvings placed upon the blade.

  They looked at each other again, as there was a slight movement, followed by a muffled groan from beneath the pile of rubble and broken tree branches. Then, as they looked on in amazement, the spear began to rise.

  You could have literally knocked them
both down with a proverbial feather as, just like the legend stated, the Great King was emerging from out of the mountain, to reclaim his Kingdom!

  They both rushed forward towards the spear, and started pulling the broken branches away, as another groan came from beneath the large pile of debris. Then, with their bare hands, they began to remove the pieces of rock, which were covering what they thought was the Great King.

  Their hands were large and powerful, and it did not take them long to uncover a head, which was all covered in leaves and soil. The head shook itself, and there beneath the covering of undergrowth, was a hooded figure!

  Roggie stood there dazed, not really knowing what had taken place. All he could remember was the branch snapping, and suddenly descending down the mountainside. He had tumbled head over heels through the thick undergrowth, and had come to rest in the arms of a tree. He had still been holding tightly onto his spear, as soil and rocks had toppled down upon him.

  The Sisters could do nothing but stand and stare, in a state of total shock and bewilderment. They were not on their own, as Roggie could see stars floating around in front of his eyes. He had hit his head several times, and there was a stinging pain, which began to throb between his ears.

  Roggie felt the whole world begin to turn around, as he swayed, having to hold onto his spear to keep his balance. He felt