Read The Exploits of Juve Page 5



  "Well, Juve, I suppose you'll agree with me that Josephine's informationwas a piece of pure fiction," said Fandor as they turned into the RuePigalle.

  "You are talking nonsense," replied Juve.

  "But," protested the other, "we arrived punctually at the placeappointed, and most assuredly nothing happened there."

  "We were punctual, it is true, but so was Loupart. Josephine's lettergave us two items of information: That her lover would be at DoctorChaleck's house and that he would rob the safe. Events have proved hercorrect in one case. As to the second, while he did not break open thesafe, nothing proves that he had not that intention. He may have beenfrustrated by the unexpected appearance of Doctor Chaleck, or he mayhave discovered that we were following him."

  At this moment Fandor pointed out to Juve three men who were runningtoward them, violently gesticulating.

  "What does that mean?" he asked.

  Before Juve could reply one of the men, much out of breath, inquired:"Well, chief!"

  "Why, it's Michel and Henri and Leon!" Then, turning to Fandor, heexplained: "Three inspectors."

  Michel repeated the question: "Well, chief, what's up?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "You've just come from the Cite Frochot, chief?"

  Juve was amazed. "Look here," he said, "where do you come from, Michel?The Prefecture?"

  "No, chief, from the head office of No. IX."

  "Then how do you know we were at the Cite Frochot?"

  Taken aback, Michel replied: "Why, from seeing you here, after theaffair."

  "What affair?" insisted Juve.

  "Well, chief, it's this way. The three of us were on duty this morningat the Rue Rochefoucauld Station. About twenty minutes ago the telephonerang and I heard a woman asking in a broken and choked voice if it wasthe police station. On my answering it was, she begged me to come tothe rescue, crying, 'Murder! I'm dying!'"

  "What then?" questioned Juve.

  "Then I asked who was speaking, but unfortunately Central had cut meoff."

  "You made inquiries?"

  "Yes, chief, and after a quarter of an hour Central told me that onlyone subscriber had called up the police station, the number being928-12, name of Doctor Chaleck in the Cite Frochot."

  "I suppose you asked for the number again?"

  "I did, but I could get no reply."

  After a pause, during which Juve was lost in thought, the officer addedtimidly: "We'd better hurry if a crime has been committed."

  Juve beckoned Michel to him.

  "There are too many of us," he said. "You come along, Michel; the othertwo must go back to the station and be ready to join us in case ofneed."

  The two officers and Fandor went hurriedly up the Rue Pigalle and cameto a halt by Doctor Chaleck's door.

  A loud ringing brought no reply. It was repeated, and finally a voicecried: "Who is there; what's the matter?"

  "Open," ordered Juve.

  "To whom do you wish to speak?"

  "To Doctor Chaleck." And Juve added: "Open, it's the police."

  "The police! What the deuce do they want with me?"

  "You'll soon find out," answered Michel. "Do you suppose we'd be makingthis row if we were criminals?"

  Doubtless convinced by this reasoning, Doctor Chaleck decided at lengthto open his door.

  "What do you want with me?" he repeated.

  Juve quickly explained matters.

  "We've just had a telephone message to say that some ruffians, possiblymurderers, are in your house."

  "Murderers!" cried Chaleck in amazement. "But whom could they murder?I'm living here alone."

  At this assertion, Juve, Fandor and Michel looked at each other,mystified.

  "Well, in any case we must search your house from top to bottom," saidJuve, and added as an afterthought: "I suppose you are thoroughlysatisfied that we come with honest intentions?"

  Doctor Chaleck smiled:

  "Oh! Inspector Juve's features are very well known to me, and I placemyself entirely at his disposition."

  The three men, led by Chaleck, ransacked all the rooms on the groundfloor; finding nothing suspicious, they then went up to the floor above.

  "I have only three more rooms to show you, gentlemen," said the doctor."My bathroom, my bedroom and my study."

  The bathroom disclosed nothing of interest, and Chaleck, throwing openthe door of another room, announced, "My study."

  Scarcely had Fandor set foot in the study, from which he and Juve had sorecently made their escape, when a cry burst from his lips:

  "Good God! How horrible!"

  The apartment was in the greatest disorder. Overturned chairs borewitness to a violent struggle. One of the mahogany panels of the deskhad been partly smashed in. A window curtain was torn and hanging, andthe small gas stove was broken.

  Fandor, at the first glance, saw what appeared to be a long trail ofblood, extending from the window to the desk. Stepping forward quickly,he discovered the body of a woman frightfully crushed and covered withblood.

  "Dead some time," cried Fandor. "The body is cold and the blood alreadycongealed."

  Juve tranquilly examined the room, and took in its tragic horror. "Thetelephone apparatus is overturned," he muttered to himself. "There hasbeen a struggle between the victim and the murderer. Ah!--theft was theobject of the crime."

  "Theft!" cried Doctor Chaleck, coming forward.

  "Look, doctor, your safe has been overturned, broken in and ransacked,"answered Juve, as he and Fandor cautiously lifted the woman. The bodywas a mass of contusions and appeared to be one large wound.

  Juve turned to the doctor, who, livid with consternation, was holding upa small grey linen bag which had contained his bonds.

  "Come, doctor, calm yourself and give us some information. Can you makeanything of it?"

  "Nothing! nothing! I heard nothing. Who is this woman? I don't knowher!"

  Fandor pointed to a small shoe lying in a corner.

  "A fashionable woman," he said.

  "Quite so," was Juve's reply, and putting his hands on Chaleck'sshoulders he inquired: "A friend of yours, a mistress, eh? Come now,don't deny it."

  "Deny!" protested the doctor, "deny what? You are not accusing me, areyou? I know nothing of what has taken place here, and, as you see, havebeen robbed into the bargain."

  "Is she a patient of yours?"

  "I don't practise."

  "A visitor, perhaps?"

  "No one has been to see me to-day."

  "It is not your maid?"

  "No; I tell you. I am living here all by myself."

  "Have you noticed this, sir?" put in Michel, as he gave Juve ahandkerchief on which some vicious, greyish substance was spread inthick layers.

  "Shoemakers' wax," Juve explained, after a brief glance at it. "Thatexplains the burns we noticed. The murderer covered his victim's facewith the handkerchief to prevent identification." Then, turning toFandor, he went on in a low tone:

  "But it doesn't explain how and when the crime was committed. Less thanan hour ago we were in this very room, and the burgling of the safealone would take fully an hour."

  Michel, ignorant of this fact, was for arresting the doctor.

  "Look here," he said sharply to Chaleck, "we've had enough yarns fromyou; now tell us the truth."

  "But, good God! I have told you the truth!" cried Chaleck.

  "And you heard nothing, although you were only a few yards away?"

  "Nothing at all. I sat up working very late last night. When I went tobed, nothing had happened in the least suspicious. Oh, by the way,toward morning I did hear a slight noise. I rose and went over thehouse, even coming into this room. I found everything in order."

  "That's a likely tale!"

  "Here's a proof of what I say! When I returned to this study I used thatcandle and sealing wax to seal my letter, which, as you can see, isstill here. Your ring at the bell awoke me not more than twenty m
inuteslater, just as I was getting to sleep again."

  "Lies!" cried Michel, turning to Juve. "Shall I arrest him?"

  "The doctor is telling the truth," replied Juve, half regretfully.

  Chaleck seemed very much relieved.

  "Oh, you'll help me, won't you? Get me out of this abominable affair!"

  As a matter of fact, Chaleck had accounted for his time with exacttruthfulness.

  Juve crossed the room and drew aside the curtains; upon the floor hepointed out to Fandor traces of mud. It was there that he and thejournalist had stood.

  "Doctor," said Juve at length, "I must ask you not to go out thismorning. I am going to headquarters to ask them to send experts inanthropometry. We must photograph in detail the appearance of yourstudy; then I will come back and make an extended inquiry and I shallwant you. Michel, remain here with the doctor."

  Without further words, Juve, followed by Fandor, left the house ofmystery, jumped into the first cab that passed and, mopping hisforehead, cried:

  "It's astounding! This murder presents mysteries worthy of Fantomashimself!"