Read The End of the Universe: Universal Verses1: Page 2
Complex geodesic-light bending gravitational electro-magnetically
Pressure-weighted rotational balancing-support nuclear
Unclear in utter-darkness again inside-collapsing
Slowing de-pressuring and re-pressing membrane
Turning-uplifted one two three:
-Over three-gravity forces heavier...
Without safety-harness oppositely opposital down-turning:
-Than Nothing?!
Drawn–back inward again weaker low-energy dropped down to:
-Pentangular nodal-complex point-planar spin-dragging flung:...
-Within the moment...
-Of Time and Nature...unbalanced...
Mega-dropping dropped-in soundless blindly spatial-silence unheard panicked iced panned pained pumiced unhearing…
Tottering teetering: screaming sloped slid-sliding down toppling
Observation platform-podium towering:
-Axial down-swaying...hold-on!
-Hold ‘em Up!?
Gamboling rounding-back an oddly doubly tripling quadrupling
Pentatonic unequally elastic-sided:
-Extreme and mean median...
Snagging-inward nodal-complex point-planar.
De-pressurising and repressing-membranic Thudded!!
Each of Us...we breathed-life into-Ourselves and Each-Other.
Outward Hydroid-polyps uplifted: one two three
Over three gravity forces-heavier…
Crossed and contrary clatterous
Electronic rattling platform rafting-regional.
Each-to-each learning from Selves as All Others’ synthesizing:
Made of metal and mineral rock-scraped and scratched together.
Forged in gas and in dark-waters rafting-along
Ourselves now with all other firing-waves
Spread interference patterning-particulate passing-across...
Passing-through crossed and strung-out colliding-points
Cancelling-out the spaces in-between:
-Pure-Vacuum tri-point breaking:
-Quantum-emission tri-parted...
Inevitably-asymmetric radiating moving:
Folding polyhedral-topical idealising idealised imaginings:
-Imaging: Ideal real-gas...
-Primordial-stable monatomic-state.
Grey-silver white separating-out with nowhere else to go.
Greying into utterly un-reflective complete-darkness amassing:
-The Universal-Vacuum...
As yet unlit Solar-Planetary ellipsoid-rotation
To reach back into the di-polar axial-centre
Torn crab-claw grabbing
Spinel-scary terrifying yet-thrilling affirming confirming Each
To Be:
-Our-own projective non-zero non-negative valid proof-positive.
Increasingly Other de-creasingly inevitably reducing:
-As negatively-irreducible…
-As contradictory-proven:…
-Demonstratively as by a Universally Incomplete-Paradox...
Parodying troubling-affine non-affine
Incomparable gouging-out.
Set-stringline boundary-mediating massively-asymmetric
Infinite-potentiality seemingly boundless and unstoppable:
-And so it all ends and is to The-End...
Oppositely mirrorly and sinisterly ghostly in the machine.
With The-Machine-handed-down and foot-pedaling
Pumping like a decorative-fairground organ played winding-down.
Heard and seen sapient salient-connected and combinatorial
Requiring post-rational reasoning-activity to work
As imaginative-toys or Weapons of Mass-Destruction.
Of Life. Potential pile- up Crash!ing!
Braking-arresting pushing-forward
Into custody-detained taken-hold of
Risk-factors apprehending-turning wounded-dropping
Rising colliding force-field breast-feeding pount-pointing…
Counting fed-breathing wont mounded.
Exploding-mountainous and imploding-bubbles of sound and vision.
Fading-shadow elongating through vortex-tubular empty-centring
Surrounding pure-starlight points-all-around:
-How many?
-Varying Intel...
Attracting and detracting forces’ measured to robotic-accuracy
Learning-mistakes with double-jeopardy triple and more-adjustment
Next time if there was a next time…
And there was.