Read The End of the Universe: Universal Verses2: Page 9

Practice and chance, of the various non-redundant control’s...matching...useful innovating and responsive, open-ended scaffold-building, dismantled and rebuilt, somatic and re-programmed part.

  With murderous-intent...sequel add-on expansion version-controlling maximal-minimal compression buttons-pressed, foot-pedalling heel and toe, hand-gripped, wheeled-steering, cogged-ratcheting levering braked, and locked. The driving force, internally light and heat controlled and guided, guiding with varying colour-shaped combination, swirled and aligned clicking...static-linear, circling-interlocking, deliberately, purposefully entangling.

  Chased plankton-bloom and shoals of shrimp.

  Snapping and crushing pod, rock crustacean and mollusk.

  Sucked in krill, chambered length of toothed red worm,

  bitten off algic decorated tapestry-ceiling.

  Taking in, or not taking the chance.

  Improving, or denying, in the immediate persistent situation, momentarily to react, and to reaction, reactively reflexively adjusted to changing outer

  and inner circumstance.

  Increasing the size, and consumption of smaller local prey.

  Shape shifting along, become inedible, too large, too tough, too cunning.

  Each success adding a physical and neurological pathed potential,

  through to the next round.

  Along spread out stem leaves and branches,

  oval open mouthings, brown green cucumber slug, and red-blooded worm.

  Nibbling, at sea-lettuce and cabbage, bladderwort, mustard broccoli and cauliflower. Opening leaf seed flower and lower nut casing in water; beaded and flowing off, over waxy smooth-cuticle.

  Feeding from leaf white and more colour reflective plant, seed pollinated and budded. After brief recovery, resealed, reformed, rested, tested and searching again, winding and unwinding off, reverseways through the vegetation, coral forest, tiny crustacean washed-off, to fall and float, snapped up in droves.

  Carapaced; slug crustacean, tactile tentacled mollusk, stuck to and crawling imperceptibly, assuredly along the protective sides. Scallop shelled limpet, slow and slippery clamfish. Water beetle resting, from potential assault, hiding in the watery slime mould and sand. Tiny lampshell clam, armoured giant sea-scorpion; dragging four pairs of legs and long tail.

  Surviving, incidentally, overcamouflaged nest, and pit-trap lair. Unsuspecting other, lured accidentally into capture. Exhuming the crabmeat, with toe nail clawed pincer. Moving onto and unable to crack resin shellaced barnacle, limpid limpet occupant, left-alone.

  Ignoring, the hidden colourless background periwinkle,

  creeping along the edge. The attempting scavenger predator prey.

  Giving to compound pitted and pinhole photosensitive; tri-pointed, cubed, and multilateral shaped, multiple dimensional, stringing clustering light sensitive pigment of violet-red, yellow-grey and blue-green…

  Taking-in, and flashing out, a danger-signal, for or against, homing-in on lighter, or more shaded parts; that could propitiously be-food, that could be-fed. Small insect-crustacean, starfish brittle-feather sea-cucumber, sea-lilies, sea-squirt, starfish scaly feathery-flesh, surviving-mussel, filter feeding through rudimentary dentine, pulp hardened enamel ringed-teeth, sieving from the water, the chambered fleshed clam shell hinge, snapped tight-shut.

  Closing, snapping shut, the interred, newly budding forms entombed, enwombed. Flapping pentagonal furry ciliate starfish limbic extension points,

  floating and rising, muscle fat and bone beaked, pouched venomous stinging speared; muscle fibred starfish assault, defended against by laired rock caverned shell shrimp and crab claw crawling, ambushed.

  Into coral stony-fortress sheltered, cleaned, picked on by butterfly winged fish-finned, biting through rock, sandy tropical-beach, exhausted, and deposited. Lamprey, grasping rasping blood sucking tube, sea to freshwater dying, after-spawning, digging holes for watery larvae-to-mature, to parasitic form and structure; through conductive insulating and isolating filament, electro-plated receptor and transducer, aware scanning-sensors, rapid-firing stimulators...triggering hydraulic corpuscular-flow.

  Activating, conjoined-geared and ratcheted, winching and unwinching motor-activity. Fish like lancelet, cordate proto-vertebrate side-to-side,

  muscle block swimming, gill’s-feeding filter jawless limbless flat, eel-like, hagfish fin-tail, side-to-side cartilage-scales. Small silver and golden yellow fish, cleaning off the rocky edges. Vast darting and herded droves, curious and afraid, hid amongst immense rock-pillar; growing mineral-microbial built-coral shell-reef, water-break, near-distant, virtually blind-shark snouted-gill,

  lower jaw-teeth non-skeletal, freed front facing calcium bony plate, sonar-capturing capsule.

  Upper tail-fin sharp-knifed through the waters. Paddling pawfins, positioning, with mechanical bone-rattle, attenuating, over sensitive cilia mat, smelled,

  and tasted orientation, towards satisfying re-energising meal. Dorsal-pectoral fin on the head, near the gills, semi-permeable, calcifer-calibrating...gating and sodium pressure-exchange, across muscle-nervous blood-brain membrane and interface. Mucal-saliva trickling from mouth to stomach to brain.

  Gastrul sensing-tongue registered for both food and:

  -The Hunt.

  Muscling-tasting, smelling, toothed-jawed extended skeleton, swimming side to side thrashing-tail, and fin-sharp... shell rock hard, and oily-scaly, and pourous, flesh-plastid underbelly, deep-chambered cavernous gape, drawing-in to sieving, crunching-tooth, rattling-bone; jaw-dislocated, wide-mouthing swallowing vacuum-cavity.

  As a night sky, into daylight.

  Each navigation, away and toward, in-contact and capture, to escape other sucking tube; and biting jaw, into the future, to live and reproduce again.

  Snapping-up, consuming, and repeating, continuing; return mouthing gurney balance-operating, and extending fibred-limbs, gelatinous-wrapping tentacle-moving, from capture-to-mouth internally-warmed, cooked, cooled, chewed, digested, and warmed blue to red-veined, colours-vibrating, in bursts and waves, of re-newed energy.

  Extended and contracted separately articulating food and jaw grip, controlling intake with taste and odour, sized-movement; of the mouth and gut, with instinctual-movement, reinforced retaining-record, of what is good to eat, and what it is good to leave-alone.

  Triggering and conserving morphological bodily-change. Reproducing-swelling, fattening, hardening, sensing. Thwarting larger-predator, with exaggerated swollen shape, hidden daylight poly-chrome multi-colour; mopping-up nightblind sightless-prey, before even knowing there is a scavenging predator-there. Jellyfish, soft beaked octopus, sharp-beaked feeding intelligent squid, hood-headed mantle eight ganglia legged, paddled through warm waters, specialized segmented octopus, charged and gored.

  Waiting, sitting haunched, hunched tension sprung and suddenly pouncing horn toothed. Mineral calcite depositing around articular tissue connected parts. Load and shear stress built layer, cementing tidelines. Diametric building rods, layering fine thread lacunae matrix, pourous spongy bony interstices attached to gulping mouth and letting, feathery jaw-boned hinged- mouth opening-body. Feeding, foundational each droplet supporting Each One and Each Other: grouped-together species and specimen floating-upwards towards the apparent source of light.

  Turned over to feed from the surface algic and plankton mite,

  massed ridden plains, above the wrack. Between towering branching bladder wrack, remaining tiny vesicules, twitched and flitted, photo-trophic light eating bugs, numeric-algorithm genetic-mutation, slowly-exercising hovering on the underwater-waves. Thread, fuelled storing and transporting, propelling-reciprocating false-vacuum over-powering engine-muscle axial drive-shaft translucent on pellucid Ocean film-emulsion pocketing and releasing, exhaustive rapid and explosive energy; charge and exchanging re-charge.

  Periscopic fish frog-eye, opening out, into clear ocean sky light shading glistening, facing open-mouthed
, back-swimming along on the open pelagic sea, spare flesh flapping, above the surface, as a sail. Floating fin-feet running along the surface, blown with the tail wind, headed, on the back-boating across the depths. Jellyfish root tentacle feeding below, consuming morsels on sticky tentacle, pushing out of the waves, taking from the breeze above moving-fast into the air...surfing the Over-wave and diving back-down into the depths under the surface bloated Whaling-oil pumping-up like a balloon.

  Floating back-upwards, toward the surface. Emptying, to feed, to dip under again, and flipping over, before flippering away into now hidden-depths. Waterproof, heat and light-trapped head to tail bony resilin iridescent-scales.

  Counter-shading texture and colour, grey and blue and brown shadow,

  and blended retained deposited, calcite back-rodded and ribbed-over protective chest-cavity; surviving over ridged crusted head carapace skull-case. Fleshed and teress dressed, locks and curls, mane-coat, fur wool and pelt, follicled-over; flat fisheye, rolling over, travelling across the soft-skulled head from side to side...ossified, flexible rodded cartilage, down to the balancing flicking and flapping tail.

  Spiny-ray finned flatfish, ray-fin mudskipper, gulper paddle bow-fin;

  angler-minnow piranha-seahorse, rivering freshwater salmon trout boned,

  fin braced skeletal fish, skidding and skating through the groundwater.

  Dorsoventrally, undulating forward-motions, compressed into the domain. Spreading, pectoral-fins, gliding in the concave watery rear-margins. Walking-surreptitiously, on extended lobe-fins through underwater sunken cave; crossing-along canorous-canyon valley-floor. In the still flickering darkened-depths, features and movement apportioned, apportioning dim-images back. Linked and coincidental projection, proximal in time and space, corresponding, congruent, attenuating retained.

  Channeled, indexical-codex light-image:

  -Copy, and checking, repeat-reflex response....

  Returned, through fibred cortex, to and from blood swelling, bulging, enclosed and front-facing ambergris…

  Enjoined-whole transmitting and receiving.

  Unctuous, plastid saponaceous waxy glucose proteinous brilliantine-lobed internal-hearing and listening seeing mapping and re-mapping screen drafting and continuously in the presence re-drafting connected: to Each inwardly attached projected-component part gathering-news; and building-materials from the inner-most surrounding, to the outermost fed, from the exterior waters, poisoning exiting, repeat pattern-mutating, changing and altering: ecological-Space.

  In-response, to sunfed photosynthetic fungal algic bloom, tacky-scummy pastural plankton-feeding. Opening, in distended dilation, fragmenting-fission; and fusing-together, sponging network-connectivity; messaging neural-signalling extending-across crusty interstical-surface. Breathing-in tractor and extractor grill-grating. Sucking-in through light and mineral water, filtering-plates, flicking hinged grill-bars, controlled-consumed separated-gasses jet squirt propelled, buoyancy-sac. Opened and closed, to sink and rise. Light-spotting, piecing together points, directed through optic electric nerve Large-blurry and stationary-object; fast-moving rock and plant feeding...filtering-out, draughts of mineral and metallic water, crystal rock

  seasonal plankton, and algic bloom. Along the food chain, adrift with the

  swirling current taking-in, and powering-locomotoring,..

  Grazing on algae, snipping at green and purple plant-leaf, imbibing bubbling and tanning Solar-rays. Secured under an alluring, reflective underwater surface, through sectioned opening pore, ciliate feathered shellaced fur, shifting and sifting gilled-vessel nibbling, and drawing-in, sweet-savouring, gulping crunching, drinking and feeding, quick seeing, deliberately searching-out. Through coloured light and movement, caught in a lighted shaft, rising on the current, as if tranquilised in-amazement. Rotating spiracle-wheeling spidery-legged rock and leaf mite, tremulous in disbelief. Caught, trapped on the wave, part-bitten injured or snapped-off. Snapped-off, in collision with a rock, or larger gaping gap, prey or rival predator, attempting, competitive intentional, to-harm, to-injure, to maim; to-kill; or snagged-on, ragged-rock edge, clumsily, accidentally released, escaped the wound sealed-over already jellied, regenerating-somatic, re-growing scar-tissue. Chancing of varying-sequence, regenerated, anew from the original, or lived without. Blindly amputated, flippering away, boneless toothless jawless mouthing-sucker, brittle-arm, bony, and toothed with such rapidity...once-accustomed, with rhythmic, phonic-chromatic, controlling input and output, with timing and tactical-Choice, skill, and lucky-Chance.

  4.10. The Vibrant-Stage.

  The vibrant stage-set, directed and redirecting...changing unknowing-chance and thought-known choice. To dart toward, or hide away from, known treat or suspected threat. Pattern-recognition resistant-cell surface, blood carrying pathogen antigenetic body consumed protection of the whole, skin flora non- stick coating, outer and inner repelling potentially harmful bacteria, chemical signal response immunity trapped, and transporting-phage engulfed, red blood-iron removing, vampirous-piercing, and sucked-out the contents.

  Digesting re-product-excreted, removing or procreating neutered, flicked and jumped. Large spiky and blotched mass, attached and moving fast flared.

  Like a comets tail, magic arrow fighting-off intrusion. Between the warming, and hidden-rocks, fish-globular clusters farming growing-moulded, in-waterproof respiring shell-less ovulated...

  Over-chancing taking the chances when they are seen heard felt…

  Ordser out of Kaos! Diagnostically-arduous:



  Consuming, bundled soft-fibrous specked creamy-white light-reflecting, and retaining-container. Pith-clear, speckled-brown glaireous-innards, linked-chains twisting and curling together; yellowy food-ball wrapped, and sucked-into proto-stomach, to-feed, the growing embryonic larvae, to feed and pupate butterfly fin-winged. Warming, sticky tangled networks; emulsified-fats moving coagulating-fluid, through swelling fibrous strands spiral-threaded.

  Collected, gathering and joining up ligament twitching, soft framed structure enclosing imbibed. Cylindrical conic-vortex:

  -Each of Us.

  Silver white and golden-brown. Dried-round, yolk-milky egg-seed, cracked-opening feathery, spread fan-tail, light-striking sensory nervous-impression. In the meager-light, poisonously engorged, roamed amongst slitted wriggling, air chambered-bell, jellied-sac, enclosed, swollen unwrapping...greater variating and larger speckled and stretched striped spotted pulsating-form.

  Completing cyclic feeding energetic neural net charged across high-temperature, molten, amorphous cooled-strand, carbonate dioxide-atmospheric. Substrate-breathing feeding nutritioning energy. With increased-energy, controlling, increased dividing split-population.

  For growth and mobility, dissolving, renewing, to muscle powering along,

  reaping the benefit, into the next-spawning. Disappearing, flat and lifeless, running along the bottom; to take off glide and to swim, upwards-again, into, and toward the light. In shallow clear-water’s dense tangled weed, provoked and retaliating as one, minnows in swarm; zig-zagging away from snappering sharp teeth, frenzied feeding on massed smaller shoal turning rapidly to vortex; three-dimensional four-directional chance-reducing capture, moving into and out of the center the larger and older at the perimeter, smaller and younger in the centre; any missing, un-chancing, abandoned. Spiraling-upwards, and along the social chase, into the darkened-depths. Flashing to appear-larger… glinting in the envisioning light, unable to avoid the sudden- jaw snapped, and snapping end; left-behind the tired and injured, picked out of the edges.

  To breath and feed again. Expunged, sought and found, to feed and reproduce and feed and grow continue-on not taking the risk; taking-the-risk, that offspring may not turn-out, to model the successful pattern of the previous.

  Before replicating again; or not. Before being consumed, sinking back down, to the sticky vegetable and de-composting depth
s; in paddled-wake…

  Over crystalline clay and shale layer, between suspended-thin veiled-vein clear atomic tissue-seam layered. Over iron red rusty shallows, elongating globules, separated out, in the surrounding water. Breast-plate heart pumping, skeletal linked bony limbs, separated-ribbed Stadium-stanchion.

  Bonded backbone vertebrae, fin and gill, girdle and limbs, and skulled head, braced and conjoined. Layering sonar radar and visual mapped, correlating, including, and spun on operating ribbon fibre muscle, pushing-rod and drawn-back limbs. Flexed-contracted and inflected, prior nervous-uncertainties, replaced more confident-probability building, shared-correlations...between sibling and species, syntactic-synaptic shared-recognition.

  Faint heartbeat between outer and inner four-chambered muscle-wall;

  in-voluntary contraction of striated, blood-saturated pumping fearful-excitement, pulsating fits and starts; for good, or ill through living-tissue and muscle criss-crossed distributaries; lined pumping non-return valve, to flow along thick walled high pressure artery, to be closed-off.

  Power-pressure vein and capillary-delta draining. Surging branching-estuaried, into muscle, and crystalline fingerbone, spreading-toe delivery system tissue-depositing cellular, galvanizing potential-action.

  Each-breath circulating-energy, to where it is called for, released and needed, to breath, feed, and reproduce. To rest and sleep safely, in ever-ready partial aware-state, through the response of the rest of body, repetitively re-building the-mechanism, amongst floating sac scaffold protective and constructed skull bone, jawless snapped up, and snappering tentacled cyclid electric-fish.

  Along muscle-line cartilage, skeletal ethanol lubricated-tendon, loosely-strung together muscle and bone traversed, live-electric spark; fueled, and waste exhausting, reproducing form from flesh-compounded, fluorescence persisting, over-layered, muscle-shelled and scaly rod and calcite-cone funneling receptor. Relaying, stem-touch, torched onto light sensitive-stalk.

  Erupting, pourous-pored skin-membrane. Mouthing-antennae, radar and independently brain -linked. Opening and closing, inflorescent opening-feeler light-seeking, hub-tipped, threaded webbed crystaline-horn and boned-tail on muscular-pad vein-fed whirring-seated swiveling-calcite zinc and cuprous-oxidal phosphate lensed fish-eye.

  Muscle squeezed into focus. Receiving sticky light spray, shadow compounding and selecting-out. Relaying through skin slime bony, phosphatic light pressure sensitive, substrate lipid membrane layer. Rising-out of the depths, incrementally folding reforming repeating, repairing and variating combination, bound and rebound size and shape.

  Stirred out of rock cavern, wall and sand and mud carpeted floor covering,

  pushed out limbic ends, popped out, symmetrical radial vascular tubed feet, tipped with useful-suckers. Holding-onto, to slide along the drying-edges.

  Congealed pointed and sharpened tail-fin, tooth and claw, tacking muscle mouthing jaws and lips. With the gums drawn back, lined with single and double and triple rooted, calcium enamelled ring. Flat cobbled, and filed down fiercely toothed razor sharpened-rows. Wrap-around shadows’ top-hardening, layering membranous plate. Swimming turtle shell section, fish scales falling from the eyes from the golden-red and yellow, grey-blue sand, newly opened turtle-fin flapping, and immediately darting into the water in their droves...moving-along internally assembling rodded, threaded connectively built; funneling vortexing through the water, single sharp raised shark-fin.

  In-water ebbing and flowing in and out and flowing around at the edges.

  Swelling static crackling heard through the elongated and subsumed space. Turning rapidly spinning helical filament hollow-filling simultaneous exploding, imploding again, and exploding...processing and open-fast spun, neutral neural-reset...memorific:




  Pointing the way…out.

  Splitting the subtle but shared difference.

  Individual-Action chooses, choices, incomings and outgoings.

  To-leave finally, perhaps to never-return.

  Pheromonal and geographical lessons, imbued each fulfilling halveling, to find-our-way...creating new pathways…forgotten and re-taken over and over…differently new-connections with functional-help or hindrance. One to None. Eventually to survive at All. And the open Ocean vast-aquaria, the wonder of being adrift passed, in confident passive rolling, touching, and turning-in unveiling luminescence. As if gently exercising gliding-past and touching accidentally vaguely unnoticing, attracting and alarming.

  Moving-toward or away carefully-brushing past and effortlessly away.

  Sensing-urging, consuming and life-saving movement, nurturing to preserve the few, leaving the many to fend for themselves with the chance that some will survive, to their next-re-generation.

  Glinting through a haze of liquid effervescence.

  Being drawn upwards, towards the light, each swimmer needed to be aware; avoiding-collision, with Other; by-accident, by-miscued degree, of perceived mathematical or logical, intentional-movement, anticipatory associative, reflex and memory-generating, guessing-at reactive-feedback, and learned-behaviour; aggressive and passive submissive, or attacking; in successful, or unsuccessful trial and error, survival; living value, to trial; and to trail-again.

  Unable to dive deeper, or float higher.

  Unable to experience the surface, or the deepest depths.

  Existing in the water surrounding, ranging thermostatic pressure pumping, in-depth ranging, nothing else existing, beyond, except it would seem; mystery and oblivion, everything-else, stretching endlessly-away.

  A surface tension looming, through floating bulbous weed and wrack; seething algae and grey-brown moving mass, reflecting the colours of the deepest-depth. Beyond and above, in the distant gloom, the blazing vestiges of original luminous, reflecting, sparklings through the finally retreating waters...a multitude of stars continued to shine, emblazoned incandescent blazing tails like glittering tadpoles, soared, and fell.

  Light crashed-through continuous damp-spray cooled nightime-air,

  convecting with a conserved solar-heated circulate temperately...the murky-surface lurked, loomed over by green brown turned purple above;

  a harsh fading unfiltered orange yellow red sky brightened...

  As the remote half-disc of moonlight, dipped, remained...

  persisting glinting on the waters.

  On land, separated split-drifting continental into cloud and rain, organic Oceanic-waters, in the roughly-hubristic periodic, turning seasonal-changes, of the surrounding sun and moon and star filled Universe shimmering through; the Upper-Surface: The-Existence; undenying dominant sharing-offspring, ever seeking to reconjoin with another feeding and raising, the better to continue...stilled and raging waters, beyond and between. Across stretched patched panel, continuously moving sunlit colouring-pieces…

  Not-waiting for the final un-changing, dispelling erasing wipe out, reactive, responsive gameplay; defending the accumulated moves, with intentions, of self, and other, predicting, planning, risking the next. With slower and longer predictable Solar and lunar, oblong triangulating circularities.

  Each of Us, now, gently surface-treading water; surfing-against sandy-dry landmass, underwater, a torrential warming-wave slipped-through the caverned stalagmite and stalactite dripping waters...

  A-cargo carrying passenger riding ridge, risen newly-rising sunlit plateau-plate, soared audience galleried, out of the depths...risen, rocky stage-plate consuming continuously, and impulsively-centrifuging accumulating capturing and re-capturing; other smaller-active carrying mineral microspore flagellum-attached gearing and directional-steering... motor-motion...

  Each of Us; driving heat-compression, cellular-return, flows cyclonic cylindrical vortex; pointed at one end, the other-rounded-out...nucleate radiating energetic, split-water molecular, hydrogen-oxiditive, carbon-nitrogen-fixing metabolism; tailing-fibrillose-miner
al-microbe, gusting in the shifting waters’ nightime, permanently-darkly dissipated, dissolving the watery-surround.

  Soaking-up, mineral water soluble lunar-Solar heat and light; earthed, polar- Planetary positive and negative-turning, sped-along or almost or stilled; fielding, slaking off, hydro-electric oily phospholipid-microbial, meteoric debris, mineral-studded, muddied-sliding over the Oceanic-earth; algic matted-layering:

  -The early Archaic-EarthCentre…

  -Oblique eccentric orbital-axial precession; tilting wobbling-top closing and opening luni-Solar apparent upper-watery boundary thundered trapped-strands strapped, loaded, transporting-platform, attached to swarming surface walls. Holding inwardly and outwardly faced, strung together; amoebic-domed, metal and mineral-grey brown stained and dark shadow studied-outer shell; foaming, inundated in the immediate circumstance; attacked, attacking, devouring dying exhumed and exhausted.

  Each of Us now, faintly-glowing in the darkened nighttime-waters...

  Light bearing, ambient flickering spun-out from the deep dark ocean floor,

  light storing and emitting, seeing twitching thermal imaging stimulating and responsive, soft-gel vibrating cilia ventricular; desperately breathing-in -water; energetic, fighting for continuing existence. Consuming, and consummated-opportunistically; dominating infectious and infecting,

  transforming the-living, re-set, and re-settling stage.

  Leaving behind, skeletal planetary chalkstone,

  granite-riven, risen-solitary:



  Baked to the icy frozen-Northern-Oceanic Planet; Southern-tipped receding scorching equatorial raised drying-out, dying-out, died-out, leaving behind:

  -Another Great-Dying.

  And re-living. Shifting the allegiance, from Oneself to the next. Each to their own uniquely lively-altering, and altering-again. In the regular and inevitably altering niche and cleft of the rocks and shifting- sands...forever-chancing choosing and changing the en-compassing Planet; The-Moon and The-Sun; The New-Moon again, and the same and everchanging conscious-constellation.
