Read The End of the World: A Love Story Page 26



  As soon as Andrew's skiff, the "Grisilde," was brought back and theruffians had gone off up the ravine, Andrew left Mrs. Wehle sitting bythe fire in the loom-room of the castle, while he crossed the river tolook after Gottlieb. Little Wilhelmina insisted on going with him, andas she handled a steering-oar well he took her along. They foundGottlieb with his arms cruelly pinioned sitting on a log in a state ofutter dejection, and dripping with water from his ducking.

  "Ich zay, Antroo, ish dish vat dey galls a vree goontry, already? Ablace vare troonk sheounders dosh vot ever dey hadn't ort! Dat is vreekoontry. Mein knabe ish roon off ver liebin a Yangee; unt a vool he ish,doo. Unt ich ish hoong unt troundt unt darrdt unt vedderd unt drakt outindoo de ribber, unt dolt if I ko back do mein vrau unt kinder I zhallpe kilt vunst more already. Unt I shpose if ich shtays here derGainduckee beobles vill hang me unt dar me unt trown me all over in derribber, doo, already, pekoz I ish Deutsch. Ich zay de voorld ish allpad, unt it aud doo pe vinished vunst already, I ton't gare how quick,so ash dem droonk vools kit vot pelongs doo 'em venever Gabrel ploes hisdrumbet."


  "They'll get that in due time, my friend," said Andrew, untying the ropewith which Gottlieb had been pinioned. "Come, let us go back to ourown shore."

  "Bud daint my zhore no more. Dey said I'd god doo hang again vanst moreif I ever grossed de Ohio Ribber vunst again already, but I ton't vantsdoo hang no more vor noddin already."

  "But I'll take care of that," said Andrew. "Before to-morrow night I'llmake your house the safest place in Clark township. I've got the rascalsby the throat now. Trust me."

  It took much entreaty on the part of Andrew and much weeping and kissingon the part of Wilhelmina to move the heart of the terrified Gottlieb.At last he got into the skiff and allowed himself to be rowed backagain, declaring all the way that he nebber zee no zich a vree koontryash dish voz already.

  When Bill Day and his comrades got up the next morning and began tothink of the transactions of the night, they did not seem nearly soludikerous as they had at the time. And when Norman Anderson and BillDay and Bob Short read the notice on the door of Mandluff's store theyfelt that "arsony" might have a serious as well as a ludikerous side.

  Andrew at first intended to institute proceedings against the rioters,but he knew that the law was very uncertain against the influences whichthe eight or nine young men might bring to bear, and the prejudices ofthe people against the Dutch. To prosecute would be to provoke anotherriot. So he contented himself with this


  "TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I have a list of eight men connected with the riotous mob which broke into the house of Gottlieb Wehle, a peaceable and unoffending citizen of the United States. The said eight men proceeded to commit an assault and battery on the person of the said Gottlieb Wehle, and even endeavored at one time to take his life. And the said riotous conduct was the result of a conspiracy, and the said assault with intent to kill was with malice aforethought. The said eight men, after having committed grievous outrages upon him by dipping him in the water and by other means, warned the said Wehle not to return to the State. Now, therefore, I give notice to all and several of those concerned in these criminal proceedings that the said Wehle has returned by my advice; and that if so much as a hair of his head or a splinter of his property is touched I will appear against said parties and will prosecute them until I secure the infliction of the severest penalties made and provided for the punishment of such infamous crimes. I hope I am well enough known here to render it certain that if I once begin proceedings nothing but success or my death or the end of the world can stop them.


  "Backwoods Philosopher.

  "AT THE CASTLE, May 12th, 1843."

  "It don't look so ludikerous as it did, does it, Bill?" squeaked JimWest, as he read the notice over Bill's shoulder.

  "Shet your mouth, you fool!" said Bill. "Don't you never peep. Ef I'd abeen sober I might a knowed ole Grizzly would interfere. Healways does."

  In truth, Andrew was a sort of Perpetual Champion of the Oppressed, andthose who did not like him feared him, which is the next best thing.