Read The End of the Universe: Universal Verses2: Page 6

  Lengthening-toughened, turning wrapping-strandlines washing-gently

  against the ebbing and flowing underwater-current. Floating and transported, settled, swelling and transferring re-seeding packages. Squeezed, out of the mould, sunlight flickering, rooting follicle sprouting silky spiral sticky viscose, synthesising sweet sugary cellulose algic fungal cell-wall, setting out, and sprouting-again…inner and outer conjunctive seed-planted, and stem rooted, branching flooded, freshwater-droplet air-vapour,

  chambered, overclouded more stemming open leafed waterweed,

  in the shallow waters, vascular spiral verdant,

  open star-pointed nebulae shaped-leaf.


  In the deep-clouding underwater, root stem bladder budded, branched bulbous podded-kelp; stretched upwards opening broadening guttering leaf-filtering magnified purple-brown, red-and-blue green-light. With appearance of dense seaweed forest, edged opening, icy-flooded swollen, and inwardly dried, opened out flap case lid, slit split open, and dropping falling over the edge. Chloro-plastid, to seed again, splashed stringed interlocking-purple strand, and traced along open orange sun drenched coastal-shoreline.

  Through the settling, and re-settling oceanic soft bacterial-mats, coccoid seeded and filamentious forking-off protuberant spiky extension streaked-off,

  coiling-rooted. Lobed radial and linear unraveling, dividing, opening;

  folding, consuming nucleating mitochondrial-granule game-threaded.

  Each of us, flowering tree-bark, simple core chemoheterotroph, inside, and outwardly raising anchored; a base and apex in mid water, arched and bowed facing, tipped, forward, passing through, as in a wave. On the rebound, to push a new angled limbic tendril forward, headed- triangular, pulling dragging along in the dense water. Outwardly thick plasmic treacly, lingering gyro-magnetic…

  -Centro-spherical scopic, strung-out dimensionless, in a dimensionful-Universe.

  Radiating angular-momentum, fibrillating, texturing inner and outer surface,

  pushing outward with a stretching of the cantilevering membranous body, pulling-back inward. With resistance, moved and moving around, purposefully against the rising and sinking-tide.

  Sparking-over fixed and moving coruscating-screen, in dense, and heavy seemingly thinning liquid, inner-edged bending twisting fibrous sinuous cartilage-structuring, proteinous scar channel muscling forming turning side-to-side steering-ligament. Fatty-fleshed, continuous adhesion shuttling…

  Riding each underwater warming wave, surfing, now, swarming, rippling-ribbing...segment mineral-crystal coterie-nesting wave-formed motile-tipped, tiping, encased nucleating-centerpiece. Gooey-flocculation, electrostatic-aggregate-coagulating organelle-flowing plasma- polymer; in water precipitate solidifying-bodily transported and holding-together.

  Outwardly, uniquely reshaping each-Individual.

  Complex, amoebic-animalcule, flowing, embryonic growing, segmented, swelling budding, divided paring-off. Re-processing, and packaging from the waters’packaging, and from and of-the-EarthCentre; in deep rock-pools,

  and ocean-canyon, over magma-hot plate, as a pent-up opened-valve.

  A cloud of bubbles released: from The Ocean-Floor. Into and out of the waters, let over and through crystalline quartz clay and shale, damp slippery rock, over flowing yellow ash grey sand, washed tarry sediment cooled rapidly... rapped propagating cracks, chemical-bags, mud-dwelling.

  Over-risen, galvanized-granite-land plate, with the following tide, along deep sea gorge, over orange rust and yellow streaked ocean floor. Through seething teeming grey-brown fungal and foul liquid mud, slipping, sliding; each of us our own submersible translucent-protist chromatophore mote-centred. Balled, furry stranded, microtubule coiling and re-coiled, turning hubris, pulling-apart and together. Pulling-through, and re-matched, expansively-within, re-growing, reformed, crossed doubled-up,

  spectroscopic absorption-pattered patterned fuzzy fur-ball multi-colouring ringed, from bright-white, to deep-black.

  Stretched-furry unfolding striped brown and purple, periodically,

  and spatially-engaged liquid mineral-liquid, and gas-relay.Co-valence conjugated, shuttle-gating, exchanged-marking’s, passed,

  brushed-off, depositing on each other, on the way through.

  Similarity, congealing slime-ball salt-solute.

  Crystal quartz-blackening brown and yellowing gasified, liquidising solidifying ciliate grain exhausting, to a stretched compressed-centred, closed micro-permeable wall, lipid, spherical-amorphous, from a single bubbling warm droplet of water…

  Soft permeable walls soaking up, absorbing and adsorbing micron- nutrient, to maintain, grow, continue, and reproduce, excess-waste, allowing and disallowing Entrance or Exit. Taking-over, colonizing control and function,

  zooming in and out. Scaling detail, microtubule sheathed, oxidising energy

  massing metabolism.

  Powering, microbial folding inside out, head over tail membrane taking in and bi-layer gastrulating, ingratiating larger-growing, macrobial-combining, conjoined-ciliary ciliate, escalator, respiratory and digestive flooded-passage.

  Moving-off, crystalline matrix flagellate, swimming, from the inner remains surviving, pausing-only, to specify furthering repeat performance.

  Supra-sonic shrill piercing, constricted sounded screeching-burst; heat compressed sono-luminescent; Outer-tension holding reflecting and blocking the electric-lighted spectrum, through and of ourselves. Each-reflected inner stranded limbic, in water, sustained, sponging held up on the water, sinking and rising at will, moving forward and back, side to side.

  Soft-bodied slow-moving clear-creamy and yellow triple sectioned trilobite, expanding and contracting with rising and falling. Internal-atmospheric fluctuation, flocculation watery-gasses separated; swim-bladder filled-stabilizing...blood-streamed, oxygen-blue artery-vein... stream-rivering estuarial; hormonal-changing, highly-reactive, oxidising iron-red pigment flowing, transporting yellow orange-red; and,blue-green liquid gas-filled pouch; open at one end, opening at the other. Letting-out dangling sticky feeding pendules, attached and hanging-on.

  Together, with the rest of the body, pulsating on subterranean wave,

  caught-up in rushing warm currents, and cold drift’s...aquiflexing watery-capsule cupping-ball. Capturing, double-lined permeable-hollow, semi-liquid algic-fungal bacterial-bowl. Vibrant halo-ringed coiled disc-spiral rodded filament nglowing-in, and from the dense-deep. In the warming shallow-sunlight, feeding sunwarmed photosynthetic zoo-plankton, diatom-misting bloom nervous net-larval, smack-blooming sponging-swarm worming...

  learning membrane skin sensing, and taking-in…and spitting-out.

  Snipping-at, muddy earthen rock, tasty stem-leaf, and other floating-creature.

  From the deep, ribboning-proteinous:


  Nano-Tode? worming, ciliate-arrowing, segmented velvet-sheath; ragged quivering-globular, soft-segmented sifting-body.

  Digestive-tract, reproductive organ’s’ section-segmenting, and budding anew.

  Flat-flapping, tubular slug-worming, threading elongated stretched; starched carbohydrate-coated protective chamber inwardly, and outwardly, blindly self-organising, tube-tree-rubbery flat-banded, moving in muddy water, worming-fungal brown-green water-Slug.

  Earthy, creamy-white maggot, tubule rehydrating, inner cloudy carbolic-

  brew, sloshed in toward the central-core; segmented, separating-out ring-cyclic residue compressed; and spun-out resinous charged feverish,

  cystic-engulfed, explosive crystalline-spore remains sprung from The Centre re-forming floating watery-sac through root and branch, taking in mineral vegetable, and animal.

  Food-energy, along the seafloor, massive blind and legless, slow-moving Giant worming-slug. Sprung opening, ribbon and ciliate sensing, soft trapping and sieving, gulped, and swallowed, crunched into swollen rock-churning belly-bladder; trapping whole-living raw-energy, potentially alive
, consumed, dead.

  Entropic topical-gases, and liquids, eclectic entopical and nutritious feeding;

  suckling reconstituting mineral-life form. Taking in the weakened and young of their own, and other, the energy to continue. Pressure pumping blind bubbling, heat seeking granule; combusting energising re-energising progressing-linkway…growth, re-agent, raising the generalised ready-state.

  Bodily sponging, liquefying algic fungal, blackened and pale, lipid-stretched, and limpid-grubbing...

  In ferment, imbibed heated and cooled.

  Stewed and stirred, retained part released...through resistant blue-cold,

  and absorbent warmed red-streaked, yellow and green blue brown arching sea-snaked...stretching and pulling, raising-lifted, diffusing-digestion.

  Re-energized new body cells. Burning off fatty acid globular body chaining dragging along segments, repeated and attached, along modular-somatic similar bodyline. Hollow-barrel shaped tunicate-sponging sea-squirt;

  mouthing-ring muscle band lips, digestive straightening gut-coiling; emulsifant lipid cellular membrane-feeding, carbon-flared oxidal core-elemental synthesising, fueling-combustion burning, ammoniac laxative spewed out; extracting fuel and food spat out of flesh, and shell sedentary remained stunning waste-poisoning protecting-jet. Recognising, realising the warning, the alert, shifting-through, complacency, survival, and safe default-mode.

  Altering soft-tissue, to make contact, or avoid contact, to swell and contract.

  Body-rooted micro-tubular track-extending and distending transmitter and receiver; containing chemical-stomach-nourishing dis-charging cargo-fueling,

  touch sensitive nerve strand, tensed or released, relaxed or held-fast.

  Passing discharging electricity rapidly through synaptic opening and closing-circuit.

  To-transfer, release or hold.

  Insulating, isolated conduction, sheathed nodular polarization.

  Tripped-along, apical axonal-gateway, letting-in and letting-out. Opening and shutting, closed muscle-sensory, neural belly-tube. Cresting oily-mast, mass-tipping tissue, trapped bodily-centred, folding over fatty top surface building, recording, checking and repeating repeat function.

  Switching, twitching, spasming, contracting, and relaxing...searching-sensory motor nervous pulse; sparked along spiny cortex, battery-wired di-electric insulated-pyramidal, rounded squared-off multi-polar ganglia, dendritic plasma-cell; clasping-together, clamping, synapse-axonal processing and transmitting chemical action-potential.

  Limbering brains, fired-together, galvanizing cord-and-charge.

  Smooth-muscle wrapping hollow-organs’ voluntary and involuntarily regulating, moving food through, and waste-expelled; repeating,

  or avoiding at every accidental incidental and intentional body movement:


  -CHON triphosphate chromosomal neural retinal photo-sensitive phosphortransfer-ase…

  Electromagnetic light-energy activated, signal-transduction, nervous tubular,

  reflected pitted, pinhole spherical lensed. Multiple and paired, apposital chitin refractive-index lensed, bending-light; through cornea and focused iris. Stalk-extended light sensitive patch, nervous-primal cordate-spinal notochord, with probing cilia; sensitized searching tendrils faceted, light-photosensitive sensitive pit, single bug eye lense, rewiring retrofitted retina neuron funneling light-waves…radiating.

  Selecting packet’s from the maelstrom, for the best bits, or irrelevance, selecting out the in Life-dangerous, and eventually, defeating blind spots, into the brain, directing nerve cell flickering, close-call…wavefunction-hologram 3D brain moving thousands-of-times…

  -Per Solar-EarthCentre moment…

  -To capture: The Universal-Moment!



  Outside, inside out, upside down, and side to side, and making meaningful-correlation, in brain-body space. Watching-out of beam-ray eye, nautilus green-squid balled-eye, fishbowl chitinous-lensed, nematode fish brain-cell-connectivity...fisheye: feeding on larval fishes, small-shrimp, sucking up sea lice into tiny-mouths…red-algae thriving in the shade of giant-Kelp forest.

  Tentacled mouthing, skulling eye-balled and nostril flaring. cartilaginous, sinuous boneless-head chamber. Jawless, calcium bone-toothed, sophisticated flesh-opened, intraocular soft-focusing, reverse image gained, now felt, heard,

  and seen, made-produced, luminous and illuminating phosphorescent-tipped,

  fatty acid nutrient and vitamin brain-tissue formed necessarily, to evaluate-action.

  Revved-up, engine motary-device, loco-motive; core co-ordinating function,

  catapulted, fearful stress-impulse reaction,

  this time thought-out, controlled.

  Linked sensory and motor neurons, glial-cell and tubed neuro-transmitters.

  Under congealed muscle and marrow-boned, bloodied-fat, nerval neuron firing, glial-neuron myelin insulate sheathed sodium cardiac blood-plasma pumping-cell salt-potassium ion-channel, water-oxidizing heating, igniting hydrogen nerve firing, synaptic electro-chemical, transmitting-fielding wave…

  action-potential burgeoning, tipped directional headed soft grey-matter.

  Allowing, sensing, tensing, contracting, releasing for relaxing, folding and continuously-organising, and re-organising. Adding, holding, and taking away information states. Significance, against prior signified information.

  Memorific immediate checking, measured and recording rolled-out encephalic synaptic sheet. Conjoined essentially to the mouth and anus, folding forming-gut. Sensorially, stripe-field bar-coded, through cortical filigree, connected and contained, in fatty layered striped and speckled,

  mutually recognisable, bodily-respiring, flesh-integument.

  Behavior guidance-system registering cortical, and directly cerebral sensory-input, from the outside world. To the inside, selecting from among compatible and incompatible, with aforethought.

  Charging the ferment, juices, heart, open ended gill sifting,

  filled water-lung, feeding liver and blood racing, rattling triple tissue-layered, cordate, bony vertebral-body. Ignoring fatigue, raising the excitement and awareness level. To foment rapid progeneration, forment and alteration, alliteration Organising; sensing stem-structure-ranging triggers

  Across received internal wavelength; To The-Hunt; to hide.

  To seek through camouflaging surroundings, to rest, in group-safety, lessening the odds, increasing the memorised, mesmerising chances of another.

  Merged, with the surround, ready to spring out, into, or away from.

  Through and between layers, blocking and releasing, allowing and disallowing, along gated-pathways…

  through and between convulsive re-centring mucal manifold,

  renewed, and permeable at various points, to the outside.

  Hungry nervous-tension, giving rise to learned search and attack...attacking-back, or lost. Surface-receptors, identifying dark and light, and with wave and rock mimicking potential-intrusion. Swinging-around, as disgusted appetising or alluring averting and safe. Feeding, building through built up network of watery lymph nodule, among more and more varied kindling kindred spirit,

  sifting out, shared value-in enclosed-sac, separated-out. Distributing, through filtering-membrane, defibrillating and absorbing, bubbling gas and corpuscular fatty globular-bundle.

  Controlling in relative-part, and renewed, through dense and less dense,

  exterior and interior blurred-boundary. Checking, conductivity, for renewal and migration, regulating and repairing underlying Self-assembly.

  Strength and size in specie numbers, escape, fight, or martyrdom.

  Giving-in to the stronger, but lesser-creature holding the rest together, in the swilling and swirling capturing-pool; spinning and splitting off, through and around every moving-point. Responding; to the outside, the ever-changing scene...waves repeated and reassuring, from one-si
de, to the other; reflection-on, and selection-out of the surround.

  Bodily-contour building, small enteric brain, sympathetic activity with enjoined corded effecter gut-muscle. Processing, continuously feeding, flat receptor ragged wormhead velvet-tipped bio-elelectric sensoring, flickering electric glassy young eel- generating biofeedback, through concentrated-solute. Interrupted static-voltage, negative, or positively-charged, across and through folding and re-enfolding membrane.

  Touching-contact, branch branching capillary networked speckled hollow, open ended fluxing tubule. Synchronised turning, sectioned and separated, at the filling and emptying mouth, grubbing energy generating and re-generating Operator.

  Secreted, secreting-stimulators, submerged, pumping-faster and ponderously, slower, opening sucking and crawling-along. Excavating into the rock and sandy ground. Telemere-graph and mast-messaged, testing the threat...

  Attracting streaming combatant to fat wrap, and render harmless, to disarm and capture, absorb, and dis-charge.

  Re-charged, and dis-patched, in the service of the larger; hydrating and re-energising whole waste-water funneled, tidal back-flow, out of the mouth, through rear end fibrous bowel, opening membrane sphincter, lock and release, threaded and spewed product, into the waters, to settle.

  Re-stored; to the deep depth splitting drinking sea-water, and its gaseous organic, mineral and metallic contents. Inside and outside, filtering and exhaustive spray consuming and exhuming, at one end imbibing, the other, tail-end disgorging waste-water and gases; solids and broadly cast miniature spawn threaded-out...