Read The End of the Universe: Universal Verses3: Page 3
fissioning de-fissioned,
un-zippered matching, and complementary-centrimere;
uncoiling, each half restoring wave-lapping.
fleshy ciliate folding, and doubling proteinous lipid cilia furry,
scaly dry-skinned hydrophobic-letting, and restricting portal-membrane…
electro-magnetic, oppositely attracted and attached, repulsing disattaching...
turning and twisting knotted, untangled-beaded.
string-bundling, pushing-apart,
moving-to either planetary-pole, and equatorial-side...
scrambling, positive and negative contrary electromagnet field ray line-linked.
alternating along-the-middle, each binary replicating,
and almost fairly shared-out each newly-whole nucleic celled centring;
freed part, free now of the other, protected multiplying cleavage cracked raggedly down the middle…
horizontal and vertical segmenting tri-part quartering exchanging along the join…
shared-out more or less evenly-split in-four…
or any combination with simplest rapid repeating frantic frenetic division.
ripped open and apart, inflamed-swelling, charged, re-charged.
and separating, each dis-attached, fastening unhooked-paired:
mineral-lipid, around nucleating centre-line, separating halving and quartering mitotic,
tubular spindle woven, from the tiny-floating coiled-centre’s.
unlocking the chance to survive, the reproductive-adaptive-test.
Dividing chemical replicon, and replicating atomic parenting molecular.
Each of us, once only required, to continue, colouring chromatid, halved, paired, triplicate, quartered...
particulate organic-cellular re-enclosed remnant re-formed twisted tangling beading bleeding;
cytoplasmic granule vault-store, construction-site, and kitchen.
EarthCentre: The End of the Universe:
Universal Verses3: Substrate.
2.1 .Endgame.
2.2. Growing and changing.
2.4 Sun and moon.
2.5 The Vibrant-stage.