Read The Exception Page 12

  “You better.”

  I was happy. Actually, I was fan-fucking-tastic. I didn’t know if I’d ever felt so good. Having her here in New York, in my apartment, was euphoric to me. I had missed her so much and I worried about her being out in the world all alone. But now, she no longer had to be alone and I was going to make sure she wasn’t.



  When I walked into Kristen and Noah’s apartment, I found Kristen sitting on the couch, drinking a cup of coffee.

  “Hey.” I forced a smile.

  “Hey, you. Come here.” She held out her arms to me. “How are you?”

  Seriously? She’s the one who just found out she’s dying and she’s asking me how I am?

  “I’m okay. How are you?” I asked as I looked at the gorgeous big rock on her finger. “What the—”

  “He asked me last night. Apparently, he’s had this ring for a while and was going to ask me on our dating anniversary.”

  “Oh my God! It’s gorgeous. I’m so happy for you!” I squeezed her tight.

  “Thanks. Will you help me plan my wedding? We want to get married as soon as possible since I don’t have much time left.”

  My heart. Fuck. The ache I felt when she said that nearly sent me into a crying fit. But she wouldn’t want that, so I had to hold my composure. I’d fall apart later.

  “Of course I’ll help you.” Tears filled my eyes. Shit.

  “Why are you crying?” she asked with a pout.

  “Because I’m so happy for you and Noah.”

  “But you’re thinking why bother since I won’t be alive for much longer,” she spoke.

  I couldn’t believe she just said that as I placed my hands over my mouth.

  “NO! I’m not thinking that at all. Why would you say that?”

  A small smile crossed her lips. “Because that’s what everyone will think. I love Noah more than life itself and he wants us to be married, even if it is for a short while. We’ve talked so much about marriage in the past and I’m not going to let fucking cancer keep me from marrying my prince charming.”

  “I love you, Kristen.”

  “I love you too. So what did you do yesterday after you left the hospital? I was worried that you hid out in your apartment and cried all day.”

  “You’re never going to believe it. You’re just not.” I smiled as I slowly shook my head.

  Her eye narrowed as she tilted her head to the side.

  “Oh God, Jill. What did you do?”

  “Well,” I slowly spoke.

  “Ugh. Stop it! Spit it out!” She grabbed hold of my hands.

  “Yesterday after I left the hospital, I decided to take a walk. Where I was walking to, I had no clue. All I knew was that I needed to walk and I ran into someone on the street.”

  “Shit. Don’t tell me it was Grant or your parents.”

  “I ran into Drew.”

  “Shut up!” She cupped her hands over her mouth. “Drew from Hawaii? Drew that you had sex with?”

  “Yes. That would be him.”


  “We had lunch, went back to my place, had sex, went to Bed Bath & Beyond to buy some dishes, went to dinner, he dropped me off at home, we said goodbye and then he came back within an hour, spent the night, and then we had sex again this morning.”

  “Wait. You threw me off when you said you went to Bed Bath & Beyond.” She laughed.

  I shrugged. “We were going to order dinner in, but I didn’t have any dishes to eat on. So, we went and bought some. But wait. There’s more and you’re going to freak the fuck out. Are you ready?”

  “Wait. Let me take in a deep breath first. Okay. Go.”

  “He’s my landlord. I’m his tenant. Go ahead, freak the fuck out now.”

  “I’m sorry, what?” she asked in confusion.

  “The apartment that I’m renting is his old apartment. I’m renting it from HIM.”

  Kristen sat there, staring at me, without even blinking.

  “Just hours after you left your fiancé at the altar, you met a man on a plane to Hawaii. You ended up at the same hotel, hung out with him and his girlfriend. He breaks up with his girlfriend, you spend the day together, have sex and then say goodbye. You move to New York, unknowingly rent an apartment that belongs to that man you met on a plane to Hawaii and run into each other on the street, which neither one of you had knowledge that the other one was here. Correct?”

  “Yes. Sounds about right.”

  “He’s your soul mate, Jill. All the fucking signs are there.”

  “Shut up. I don’t believe in soul mates.”

  “You don’t have to believe, baby sister. The universe led you to him. You were meant to leave Grant on that very day, or else you would have left his dumb ass way before that. But no. It was that day. The day you and Drew were on the same flight to Hawaii.”

  “You’re crazy.” I smiled. “It’s all a coincidence. Plus, he wasn’t even supposed to be on my flight. The earlier flight he was on got cancelled due to mechanical problems, so the airlines put him on my plane.”

  “Ah ha!” she yelled as she pointed her finger at me. “And his seat just so happened to be next to yours. Wake up, Jill.” She grabbed hold of my shoulders and lightly shook me. “Drew is the man you’re supposed to be with.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I’m not supposed to be with anyone. I’m on a journey to find myself; to know who I am.”

  “Duh, and your journey led you to him.”

  “But I really hadn’t even started my journey yet when I met him,” I spoke.

  “Then he is your journey. Maybe you’re supposed to go on a journey with him.”

  “No. That’s ridiculous. I need to journey alone.”

  “Ugh. I give up.” She threw her hands up in the air.

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “Enough about me. Let’s talk wedding!”

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Before leaving the office for the night, I pulled out my phone and called Jillian.

  “Hello,” she answered.

  A wide smile crossed my face when I heard her sweet voice.



  “I was calling to see if you had any plans for tonight.”

  “I don’t. What did you have in mind?” she asked.

  “Jane is cooking a fabulous meal and I was wondering if you’d like to have dinner at my place.”

  “I would love to have dinner at your house.”

  “I can pick you up.”

  “I have a couple of things to do first after I leave Kristen’s. Give me your address and tell me a time.”

  “Well, it’s five o’clock now. Is seven good for you?”

  “Seven is good.”

  “Great. The address is 132 East 71st Street. I’ll see you in a couple of hours.”

  “See you then. Bye, Drew.”

  “Bye, Jillian.”

  YES! I silently shouted to myself and walked out of my office.

  “I’m going home for the night, Lia. I suggest you do the same.” I smiled.

  “I have to finish these contracts first and then I’ll leave.”

  “No need. You can finish them in the morning. Go enjoy your evening.”

  Her eye narrowed at me and a small smile crossed her lips.

  “You’re in an exceptional mood.”

  “I am. Aren’t I?” I smirked. “Remember that woman I met in Hawaii? The one I had you check on?”

  “Yes. I remember. Jillian, wasn’t it?”

  “Yes. She’s here in New York. We ran into each other yesterday and spent some time together. Now she’s having dinner with me tonight at my house.”

  “Aw, Drew, I’m so happy for you.”

  “Thanks, Lia. Have a good night.” I strolled down the hallway and out of the building.


  Walking into my townhouse, I set my briefcase down in the foyer and followed the aroma of Jane’s cooking to the kitche

  “Welcome home, Drew.” She smiled.

  “Thanks, Jane. How’s the food coming?”

  “Good. But I’m confused as to why you’re having me make these thick greasy burgers. You don’t normally eat stuff like this. Are you having a guy’s night in with Liam or Lance?”

  “No. Actually, I’m having dinner with a very special girl and her name is Jillian.”

  She stopped cutting up the onions and looked at me.

  “You never use the words ‘very special’ in front of a woman’s name. What’s up?”

  “I met her in Hawaii and we ran into each other on the street yesterday.”

  “Ah. So I’m going to assume the dishes question was for her?”

  “Yes. Coincidentally, she is the woman who is renting my apartment and she hadn’t had a chance to go buy dishes yet, so I thought I would take her.”

  “I’m confused. You met her in Hawaii and now she’s here in New York renting your apartment?”


  “And you like this woman?”

  “Yes. I like her a lot. I can’t stop thinking about her for one second.”

  “That’s sweet. I hope she’s better than Jess.” She made the sign of the cross.

  “Jillian doesn’t even compare to that bitch. By the way, when we were in Bed Bath & Beyond last night, I ran into Jess. She was buying a new bed set because she couldn’t stand the thought of sleeping on the sheets that I had slept on.”

  Jane rolled her eyes. “I would have told her to go buy a new bed.”

  I chuckled. “I did.”

  “Good boy.” She smiled as she held up her hand for a high five. “What time is Jillian coming over?”

  “Around seven.”

  “I’m looking forward to meeting the woman who has put such a beautiful smile on your face.” She winked.

  “You’ll like her, Jane. She’s one of a kind. I’m going to go change.”

  After changing out of my suit and into some casual clothes, I poured myself a drink and went into my office to look over some emails that had come in. Just as I finished answering the last one, I heard the doorbell ring. Walking over with a smile, I opened the door and, instantly, she took my breath away.

  “Hi there.”

  “Hi.” She smiled brightly.

  “Come on in.”

  “Thank you,” she spoke as she shyly stepped inside. “I brought a bottle of wine.”

  “Thank you, but you didn’t have to do that.”

  “I wanted to. It’s my way of saying thank you for dinner.”

  I took the bottle of wine and led her to the kitchen.

  “Jane, I would like you to meet Jillian Bell. Jillian, this my housekeeper, friend, and chef, Jane.”

  “It’s so nice to meet you, Jillian.” Jane smiled as she reached out and grabbed both her hands.

  “It’s nice to meet you too, Jane.”

  “Dinner is just about ready, so if you two go take a seat in the dining room, I’ll bring it out.”

  I placed my hand on the small of Jillian’s back as we walked into the dining room.

  “Your place is amazing.” She grinned as she looked around.

  “Thank you. After we eat, I’ll show you around.”

  Just as we sat down, I heard the doorbell ring and Jane answered it. I wasn’t expecting anyone, so I had no clue who it could be.

  “Well, hello there, Drew.” Liam grinned as he walked into the dining room.

  “Liam.” I nodded. I knew why he was here.

  “Hello, there.” He extended his hand to Jillian. “I’m Drew’s friend and next door neighbor, Liam Wyatt.”

  “Nice to meet you, Liam. I’m Jillian Bell.” She politely shook his hand.

  “As in daughter of Donald Bell?” He cocked his head.

  “Yes. Do you know my father?”

  “We met a few months ago at a business convention. He told me you were engaged to be married.”

  Jillian took in a deep breath. “Well, that didn’t work out.”

  “Are you living here in New York?” he asked.

  “Yes. Actually, I’m renting Drew’s apartment.”

  “Sweet. Welcome to the Big Apple.” He grinned.

  “Not to interrupt, but is there a reason you stopped by?” I asked.

  “Oh. Sorry. I brought the color book with the swatches for your bathroom. I gave it to Jane.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate it.”

  Placing his hands in his pocket, he spoke, “Well, I should get going. Avery and I are having dinner with Oliver and Delilah.”

  “It was nice to meet you, Liam.”

  “Nice to meet you too, Jillian.”

  Getting up from my seat, I walked Liam to the front door.

  “Dude. Jillian Bell? Really?”

  “It’s a long story, and we’ll talk about it over drinks. Listen, do not mention to anyone that she’s living here in New York.”

  “Why?” he asked in confusion.

  “Because her parents don’t know where she is. It’s complicated. Just trust me.”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t mention it to anyone. Have a good night and I want to hear all about her.” He pointed at me as he walked out the door.

  “I promise to tell you everything.”

  I walked back to the table and Jane had just set our plates in front of us. Jillian looked up at me with a smile.

  “I can’t believe you had Jane make these delicious-looking burgers. That was really sweet, Drew.”

  “It was nothing. I knew how much you loved the one at LAX. I can guarantee these are better.” I winked.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  The minute I bit into my burger, the juiciness and flavor overwhelmed me.

  “Oh my God, this is so good,” I spoke.

  Drew chuckled. “I’m glad you like it.”

  That had to be one of the sweetest things anybody had ever done for me. I know it was only a hamburger, but it was the point because he knew how much I loved them.

  “How’s Kristen doing?” he asked.

  “Oh!” I exclaimed as I wiped my mouth with my napkin. “Noah proposed to her last night. They’re getting married.”

  “Good for them. Do they have a date in mind?”

  “They want to get married in two weeks. We spent all day calling different venues and everything’s booked. So we’re going to try a few more places tomorrow. I know it’s last minute but I have to make sure this wedding is perfect. It has to be.”

  “How many people are they planning on having?”

  “She said about a hundred.”

  “I think I may know of the perfect place.” He smiled as he pulled his phone from his pocket. “Lester, it’s Drew Westbrook. Listen, I have a friend who is planning a rush wedding and I would like to book the room for the reception. We’re looking at a couple of weeks. There will be about a hundred guests. You do have a room open for Saturday night? Put my name down and hold it. Let me talk to my friend just to confirm and I’ll get back with you tomorrow. Thanks, Lester.”

  “Wow.” I grinned. “What place are you talking about?”

  “The Harmonie Club. It’s a private social club that I’m a member of. In fact, Liam and his brother Oliver are also members. Talk it over with Kristen, and if you want, I can take the both of you there tomorrow to look at the place.”

  “You’d do that?” I asked.

  “Of course. Even though I don’t know your sister, she deserves to have the wedding of her dreams.”

  This man was too much. He was kind, thoughtful, and incredibly sweet. I had already known that from the first time I’d met him on the plane, but tonight, and what he did for Kristen and Noah, really made me fall even harder for him. Getting up from my chair, I walked over to where he was sitting, took a seat on his lap, and wrapped my arms around his neck.

  “Thank you.” My lips softly brushed against his.

  “You’re welcome.” He smiled.

would like to see the rest of your house.”

  “Your wish is my command.” He kissed the tip of my nose.

  As we got up from the chair, Jane walked in and began clearing the table.

  “You don’t have to clean up, Jane. Why don’t you go home?” Drew spoke.

  “It’s fine, Drew. I’ll go home after I clean up. I don’t want to leave this until tomorrow morning.”

  “You don’t have to.” I smiled. “Drew and I will clean it up.”

  Her brow arched as she looked at Drew. “You heard her, Jane. We’ll clean up.” He winked.

  I thanked Jane for dinner and she headed home. Drew took hold of my hand and showed me around his nine-thousand-square-foot, six-floor townhome.

  “Why does one man need all this space?” I asked.

  “It’s an investment. Liam and I bought our townhouses at the same time. Both were in foreclosure and we got them for a really good deal.”

  “Maybe I need to take some investment advice from you.”

  His hands firmly grasped my hips. “I’d be happy to give you investment advice.” His lips gave way to a warm smile.

  The fire burning inside me intensified. The way his fingers lightly pressed against the fabric of my pants and the smile that touched my soul left me wanting more of him at that very moment. I’d never wanted sex with anyone as much as I wanted it with him. Every time he was near me, it was all I could think about. I was falling, or I had already fallen. I didn’t know. I was lost in him, but I was also lost inside myself. His head leaned in and his lips were mere inches from mine. There was no way I was going home tonight.

  His hand left my hip and cupped the side of my face as his soft lips pressed into mine. Our tongues met with excitement and our kiss deepened. My fingers deftly unbuttoned his shirt, and when the last button was undone, Drew swooped me up in his arms and carried me up two flights of stairs to his bedroom.

  “I can’t get enough of you,” he spoke in a low tone as he put me down, took off his pants, and stared romantically into my eyes.

  Lifting my shirt over my head, I tossed it to the ground while Drew’s fingers reached behind and undid my bra. His tongue immediately slid across my chest, exploring each breast with passion. To be touched by any part of him was exciting and the vibrations down below were out of control. Taking his hand, I slid it down the front of my pants, desperate for his touch. His smile grew as he felt the wetness emerge from me. Hooking my fingers into the sides of his underwear, I pulled them down and grasped his hard cock. He gasped as his lips once again met mine. Stroking him up and down, his chest puffed and he took in a deep, exhilarating breath.