Read The Enemy's Son Page 18

There’s nothing out here! The cold river didn’t numb her panic. Her endless shivering told her that she needed to get onto dry land, but she also knew she’d lose a lot of time if she had to hike around the wilderness looking for a road. Cora scanned ahead for a clear spot beside the river.

  A shadow caught her attention - a bridge. A road! Maybe there was a gas station, a town, and people. She started kicking again until she reached the bottom of the bridge, where she pulled herself slowly out onto the brown sandy beach. Her arms and legs ached from the cold. Her throat felt sore.

  She crawled to the grass in the sun and threw herself down on her back, closed her eyes, and waited for her plain tank top and running shorts to dry enough to walk in. She fell right to sleep and was jarred awake just as quickly. Maybe some time had passed, she couldn’t tell.

  Although there wasn’t anyone around at the moment, the spot had the marks of people visiting often to swim in the shade of the bridge. She eyed the path up to the road but wasn’t ready to move yet. Although… she could hear what sounded like faint voices.

  She sat up. Three teenage boys were walking along the river, laughing and joking around. They wore fairly nice clothes and sported high maintenance boy band hair styles with their bangs hanging down.

  Before they noticed her, she tried to pull her hair back and wipe off any dirt. One of them must have spotted her then because they grew quiet.

  She smiled. “Hey.”

  She got three “heys” in return as they walked by.

  “Are you guys headed into Eugene?” She had to guess the river had brought her back to town. All three stared at her.

  “Yeah.” The middle one answered with a smile. “Do you need lift?” He looked like a sports jock – basketball probably – from a well to do family.

  She pulled herself to her feet. “I’d love one. My friends took off on me.” Maybe they wouldn’t notice her wet shoes.

  “Alright, sure. I’m Jace.”

  “Cora. Thanks.”

  He introduced his friends as they walked up the hill. Normally she practiced good manners, but today the names went right through her ears. She wasn’t practicing good personal safety either, but today wasn’t a normal day.

  He unlocked his car at the top of the path. “Here, you can have shotgun.”

  His friends didn’t complain. They all got in and he launched into a conversation with ease. Even though he curiously glanced at her, he didn’t pry. When he dropped her off at a convenience store in her father’s neighborhood, he finally did ask, “Is everything okay?”

  She smiled, throwing all her charm into it. “Yes, it is. And I’m already planning my revenge on my friends.” That story seemed to work. “Thank you so much!” She shut the door and headed off.

  She had a headache and a sticky mouth, probably from dehydration, but tried to ignore it for now. Instead of going straight to Jerry’s house, she walked around the block and looked to see if anyone was watching the place. The police had put up tape, she noticed from across the street. She slipped through the back fence and found Jerry’s hidden key under a rock in the flowerbed.

  She opened the back door and stepped into the kitchen. The warm house smelled of garbage. Apparently Jerry had not been home since the evening Cora saw him at Keith’s. Food sat on the stove and dirty dishes were piled by the sink.

  She opened his office door and gasped. The computer and filing cabinet were both completely gone, and the shelves were stripped. Books and papers were thrown all over the floor.

  Cora bent down and began picking through everything until she found a large, hard cover Bible. Her father kept a backup CD of his computer files in a cutout in the back of this Bible. It was almost as if he had known something would happen.

  The CD was inside a zip lock bag that also held a folded piece of paper and a small, unlabeled key. The paper had a personal note written in lavish handwriting that read, “Tall, dark, and handsome, meet me after the meeting tonight.” The note was unsigned, so it didn’t help her, but her father had kept it for some reason.

  “That’s a strange thing to keep,” she said with the feeling that she was talking to her father as she sat in his empty house. She knew the note wasn’t written to Jerry, because no one ever called him tall, dark, and handsome. Cora turned the key over in her hand. She didn’t see how it could be important to her, since it probably unlocked a small safe or cabinet, but she left it in the bag.

  Without her father’s computer, she had no way to look at the CD, so she slipped it into her back pocket.

  She started digging for a phone book, hoping to compile a list of everyone in the Holloway family. In other words, she needed to start a suspect list. Just in case the burglars missed something, she glanced over the papers as she searched. It paid off.

  She found a half sheet of lined paper covered with names written in very small, messy handwriting. Cora had a hard time making them out, maybe the reason it wasn’t taken. Other people probably couldn’t read her father’s messy handwriting. She didn’t need the phonebook anymore because the paper listed the Holloways. Beside each name was either a yes or no. Keith, John, Michael, and Angela had a yes while Martha had a no. Adam had a question mark. Cora pondered the possibilities. Martha was Adam’s mom and both sounded like they weren’t like the rest.

  Angela was the only wife with a yes. Cora had to find out if Angela knew why Jerry was framed. She added the paper to the bag in her pocket, deciding she needed to get somewhere safer.

  In the hallway she looked at her poor appearance in a long mirror. Her long hair went every which way and her casual clothes looked rather worn and tattered. She went to the bathroom and brushed her hair, washed the remaining dirt off, and decided that was good enough for now.

  There were three twenties and some change in her father’s jacket in the closet. She took it, knowing a little money might come in handy. So would food. The fridge had several of her dad’s favorite cheeses. There were apples and crackers in the counter, but the apples were long past their prime. She was in a hurry so she ate a few crackers.

  After grabbing a glass of water, she headed toward the back door where she’d entered. On the way, she caught a glimpse of the disheveled living room. Pieces of seashells covered the floor.

  Her dizzy, rushed world halted.

  Her seashells. Her mother had left a large collection and Cora continued to add shells, leaving them displayed in Jerry’s living room. Tears gathered in her eyes and, as they slid down her face, sadness sank through her.

  She needed to leave.

  If only she had a place to go. She thought of several close friends, but she knew she couldn’t endanger them. She peeked through a couple windows before leaving. Outside, Azaleas grew along the path and Cora stopped in front of the pretty pink flowers. Perfect flowers for a messy life.

  So she had his computer files. Now what? The library? An internet café might also work if they supplied computers. She started walking since there weren’t any taxi cabs out in this residential area. This might have been easier if Nick was with her, and they had a car.

  However, he kidnapped her twice and drugged her. How could she stay with him? A big part of her did trust him, despite everything, but she wasn’t going to take any more risks.

  She stopped at a payphone and used the change to call Jerry’s cell. Nothing. With a frustrated growl, she slammed the phone down and started walking again. She could have a cab pick her up but didn’t want to wait in one place.

  She wondered about the CD again. Why did her dad hide it? Most people backed up their info on a flash drive and kept it in their desk. Was it possible her father could have been stealing from his boss all along?

  Jerry was a hard worker, an honest man, and someone who couldn’t get away with lying. The opportunity had been there, yes, and even the motive. She could forgive and understand if he had done it, but she didn’t think he did. Plus, why would he save evidence of his crime on a CD?

o, she decided for the last time, she didn’t have time to waste putting her father on trial. If she could find a way, she’d track him down and help him get out of this mess. Maybe he could prove his innocence, maybe they could both replace the stolen money, or maybe they could just run.

  She reached a business section of town and hailed a cab. It felt so nice to sit down in the air conditioning.

  “Where to?”

  She was closer to Keith’s house than a library. What if Jerry was there right now? She gave him the name of a street close to the Holloway property. That would get her close enough, although she wasn’t sure why she was going there. She shouldn’t be. The best plan would be to get a look at the CD and take it straight to the police. Only, didn’t Nick say Keith might have a few of them on his payroll? Maybe she would decide after reading what was on it. Even if Keith didn’t have dirty cops in his pocket, he was a respected “citizen of the year.” People were not going to like what she insinuated.

  As the cab pulled over, she panicked. Maybe he should just drive her somewhere safe, but what about her dad? She paid, got out, and began walking toward Keith’s home. She passed a gas station, easy mart, flower shop, deli, and an electric bank sign that read 6:10, 87 degrees.

  It was past six already? Nick must have been looking for her for hours. He could also be in Eugene by now.

  A fierce longing rushed up her body – longing for his arms around her, his full, hot lips all over her. Stop thinking that way!

  She wanted him with her, helping her, reassuring her. Not kissing her. Maybe he had the means of learning whether or not Jerry was actually at Keith’s home. That’s why she was headed there, even though it was a long shot that she’d see anything. Still, she’d feel better if she looked. There was that tiny chance that Jerry would be coming or going.

  Soon she was walking along the Holloway fence line in the shade from the trees that grew in the yard, peeking toward the house. In the light of day, she didn’t have the nerve to walk up to the front gate the way she had before. Now she knew Alexander had set that trap by leaving the gate unlocked.

  There weren’t any cars parked outside of the garage. No one came or went. There was no way to tell who was at the house without sneaking over the fence. Tears stung her eyes in the heat. She’d get caught for sure if she stayed too long. She backtracked and decided to keep walking.

  Maybe she did need to find Nick, but how? And was he on her side? Her stomach churned. She wasn’t sure what emotion she was feeling, but she didn’t like it. She didn’t need Nick after all. She was the one who had run away from him, blowing any chance she had with him.

  She made her way back into the business district and looked for a place to hide and think. It felt like she was thinking too much and not acting, but in this heat she couldn’t seem to think straight in the first place.

  She came to a wooden bench that was set in-between two pots filled with pink and white pansies. She sat down to consider her options. She didn’t see any, and outrage burned inside her. Wasn’t there anything she could do? She could go to the police, but they didn’t have legal grounds to bust into Keith’s home and look for her father, if they even believed her story. Keith said he’d know if she went to the police, and he’d hurt Jerry.

  Her stomach growled at smelling the fragrance of baking bread drifting towards her from a bakery. Cora listed the few possible options again, but her body wasn’t ready to move yet. It was dangerous to sit out in the open where anyone, including Keith’s men or Alexander, might see her. She suddenly felt like someone was watching her, like someone was behind her.

  A man’s hand appeared in front of her, holding a fountain drink cup down next to her. “Ni…” She cut off mid word when she looked up to find Alexander looking back at her. After a delayed reaction, she sprang up to run. His hand came down on her shoulder. “I’m here to help you.”

  “Yeah, right.” She looked around for someone to yell to.

  He shook the cup, rattling the ice, and actually smiled at her. “You look thirsty.”

  It wasn’t his smile that stopped her from running, but the black and blue bruise that covered half of his forehead. “What happened to you?” It looked painful.

  “Nick. You didn’t know about that?” he asked. The confused look on her face must have provided an answer. “Here.”

  She took the cup, the ice-cold cup, and found it full of lemonade. After a tentative sip, she couldn’t hold back and drained the entire drink. She wasn’t sure what to say. Her mind got hung up thinking about Nick hitting Alexander, hurting another person. So Nick had bashed Alexander’s head in and drugged her. On the other hand, Alexander had been such a jerk at Keith’s house and at the cabin. So why was he here, offering his help? Now she was really confused.

  Glancing around, she decided she would hear him out. They were on a public street with people around, and she needed something, or someone, to help her find Jerry.

  He put one foot up on the bench and rested his arms on his leg, watching her and the street behind them closely. He looked concerned. Concern on his face was an oxymoron, but there it was. His brows pulled together and his eyes held a quizzical look.

  “You just happened to find me?” she asked in a hopefully-neutral voice. It had to mean something that he was being nice… she had no idea what to make of it.

  “Of course not. You were at Jerry’s house.” Dressed in a nice shirt and slacks, he was composed, not angry. There wasn’t even a smug grin at finding her a sweaty mess. “Was it worth it?”

  Without planning to get into the details, she replied, “I needed to look.”

  His jaw clenched. “You took off on me to look in your father’s house?”

  “You think...” She laughed out loud, picturing Alexander when he realized she was gone. He thought she ran away and with Nick, the silly man. “I didn’t take off. Nick kidnapped me.” Her smiled faded. “I guess after he hit you.”

  Alexander’s gaze bore into her eyes intently and then he looked across the street, rubbing the stubble on his chin. She was relieved when he sat down. The way he stood over her was somewhat unnerving. Almost as unnerving as wondering what he was thinking.

  “He drugged me, can you believe that?” The sugar in the lemonade had gone to her head, making her dizzy and giddy. The surreal situation didn’t help.

  Instead of anger in his face, he showed an almost fatherly concern when he asked, “Did he hurt you?”

  “Hurt me? Nick? No.” This friendliness was so unexpected that she dropped her defenses. “He seems to think you want to hurt me.”

  She was telling him way more than she should.

  “He seems to be the most lethal one out of all of us.” Alexander pointed to the huge bump on his head and stood. “Come on, I’m taking you back to my room and getting you dinner.”

  He took the empty cup, threw it in a wastebasket, and took her hand, nodding up the road. He didn’t hang onto her hand so tightly that she couldn’t pull it away and run, but somehow his manner kept her walking beside him.

  He had completely avoided her implied question. Why on earth should she go with him? The world must have stopped at some point and started turning in the opposite direction. She felt like he wanted to help her.

  “Can you tell me where my father is?”

  As he walked, he said under his breath, “Jerry’s here in Eugene now, trying to explain things to Keith.” The sidewalk led to a hotel and Alexander directed her up the first flight of stairs.

  Once inside the door, she fell into a large armchair, enjoying the air conditioning. She noticed the dark burgundy curtains, cream walls, and lack of any personal items, except his suitcase and either a briefcase or laptop case lying on the small table.

  Something soft landed on her lap, a white T-shirt and shorts that were freshly washed and folded perfectly. By the door again, he asked, “Will you stay put while I get you dinner?”

  The offer of food was too tempting. She nodded
and watched him leave. Apparently he thought she’d stick around. She laughed again. She had told him Nick kidnapped her, so he might be thinking she wanted his help now.

  What on earth was she doing? She didn’t stay with Nick because he was a Holloway, but now she was sitting in Alexander’s room. She couldn’t take Alexander’s help for the same reasons she decided she couldn’t stay with Nick.

  How else could she find Jerry? If only Nick had brought her back to town, got her a room, and offered to help? Nick had offered protection, but she didn’t need protection, she needed someone who could help her find her father. Maybe Alexander was that person.

  That’s why Alexander wasn’t worried that she’d leave. He knew she finally saw that he was the one person who could find Jerry.

  The question remained… why would he help her? Maybe he just wanted to get his hands on Jerry. Maybe he was coming back with a few of Keith’s other men. Then again, she knew he could handle her all on his own, and an unwelcome sixth sense told her that he wanted them alone.

  With effort, she pried herself up from the seat. She slid the small bag with the CD under the mattress and pushed it back a ways, and then went into the bathroom. She was so out of it that she stepped into the shower before it warmed up all the way. The cold water sputtered down and woke her up some, enough to take a long shower, change into the clean clothes, and lay down on the bed. She smelled Alexander all around, maybe on her. She couldn’t get away from the smell. Was it the smell of betrayal or help? Her conscious nagged her. This was wrong, but in that I-don’t-care-it’s-wrong kind of way.

  Everything was mixed up. She might need Alexander’s help but… she wanted Nick. In a painful way. She wanted his kisses and caresses, his body against hers, him fulfilling the fantasies she had at the cabin. She wanted him to find her and tell her it’d all be okay and that he knew where Jerry was.

  Her eyes drifted shut. She was falling and spinning in a wonderful way, sinking –

  Fresh bread?

  Her eyes jerked open as her mouth watered. Alexander sat beside her, unwrapping a sandwich and looking her over like she’d been in a car accident. He still looked like a 1950s gangster, but he didn’t seem dangerous to her right now.

  He handed the sandwich to her once she got herself upright. She bit into it and stopped, savoring the flavors mixing in her mouth and the happy endorphins erupting all over her body.

  She almost didn’t care how closely he watched her. Almost. She grabbed the sandwich and retreated to the side table, turning away from him. Fresh tomato, provolone cheese, lettuce, and roast beef!

  It even had salt and pepper. It was like he knew how she liked her sandwiches. That thought freaked her out for a second, but she couldn’t believe he spied on her and knew her preferences like that. Right?

  “Thanks,” she squeezed it out between bites.

  “Nick really screwed this whole thing up,” Alexander muttered, his features drawing into a tight and dark frown. “I’m glad you got away from him... most girls fall for his money and looks. They don’t see how he’s been given everything he has.”

  So it was personal.

  Cora didn’t let any expression surface on her face as she listened to him, instead focusing on her food. She would guess that Alexander didn’t have anything given to him. He hadn’t had girls falling over him. It wasn’t that he was ugly at all, but his personality pushed people away.

  She doubted that too many other people saw this side of him.

  “So…why do you have a room? Don’t you live in Eugene?”

  He didn’t answer right away and she had to look at him before he proceeded. He was weighing his words, being careful. “Yes, I live in Eugene but I didn’t want to risk Nick finding you again. Keith might have other people watching for you too.”

  “But,” she said, and then stopped, trying to backtrack and figure it out. “You’re working for Keith. Why would it matter if he knew you found me?”

  He smiled again, this time a small smile. It might have meant he felt sorry for her, for not understanding. “Cora, do you want Keith knowing you’re here?”

  No, she didn’t. Why did Alexander care? Was he actually on her side, hiding her? She finished the last few bites; nibbling provided something to do while turning this problem over.

  When the sandwich was gone, he said, “There’s a new toothbrush and a few other things in the bathroom when you need them.”

  Cora nodded and pulled herself to her feet. The hot shower and full stomach were working against her now, making her lethargic. She shut the bathroom door and turned on the water, all while trying to decide what he wanted from her. Instead of thinking, she ended up spacing out a little, letting the water run and the toothbrush sit on her teeth, unmoving.

  Alexander had a plan. Suddenly she knew it with certainty. He’d help her find Jerry, and then she’d figure out a way to get herself and her father away from him.

  Several minutes later, she opened the door and lingered there, choosing her words. “I want to thank - I mean, you don’t have to help me, but thank you.”

  Alexander was perched on the bed like a bird about to take flight. Why was he sitting there, watching her like that? She stood there, in his clothes, not sure of what they’d do now and feeling that spaced out feeling again. Maybe it wasn’t good for her health to swim for several hours in a cold, snow fed river. Or maybe he’d slipped something into her food?

  “You really are tired.” She heard him say as her hand searched for the doorframe. Cora thought she heard him walk closer and realized she was about to fall over.

  He lifted her up in his arms. It shocked her awake, but she didn’t fight him.

  “I’ll let you stay here and get some sleep tomorrow while I check on Jerry.” He laid her down on the bed. She was already asleep.

  Chapter Ten