Read The Exception Page 6

  “That’s really nice of you. Again, thank you.” He placed his hand on my arm, and suddenly, I felt like I couldn’t breathe.

  “Just paying it forward and making your shitty time here a little less shitty.” I grinned.

  “I appreciate it.” He laughed.



  Swimming with the dolphins was the highlight of my entire trip. I had never experienced anything like it or the sense of peace that inhabited me. When we were finished, we headed back to the hotel.

  “That was—”

  “Magical?” Jillian smiled as she glanced over at me.

  “Yes. Very magical. Listen, I was thinking. I want to thank you for such a great day, so I was hoping you’d agree to have dinner tonight.”

  “You don’t have to take me to dinner, Drew.”

  “I know I don’t. I want to.” I smiled. “I’m leaving tomorrow morning, so I thought one last dinner would be nice.”

  The grin on her face widened. “Okay. Dinner it is. Just give me some time to shower and get ready.”

  “How about I pick you up at six o’clock?”

  “Six will be good.”

  Walking into my suite, I headed to the bathroom and turned on the water for a shower. Spending the day with her was amazing and the things I’d felt for her before only intensified. Being with her and in her presence made me a happy man. I hadn’t felt this way in a very long time, if ever. Leaving tomorrow morning was going to be hard because I’d probably never see her again. It didn’t matter anyway; she was on a journey to find herself and I wasn’t going to stand in the way of that. For tonight, I would enjoy the next few hours spent with her and then tomorrow, it was back to reality with only the memory of a girl I met on a plane who enriched my life in such a short period of time.

  Chapter Eleven


  Stepping out of the shower and slipping into my robe, I facetimed Kellan.

  “Hey, you. How’s it going in Hawaii?”

  “It’s great. How are you?” I asked as I started to put on my makeup.

  “I’m good. No complaints. Are you going somewhere?”

  “Yeah.” I smiled as I looked at my phone. “I’m having dinner with Drew.”

  “You’re having dinner with the guy from the plane and his girlfriend?”

  “Nope. Just him. He broke up with her and kicked her out.”

  “Jilly Bean, I thought you were in a man-free zone?”

  “I am. It’s a goodbye dinner. He’s leaving tomorrow and so am I. No big deal.”

  “He broke up with her in Hawaii? Wow.”

  “I know, but he was very unhappy. She was kind of a bitch.”

  “So let me get this straight. He broke up with his girlfriend, while on vacation, may I add, you broke it off with Grant, and now the two of you are single and having dinner together. Sounds like a rebound to me.”

  “Ugh, Kellan. It’s dinner. It’s not like I’m sleeping with him. He’s my friend.”

  “Where does he live?”

  “I don’t know. I never asked.”

  “Why? Don’t friends usually ask each other where they live?”

  “Does it matter? It’s not like I’ll ever see him again.”


  “I’m hanging up now, Kel. I’ll call you when I get to New York.”

  “Sounds good, Bean. Have a good night with Airplane Guy and have a safe flight.”

  “Thanks. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  After ending the call, I blow dried my hair, sprayed it, and slipped into a long black floral print maxi dress. The truth was that I felt something for Drew. He was an amazing man with a good heart. He was also a man that I could see myself falling madly in love with. Meeting him couldn’t have happened at a worse time.

  As I slipped on my shoes, there was a knock at the door. When I opened it, I swallowed hard when I saw Drew, face of the gods, standing there in his khaki-colored casual pants and a white button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up. Shit. My lady parts were on fire.

  “Hi there.” I smiled.

  “You look gorgeous.” He winked.

  “Thanks. You’re looking pretty hot yourself there, Mr. Westbrook.”

  “Are you ready to go?” He held out his arm.

  “I am.” I smiled as I hooked my arm around his.

  We climbed into my rental car and Drew drove us to a place called Hau Tree Lanai where we were seated outside beneath an arching Hau tree by the ocean and he ordered us a bottle of wine.

  “Tell me more about you,” he spoke.

  “Well, I grew up very wealthy with parents who controlled everything I did, right down to the food I put in my mouth. They tried to mold me into the perfect daughter. I could have no flaws. After so many years of molding, I became exactly who they wanted me to be. I wasn’t allowed to make any decisions for myself and that is why I don’t know who I am.” I picked up my glass and took a sip of wine.

  “I’m sorry. I couldn’t imagine growing up like that.”

  “So tell me about your parents.” I smiled as I set my glass down.

  “My dad was a construction worker until he got injured on the job and had to go on disability, and my mom is a nurse. Things were tight growing up, but I had everything I needed. My parents are great people and we’re very close.”

  I gave him a small smile. “That’s how a family should be. So how did you get the funds to start your own technology company?”

  “I’d always been interested in technology since I could remember. You could say I was a bit of a geek.” He smirked. “You know the ‘Cloud’?”

  “Yeah.” I narrowed my eye at him.

  “I developed it when I studied at MIT.”

  “SHUT UP!” I exclaimed as I slightly leaned across the table.

  Drew chuckled. “It’s true. I developed it and sold it for a fuck ton of money. I paid off all of my parent’s debt, bought them a new house, made a nice deposit in their bank account, and opened my own company.”

  “How old were you?”

  “Twenty when I sold Cloud and twenty-one when I opened the doors to Westbrook Technology, Inc.”

  “Did you graduate from MIT?” I asked.

  “Yes. I graduated when I was twenty-one. I graduated high school earlier than most kids.”

  “So you’re a genius?” I smiled.

  “Nah, not really. I’m just smart, I guess.”

  “Oh please. You’re a freaking genius and don’t be ashamed to admit it.” I held up my glass to him.

  “Touché, Miss Bell. I would say the same about you graduating top in your class at Yale Law.” His glass touched mine.

  I gave him a small smile as I took a sip. The one thing that I was dying to know about him was why he left his fiancée. It was so bizarre to me that I met someone who did the same thing I had done. Should I ask him? Would it be too personal? I told him about why I did it so I thought that it was only fair he told me.

  “I have something I want to ask you, and to be honest, it’s been bothering me.”

  “What is it?” He cocked his head.

  “Just before you passed out last night, you told me that we had something in common. You said that you left your fiancée on your wedding day.”

  He leaned back in his chair as his eyes burned into mine.

  “I told you that, eh?”

  “Yeah. You did.” I nodded. “I just wondered why. I mean, you can tell me that it’s none of my business, but remember, I spilled my guts to you.”

  “True.” He took in a deep breath. “I did leave my fiancée on our wedding day. I had just sold Cloud and made millions, graduated from MIT, and I guess I figured why the hell not? I met Marley at MIT and we had been together for a little over a year. It just seemed to make sense for some reason. She did all the planning and I just agreed to everything, but I was having doubts during the process. When our wedding day came, I just couldn’t see myself or a future with her. Or anyone, for that matter. I
t just doesn’t seem natural to spend the rest of your life with someone.”

  “But your parents.”

  “I know. They have a great relationship, and as much as I admire them, I just couldn’t see myself like that. So, before the ceremony, I mustered up the courage to go into the room she was waiting in and I told her that I couldn’t do it.”

  “She must have been heartbroken.”

  “She was. She cried like I never saw her cry before, called me all kinds of names, and told me to get the hell out. So I did and I never looked back. It was probably the hardest thing I ever did, but it was for the best. She’s married now with two kids and she’s happy.”

  “Weird how life works out sometimes. So you never see yourself getting married and having a family?”

  “Nah. Not really. I guess it’s who I am.”

  “Well, at least you know who you are.” I smiled.

  After finishing dinner, we took a walk along the shoreline. Taking off my shoes and throwing them into the sand, I lifted up my dress so the bottom didn’t get all wet. Drew took off his shoes and socks and rolled up the bottom of his pants. Darkness had settled in and the moon shined above us, lighting our path as the gentle tide swept across our feet.

  “Thank you for dinner,” I spoke as I nudged his shoulder with mine.

  “You’re welcome. It was my pleasure.” He looked over at me.

  Something stirred inside me. My belly flipped and my heart started to pick up its pace. I stopped and he stopped alongside me and placed his hand on my cheek.

  “You are so beautiful, Jillian. Both inside and out,” he spoke as his head dipped closer to mine.

  I gulped.

  “Thank you, Drew.” I stared into his dark eyes.

  He swallowed hard and removed his hand from my cheek.

  “We better head back. It’s getting late.”

  Chapter Twelve


  The connection I felt with her was unlike anything I’d ever felt before. I wanted to kiss her, but I had to refrain because if I did, I didn’t know if I’d ever be able to say goodbye. I knew that once my lips touched hers, it would be something that would haunt me for the rest of my life. As we approached her suite, she asked me to come inside for one last drink before I left. Was that a good idea? Probably not, especially with the way I felt about her, but any last moment I could spend with her was gold and I wasn’t about to turn it down.

  “Let me pour.” I smiled as I took the bottle of wine from her.

  Handing her a glass, we took a seat in the chairs out on the balcony and listened to the subtle waves hit the shore.

  “I’m sure going to miss it here,” she spoke.

  “Me too.”

  It was killing me not to know where she was headed to next. But for both our sakes, it was best that I didn’t. Looking over at her, I noticed she had something in her hair. As I reached over to get it, she reached up and placed her hand on mine.

  “Sorry, but you had something in your hair.”

  “Thanks.” Her eyes gazed into mine.

  “I should get going,” I spoke as I got up from my chair.

  “Okay.” She followed me to the door.

  Turning around, my heart felt heavy as I struggled to say goodbye.

  “Thank you again for making my time here a little less shitty.” I smiled as I took hold of her hand and brought it up to my lips.

  “You’re welcome. It was fun.” She grinned.

  Fuck. The desire to kiss her was burning inside me. Before I left, I had to know what her lips felt like. If I didn’t, I’d spend my whole life regretting it. Just a small kiss wouldn’t hurt. A friendly kiss would be all. Nothing deep, nothing heavy. As our eyes stayed fixated on each other, I brought my hand up to her face and slowly lowered my head as my lips softly brushed against hers. I waited for her to pull away, but she didn’t. She welcomed it and kissed me back. I needed to go, but I couldn’t tear myself away from her. One kiss turned into two and then three. I looked at her as I pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear, waiting, making sure that it was okay. She reached up and her lips once again collided with mine. This time, our tongues met and greeted each other with warmth. My cock was on the rise as the heat was on my skin. My hands roamed up and down the sides of her hourglass figure and a soft moan escaped her. Her hands left my face and started unbuttoning my shirt. She wanted me just as bad as I wanted her. As she slid my shirt off my shoulders, I untied the ties of her dress and let it fall to the ground, and she stood there almost naked with only her panties covering her. Picking her up, I carried her to the bedroom and softly laid her on the bed, hovering over her while my mouth explored her beautiful round breasts and my fingers traveled down the edge of her panties. Her moans were music to my ears as I dipped my finger inside her, taking in the wetness that surrounded her.

  “You’re so wet and you feel so good,” I moaned.

  “So do you.” She arched her back, forcing my fingers to deepen inside her.

  A few more strokes and soft circles around her clit, she let out the most pleasing sound as she orgasmed. Standing up, I kicked off my shoes and took down my pants, setting free my rock hard cock that was ready to explode. Spreading her legs, I kissed up her inner thigh as she threw her head back in delight while my tongue slid its way up to her outer lips. Taking in the sweet taste of her, I placed my hands firmly on her hips as my lips wrapped around her clit, lightly sucking until she couldn’t take anymore. Her hands ran through my hair as her body tightened and another orgasm took her over.



  My body was on fire with passion, a feeling I’d never experienced before. This man and his mouth had me in such a state that left my insides screaming for more. The way his tongue caressed my most sensitive area floored me.

  “I don’t have any condoms on me. They’re in my room,” he spoke with bated breath as he looked up at me.

  “I’m on birth control, so you don’t have to worry. I trust you, Drew.”

  His mouth explored my abdomen and my breasts. The way his lips wrapped around my hardened nipples excited me, as did the feel of his perfectly sized hard cock rubbing against my inner thigh. Hovering over me, he gently thrust into me until his entire length was buried deep inside. A moan escaped his lips as our eyes locked onto each other’s while he tenderly moved in and out of me. I swelled around him and he felt it. His pleasurable moans told me all as did mine to him. My nails dug into his back as his lips met mine and his thrusting became faster, sending me over the edge and into my third orgasm of the night.

  “Yes. That’s it, come with me.” He strained, filling me up with his come.

  Collapsing on top of me, he interlaced our fingers, brought my arms over my head, and stared into my eyes while we each tried to catch our breath. Once our heart rates returned to normal, he lifted himself up and pulled out of me. As we rolled onto our sides, he ran his finger across my cheek with a smile.

  “You were incredible.”

  “So were you.” I smiled back.

  “Do you want me to leave or do you want me to stay the night?”

  “I want you to stay. That way, I can say goodbye in the morning.”

  His lips gently brushed against mine before we climbed under the covers and I snuggled against him.

  This wasn’t supposed to happen. Did I regret it? No. Not in the least. Come tomorrow, we’d part ways with only the memory of this night and the journey I was on would continue. I wrapped my leg around him as his strong muscular arms held me. Grant rarely held me after sex and it was something I was used to. But this. Being wrapped around Drew’s body was something I liked. I felt secure and safe in his arms. Something I never knew I desperately needed.

  The next morning, when Drew’s alarm on his phone went off, his arms tightened around me.

  “Good morning,” I spoke as I looked up at him.

  “Good morning. I need to go. I have to get packed and head to the airport.”

p; “I know.”

  “Hand me your phone,” he spoke.

  Reaching over to the nightstand, I grabbed my phone and handed it to him.

  “There. You have my number. If you ever need anything or need help, please call me. I can be wherever you are in a flash.”

  “Thanks. But I’ll be okay.”

  “I know you will be. But you have it just in case.” He kissed the top of my head and climbed out of bed.

  After he got dressed, I walked him to the door.

  “I had a great time last night.” He smiled as his hand swept over my hair.

  “I did too.”

  “Good luck on your journey. I hope you find yourself and the happiness you deserve.”

  Taking hold of his hand, I pressed his palm against my lips.

  “Good bye, Drew.”

  “Good bye, Jillian.” His lips softly kissed mine and he walked out the door.

  Suddenly, it felt like all the air had left me and I couldn’t breathe. Sinking down to the ground, I brought my knees up to my chest and tightly wrapped my arms around them. Tears started streaming down my face and I didn’t know why. Confusion set in and, suddenly, I was afraid. Picking myself up off the floor, I took a shower, dressed, and headed to Ano’s house to say goodbye. When I arrived, all he needed was to take one look at me to know something was wrong.

  “You’ve come to say goodbye, Jillian, but you seem so sad.”

  “I messed up, Ano. I slept with someone last night and it wreaked havoc on my emotional well-being.”

  “The man from the plane?” he asked as we sat down.

  “Yes. He left today to go back to wherever he calls home and the minute he left, I started sobbing.”

  “Do you know why?”

  “I don’t know; that’s the thing.”

  “Do you have feelings for this man?” he asked as he placed his hands on mine.

  “Yes, no. I don’t know. All I know is that when he held me, for the first time in my life, I felt safe.”

  “Ah.” He slowly nodded his head. “You discovered that you need safety.”

  “But I always thought I felt safe.”

  “Your perception of safe and the reality of it are two different things. It’s natural for a child to feel safe in the company of their parents because they are supposed to protect us. It wasn’t until you shared a special connection with that man that you realized you never felt it. Remember what I told you about your journey. You need to be fearless because every road you travel on will bring something about yourself that you didn’t know or realize. Now it’s up to you to take what you realized and find safety within yourself.”