Read The Fair Elf Princess Page 7

The Rivalry

  The following days came packaged with a sudden upsurge in activity within the Clementine household as Mr. and Mrs. Clementine spent the bulk of their time at home, their ears seemingly glued to the phone. They talked non-stop with Mr. Clementine's relatives about one topic; Grandma Wu was coming to visit. Elliot understood the significance of the occasion because it would be the first time in many years that the rest of the family would see his grandmother in person without the affects of Alzheimer's disease. This happy juncture stood in stark contrast with what most occupied Elliot's mind which was his training sessions with Elvira. The intense rivalry between Rosewielder and Julie combined with his ineptitude at creating vanquishing orbs weighed heavy on his mind. However, deep down, Elliot grappled with the idea that his lack of skill might stem from his unwillingness to learn a technique he knew would give him the power to banish spirits. These thoughts culminated one Wednesday night after he'd just fallen asleep after playing a round of Fantasy Lotus with Rosewielder.

  Elliot looked around, seeing himself standing in a forest filled with birch trees, the leaves of numerous colors which decorated the floor a testament to the fall season. The sunlight was weak and their existed a chill in the air. Noticing that Rosewielder was not there, and knowing that there was no way he could have traveled to such a location by himself without memory, he knew he was dreaming.

  Awesome, a vivid dream at last. I can still have some fun even if I can't take anything back to the real world.

  Elliot focused on the idea of flying, feeling his feet immediately leave the floor, as he soared forward. Soon, he was speeding through the air so fast that the flora around him resembled nothing but a whirling rainbow of color. He continued, covering what seemed like miles in only a short time before descending upon the ground, noticing a stream peppered with enormous rocks. He watched as it flowed peacefully, moving endlessly as it disappeared beyond a large group of thin pale trees. He walked over to one of the boulders and sat down, placing his fist under his chin and his elbow against his knee, reflecting on the challenges ahead.

  "So, if we do join the council we'll be facing other conjurers who'll try to vanquish Rosewielder?" he asked aloud. "What if she was vanquished and sent back to the otherworld? I could lose her forever. I'd never forgive myself. I wonder what I should do."

  Elliot stood up, glancing towards the sky, before focusing intensely on his Great Uncle Baum.

  "When I turn around my Great Uncle Baum will be standing before me," he said aloud.

  He took a deep breath before spinning around, finding his Great Uncle Baum standing right there, wearing the same outfit he had since Elliot last dreamed him up.

  "Hello, Elliot," said Great Uncle Baum. "Thanks for summoning me here, but I sense that you are in need of guidance."

  "Yes, I am. I have a lot on my mind. It's about the spirits I've summoned. I don't know if it's right for Rosewielder to fight by my side. What if she gets hurt or worse? When she was attacked by that lion it terrified me," explained Elliot.

  Great Uncle Baum folded his arms, staring upward.

  "Deep down, you know the answer."

  "I do?" said Elliot.

  "Sure. Elliot, do you see Rosewielder as your equal?"

  "Yes, I do."

  "Then she should be free to make her own choices," said Great Uncle Baum.

  "Even if they might lead to her destruction?" asked Elliot.

  "Might not your choices lead to your destruction?"


  "You wish to join the council. You've seen what other conjurers are capable of. Might not you be destroyed?"

  "Yes, but…," began Elliot.

  "Can anyone stop you from joining the council or fulfilling your duty as a dream savior? Can anyone cage you like a bird?"

  "No, they can't."

  "Even if being a dream savior means saving the world from the spirits that you, yourself, brought there?" asked Great Uncle Baum.

  "I don't know. Mastering the vanquishing orb means I can vanquish Adam and Lilith. Their lives are in my hands but I don't know if I can do that," said Elliot before biting his lip.

  "That is because you're viewing yourself as separate from them. You must remember that everything you summon has some of your aura. Your imagination gave those spirits their identities. If you know yourself then you'll make the right choice," said Great Uncle Baum, placing his hands behind his back, smiling at him.

  "Know myself?" said Elliot aloud just as the dreamscape became pitch black, signaling the end of the dream.

  Moments later, he was laying in his sleeping bag, on his bedroom floor. He looked over at his alarm clock which read 6:10.

  "Only five minutes left until time for school," he said grumpily, getting to his feet and stretching.

  Elliot readied himself for the day, ensuring that his clothes were free of wrinkles and that his appearance was impeccable, for he knew that Grandma Wu would be arriving today. He glanced worriedly at Rosewielder as she lay nestled in the bed before retrieving his backpack and closing the door behind him. He then made his way down to breakfast. He sat down at the table and scooped up a heap of bacon, watching his father talk frantically on a cordless house phone while Faiga fiddled around with a hot pink mp3 player.

  "Hey, honey," said his mom, walking briskly towards the kitchen, her high heel shoes clunking loudly against the hard wood floor as she carried her brown work suitcase. "Good morning, Faiga."

  "Hello, mom," said Elliot.

  "Morning, mom," said Faiga, looking up from the device.

  "I have to be at work a little early today so will you please give your sister a ride to school today, Elliot?" asked Mrs. Clementine, buttoning up a jet black woman's work suit. "I'd really appreciate that, honey."

  "Sure," said Elliot, looking at his watch before gulping down a glass of milk. "It's already 6:32. I think we'd better leave soon, Faiga."

  They continued dining for another five minutes, Mr. Clementine still talking on the phone with his brother Chen, before deciding to head out.

  "Okay, big bro," said Faiga, placing her mp3 player in her pocket, before putting her backpack over her shoulder. "I'm ready."

  They headed out the door with their father, their mother already gone on her way to work.

  After buckling up and waiting for their dad to pull out of the driveway Elliot and Faiga embarked on their way to South Star Middle school.

  During the ride they reminisced about their grandmother, recalling the times when they were younger and Grandma Wu watched after them, entertaining them with witty stories that always had some important life lesson interwoven into them. They discussed some of the authentic Chinese dishes which they reluctantly ate, finding them strange after having grown up in the states.

  "Remember that one time grandmother got angry with Uncle Chen for taking us to the theme park when you were suppose to be practicing your violin?" asked Elliot jokingly.

  "Yes, I do. Poor Uncle Chen. He's always on grandma's bad side," said Faiga just as Elliot pulled up to a large building surrounded by white pavement woven around a small group of bushes by a flagpole.

  "Hey, Faiga, I have a little treat for you. I thought I'd show you a quick magic trick since I missed your performance," said Elliot, watching his sister's eyes look around eagerly as dozens of passerby walked towards the school's front doors. "I designed my own magic trick after watching one of my teachers, Mr. Anghel. He's awesome."

  "Sure, big bro," said Faiga, watching his hands.

  Elliot showed Faiga his empty hands before balling them into fists in front of him, visualizing a golden coin appearing in his right fist. When he felt a slight tickling sensation he held out his right hand to Faiga, revealing a golden coin, seeing her eyes beam at it.

  "How did you do that?!" she gasped.

  "I'm a magician," he said, closing his hand again, feeling his aura summon dematerialize.
br />   He then opened his hand which was now empty.

  "Wow!" said Faiga, her eyes searching him to find the missing coin.

  "Faiga, look," said Elliot, holding out his left hand, revealing a small jade stone in the shape of a rooster.

  Faiga grabbed for the rooster, but Elliot quickly shut his hands, and after feeling it dematerialize, opened his hand. It was gone.

  "Elliot, you're amazing, big bro!" yelled Faiga. "You must tell me how you did it!"

  "Sorry, a magician never reveals his secrets," said Elliot apologetically.

  " When did you learn how to do magic tricks?" she asked, stunned.

  "Quite recently," he said, checking his watch. "It's time to go though."

  "Thanks for the ride, Elliot. I still want you to come to my next performance," she said, opening the door.

  "I will," he said as she shut the door.

  Elliot drove off to school after tuning the music station to Arnaud's Bugler's Dream, arriving in the parking lot about seven minutes before the morning bell. He hastily sprinted across the school grounds and through the front doors, racing against other late stragglers after retrieving his books.

  "Hey, buddy," said Cody just as Elliot arrived with about two minutes to spare.

  His expression was downcast.

  "Did you hear the news?" asked Cody.

  "What news?" asked Elliot, pulling out his chemistry book and flipping to a section on binary compounds.

  Cody looked at Elliot as though he thought he was crazy.

  "Buddy, Aki Fuki, the creator of Fantasy Lotus, has gone missing!" said Cody. "No one's seen him in the past three days!"

  Elliot's heart felt like it had just stopped.

  No they wouldn't! Would they?! Did Adam and Lilith do this! But they know Fantasy Lotus isn't real! It doesn't make sense!

  "I know it sucks, buddy. Fuki's very picky about the story lines and even secretive with many of his new ideas. He won't allow anyone else to work on it. This could mean the end of the franchise," said Cody, shaking his head while running his hands through his hair.

  The bell rang and Ms. Rosenberg walked into the room.

  "Morning, class," she said, sounding nearly as upbeat as before the snake monster incident.

  She collected their homework before wheeling a television sitting on a tall metallic cart over to the center of the room.

  "Today will be light. I know you're recovering from midterms so we'll watch a safety video about the chemistry lab. You may want to take notes," she said before turning on the television.

  Elliot bit his finger, his pen in hand but remaining idle, his mind elsewhere.

  Why would they kidnap the creator of Fantasy Lotus! Why not kidnap me, instead! I summoned them! Wait, are they still clinging to the world I designed them to know? Either way we must find them! But I have no idea where to look! Darn it!

  Elliot continued debating the situation with such intensity that when the bell rang he'd taken no notes and his brain seemed like it physically hurt. He waved goodbye to Cody before traveling to his next class. Like Ms. Rosenberg's, Mr. Bennett's class had regained a significant portion of its students back and their teacher seemed to be slowly recovering. After taking a seat towards the back and getting out his textbook he saw someone sit right next to him. It was Julie.

  "Elliot, have you and Rosewielder been training outside of our sessions?" she asked softly, preening her hair.

  "Yes, I thought we should ensure we're at our most powerful when we fight Adam and Lilith," said Elliot, lowering his voice so that only she could hear. "Julie, I think the spirits I summoned have kidnapped someone."

  Julie's face turned white. She lowered her head towards him.

  "Who did they kidnap?" she asked in a whisper.

  "The creator of Fantasy Lotus."

  "Let me guess. That's the video game you based their designs from," whispered Julie.

  Elliot nodded.

  "I had a feeling this might happen," said Julie.

  "What? Why?" asked Elliot.

  "Think about it, Elliot. You summoned spirits with no past. They have no true identity except for one granted to them by the Fantasy Lotus video game. That world may not be real, but it seems you designed them to have that world's knowledge," explained Julie.

  "You're saying it's easier for them to cling to a familiar world even if it's imaginary."

  "Exactly. They're most likely struggling inside," said Julie, flipping through her notebook. "How would you feel if you were brought into a strange world and realized the place you thought you knew wasn't real?"

  The bell rang. Mr. Bennett strolled into the classroom, shutting the door behind him, and placing his briefcase by his teacher's desk.

  "Hello class," he said loudly, his previous confidence almost restored after the snake monster incident, as he looked upon many new students who'd recently transferred to his class.

  He then gave them their warm-ups before speaking in-depth about several Greek tales, including Homer's Odyssey and Iliad as well as Ovid's Metamorphoses. Elliot found himself only half focused on his studies, ruminating about the whereabouts of Aki Fuki, praying that he'd find Adam and Lilith before the worse could happen. These thoughts occupied his mind throughout the remainder of the school day as he endured the short-tempered Mr. Martel who worked his class so hard it seemed that he was taking out his frustration with those who'd transferred out of his class on everyone that remained.

  "Toughen up, you lads! You need to be ready to fight the big bad snake monster!" he yelled humorously while they were in the locker room, changing out of their gym outfits.

  He only found himself paying much attention in his English class, appreciating Mr. Anghel, whose distinct zest for teaching them had spread around the school like wildfire, many gossiping of how he was quickly becoming the school's favorite teacher. After a thirty five minute presentation, detailing the importance of a long list of SAT words, Mr. Anghel used the last five minutes to perform magic tricks, making various objects disappear and reappear.

  "Here is a tissue. I'm going to make it disappear. Then I'll pull it out of Joanne's ear," he said, waving a tissue in front of them, and pointing to a thin blonde girl in the first row.

  He balled the tissue up before placing it in his hand. He then unclosed his hand, showing that it had disappeared.

  Many students peaked their heads over those in front of them, attempting to see where it went, Mr. Anghel opening both of his hands, turning around and emptying his pockets. Joanne put her hands next to her ears, trying to find the piece of tissue but her efforts were in vain. Mr. Anghel stepped towards Joanne, enclosing his hand as he placed it near her ear. He opened it again, revealing not one, but a large bundle of tissues. The class screamed cheerfully just as the bell rang and Mr. Anghel bowed. Elliot packed his belongings, watching the classroom rapidly empty, before walking up to his teacher who'd begun marking a set of papers with a blue pen.

  "How are you today, Mr. Clementine?" he asked, looking up warmly.

  "I'm good, and your'e great. I'm a huge fan of your magic tricks," said Elliot. "I've been practicing my own tricks as well."

  "Is that so? How's it working out?" asked Mr. Anghel.

  "Rather well, actually. I think I"m just naturally gifted," said Elliot proudly. "Where'd you learn how to do magic?"

  "My father was a magician. Perhaps it's in my blood," said Mr. Anghel, twiddling his pen.

  "Could be. Do you mind if I show you a quick trick?" asked Elliot.

  "Sure," said Mr. Anghel, putting down his pen.

  Elliot held out both his hands, showing that they were empty before closing them. He then visualized a quarter materializing in his hand. He opened his hand, revealing a quarter, watching Mr. Anghel's face.

  "You've been practicing your conjuring," said Mr. Anghel. "Well done."

  Elliot jumped, causing
the quarter to fall on Mr. Anghel's desk, before disappearing. He was, again, shocked at Mr. Anghel's expression, seeing him watch the vanishing coin as if it were a common occurrence.

  "You know about conjuring?" said Elliot quietly.

  Mr. Anghel looked keenly around the room, and out the hall, before responding.

  "Yes, I, too, am a conjurer. I've been sent here from the council for the school's protection as it's now a target," explained Mr. Anghel softly.

  "A target?" said Elliot. "What do you mean?" he asked.

  "Recent events in this school have sparked the interest of individuals from our world," explained Mr. Anghel. "I believe you know what I'm referring to."

  "You're talking about the fiasco caused by the spirits I summoned," said Elliot, guiltily.

  Mr. Anghel nodded his head.

  "Groups of conjurers are always in search of the newly awakened, like you," explained Mr. Anghel. "There aren't that many of us so bands of conjurers recruit however they can."

  "So, those of us just discovering our powers are called newly awakened," said Elliot.

  "Yes, that's correct," responded Mr. Anghel. "I shall remain here. I'll ensure that dark conjurers don't abduct those with stronger auras. That is how they recruit. Reports of the spirit monster in the school are bound to attract them sooner or later."

  "I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused."

  "Don't feel bad. Tenzin informed me that you are a dream conjurer. It's an extremely rare phenomena, but has its repercussions. It was through no fault of your own that the spirit entered this school," said Mr. Anghel. "How is your training going with Elvira?"

  "I'm having trouble with the vanquishing orb."

  "You'll get it eventually," said Mr. Anghel, glancing at the clock. "Is there anything else troubling you?"

  "No," lied Elliot. "Rosewielder and I will continue honing our skills."

  "Very well," said Mr. Anghel. "Oh, and Elliot. Please don't bring spirit objects to the school. Their magic could set off the protective alarms which the council has set."

  "I won't, Mr. Anghel," said Elliot. "I don't want to cause anymore trouble."

  "Thank you. I must attend a meeting. Take care, Elliot."


  After retrieving his backpack from his locker, Elliot exited the school and journeyed home, still ruminating on what Mr. Anghel had said, enviously watching a group of kids ride their bikes, carefree, over the crosswalk.

  The spirits I summon are my responsibilities. I'm a dream savior. I won't drag others into the mess I've made. But I already have, haven't I? What about Aki Fuki? Was his kidnapping their handiwork? Nothing's certain. The council said they were already looking for Adam and Lilith. They would've found them already if they could have. Rosewielder and I will set things right. I have to think like them. I have to get into their mind. That's how I'll find them!

  Elliot temporarily banished Adam and Lilith from his mind, backing into the garage with a feeling of overflowing eagerness as he entered through the back door, finding his father talking in a soft voice with a short-statured women with curled shoulder length gray hair, her thinness showing through a dark grayish sweater and a pair of black cotton pants. They turned to Elliot as he approached and his grandmother placed her hands around him, kissing his cheek.

  "There's my grandson," said Grandma Wu, studying him up and down. "Have you been eating, Elliot?"

  "Of course I have, grandma. Don't I look a little taller since your last visit?"

  She stepped closer, measuring herself against him, seeing that she barely passed his shoulders.

  "Yes, you do," she said, turning towards his father.

  "Where is Adalie and Faiga?" asked his grandmother.

  "Ah, Adalie is giving Faiga a ride home after work. She should be here in about an hour," said Mr. Clementine, looking at a clock in the shape of a barn owl on the wall.

  "Chao, please excuse us. I wish to catch up with my grandson. It's been so long," said Grandma Wu, eyeing Elliot.

  "Sure, mother," said Mr. Clementine, walking over to the dining room table and sipping from a cyan teacup.

  Grandma Wu led Elliot pass the living and dining rooms to a glass sliding door. Elliot opened it and they entered into the backyard. It was decorated with groups of well trimmed bushes accompanied by different species of annual flowers. Large koi fish swam in a small pond ornamented with marble statues of angels, beautified by the unyielding sunlight. Grandma Wu turned to Elliot.

  "Where is Rosewielder?" she asked.

  "She's probably still at the shrine, right now. I thought it'd be nice for her to mingle with other spirits," explained Elliot, grabbing a Gold African marigold, beginning to pluck its peddles.

  "Shrine?" said Grandma Wu.

  "The Shrine of Tenzin, is a place where spirits can live without fear of exposure to humans."

  "Do you love this girl, this spirit, that you summoned here from the otherworld," she asked.

  "If love means being unable to imagine my life without her, then yes. Do you find that strange?" asked Elliot, dropping a flower peddle into the pond.

  "Why would I?" asked Grandma Wu, watching the peddle land.

  "Rosewielder didn't even exist just months ago and, now, I think of her with every passing breath I take," said Elliot. "She shined through the darkness. I believe my pride was the source of this darkness."

  "You deserve to be proud, Elliot. You created a goddess and, so, naturally, you fell in love with her," said Grandma Wu, looking towards the trees as the wind blew the leaves. "You're like that man who fell in love with his own sculpture. What was his name?"

  "Pygmalion?" said Elliot. "Yes, we were discussing him in my history class. But he didn't create monsters like I have."

  "All creatures possess light and darkness, Elliot. "They are two opposing forces that require the other to exist. The idea of Yin and Yang. I think that applies to spirits as well."

  "But even if I can stop the spirits I summoned, what will become of our relationship? Spirits live much longer than humans. Grandma Wu, should I conjure elixirs to increase my lifespan so that I can be with Rosewielder?" asked Elliot, dropping a group of peddles into the pond. "Would you do it?"

  "Rosewielder did not seem the type to approve of such things," said Grandma Wu.

  "You're right, but she shouldn't be alone. If I died I'd feel like I was abandoning her," said Elliot. "I know she'd have memories of the times we had together. I'd be in her heart but, for how long? Would her memory of me fade after four hundred years, five hundred, seven hundred?"

  Elliot opened his hand, allowing the wind to blow the flower from it. He watched it plop in the water, creating vibrations.

  "There is no way to tell, but that's one advantage of not knowing the future. It offers us hope," said Grandma Wu. "But, I feel that if you're true to yourself then you will find a way to make things work out even if it's not in the way you envisioned."

  There was a sudden sliding sound from behind, causing them both to glance back at the house. His parents and Faiga came out through the glass doors, hurriedly walking towards them.

  "Hello, Ai," said Mrs. Clementine, hugging Grandma Wu.

  "How are you, Adalie," said Grandma Wu, kissing his mother on the cheek. "And there's my granddaughter."

  Grandma Wu and Faiga hugged for so long and tightly it looked like they were trying to squeeze the other to death.

  After standing around, enjoying the weather, discussing everything under the sun from his mother's wisdom teeth extraction and Grandma Wu's recovery, to his father's increasingly busy work schedule, they spent the rest of that day entertaining Grandma Wu with all the pleasures they could. Faiga and Elliot performed on their instruments for their grandmother while Mrs. Clementine worked feverishly, preparing an immaculate dinner featuring many authentic Chinese cuisines. Elliot savored the time with his family,
knowing he would have another round attempting to master the vanquishing orb the following day in Elvira's training session. After thoroughly stuffing himself at dinner, he made his way upstairs and to his room with a huge plate of soba noodles and shrimp fried rice in one hand and a bottle of soda pop under his arm. He opened the door to find Rosewielder with her legs crossed and her eyes closed, seemingly in meditation. She looked strangely out of place against the mundane nature of his room, her skin emanating an angelic light as a warmth which radiated from her body blanketed him.

  "Practicing for tomorrow's training?" said Elliot, walking past her and placing the plate and glass on his desk.

  "Of course I am. I'm looking forward to dueling with Julie again," said Rosewielder, finally getting up, walking towards her desk.

  She placed her hands on her hips, her eyes studying him.

  "It seemed that she views you as more than a comrade. Is that true?"

  "I don't know. Maybe. The truth is that I've never been as close to anyone as I have to you and Julie accept my family," answered Elliot, shrugging his shoulders. I've had friends but that's about it."

  "You mean to say that I'm the first maiden this dear to you?"

  "Yes, you are," said Elliot.

  Rosewielder sat down at the desk and picked up a pair of chopsticks from the plate, looking down worriedly.

  "What's wrong?"

  "Elliot, if I'm your first maiden how do you know that we're meant to be?" asked Rosewielder, grabbing up a shrimp and a pea, surveying them. "What if Julie was right?"

  "What would make you think that?" asked Elliot.

  Rosewielder dropped the shrimp and pea into the bowl before picking up a pair of shrimp.

  "When I listened to Julie she seemed so certain that you two were meant for each other. What if humans were made to be together? You two are both from one world, the same world. You could live the rest of your lives happily without you having to make the conjurer's choice. Sometimes I feel that me being a spirit is a burden to you," explained Rosewielder.

  "Rosewielder, I thought you knew me better than that," began Elliot, causing her eyes to gaze at him, confused. "I'm a conjurer who's put monsters in my school. We've flown over cities together. We've ridden dragons. If we join the council we'll be facing danger all the time. Our future is uncertain because our lives are anything but normal. We'll both be forced to make hard choices, but that's why I'll listen to Grandma Wu's advice."

  "Your grandmother? What did she tell you?" she asked.

  Elliot bent down and took hold of Rosewielder's hand, delighting in its soft snugness. Rosewielder placed her other hand atop of his, making him feel like an anointed knight.

  "We must have hope for the future even if our path is clouded. I have faith in both my grandmother and my late Great Uncle Baum," he said with resolve. "We may come from opposing worlds but, like yin and yang, we need each other."

  "You are truly hypnotic, Elliot. When you speak and look at me in such a manner I find myself irresistibly mesmerized. Your eyes remind me of the sky, and yet they exude a certainty greater than the rising of the sun. How can I not trust in your conviction? I'll put my trust in you."

  The pair spent the rest of that night watching a romantic comedy about a woman who'd fallen in love with the ghost of an old cowboy, laughing at the increasingly outrageous storyline, until they both decided they wished to sleep. They then bid each other goodnight.

  The following day Elliot readied himself for breakfast with great haste, knowing their grandmother would be joining them. His mother and grandmother had collaborated in meal preparation, providing a skillful equilibrium between German and Chinese dishes.

  "You two should open up a restaurant together," said Elliot after his third helping of sausage and rice, watching the clock. It was great. But I better get going."

  "Two cooks are better than one," said Grandma Wu.

  The family said their goodbyes, leaving Grandma Wu home to reminisce over old family photos and videos. Elliot journeyed to school, wondering how his training session that day would go.

  I'm sure Mr. Anghel is right. I'll get the vanquishing orb right. I hope I can learn it in time to stop Adam and Lilith from doing any major damage. If they did kidnap Aki Fuki then it will at least be an option in our arsenal to defeat them.

  Elliot arrived at his chemistry class two minutes before the bell, seeing both Abha and Ezzena dashing towards him, their faces as upset as Cody's had been, fearing he'd have to endure a guilt trip regarding Fuki's disappearance for another round.

  "If you plan to talk to me about Aki Fuki then please don't," said Elliot as they approached. "I'm already upset about it."

  "Oh," said Abha, looking crestfallen. "It's affected you that much, huh?"


  "Don't worry, bro. All we can do is hope that he's safe wherever he is," said Ezzena with uncharacteristic seriousness.

  "I agree," said Elliot.

  The students watched their teacher, Mr. Fujita, perform a set of equations so long that each took up an entire sheet of paper which he'd placed on an overhead projector. For the next thirty five minutes, they helped talk Mr. Fujita through different sets of equations. After requesting them to study the intermediate value theorem for their next class they were dismissed. In his Japanese class Ms. Ivanova presented them a slide show that depicted Japanese Oni masks, requiring them to use kanji to recount their meanings and origins. They were called up from a class list to recite their ideas, being graded on their fluency and accuracy. The bell rang, signaling the end of class with the presentations only being halfway through.

  "If you didn't present today then you'll go next class," said Ms. Ivanova, writing on a red clipboard.

  They were immediately administered a test in Mr. Stewart's biology class and, having been familiar with all the material, Elliot breezed through the exam with ten minutes to spare. He used his extra time to get a head start on the next chapter's material, and before long, he was hastening towards his music class. Ms. Matthews had them play several rounds of Bach's Cello Suite No. 1, offering them suggestions on how to improve their playing quality from previous attempts.

  "Come on. Let's try to stay coordinated," said Ms. Matthews, waving her hands to keep them in sync. "One more time."

  Only after about the fifth time was she satisfied enough to move on to a film which recounted the lives of several famous musicians during the Enlightenment era. Once the class had ended, Elliot hurried to his locker for his backpack and A day schedule books before navigating through the halls and exiting the school's front doors. He hopped into his car and began his journey home, instinctually turning up the classical station as he recalled the steps of creating a vanquishing orb.

  Alright, first I clear my mind. I have that part down. Then I go straight to feeling my aura. Those are the same as with creating spirit items and aura summons. But I always botch the final step. Elvira says to focus on the energy of the earth and imagined it forming a vacuum. How do I do that? His previous failures plagued his mind all the way home. He grouchily slammed his car door before going through the back door. He kept an eye on the time as he made himself a quick glass of orange juice, reasoning that Rosewielder would arrive home from Tenzin's shrine in another ten minutes.

  "You're home, my grandson," said Grandma Wu's voice from behind.

  Elliot turned to see his grandmother walking towards him from the living room, dressed in blue pants and a white shirt decorated with roses, carrying a large notebook. It was his family album.

  "Hello, Grandma Wu. How are you?" he asked, putting his glass in the dishwasher.

  "I'm enjoying looking at pictures of my family. I'm thankful that I remember the good times," she said, pointing at a picture of his mother and father in wedding attire. "It's all thanks to my grandson, the dream savior."

  "Thanks. That means a lot to me."

  "It's amazing how life slowly changes you. A few months ago, I barely recognized my own sons," said Grandma Wu, her finger on a picture of a toddler Elliot, his mother holding his hands while his father held a baby Faiga in his arms. "That's why you'll always be my saviors, you and Rosewielder. You gave me my humanity back."

  Elliot felt himself blush as his grandmother closed the album.

  "My favorite photo is this one with Chao and Adalie in the North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany," she said, studying a picture with Elliot's parents, appearing nearly twenty years younger, as they laid under an apple tree in a wonderfully aesthetic grassy plain.

  His mother looked pregnant and Faiga was absent.

  "Grandma, was that where I was born?" asked Elliot, awed.

  "Yes, Adalie had you a couple days after this photo. It's also very close to where your Great Uncle Baum was buried," explained Grandma Wu. "It must have been challenging for Adalie and Chao to be together. They had opposing cultures. The worlds they came from were different but they made it work."

  "Different worlds," repeated Elliot. "Just like Rosewielder and I."

  "Now that you mention it, I'd have to agree," said Grandma Wu.

  "Now, I know where Rosewielder's been taking me for our training sessions with Elvira," said Elliot. "Speaking of my training sessions, I'd better get going."

  "Training sessions with Elvira?" said Grandma Wu. "Is this Elvira part of the council?"

  "Yes, how did you know?"

  "Elvira and I once liked the same man. His name was Piero. He was a young teacher from Italy and also a conjurer. Ancient history," said his grandmother, suddenly bashful. "Then I met your grandfather, Niu, and knew true love. You'd better get going now. If I can remember one thing about Elvira it's that she is a woman who shouldn't be kept waiting."

  Elliot hugged his grandmother before telling her farewell and heading up towards his room. He opened his door and saw Rosewielder, standing up, twirling her sword around adeptly in her right hand while holding Elliot's shield in her other hand.

  "Are you ready, Elliot?" she asked eagerly before sheathing her sword and handing him his shield.

  "Yes, let's go," he answered.

  She teleported them into his car, and after flipping the switch that lifted the garage door, they began their trip to Julie's house. Rosewielder used the bulk of the ride to explain her time at the shrine, detailing a new friendship she'd developed with a group of spirits called the harpies.

  "Their leader is the benevolent queen of the harpies, Adonia, and they've helped the council battle dark conjurers and spirits for centuries, fighting trolls, dragons, giants and other spirits that endanger the human world," said Rosewielder, beaming at him. "Tenzin has many noble allies."

  "A guy can gather a lot of friends in a thousand-plus years," said Elliot.

  He slowed his speed before turning into Elvira's driveway.

  "We're here," said Elliot, opening his door.

  They walked to the front door, expecting, like always, that it would open before they knocked. Over the course of his training, Elliot had developed the impression that Elvira waited just outside the window to know when they'd arrived. The door opened and Elvira stood there, wearing the same black robes she always had during his training.

  "Good evening," she said as they came in. "Follow me."

  Elliot and Rosewielder followed her to the same curtained room they always went at the beginning of every training. They arrived, seeing Julie sitting languidly in a wooden chair, tying her hair back. She stood before fiddling with her necklace which was partially obscured by her black robes. Elliot saw a small object stir from behind Julie's legs, and when an orange fury tail with pale stripes rested against her robes that's when he realized…

  "Elliot, look!" screamed Rosewielder, pointing towards her, before running over to Julie and grabbing up the small tabby cat hiding behind her. "He's as cute as ever. It's Mr. Winslow Jr.!" said Rosewielder, cradling the cat who began nudging her and purring.

  "It looks like he likes it here," said Elliot.

  "Elliot, we're going to try a different approach today. You've had no luck creating a vanquishing orb inside our training room. A natural environment might help you become more in tune with the earth's energy," said Elvira, looking expectantly at him. "Rosewielder, please put down the cat and take us to the same place as your last duel with Julie."

  "Yes, teacher," said Rosewielder before kissing Mr. Winslow Jr. and placing him on the floor.

  Everyone grabbed hold of Rosewielder. Elliot caught a glance of Julie's face which displayed an emotionless expression, her brown eyes focusing nowhere in particular. The usual sensations of teleportation afflicted him before he found himself standing in what he now knew to be the North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, his birthplace. Elvira brushed her hair out of her eyes before looking down at Elliot.

  "You and Rosewielder will duel with Julie to facilitate your creation of the vanquishing orb. I suspect you won't create a vanquishing orb unless a situation arises in which you feel you must," said Elvira.

  She turned to Julie and nodded. Julie returned the gesture. Just like with their last duel, Elvira traveled a good ways away, ensuring she was a safe distance from the battle. Julie distanced herself from Elliot and Rosewielder. Elliot pulled out his shield, preparing his mind for the duel while Rosewielder unsheathed her sword before assuming a battle stance, its blade imitating the sun's beauty. Elliot's eyes staid intently upon Julie and, when he saw her assume her praying posture he knew she was about to create an aura summon. However, Rosewielder had different arrangements, Elliot watching her vanish as she reappeared beside Julie with her sword raised. An abundance of swift events encompassed the coming moments. He saw Rosewielder be knocked through the air at least ten feet away by an enormous hand that had appeared right in front of Julie before it vanished. Seconds later, a grayish heart shaped structure materialized around Julie, encasing her completely. He saw Rosewielder quickly get to her feet, but, in that short span of time, a humanoid being appeared, hovering before her with beauteous ivory wings and spectacular golden locks of flaxen hair which draped magnificently over its shoulders. Its perfectly sculpted physique was a delicate mixture of milky white with a smidgen of pink which adorned its childlike face. Only a lone piece of under garment had the audacity to cover the lower half of the winged god of love as it clenched its hands around a handsome bow and arrow which shimmered like gold. An aura summon shaped like Cupid stood before them. Cupid looked down upon Rosewielder who stood firm, her sword valiantly raised, undaunted, and it was like seeing two divinities sizing each other up. Cupid tilted his bow towards Rosewielder, a golden arrow tipped with a red heart materializing in his hand, and fired his weapon. The arrow zoomed towards Rosewielder like a lightning bolt, but exploded into glittering pieces of light upon reaching her.

  "Quick Sword of Light, grant me the power to vanquish my enemy!" yelled Rosewielder as her sword radiated with an intense luminescence .

  She thrusted her weapon, cutting through the air with beams of light that stretched across the battlefield towards Cupid who vanished from sight in a poof of smoke.

  Elliot instinctively whipped around and saw Cupid floating mere feet from him, his wings flapping slowly, and his bow and arrow ready. Cupid released an arrow towards Elliot but it was immediately knocked away. Elliot had prepared. He looked proudly at his creation which stood before him. Separating Cupid and Elliot was an individual attired in long blue robes fastened by a silky white belt on which a Japanese saya was placed. A greenish grotesque face with a large nose and reddish horns poking out of its head turned to look at Elliot with intense golden eyes and white pupils, revealing a perfect replica of one of the Japanese Oni masks he'd studied in his Japanese class.

  "I will protect you, my conjurer, until I am again one with you," said Elliot's aura summon, turning to face Cupid with a coruscate

  He then leapt into the air, swinging profusely towards Julie's aura summon who, again, went poof. Elliot and the oni scanned the battlefield with their eyes, and they both jumped when something appeared five feet to the side of them. It was Rosewielder. She looked at the oni standing next to Elliot with alarm, raising her sword, before charging.

  "Rosewielder, he's on our side!" roared Elliot, causing Rosewielder to stop within seconds of the oni who'd also raised his sword.

  "Rosewielder, meet Ai," said Elliot. "He's my aura summon, our friend."

  "Ai?" said the oni. That's my name, is it?" he said, rubbing one of his horns.

  "Please forgive me, Ai," said Rosewielder. "I am honored to meet you. I am Elliot's spirit friend. He summoned me too."

  "He did a good job," said Ai, stepping towards Rosewielder.

  He extended his hand towards Rosewielder who placed hers in his. In a bizarre site, Ai kissed her hand.

  "You're so sweet, Ai," said Rosewielder, blushing.

  "The pleasure is all mine," said Ai, releasing her hand.

  "Ahem. We're in the middle of a duel, you guys," said Elliot, his eyes scanning the plain, until he spotted Julie.

  The heart-shaped structure that had protected her was gone.

  "There's Julie," said Elliot, pointing in her direction just as a poof of smoke appeared in front of her, revealing Cupid. "You both are warriors. Do you think you could attack as a team?"

  "Yes, Elliot," said Rosewielder, grabbing hold of Ai's shoulder. "The three of us can defeat Julie."

  "Excellent," said Elliot, placing his hand on Rosewielder's arm. "Please teleport us."

  Rosewielder obeyed, and the next second, the group was standing mere feet from Julie and Cupid. Ai and Rosewielder both lunged towards Cupid, unrevealing of the impending disaster. Cupid had vanished again, this time appearing behind Ai, and shot his arrow towards the oni, hitting his target. Ai shook his head rapidly, looking confusedly towards Julie before slowly walking over to her in a zombie-like fashion. He then bowed. Ai turned to face Elliot while Rosewielder continued chasing Cupid. Elliot gasped as he stared into heart filled eyes of Ai, his shrewd face, glaring at him aggressively.

  "I love Julie! She is my new master!" roared Ai in a crazed manner, focusing his katana, not on Elliot but, on Rosewielder and Cupid who were locked in a vicious fray, both of whom appearing to have slowed down substantially as Cupid was no longer flying, but hopping across the grass, shooting his arrows at Rosewielder as she tiredly slashed them away with her sword.

  Ai ran towards Rosewielder and Cupid just as Elliot heard Julie's voice.

  "This is it, Elliot. Both of our aura summons will soon vanish, but can you master that vanquishing orb to stop Cupid's spell. Can you do it for Rosewielder?" asked Julie in a monotone voice, her voice unreadable.

  Elliot closed his eyes, allowing the warm summer's breeze to sweep his hair across his face, before taking a deep breath. He cleared his mind, detaching himself from the fray occurring mere feet from him. He searched for his aura, feeling it condense in his forehead, continuing to focus on the breeze. He tried his hardest to sense both the grass and earth beneath his feet and all the living creatures which inhabited the earth, allowing the sunlight to saturate his skin. Elliot endeavored his best to perceive all that surrounded him before placing his hands in front of his chest and visualizing a vacuum. For those next few moments, every iota of his being focused on transforming the earth's energy around him into a vanquishing orb. Elliot wasn't aware of how long the process took, but remained calm as a white orb of light began spiraling between his hands. He glanced over at Rosewielder who was barely holding her own against both Ai and Cupid. With but a thought, the orb zoomed out from Elliot's hands and shot towards Cupid, sinking into his porcelain skin and causing the aura summon to dematerialize. He saw the piece of Julie's aura return to its master. Ai abruptly stopped fighting with Rosewielder who continued to thrust her sword at him, unaware of Ai's change of heart.

  "Rosewielder!" yelled Elliot, running towards them. "It's over!"

  Her head snapped towards him. She was breathing heavily, but sheathed her sword. She stood there, the wind playing with her hair. The sun couldn't stop staring at Rosewielder as she remained inexplicably brighter than all that surrounded her. Elliot couldn't blame the sun. Angels mesmerize all.

  "Well done, Elliot," said Julie, walking towards him. "You learned the vanquishing orb. You'll master it as you progress through your training."

  Julie's voice was deceptively lighthearted, her face still blank. However, she looked up as Rosewielder walked towards her with an angry expression.

  "Julie, I expected better of you than such underhanded tactics," she said as Ai and Elliot approached. "You turned our comrade into a brainless puppet. That was heartless."

  "I'm sorry," said Julie.

  "It's no big deal, Rosewielder," said Ai affably, sheathing his katana. "In a minute or two, I'll vanish, anyway."

  "Yes, it is a big deal, Ai," said Rosewielder, watching him tenderly. "It was wrong of her to take away your free will."

  "Rosewielder, it's okay. He's fine now," said Elliot just as Elvira came walking quickly towards them.

  "You've moved past this hurdle, but you have much room for improvement. Once your aura summon is reabsorbed back into you, we'll leave," said Elvira, watching Elliot. "We'll continue with vanquishing orbs for your next training."

  Elvira turned from them, raising her head, as she looked into the distance, apparently admiring the landscape, while Julie sat down on the grass, picking up a yellow flower and began to pluck off its pedals.

  Ai turned to Elliot, his golden eyes watching him eagerly.

  "I can feel it coming. I will soon merge with you, my conjurer."

  "It was nice meeting you, Ai," said Rosewielder, grabbing Ai's hand.

  Elliot grabbed hold of Ai's other hand, and the three formed a circle.

  "This isn't really goodbye. I'm not kicking the bucket or anything," laughed Ai. "I'm just going home."

  Ai started to dematerialized. Elliot felt his hand, quickly evaporate until there was nothing left save a small piece of red light that he knew was his own aura. The light sunk into his chest, and Elliot felt his aura raise.

  "Elvira, it's done. I reabsorbed my aur…," he started. "I reabsorbed Ai."

  Rosewielder teleported them back to Elvira's house.


  Julie's Heart

  The passing weeks unfolded in a delicate balance between Elliot's home life, academia, and the boundless world cloaked from most, the world of the conjurers. He'd surprised himself with the progress he made with the vanquishing orb, managing to vanquish many of Julie's increasingly strange aura summons that were often associated in some way or another with love and romance. The rivalry between Julie and Rosewielder had not subsided, much to Elliot's dismay. It seemed that the pair were growing farther apart and Elliot's guilt about Aki Fuki(who was still missing) combined with Julie's distress convinced him to jump into high gear. He painstakingly completed all his homework and studying as quickly as he could so that Rosewielder and he could spend their weekends studying the Fantasy Lotus website, game pamphlets, and any information that might help them predict the whereabouts of Adam and Lilith. Rosewielder had questioned Tenzin and other council members about the pair but was told that the council's resources had been spread thin due to skirmishes with the Black Knights. One Saturday morning Elliot and Rosewielder were sifting through internet news stories in search of anything that would help them in their quest when an intriguing idea crossed his mind.

  "Rosewielder, maybe it's time for us to pay Aki Fuki's home a visit. Who knows. We could find some clues there," said Elliot, reading one of many articles about Fuki's disappearance.

  "What else can we do?" she asked before biting into a turk
ey and cheese sandwich, looking up from a Fantasy Lotus game magazine. "He resides in the Osaka prefecture in the capital city of Osaka."

  "That's correct. His house is on Shigino street. We can't be seen though. We'll be drinking the Frog's Skin potion again," said Elliot. "We'll," he began before the ringing of the phone drowned out his voice. "Who could it be now. It's probably another one of mom's clients. Just give me a sec."

  Elliot shot up from his computer chair and walked over to his bedside, glancing down at a white cordless phone atop a small wooden table cluttered with small notebooks and old pens and pencils. The screen read Stevens. It was from Elvira's house so he picked it up.

  "Hello?" he said.

  "Hi, Elliot," said Julie's voice. "How are you?"

  "I'm great. How about yourself?" asked Elliot, surprised, looking over at Rosewielder who was still flipping through the magazine.

  "I'm doing much better than previously," said Julie.

  "Julie, I'm sorry about what's been going on during our training… Between you and Rosewielder."

  "It's okay. We're rivals. Anyway, granny says that Wisteria wants to assess our skills as conjurers. She's very impressed with what Rosewielder's been showing her on her trips to the shrine," said Julie.

  "That's awesome. When do we go?" asked Elliot.

  "She wants us to be there by 4:00 on Thursday," said Julie. "There's also something else. It's something personal that I need to discuss with you. I've thought about what you said about how a piece of my family will always exist inside of me. I want to talk to you about these recent dreams I've been having. Can you meet me later today? I want you to be there when… when it happens."

  "When it happens?" asked Elliot, pressing the phone closer to his ear. "Julie, what are you talking about?"

  "It's something that I'd rather not tell you over the phone," said Julie, her tone noticeably softer.

  Elliot looked back over at Rosewielder again whose attention was still on the magazine.

  "Okay, Julie. I'll be there. What time?" asked Elliot.

  "Elliot, thank you so much. Please come to my house at 6:00 p.m. I have to go right now, but thanks again."

  "No problem. Julie, take care," said Elliot.

  "Same back at you."

  Elliot heard Julie hang up, and he did as well. He walked past Rosewielder, sitting back down in front of his laptop.

  "What did Julie want?" asked Rosewielder, closing the magazine and putting it on the bed.

  "How'd you know it was Julie?" gasped Elliot.

  "We elves have acute hearing," explained Rosewielder.

  Elliot gave himself a facepalm.

  "One of the most basics traits of the elves in Fantasy Lotus, duh," he said. "Julie wanted me to visit her later today."

  "Why?" asked Rosewielder, turning towards him with a mixture of curiosity and annoyance in her face.

  "I think it's about her family."

  "Oh…I see. Well, then you need to be there for her," said Rosewielder concernedly.

  "I will."

  He turned off his laptop and got to his feet.

  "I'm ready. As the dream saviors, we'll travel to Aki's house to see if we can dig up any information about his disappearance," said Elliot, walking over to his bed and retrieving from under it two corked glass bottles.

  One was filled with a clear liquid. This was the Frog's Skin potion that would render them invisible. The other bottle contained a white substance, the Eagle's Blood potion, so that they could fly. Elliot had poured the remnants of the Fantasy Lotus potions into the bottles for safe keeping until he conjured more.

  "We're off to another adventure, are we, Grandmaster Swordsman?" asked Rosewielder, folding her arms.

  "Yes, Fair Elf Princess," said Elliot, handing the Frog's Skin potion to Rosewielder.

  They uncorked the glass bottles and sipped from them before exchanging them and repeating. Elliot placed the potions back under his bed, ensuring they were well hidden. The swordsman and the princess watched the other vanish before their eyes. For Elliot, it was akin to going legally blind, the vividness and familiarity of everything else paling in comparison to the breathtaking godsend from the otherworld which stood right in front of him.

  "Shall I, Grandmaster Swordsman?"

  "Let's do this, Fair Elf Princess."

  Rosewielder and Elliot held on to one another as they were transported to a rather narrow road on which nearly ten tallish houses stood. They were numerously colored with all of them having a balcony with railing on which clothes were hung out to dry. A light blue house had two older Japanese men leaning over the rail as they talked and smoked cigarettes. Their structure suggested that those in the region had little space, causing the developers to build up instead of out. Elliot and Rosewielder were still clutching each other's hand as they approached a metallic railing overhanging what appeared to be a drainage system.

  "So, which of these fortresses are Aki's?" asked Rosewielder as several cars sped down the street after allowing a short woman in business attire to cross to the other side.

  "Aki would be quite wealthy as the creator of Fantasy Lotus. His disappearance would cause the local police to search the house. There's probably something the authorities left behind that would tell us which one is his. I say we search for an expensive house with some sign of previous police presence," suggested Elliot. "We know it's on Shigino street."

  "Sounds like a plan," said Rosewielder as they released each other's hands.

  The pair continued down the street, being sure to stay well away from other passerby, their numbers increasing as the day progressed. Most of the houses looked as mundane as the next, often having families visibly congregating outside as young children frolicked around while older youth strolled down the street, boys wearing dark dress suits and striped ties. The girls wore short checkered skirts, long black socks, and dark blue long sleeved shirts with golden buttons beneath red ties. For roughly ten minutes, Rosewielder and Elliot studied the houses on Shigino street, finding nothing of interest.

  "Maybe we should wait until the Frog's Skin potion wears off and you can simply ask someone," suggested Rosewielder.

  "That may be our best bet," said Elliot, watching a large green luxury vehicle cruise down the street and stop in front of an austere white house nearly fifteen feet from them.

  An elderly Japanese man wearing a dark purple sweater and black dress pants slowly slid out of the car, supporting himself with a wooden cane. He used his other hand to carry a bundle of flowers. After struggling to close the car door, he reached towards his glasses, straightening them, before hobbling towards the house. It took him nearly a minute to reach his destination, but when he came to the door, he did not go inside. Rather, he placed the bundle of flowers on the doormat just outside the door. He bowed several times before turning around and heading back towards the car.

  "Grandmaster Swordsman, do you think that could be the one where looking for?" asked Rosewielder's voice as he felt a gentle nudge.

  "There's only one way to find out. Let's check it out."

  They waited several minutes until the man had gotten back into his car and driven away before walking towards the house. Elliot placed his hand on Rosewielder's shoulder.

  "Please teleport us inside, Fair Elf Princess," said Elliot.

  "As you wish."

  The next moment they were standing in a small, exceptionally clean room. Lying in the middle on a hardwood floor was white titami mat with brown edges on which a red pillow sat. A small fraction of sunlight penetrated through white blinds and curtains on the left side of the room and there was a short wooden table on which wooden statues of yellow swans stood beside a small mirror. There was also a large decorative lamp whose base was fashioned like a beautiful geisha.

  "This language is foreign to me," said Rosewielder's voice.

  "Fair Elf Princess, where are you
?" asked Elliot.

  He heard footsteps before an invisible hand grabbed hold of his arm, tugging him towards a different room that was mostly empty accept for countless Fantasy Lotus posters taped to the walls. A bluish futon sat in front of a pair of sliding doors.

  "You see," said Rosewielder, pulling one of the pictures off the walls. "I don't understand it."

  Elliot took the poster. It depicted a berserker with coarse features, his huge chin and bushy beard looking cartoonish under large glaring green eyes.

  "Luckily, I know Japanese. However, this is of no value to us. We need actual notes. We could fine this online," said Elliot, disappointedly.

  He walked over to the futon and sat down, placing his fist under his chin and crossing his legs, lost in deep thought. There was a sudden indentation on the other end of the futon.

  Cody said that Aki was secretive with his work. If you don't want anyone to know what your working on, where would you put your notes? Wait! Could it be?!

  "Any ideas?" asked Rosewielder.

  Elliot stood up.

  "Yes, Rosewielder, would you please stand up," said Elliot.

  He saw the indentation on the blanket go away. Elliot placed his hands in between the mattress and the comforter, searching frantically until his hand hit something quite hard. He grabbed hold and pulled it out from the futon. It was a black binder. It was heavy and thick.

  "Is that what we've been looking for?" asked Rosewielder.

  "I'll know in a second," said Elliot, opening the binder and seeing handwritten notes in Japanese.

  Using, his less than stellar grasp of the Japanese language, he read through the first paragraph and his heart jumped as he realized what it was.

  The notes described inspiration for the characters, locations, and items in the world of Fantasy Lotus.

  "Yes, Rosewielder. This is exactly what we've been looking for," said Elliot just as the affects of the Frog's Skin potion subsided, leaving them visible again.

  "You have a sharp mind, Grandmaster Swordsman," said Rosewielder before bending forward and planting a kiss on his cheek.

  "Thank you. I'm ready to go back home," said Elliot.

  After returning home Elliot managed to translate the first eight pages, only quitting when his mother came knocking on his door, inviting him to join the rest of the family for lunch. Lunch was a joyous occasion. The Clementines enjoyed an elaborate cuisine featuring several German dishes such as pan fried cakes called kartoffelpuffers and saurbraten, a type of pot roast. They were readily consumed alongside Chinese dumplings filled with chicken and vegetables as well as Cho Mein noodles. Grandma Wu and his mother complemented each other almost obsessively about their cooking skills until his father said it was ready for him to drive Grandma Wu back to the Los Angeles International Airport after checking his watch.

  "Please come visit us again, Ai," said Mrs. Clementine, planting a kiss on his grandmother's cheek.

  "You come visit me," said Grandma Wu, hugging his mother before turning to Faiga.

  She ran her small thin hands through Faiga's brown hair.

  "You keep practicing with your violin, dear. I expect greatness from you," said Grandma Wu.

  "I will, grandma."

  She turned to Elliot, her face wrinkling even more as she smiled widely. She also ran her hands through Elliot's hair which was now several inches past his shoulders.

  "And you," she said, raising her head inches from his ears. "Continue being a hero, dream savior, or ,should I say, Grandmaster Swordsman," whispered his grandmother while tightly hugging him.

  "I will."

  They said their final goodbyes to Grandma Wu before Mr. Clementine left with his mother out the door and to the airport. Elliot and Faiga helped their mother clean the table, taking up the dirty dishes, cups, and utensils, and storing the leftovers for the next fifteen minutes until Mrs. Clementine went to her home office to deal with her clients for her law firm.

  "I have to help Jill with this report or she's going to flunk it," said Faiga, fiddling with her pearl earrings. "See you, big bro."


  Elliot picked his mp3 player off the kitchen table, turning it from the black screen and looking at the time. It was 5:40 p.m. He placed his hands in his pocket, making sure he had his keys, before walking to the front door. He rushed to his corvette and, after slamming the door, began his journey to Julie's house, wondering what Julie had meant.

  It happens? What is it? What's going to happen? She also mentioned something about dreams. Do they have something to do with me? Is that why she wants me to come to her house? It doesn't matter. I'll help her as best I can. I owe it to her.

  Elliot drove into Elvira's driveway at 5:56, seeing Julie leaning on one of the black railings beside the steps. She was dressed in dark blue jeans and a black T-shirt depicting a horoscope chart. On her feet she wore brown footbed sandals. He got out and Julie began walking towards him as he shut the door. He saw that she still fashioned the golden necklace around her neck.

  "Thanks for coming, Elliot," said Julie. "Please come inside."

  "No problem," he said as she led him into the house. "You said that you had strange dreams," began Elliot as he followed Julie into the living room.

  He immediately recognized a change in the room since his last visit. The chair that had always occupied the left corner was in the middle of the room, directly facing the couch.

  "Yes, have a seat," said Julie, pointing to the grayish couch which still looked as dusty as ever.

  Elliot sat down, avoiding bumping into the finely polished wooden table mere feet from him. Julie sat on the other side, positioning her body towards him.

  "Elliot, I know this will sound strange but there's this dream that I keep having. It's very vivid and it always ends the same way every time," began Julie, placing her hands in her lap.

  "I believe dreams are important. Please continue," said Elliot, watching Julie's thin lips form a smile as her eyes looked dreamily up.

  "Well, there's this boy in my dream who appears in front of me. He holds out his hand as if to save me from all my pain. He always appears from a distance like some unobtainable treasure I'm unworthy for. I couldn't make out his features, but, just standing in his presence causes this indescribable feeling of completion to flood my soul. The happiness conquers the pain. It's the way that you make me feel," said Julie. "I think its my imagination's recreation of you, Elliot."

  Julie was crying, and yet, smiling. Her tears of joy seemed to glisten like the sun's reflection upon water, and with them came a certain something that he couldn't put his finger on that was divine. Her joy was like a diamond amongst rocks, serene, unyielding, and heavenly. Elliot stayed quiet, at a lost for words, his clever skill at throwing his wit at every situation, failing him. He felt his face turn red. He was blushing so hard that it hurt.

  "I know that it's just a dream, but I will cherish the way the thought, the concept of you, makes me feel. I wanted you to know that," said Julie, staring unblinkingly at him, beaming proudly as sparkling streams flowed down her face.

  "Julie, I-," he began. "I don't know what to say."

  "You don't have to say anything," said Julie, getting to her feet. "Just being here with me when it happens is enough."

  Julie stood up, turning her head towards the right corner of the room, past the television, and to a large picture that hung alone on the wall.

  "I want to test out your theory that a piece of my family will always remain in my heart," said Julie. "There's something I wish to show you."

  Elliot stood up. Julie led Elliot across the room to a portrait bordered by a golden picture frame decorated with the relief sculptures of horses and charioteers. The portrait depicted four people posing on the grass on a sunny day under a large tree. Standing, was an attractive brunette woman with long curls, dark eyes and tanned skin, wearing
a white shirt and black pants. Her left hand was placed on the shoulder of a handsome dark haired boy with striking green eyes and a pageboy haircut. He wore a pair of sleeper hoops on his left ear and was dressed in a blue short sleeved shirt and kaki pants. He was relaxing in a white picnic chair. A younger Julie sat in a chair next to the boy, attired in red pants and a white sleeveless shirt. Standing behind her, with his right hand on her shoulder, was a tall man with short dark hair. He was lightly bearded, possessing the same green eyes as the boy. He was wearing a plain white shirt and brown pants. They were all smiling.

  "This is my family," said Julie, her eyes still watery. "I see them all the time in my dreams. The time has come for me to see them again in this world. Well, I'll see the memory of them that exists inside my heart."

  "Julie," began Elliot, studying the portrait. "What exactly are you going to do? You're not going to summon spirit replicas of them, are you?"

  "No, she will not," said a voice who Elliot recognized as Elvira's.

  Elliot turned towards the hallway leading out of the living room and saw Elvira ambling in their direction, wearing her usual black robes.

  "I would never do that, Elliot. However, I can create aura summons of them," answered Julie as Elvira stopped before them.

  "I believe you are ready to meet the them that is in you," said Elvira, placing her hand on her granddaughter's cheek.

  "I get it now. It's like what I do with my Great Uncle Baum. Even though he's dead, I can talk to my memory of him whenever I need to inside my dreams. You're saying that conjurers like us can do that in the real world."

  "Correct. Aura summons are merely reabsorbed by their conjurers when their time is up just as a dream is reabsorbed into the dreamer when they awaken," explained Elvira. "Julie, it is time."

  He followed Elvira and Julie back towards the couch. Elvira sat down while Julie remained standing in front of the chair, putting her hands in front of her, assuming the stance she always used while conjuring.

  "Julie, it will be easier on your aura if you summon one at a time," explained Elvira, her voice serious.

  "I will take your advice, granny," said Julie. "Elliot, it was what you told me that gave me the strength to do this. Thank you."

  Elliot, stood eagerly still, his eyes intently watching Julie. Several moments later, a boy rapidly materialized in front of her, wearing the same clothes Julie's brother had worn in the portrait. Julie lowered her hands, and the aura summon of Julie's brother looked curiously around the room before turning his attention back to Julie. Elliot walked closer, seeing Julie's brother's eyes watch Julie and him amusedly.

  "It's been a long time, Julie," said the boy, grinning.

  "I know, Skyler. It's been two years since I saw you in person," said Julie, walking over to her brother and embracing him.

  Skyler hugged his sister warmly. They hugged for a good twenty seconds before finally releasing each other. He wiped the tears from Julie's face with his thumb.

  "So, is this guy your boyfriend?" he asked, folding his arms. "He looks kind of scrawny. Is he treating you right? I won't have to beat him up, will I?"

  "No, he's a friend of mine, but he's the one that made me understand that you, mom, and dad will always be in my heart," explained Julie.

  "Is that so," said Skyler before looking towards Elvira. "Granny, you seem as grumpy as usual."

  He walked over to his grandmother.

  Elvira stood, appearing like she was trying to hold back tears. She ran her hands through Skyler's stylish hair. Skyler placed his hand atop his grandmother's, and the pair hugged.

  "You are the spitting image of my grandson," said Elvira, her voice trembling.

  "Yes, but I know that I am not really him. I am Julie's aura summon," said Skyler as they released. "I don't have much time."

  Skyler walked over to the chair, sitting down.

  "I know it's been hard for you without us, little sis," said Skyler, placing his arms on his legs. "But your spirit is strong just like mother's. You will make it through the tough times."

  "I love just hearing your voice again, big bro," said Julie. "Being able to touch you again is like a healing experience."

  "I'm sure it is."

  "Matt and Zack really miss you too. They say the band hasn't been the same without you," said Julie, beaming at Skyler.

  "You were in a band?" asked Elliot.

  "Yes, I was the vocals. I remember my bandmates. We had plans to be successful, singing our ways into the hearts of our fangirls. The accident happened the day before an important performance. Mom, dad, and I were on our way to pick up Julie from school when-," he said. "Wait, what am I talking about. I'm Julie's aura summon, not her real brother."

  Skyler placed his hands on his forehead as if he had a migraine.

  Julie rushed over to Skyler, placing her arms around him.

  "The memories of my brother in my heart are real, and that's where you were born. You are real," said Julie.

  "Thank you, Julie. I think my time is up. I will now return to being one with you," said Skyler.

  Skyler rapidly dematerialized just as Ai had, and soon, Julie was left with her arms cupped around thin air. She stood up, wiping the tears from her face and took her conjuring pose. In the coming moments, a grown man appeared before them. It was Julie's father.

  "Julie, my daughter," he said, walking towards Julie and warmly embracing her before kissing her on her forehead.

  "Hello, daddy," said Julie, her voice suddenly childlike. "I've missed you."

  "Yes, I know, Julie. I've felt your longing for your family from within your heart. It pains me that I am limited to such a short time with you. I love you so much, my child," cried the man.

  "Hello, Scott," said Elvira, strolling over to them. "You're just as handsome as ever. It's no wonder why my daughter married you."

  "Elvira," said the man, nodding his head, before holding out his hand which Elvira shook. "I know a woman as versed as you in the mystic arts knows that I'm just an aura summon. However, my love for Julie is real."

  "I know it is."

  Julie took hold of Scott's hand, turning to Elliot.

  "Elliot helped me bring you out of my heart," said Julie.

  "I thank you, young man," said Scott, holding out his hand. "You must be a skillful conjurer."

  "I'm still fairly new to conjuring, but the pleasure's mine," said Elliot, shaking Scott's hand.

  "Daddy?" said Julie. "Uncle Bob never told you that he broke your train set when you were boys. It wasn't scruffy, the dog. He was so sad that my father died not knowing the truth."

  "I forgive him and I'm sure that your true father would too, Julie," said Scott. "Your father is also in your uncle's heart as well."

  "Yeah, I know he would," said Julie, leaning her head on Scott.

  "How is school going, Julie?" asked Scott.

  "It's been hard focusing since the accident, but I've still made straight A's every semester," said Julie.

  "That's my girl. Soar like a bird, being all that you can be. Don't let any of life's problems shackle you," said Scott, placing his hand on Julie's head. Whenever you are feeling down use your inner strength to rise again like a phoenix."

  "I love it when you say that."

  "I'll continue saying it from within. I sense that my time here is nearing and end," said Scott as Julie continued clutching his hand.

  Scott, like Skyler, vanished into nothing save a purple light which disappeared into Julie's chest. Julie abruptly touched her necklace, fiddling with the heart shaped jewel, before preparing herself to summon again. She took a deep breath and, in a few seconds, a woman had materialized before them, the aura summon of Julie's mother. Elliot watched her radiant eyes look from Elvira, to Julie, to Elliot.

  "Mother, how are you?" she asked unemotionally, glancing at Elvira. "Julie's chosen the path of the c

  "Yes, Eve," said Elvira simply.

  She turned to Julie, her face becoming warm, as she placed her hand on her shoulder.

  "My daughter, although I don't approve of you summoning me here, I understand why you did it. I don't blame you," said Eve, cuddling Julie. "You've chosen a difficult path, my child. Will you join the council?"

  "Yes, mom. I want to use my powers to protect the world," said Julie. "And so does Elliot."

  Eve whipped her head towards Elliot, still embracing Julie.

  "You are a conjurer as well?" she asked, surveying him intently.

  "That's correct. I, too, wish to join the council," said Elliot. "It would be impossible without Julie's and Elvira's help."

  "I'm sorry to hear that my mother is leading you down a violent path of darkness and heartache," said Eve, turning from him and picking up Julie's necklace. "You are Julie's friend?"

  "Yes, I am. However, I don't think the path of a conjurer has to be one of darkness. Not as long as you focus on the light that illuminates your path. Not if you focus on your goal," explained Elliot.

  Eve turned from Julie and walked up to Elliot with the necklace still in her hand. Her expression was unconquerable, her umber eyes gazing at him through her long curled hair.

  "Is that so?" she asked, stopping in front of him and holding the necklace out as if to place it on him.

  "That's what I believe," said Elliot, feeling equally as unconquerable

  "Then allow me to place this around your neck," said Eve.

  Elliot lowered his head, letting Eve place the necklace on him. She fastened it around him and, after a few seconds, he noticed a brightness which shined handsomely from the stone. Eve opened her mouth, clearly astonished.

  "You are the one! You're the one for Julie!" she gasped. "You're the one that she should give her heart to! You are her light!"

  Elliot watched as a heavenly smile filled Eve's face. She was watching Elliot with such joy that it was as if she was seeing an angel. She then vanished. He was left feeling dumbfounded. Julie walked over to Elliot, her face still moist from tears, and held out her hand. He handed her the necklace.

  "You see, Elliot. My mother said to only give my heart necklace to the one who gives me their heart."

  The Return

  Elliot's experience at Elvira's house had shaken him to his core. The conjuring sessions became increasingly awkward because he was unable to fathom how powerful Julie's feelings for him were. At times, he found himself questioning whether Eve had been right. His stress levels were high because the complicated relationship between Julie, Rosewielder, and himself was compounded by his school work, his teachers resolute in their decisions to increase the student's workloads after the midterm results revealed many of his peers to be slackers. He had very little time to decipher Aki's Fantasy Lotus notes. He was also bothered by the fact that he'd somehow managed to misplace his address book, perhaps accidentally throwing it in with his text books in his haste to attend school. Rosewielder's spirits, however, never seemed higher. She had learned several new skills in their training sessions, nearly matching any creation that Julie could conjure, often times destroying them in mere minutes. She no longer seemed as entranced by Elliot's history books, which she'd previously used to better her knowledge of the world, because her visits to the shrine had given her access to Wisteria, Tenzin, and spirits whose long lifespans had transformed them into living relics. On a certain occasion, Elliot had burned himself with hot tea, spilling it in surprise, after Rosewielder teleported into his room, attired in ancient woman's garments given to her by Wisteria.

  "Oops, I'm sorry," said Rosewielder, standing there, wearing a long flowing white toga fastened by a hazel belt.

  Her feet were embellished with nut-brown gladiator sandals which revealed toes so flawless it appeared like they'd never endured the hardships of walking, much less, the life of a warrior. A Grecian headband composed of many golden leaves fit snuggly over her rose-colored hair.

  "I'm okay. It's nothing," said Elliot, shaking his hand in agony as it turned red.

  "No, you're not. Don't lie to me," said Rosewielder, walking towards him and taking his hand. "Just be still. I will heal you."

  He felt a soothing sensation flow into his hand from her finger tips. It was accompanied by a bright light. In only a few seconds, his injury had healed.

  "Thanks, Rosewielder," said Elliot, picking up the hot water carafe.

  "Just making sure that my Grandmaster Swordsman is in the best of health," said Rosewielder, her eyes sparkling like amethyst gems. "You need to be when we go to see Wisteria," she said, punching him playfully in the arm which surprisingly didn't hurt all that much. "Wow, you don't seem as scrawny as when we first met."

  "You're right," said Elliot, balling his fist and making small, but perceivable, muscle. "My arms no longer look like sticks."

  After completing a mountain of homework, Elliot spent the rest of that Tuesday night deciphering as much of Aki's Fantasy Lotus notes as he could while Rosewielder practiced her meditation for their training with Elvira. His efforts were not in vain for the deeper he dug, the more he realized how nearly all of the nations and locations in Fantasy Lotus were inspired by real life places. His resolve heightened as he reached a section, detailing the inspiration for the Ice Elves. Apparently, Aki was inspired by the frozen mountains of Norway when he created the fictional land of Frostland.

  Where in Norway! Come on! If Adam's and Lilith's homelands don't exist in the real world then they might have gone to the real life locations that were most similar. That's what I would do if I was brought to a foreign world. Why else would they kidnap the creator of Fantasy Lotus? Yes, they needed information that only he could give them.

  "Elliot, it's 12:00 in the morning," said Rosewielder's voice.

  He turned, seeing her standing beside him, wearing pink pajamas with blue polka dots. He was so involved in his work he hadn't noticed her approach.

  "I think you should rest now," she said.

  "Yeah, you're right," yawned Elliot. "I have practice exams in all of my classes tomorrow. Now, I know how my dad must feel."

  He got to his feet, and after going in the bathroom to change into a pair of plain light blue pajamas, collapsed atop his sleeping bag.

  When the alarm clock sounded on Wednesday morning, Elliot sluggishly sat up, yearning to stay in bed, but knew his mother would soon be calling him down for breakfast. He heard a sound of clanking metal from behind and gasped in utter surprise, seeing Rosewielder already awake, fastening a brown corset around her waist, her sword already secured in a silver scabbard. She was wearing a uniform he'd never seen before, and he couldn't keep himself from blushing, noticing a pair of jet black boots fixed tightly around her well toned legs. She also wore an elegant black dress which wrapped tightly around her bosom.

  "Um, Rosewielder, are you going somewhere?" he asked, brushing his hair out of his face.

  "Yes, I'm going to the shrine to train with Adonia, queen of the harpies," said Rosewielder. "I've been using my time at the shrine to make myself a stronger warrior as well. If I ever cross paths with Lilith again, she won't best me."

  "Good job, Fair Elf Princess. I should be doing the same but it's time for me to get through six hours of practice tests," said Elliot, walking towards his door. "Guess I'll see you later."

  "Farewell, Elliot," she said before vanishing.

  That day at breakfast, Elliot learned that the time to keep his promise to his younger sister was soon approaching.

  "Big bro, my orchestra is performing again at the Goodwill Stadium on Friday. Remember your promise?" asked Faiga, her brown eyes beaming at him as she used a knife and fork to slice an egg.

  "I'll be there, Faiga. You can trust me to keep my word."

  "That's my son," said Mr. Clementine, flipping through the newspaper. "A young man of in

  "I think you'll really enjoy it, honey," said his mother, reaching for a white spatula. "You like classical music," she said, scooping up three small brownish sausages.

  They spent the next ten minutes savoring his mother's cooking, Elliot struggling to make more space in his jam-packed brain, trying to focus on the abundance of material for his practice exams which ranged across all of his class subjects, rather than on Aki's notes and his turbulent relationship with Julie. When breakfast came to a close, he was so stuffed his pants felt tighter, and after saying goodbye to Faiga and his parents, he was off to school.

  The school day started off oddly enough, his ears free from the usual flooding of fantastical stories about extraterrestrials and the latest Fantasy Lotus updates. Cody was absent during his first period which gave Elliot more time to focus on his study notes. Ms. Rosenberg had given the class a practice test packet consisting of five pages of material filled with so many equations that even Elliot's head began to spin by the time he reached what felt like his one-hundredth problem when the bell rang. Ms. Rosenberg's gray eyes, magnified by her glasses, looked up at the class pointedly.

  "I hope that everyone studied," said Ms. Rosenberg, using a small black calculator to figure out the percentages of people's grades.

  Elliot walked briskly through the halls and down a flight of stairs before arriving at his history class.

  Mr. Bennett's class wasn't much different. However, the intensity brought forth from the quiet work environment was added to Elliot's anxiety caused by the nervous glances that Julie and he kept shooting at one another. It was hard to concentrate, his emotions disordering his thoughts, smashing them around like a tornado. After starting the same question for the third time he heard Mr. Bennet's voice.

  "Five minutes left, everybody," said his teacher, looking up at a black circular clock hanging on the wall above the chalkboard.

  Elliot hurriedly began answering a set of questions about Troy before moving on to the last section about Ancient Egypt. He managed to complete the final question just in the nick of time.

  "Okay, everyone, that's it. Time's up," said Mr. Bennett mere seconds before the bell rang.

  The students handed in their papers, and Elliot and Julie awkwardly exited the class.

  "Hey, Julie. How is everything going?" he asked, securing his textbooks against his waist.

  "I'm doing great, Elliot," she said joyfully, shaking her bangs out of her face. "How are you and Rosewielder?"

  "Uh, good, I guess," answered Elliot, thrown off guard by her question. "Julie, are you sure you're okay?"

  "Why wouldn't I be okay?" she said, laughing unconvincingly. "It's okay, Elliot. I realized that we will always be just friends. Well, I should be getting to my next class. Goodbye."

  "Bye, Julie."

  Elliot trudged on to his PE class. When he arrived it was like he'd entered into the fourth level of the underworld and Mr. Martel was the beast. The boys were forced to run about ten laps around the gym before they resistantly followed Mr. Martel into the weight room. Although Elliot had gained some muscle due to wielding his shield in his training with Elvira, he was no athlete, and struggled to meet the expectations of his gym teacher.

  "Mr. Clementine, have you been practicing at all outside of school?" asked Mr. Martel, folding his thick arms, and shaking his head as Elliot struggled to lift a thirty-five pound dumbbell. "

  Oh, can it! If only I had the Ox Wine! But Mr. Anghel said not to use spirit items in the school. Darn it! This stinks!

  Elliot fell to his knees, placing the dumbbells on the black mat beneath him.

  "I'll mark you down for nine reps with each arm. That last one was questionable though," said Mr. Martel, holding a wooden clipboard and scribbling on a sheet of papers with a black marker.

  "Who's next?!" roared Mr. Martel as Elliot sluggishly made his way to a long wooden bench where a lengthy row of other boys sat.

  He continued panting heavily, his lungs burning, as he watched Mr. Martel yell at a lanky brown haired boy who failed to lift a twenty pound dumbbell off the floor. They remained in the domain of their gym teacher for another twenty minutes until, at last, the bell, their savior, rescued them from Mr. Martel's underworld.

  He exited the weight room and headed off to Mr. Anghel's class. When he arrived he saw his teacher there, looking through a large dark blue notebook.

  "Good evening, Mr. Anghel," said Elliot as he entered.

  "Good evening, Elliot," responded Mr. Anghel, looking up from the notebook. "The school board is really pushing you all. I had a fun little exercise planned, but I don't think we'll have the time today."

  "Yes, I know. I'm just trying to balance school and other responsibilities," said Elliot, taking a seat in the second row in front of a thin Asian girl whose dark eyes were quickly dashing back and forth as she studied her textbook.

  "I'm sure those other responsibilities are just as important," said Mr. Anghel, getting up from his seat, walking over to his desk, and opening a drawer.

  Elliot prepared himself as his teacher retrieved a thick stack of stapled papers. They waited as the room gradually filled, students walking in with sour looks on their faces, seemingly just as fed up with the school's educational crackdown as he was. After the bell sounded, they were administered the practice test.

  "I don't want to load you all down with more work, but I have to. It's out of my hands, guys," said Mr. Anghel. "You have the entire period to finish."

  Elliot retrieved a green mechanical pencil from his pocket, and began his final practice test. He easily sped through a section requiring him to match terms with their definitions within a couple minutes before moving on to identifying the proper usage of verbs and adverbs in the next section. The room was quiet save for the scribbling of dozens of utensils, and the occasional coughing and sniffing of people affected by the spring's elevation in pollen. Elliot wrestled to keep his mind focused, but when Mr. Anghel informed them that the test was over, he'd finished a good eight minutes prior.

  "I promise that next class will be more fun," said Mr. Anghel apologetically as the students left the classroom.

  After retrieving his books for his B day classes, he darted through the hallways, dodging the other students. He nearly collided with a leather jacket cladded boy skateboarding down the school sidewalk under the intense sunlight before walking to his corvette and embarking on his way home. Elliot fixed his mp3 to an outlet on his car music panel, turning to Strauss Sr's Radetzky March, endeavoring to drown out his vexatious thoughts. He rolled down the window, allowing the wind to play with his hair as he navigated homeward. He parked his car in the garage nearly fifteen minutes later, ready to rush through his homework so that he could continue translating Aki's Fantasy Lotus notes.

  Elliot scoffed down a small helping of microwavable ramen noodles before running up the stairs towards his room with his backpack. He retrieved his Calculus book and a black graphing calculator, beginning to work on a particularly complex problem. He lost track of time, working his way through the problems as he punched in numbers, stopping every so often to erase his mistakes. He'd just stopped to crack his neck when he got the distinct impression he was being watched. He looked behind him, seeing a certain someone watching him nonchalantly. He brought his hands to his face, rubbing his eyes profusely, thinking he might be hallucinating, but when he looked again, Prince Adam was still standing there. His features were so nobly sculpted and flawlessly refined that they would make Narcissus insecure. His electric blue eyes watched him with a slight frown. Coming to his senses, Elliot remained still, well aware of the magnificent sword handle which gleamed from within the scabbard on Adam's back, first clearing his mind, and focusing on a spot right behind Prince Adam. Seconds later, Ai, his aura summon, had appeared right behind Adam.

  "Adam, why are you here?" asked Elliot slowly.

  "It pains me t
o admit this, but I need your help," he said, seemingly unaware of Ai standing behind him.

  "First, thing's first. Tell me were Aki Fuki is. He's the creator of Fantasy Lotus. You and Lilith kidnapped him, didn't you?"

  Adam shut his eyes, and Elliot gaped in awe at the series of events that happened next. Adam vanished, appearing behind AI, and grabbing his katana which was quickly engulfed by ice. Ai dropped his weapon in disbelief. It shattered as it hit the floor but soon he, too, was encased in a blue ice which shimmered with the same likeness as Adam's eyes. The frozen Ai fell over, crashing to the floor and breaking into countless shimmering crystals. Elliot saw the piece of his aura return to him, knowing his aura summon had been destroyed.

  "Don't bark orders at me, conjurer," said Adam cooly. "I have not kidnapped anyone."

  "If you didn't then where is the creator of Fantasy Lotus?!" asked Elliot.

  "He's probably with Lilith," said Adam calmly. "I'm looking for Lilith. I think we can find him if we find Lilith."

  "You and Lilith aren't together anymore?" asked Elliot confusedly. "What happen?"

  "She saw-," began Adam when the telephone sounded. "What dastardly noise is that?"

  "It's a phone. We use them to talk to people in different places in this world," said Elliot, standing to his feet. "I have to get it. It may be important."

  Elliot raced over to his phone, looking down at the caller ID which read Singh.

  That's odd. It's from Abha's house.

  He retrieved the phone, placing it next to his ear.

  "Hello," said Elliot, watching Adam look at him as though he was growing a horn out of his head.

  "Hello, this is Abha's mother. Is Elliot or his parents there?" began a woman in an Indian accent.

  "Yes, this is Elliot. What happen to Abha? Is something wrong?" he asked, concerned.

  "We haven't seen her since last night," cried Abha's mother. "We were hoping you knew where she might be?"

  What?! Wait! Cody didn't show up to school today either?! Is there a connection? What's going on?

  "Hello, are you still there? Do you know where Abha is?" asked Abha's mother. "Hello?!"

  "No, Mrs. Singh. I don't know where Abha is, but I promise to help you look for her," said Elliot, his hands shaking.

  "Thank you," she said.

  Elliot heard Mrs. Singh cry hysterically before hanging up the phone. He hung up and sat on his bed, putting his head in his hands. Adam walked slowly over to Elliot, studying him.

  "Is this Abha your friend?" he asked.


  "There's something I wanted to talk to you about," said Adam, reaching in his coffee-colored pants and pulling out a shiny, brightly colored paper. "When Lilith and I were still traveling together we found this in a book shop we went to. When she saw it she went ballistic and disappeared."

  He handed it to Elliot who immediately recognized it as an exclusive sneak peak at upcoming story lines for Fantasy Lotus. He ignored the pictures of new avatars and magical items. His eyes went straight to a paragraph detailing a romance between Lilith and Adam. It read:


  In a twisting turn of events young Prince Adam, impassioned by the Crimson Vampires's attack on a helpless Earth Elf youth, valiantly takes up his sword and slays the tyrant who gave the order, Vampire King Vlad, vulnerable father of Vampire Princess Lilith. Desperate to avenge her deceased father, the vampire princess sends her forces to snuff out the life of her once beloved Adam but is unsuccessful. After narrowly escaping the clutches of the vampire knights, Prince Adam rallies an alliance, uniting Earth, Ice, Wind, and Fire elves to descend upon Narusaltara, the vampire domain, his romance with princess Lilith like a pedal blown away by the winds of time.

  "I was right," began Elliot, flipping the paper over. "Lilith is clinging to the world of Fantasy Lotus. Otherwise, this wouldn't have upset her so much. The chances that she's behind Aki Fuki's disappearance has skyrocketed."

  "I agree with you," said Adam, lowering his eyes. "The look on her face when she'd read this was…chilling even for an Ice Elf like myself."

  Elliot folded the paper, placing it in his jean's pocket for safekeeping before standing up and facing Adam.

  "I know we both got off on the wrong foot. Do you think we can settle our differences? Will you join me and Rosewielder as a dreamsavior? Will you help us find Lilith and my friends?" asked Elliot, holding out his hand.

  Adam's beautiful blue eyes stared up as he thought. He rested his right elbow on his left arm which was crossed against his chest. He looked down at Elliot's outstretched hand, studying it for a while, before finally taking it. His hand was very cold to the touch, so much so, that it was highly uncomfortable for Elliot.

  "Our endeavors align right now. We must find Lilith," he finally said before yanking Elliot towards him, staring into his eyes. "I am not one of your spirit puppets like Rosewielder is. I will not be one of your dreamsaviors. I am Prince Adam, the valiant Ice Elf."

  "Rosewielder is not my spirit puppet!" yelled Elliot firmly. "She is my partner who happens to be a spirit."

  A faint noise sounded from across the room, causing both Adam and Elliot to whip their heads towards the window. Elliot saw Rosewielder standing by his work desk, appearing like she'd just been smacked, a look of pure incredulity on her face. She brought both her hands to her eyes, rubbing them as if to ensure she wasn't seeing things. Elliot imagined how this must look to her as he stood, shaking hands with what she believed to be her mortal enemy. Her eyes turned dark violet before she unsheathed her sword, watching them both with a murderous expression.

  "Elliot, have you…betrayed me?!" she screamed, shaking as she raised her sword. "What are you doing with an Ice Elf? Speak now!"

  "He wants to help us. He gave me information about Lilith. We should give him a chance, Rosewielder," said Elliot, releasing Adam's hand.

  "Then he is deceiving you!" roared Rosewielder, narrowing her eyes. "Stand aside while I dispatch with this scumbag!"

  "No, Rosewielder! I wasn't lying when I said that I believed he saved my family that night when we were attacked. He stopped Lilith when you were unconscious. That's why I'm giving him a chance. If not for Adam my family could have been killed," said Elliot. "Please trust me, Fair Elf Princess."

  "I think you're about to mess up again, Elliot!" yelled Rosewielder. "You said you would listen to my advice! Well, I advise you not to befriend that Ice Elf!"

  "I can't turn away anyone who's helped my family."

  Rosewielder remained still and silent, and Elliot could almost hear her brain working as her eyes dashed back and forth between them. She then sheathed her sword, still seething with rage.

  "If this Ice Elf is the death of me then so be it. But if you are lost to me by his hand I swear I'll run him through with my sword before plunging it into my own heart," said Rosewielder, folding her arms and walking over to Adam so that her face was mere inches from his.

  "I have my eyes on you and my hands on my weapon. If you try anything I will destroy you," said Rosewielder.

  "I'm pleased to make your acquaintance…Earth Elf," said Adam, cooly rubbing his golden hair.

  "Can you both try not to kill each other while I finish translating Aki's notes," said Elliot as he walked back over to his desk.

  "Tell her that, not me," said Adam before traveling towards the window and watching a bluejay feed its young in a small nest perched just outside the window.

  Elliot continued his work, busily checking the Japanese kanji alphabet for unfamiliar characters as he plunged deeper into Aki Fuki's world which furthered his appreciation for the creator's genius with every passing section. He'd discovered that the landscape for the Earth nation was inspired by the grassy plains in the western parts of the United States while the concepts of the Fire Elves were based heavily off of Ancient Egyptians. However, he still hadn't quite seen w
hat he was looking for until reaching a section which talked of Romania. He knew it had to be the final section, noticing that the stack of notes left to be translated was thin. His eyes darted back and forth while his mechanical pencil danced across the page, feeling that he was nearing the reward for his hard work until ,at last, he found it.

  So, the Forest of the Forsaken, the home of the Crimson Vampires, is based off of the Vampir Forest in Romania. People say that it's haunted too. That makes sense. What better place to hide as a vampire spirit than in a location known for its ghost stories? That's where I believe Lilith is, but if I'm wrong then it'll mean that all of this would have been for nothing. No, I can't think like that! I refuse to fail! I must believe in myself! No more waiting. We go there tonight!

  Elliot stood from his chair, hearing scurrying from downstairs.

  "Okay, you two. I figured out Lilith's most likely location. I think she's in Romania, in the Vampir Forest. I have a hunch that my friends are there as well, along with Mr. Fuki," explained Elliot, organizing the papers and putting them in his drawer.

  "Don't tell me she's responsible for more kidnappings?" asked Rosewielder in disgust.

  "Yes, I believe so," said Elliot.

  "Well, I'm not surprised she was with Adam. Only someone like him can like a monster like her."

  Adam closed his eyes for several seconds, placing his hands around a large round object in his pocket, before responding placidly.

  "We should go there as soon as possible," he said, shooting to his feet, tightening the golden lacing holding his shirt closed. "If we wait she'll most definitely turn your friends into her followers."

  "He's right and that's why we have to settle this right now. Fighting vampire zombies in a video game is hard enough, but I'm not looking forward to doing this in real life," said Elliot.

  "Yes, she can transform any humans she bites into her vampire puppets. It's her unique ability as the vampire princess," explained Adam. "Elves are immune to the affects of the bites. That's how I've kept her from feeding on anyone else."

  He pulled down his collar, touching a spot on his neck.

  "I was getting tired of healing myself."

  "You mean you let her feed on you?" asked Elliot, flabbergasted.

  "If I hadn't she would have done it to humans."

  "That's noble of you," said Elliot.

  "That's disgusting," said Rosewielder, watching Adam as though he was a giant stinkbug.

  "You're right, Adam," said Elliot, walking towards the door. "We need to go as quickly as possible. I'll be right back."

  Elliot brought up a world map on his laptop, allowing Rosewielder to study it, so that she'd know were to teleport them to. He then traveled downstairs and saw his mother and Faiga already filling the marble kitchen counter with wooden and plastic spatulas and large spoons while shining pots of varying sizes sat neatly in rows.

  "Hello, honey," said Mrs. Clementine, pouring the entirety of a small bag of rice into a pot of boiling water.

  "Hello, big bro," said Faiga. "You haven't forgotten about my performance, have you?" asked Faiga, fastening a pink cooking apron with a smiley face on it around her waist.

  "No, I haven't. Um, mom, I think I'll miss dinner tonight. You see, I need to drive to my friend's house to work on a chemistry project. I'll be there kind of late," said Elliot, watching his mother starting to chop up two large onions.

  "I don't like the idea of you being out late, Elliot. But if it's for school then I suppose you can go. Make sure to be home no later than eight o'clock."

  "Thanks, mom," said Elliot.

  He gulped down a large glass of grape juice before heading back up to his room. When he arrived Rosewielder had her legs crossed, grumpily flipping through what looked like an old story book whose binding was falling apart. Adam's attention was fixated out the window, apparently fascinated by a large dump truck which routinely strolled down their street around 4:30 everyday. He walked over to his bed, retrieving the the Fantasy Lotus potions.

  "Rosewielder, Adam, this could help us in our battle against Lilith," he said, holding up the glass bottles.

  "What are those?" asked Adam curiously, finally turning his attention from the window.

  "They're Fantasy Lotus potions that give you awesome abilities," said Elliot. "I conjured them."

  "No, thanks," said Rosewielder and Adam simultaneously

  Both of their faces flushed pink.

  "Using crutches against any foe does not befit my caliber as a warrior," said Adam, snapping his head away disapprovingly.

  "If I meet with Lilith tonight I will fight honorably and on equal ground! That's what I've been training to do!" said Rosewielder with an earnest expression.

  "You, elves, are so noble. You see, you two have something in common," said Elliot before gulping down the last of the Ox Wine.

  "We're nothing alike! How could you even suggest such nonsense!" yelled Rosewielder, standing up, giving Adam a sour look.

  Elliot emptied the Eagle's Blood into his mouth but did not drink the Frog's Skin. He wanted Lilith to see him if they were to meet again. Elliot then cleared his mind, remembering a new potion he'd seen while studying the Fantasy Lotus magazine and soon, after mere moments, a glass filled with a red substance resembling tomato soup appeared in his hand. He sipped from it, noting the sweet taste that saturated his taste buds which he couldn't quite put his finger on. Nevertheless, Elliot drank until the glass was empty. He'd learned from his sessions with Elvira to be prudent whenever creating spirit items with magical abilities as they quickly drained the conjurer's aura. Elliot hoped to use this particular ability instead of the vanquishing orb if worse came to worst. He reached under his bed, grabbing his shield. It was still in perfect condition, its untarnished surface, brilliantly reflecting the sunlight that penetrated the window. It had not a single scratch on it despite him having used it many times in his duels with Julie.

  "Fair Elf Princess, it's time. I-," began Elliot before the phone rudely interrupted him. "Who could it be now?"

  Annoyed, he dashed over to the phone, glaring at the caller ID, before recognizing it was Julie's number. He retrieved it.

  "Hello?" he said.

  "Elliot, have you seen the news? Three amber alerts have been posted for students who attend our high school. That girl, Abha, is missing. She was the one who I… She was the one I told to give you my note. The picture of that boy she's always with is on the news too. Ezzena is his name," explained Julie. "Does this have anything to do with you?"

  "It might," said Elliot. "I think a vampire that I summoned may be responsible."

  "Elliot, you need to come to my house, right away," said Julie gravely.

  "No offense, but we just don't have the time," said Elliot, watching Adam begin to pace restlessly, crunching the broken pieces of ice that littered his floor. "I think I know where they are, the one who I believe abducted them. We are about to go there now and put an end to all of this, one way or another."

  "Elliot, please let me help you. I can't stand just sitting here. I plan to join the council too so I need to experience real battles. This will be like our first mission together," pleaded Julie.

  "What about Elvira? Is she okay with this?" asked Elliot.

  "Granny's gone to one of her bingo nights. Also, I doubt your parents would be okay if they knew what you were up to either, would they?" asked Julie.

  "Point taken. We'll be there quickly. Be ready," said Elliot.

  "I will," said Julie. "Goodbye."

  "See you soon," he said before hanging up the phone.

  "Should I take us to the car?" asked Rosewielder, fixing a silver hair clipping in her hair so that it sat comfortably behind her long ears.

  "No, there isn't enough time. Teleport us directly into Julie's house," answered Elliot. "Elvira's not home. Take us to the room where we first beg
an our training."

  "Okay, I will. Please take hold of me," said Rosewielder.

  Elliot placed his hand on Rosewielder's soft shoulder, looking at Adam as he watched Rosewielder apprehensively.

  "Can you ascertain that the Earth Elf won't lop off my arm if she feels my cold touch?" asked Adam, edging closer to them.

  "Not to worry, Elliot. I won't attack him. But if the Ice Elf so much as touches his weapon I'll teleport us above a volcano and drop him right in," said Rosewielder with a grimace.

  Elliot sighed, growing impatient.

  "Please just take hold of Rosewielder," he said.

  Adam slowly put his hand upon Rosewielder's other shoulder. She closed her eyes uncomfortably before they teleported. After the usual onset of peculiar sensations, the trio appeared in Elvira's training room, the aroma of incense tunneling through Elliot's nostrils, but, the next moment, all three of them were screaming in agony, Elliot feeling like his aura was being excruciatingly ripped right from his body. He heard Adam and Rosewielder collapse behind him and, soon, he'd fallen as well.

  "Earth Elf! Wh- Where did you take us to?" gasped Adam weakly, grabbing his sword.

  "I don't know what's going on," said Rosewielder softly, crawling towards a table stacked with books.

  "Elliot! Rosewielder!" screamed Julie's voice from across the room.

  Elliot just managed to lift his head, seeing Julie raising up the black curtains which led into the room, a terrified look on her face. She immediately flew towards them in her black robes, holding her hands together.

  "These are not intruders! They are allies of the conjurer that controls this layer! Let them pass!" screamed Julie.

  There was a clear wave that seemed to warp the room as it enclosed upon them in a circular motion and then… it was over. Elliot felt his aura return to normal, no longer in pain. Julie helped him to his feet.

  "What were you all thinking?! You never enter a conjurer's home without their permission!" said Julie. "You were caught in granny's magical barrier."

  "I take it that's the type of barrier they have up there at the school now?" asked Elliot, still breathing heavily.

  "Yes, Mr. Anghel is an experienced conjurer," said Julie. "In fact, it's recommended that all conjurers place barriers around their layers to prevent unwanted entry from dark conjurers and spirits that may harm them."

  "You could have warned us, Julie," said Rosewielder, leaning on a table.

  "Who are you?" asked Julie, ignoring Rosewielder as her eyes fell upon Adam.

  She turned from Elliot and began walking around Adam as if he was an art sculpture at the museum, her eyes, unblinking.

  "I am Adam, the noble prince of the Ice Elves," he said, dropping his sword back in its scabbard.

  "You're a spirit and, yet, some of your aura is like Elliot's. Elliot is he-?" she began to ask.

  "Yes, he was conjured by me," answered Elliot. "He's helping us now."

  "His eyes. They're," began Julie before Rosewielder interrupted.

  "Cold like the blood that runs through his wicked veins?" she said questioningly.

  "Gorgeous," said Julie, staring at Adam as though hypnotized.

  "Right, well, we best get going," said Elliot, causing Julie to shake her head, releasing herself from her trance.

  "Where arte we headed to?" she asked, concealing her necklace under her robes.

  "The spirit we're looking for is a vampire. We're headed to the Vampir forest in Romania. That's where I think she is," explained Elliot hurriedly. "We need to leave now."

  "Okay, I understand," she said.

  "Fair Elf Princess, please take us to our destination," said Elliot, taking hold of her.

  "As you wish, Grandmaster Swordsman."

  Adam and Julie grabbed hold, and the group vanished from Elvira's house.

  The Savior of the Forsaken

  They appeared in a wilderness dimly lit by a full moon which was just visible in the distance through a thick fog, saturating the forest. They were surrounded on all sides by patches of knee high grass. Towering over them were thin crooked trees with very sparse leaves that shot up from the ground like claws. The forest floor, which was quite uneven, was composed of not just muddy earth, but also of huge tree roots that spread aimlessly, winding up and down many large hills and cavities. There was a coldness in the wind which greeted them with a howl. Elliot took a deep breath, feeling an unsettling chill crawl up his spine.

  "This is it, guys," said Elliot. "Let's find Lilith."

  "This is a lot of area to cover. We'd have a greater chance of finding her if we split up," said Adam, stepping over a large root. I'll go with Julie and Elliot can take the crabby Earth Elf."

  "How dare you suggest splitting us up!" said Rosewielder before turning to Julie, grabbing her shoulders. "Julie, I know we've been intense rivals these last few weeks but you shouldn't go alone with him. I think he will betray us."

  "Then you don't know Adam," said Julie, her face partially obscured by the dimness. "I can't explain it, but there's something inside of me that says to trust him as much as I would you or Elliot. I will go with him."

  "I trust him too. He's right. We should split up if we want to find Lilith," said Elliot. "Let's quit wasting time."

  "Okay, I'll mark this location," said Julie, taking her conjuring pose. "If either of our groups isn't back here in a couple hours then... the other group should search for them."

  A long thin object materialized before Julie. It shimmered with the likeness of gold. It looked to be a mixture between a sword and a staff with the bottom half acting as a blade while the top half had a very large handle encrusted with a baseball-sized stone which emitted an extremely bright purple luminesce. Julie thrusted it into the ground and it illuminated them all.

  "This is where we'll meet. Good luck," said Julie, walking over to Adam.

  "Same to you," said Elliot, turning to Rosewielder, the light now exposing her worried face. "Let's go, Fair Elf Princess."

  "Yes, Grandmaster Swordsman."

  The pairs parted ways and Elliot and Rosewielder descended through the Vampir forest, hurrying as swiftly as they could over the thick undergrowth which seemed to grab hold of their legs the more they traveled. Elliot kept his eyes focused, searching for any movement amongst the trees and shrubs, his ears keenly listening for any strange sounds. However, as time went by, he started to understand the rumors behind the forest's supposed haunting as more and more bizarre and unidentifiable noises teased both his and Rosewielder's ears.

  "What was that?" asked Rosewielder for what felt like the tenth time as they climbed over a fallen tree, blocking their path.

  "I don't know, but I don't see anything," said Elliot, his pant leg getting momentarily stuck on the tree bark. "Let's just keep moving."

  They trudged through a particularly dense spot of weeds before coming to a large indentation ahead. It looked to be a large creek, the border which was composed of large rocks, dropped steeply.

  "Grandmaster Swordsman, should I teleport us to the other side?" she asked, studying the rocks.

  "No. I know teleportation saps your magic," said Elliot. "Rosewielder take hold of me."

  "What?" said Rosewielder, clearly at a lost.

  "We can fly over it, using my Eagle's Blood," he said. "I'll carry you across."

  She walked up to him, placing her arms around his chest. Still holding onto his shield, Elliot carefully grabbed hold of her, the warmth of her body overpowering the relentless chill of the forest. They ascended from the ground, beginning to fly across the river. It was oddly picturesque how the moon's light resembled a path as it reflected sublimely down upon the creek's surface but when compared to their togetherness, which was like a shooting star, the moon's beauty was rendered unexceptional. That's when an epiphany hit Elliot as he carried the girl from his dreams across the water.

m I going about this search the wrong way? Should I really look through every nook and cranny of the forest? No, that will eat up our time. Great Uncle Baum said to know myself. If I was a vampire and could never be in the sunlight then I'd go for the next best source of light…the moonlight.

  "Rosewielder, we'll be flying from now on," said Elliot just as they passed the creek bank. "I think I know how to find Lilith if she's here."

  "You do? How will you find her?"

  "I'll put my faith in the moon. I'll let its light guide me."

  "I see. Its light is like the hope we have for our future," said Rosewielder joyfully. "We may not know what tomorrow will bring but our hope shines through the darkness."

  "Exactly, Rosewielder," said Elliot, looking down between the trees for any movement.

  They continued flying above the forest, Elliot loosing track of time. He abruptly lowered his speed, seeing a large cliff edge on which the moonlight shined, seemingly signaling the end of the forest. Feeling his heart sink slightly, he began descending, feeling the cold wind slap him repeatedly across the face as his feet finally touched the rocky ground. He released Rosewielder, her face just as enchanting in the moonlight as in the sun. They looked around. The flora wasn't as dense. There was only scant grass, hardly any surrounding trees, and no sign of Lilith.

  "We still haven't found her," said Rosewielder after they'd both looked thoroughly around for any signs that anyone had been there. "Elliot, is it possible that you simply made a mistake?"

  Elliot remained silent.

  No, it's not possible!

  It's okay. No one is perfect," said Rosewielder, turning towards him and placing her hand on his face.

  He felt underserving of its warmth.

  It's not okay! What about Mrs. Singh?! What about the parents of my friends?! They're children could be gone because of me!

  "Elliot, talk to me," said Rosewielder. "I can take us back to Julie's marker. We can wait there until they return, and we can look elsewhere."

  He remained silent, walking to the edge of the cliff, allowing the wind to molest his long dark hair. Rosewielder came over to his side, her head turned towards him. He didn't know what made him do it, perhaps a slither of intuition, but he suddenly looked down. His eyes widened, and he could almost feel his own pupils dilate as he barely made out a small object stirring below.

  "Rosewielder, I feel it. There's something that feels familiar down there. It's like a small piece of my aura is calling out to me," said Elliot. "I know Lilith is there."

  "That's right! Julie said any spirit that you summon from the otherworld has some of your aura. Let's do this, Grandmaster Swordsman!" said Rosewielder dutifully.

  "Yes, Fair Elf Princess," said Elliot just as Rosewielder embraced him.

  He held her in his arms and they began their descent down the cliff, the moonlight still guiding them. As they approached, Elliot noticed that the closer they got, the more he could make out the object, and when he slowed his descent, he saw a beautiful snow-white girl watching them as she stood wearing a black cloak, illuminated in the moonlight, her doll-like face no longer concealed beneath a hood. It was Lilith. She was smiling. Elliot let go of Rosewielder and the pair faced the vampire. Rosewielder whipped out her sword.

  "We've found you, at last, monster!" screamed Rosewielder.

  "Rosewielder, please I want to talk to her, first!" said Elliot, holding his hand out in front of her.

  "What do you wish to discuss, dream savior?" asked Lilith matter-of-factly.

  "Aki Fuki. Ring any bells? Where is he?" asked Elliot.

  A confused expression spread across Lilith's flawless face. However, it only existed for a short time before being replaced by a grimace.

  "Interesting. How did you know that was my handiwork?" she asked, folding her arms.

  "I know more about you than you think, Lilith," said Elliot.

  "What do you mean?" she asked, her grimace vanishing instantly as her pale bluish eyes watched him sharply.

  "Kidnapping the creator of the world that gave you your identity was predictable. Especially, after you lost your one true friend."

  "What are you-," she began but Elliot was ready.

  "Adam told me what happened when you learned about Aki's script. You know what I'm talking about. In the newest Fantasy Lotus storyline you and Adam break up and become mortal enemies. The elves from the different nations align against the vampires."

  "What! I don't believe it!" yelled Rosewielder, lowering her sword slightly.


  Lilith was clenching her teeth so hard that blood was pouring from her gums.

  "Is that why you kidnapped Aki Fuki? You didn't like the way his story went?" asked Elliot.


  "Lilith, don't enslave yourself to Fantasy Lotus's script. You're a spirit summoned by me, a conjurer. I based your design off a video game character, but don't let the Fantasy Lotus script cage you. Be free," said Elliot.

  Lilith laughed maniacally.

  "You think I don't know that?!" yelled Lilith, stepping forward. "I know my reason for being! I am the savior of the forsaken!"

  "What?!" said Rosewielder and Elliot in unison.

  "Soon, this world will be engulfed by vampires like me! They were eager to join me!"

  "Who are you talking about?!" yelled Elliot.

  Lilith noiselessly placed her hand in her pocket, removing a small spiral notebook, its cover decorated with Fantasy Lotus characters, and Elliot gasped. It was his address book.

  "Where did you get that from?!"

  "I swiped it from your room. It was lying on the floor and I just picked it up. I do know where you live, after all. I just waited until you and Rosewielder were gone," said Lilith, opening the book. "Its cover sparked my interest but, as I looked through it, I came across the names of your allies and the fortresses they resided in. Naturally, I decided to pay a visit to your fellow conjurers."

  "So, you are the one that kidnapped Elliot's comrades?! Is there no end to your madness, Lilith?!" spat Rosewielder.

  "The people whose names are listed in that book aren't conjurers. They're just normal humans, fellow gamers," said Elliot.

  "Yes, I quickly realized that, and used it to my advantage. You should have seen his face when he saw me. What was his name? Oh, it was Cody," laughed Lilith. "I told him if he joined me I would take him to Fantasy Lotus. Imagine how easily I convinced him, looking just like the character from the game which he prattled obsessively on about."

  "That's enough!" roared Rosewielder as she pounced towards Lilith, swinging her sword.

  A loud clanking sound filled the air, revealing Rosewielder and Lilith locked together in mortal combat. Neither of which budged at all. Rosewielder's sword seemed to be caught in between many knife sized claws which sprouted from Lilith's fingertips.

  Elliot raised his hand and, the next moment, a golfball-sized fireball floated above his palm.

  So, I''ll to have to use the Dragon's Breath potion after all. Very well.

  He threw up his arm and chucked the fireball towards Lilith, who gasped, as it made contact. She fell backwards slightly, her robes smoking, before stopping in mid-fall, and hovering upright. With great speed, she lunged towards Elliot, grabbing his shield. He tried holding on as tightly as he could but it was snatched from his clutches and thrown away with great force, disappearing into the night. Rosewielder stepped forward, swinging her sword which Lilith dodged. She bared her fangs while her eyes dashed back and forth between Elliot and Rosewielder.

  "Grandmaster Swordsman, go and find your friends! I can handle Lilith!" screamed Rosewielder, lunging towards Lilith.

  "No, Rosewielder! We'll have a better chance if we fight her as a team!" ye
lled Elliot, preparing another fireball.

  "Lilith is mine! I will not lose against her this time! I'll never lie to you, Grandmaster Swordsman! Please trust me!" yelled Rosewielder firmly as she dodged Lilith's claws. "Your friends need you!"

  "Are you sure?"

  "Believe in me."

  "Okay, I will, Fair Elf Princess," said Elliot, his eyes starting to water, before he flew from the ground and towards the trees.

  He looked down below, trying to locate his shield but only saw Rosewielder and Lilith swinging ferociously at one another, teleporting around the cliff as they exchanged blow after blow in a deadly dance. He continued following the moon's light, praying that it would lead him in the right direction. His teeth chattered as the night got colder, the wind still howling unwelcomely.

  I'm coming for you, guys. I'll bring you all back. I have no right to call myself a dream savior if I can't even save my friends, let alone joining the council.

  Elliot tried keeping his thoughts on the mission at hand, but his worry gnawed at him like a saw upon his leg, excruciatingly. His eyes moved so swiftly, attempting to pinpoint anything other than the dizzying array of grotesque trees beneath him, that it was akin to the fatigue he received from staring at his laptop screen for too long. He changed his altitude every so often which granted him either a wider view of the landscape or a more detailed one. After what felt like, at least, twenty minutes of tediously combing through the forest, a sudden onset of queasiness gripped him. It was accompanied with the thought that his journey was a fruitless one.

  Think, darn it! Where would Lilith hide the people she kidnapped? Wait, Lilith said she offered Cody the chance to join her. He must be here, and I'm betting the others are here with him, but where? Why would she face us, alone? She should have known Rosewielder and I would come together. Did she already turn them into vampires?! What about Julie and Adam?!

  Elliot ceased flying, stopping above a particularly tall tree as the moonlight blanketed him. He took a deep breath, clearing his mind, and began searching for something familiar. He allowed his aura to sift through the forest, seeking out a former piece of itself. He turned his head, gazing at an area of relatively few trees about fifty feet away, knowing that Adam and Julie were there. Elliot flew as fast as the Eagle's Blood would allow him to, hoping that his worst fears had not been realized. As he reached the area where he felt his own aura, he looked down, noticing a bright light illuminating all the surrounding trees and grass within about forty feet. In the middle of the light stood two people standing back to back as several figures continually lunged at them, crashing into an enormous blue wall which separated them. Elliot flew down to the ground, and once he was within ten feet, Julie screamed his name.

  "Elliot, we found your friends! But they've been transformed! They're Lilith's servants!"

  Elliot landed in front of Julie, a fireball burning in his hand.

  "Where is the Earth Elf?!" yelled Adam. "My magic is running low!"

  "She's fighting Lilith!" yelled Elliot just as he saw something zip towards him from above.

  He barely had anytime to react, his eyes widening as he saw Abha, her once pleasant face now distorted with pale blue eyes like Lilith's, her mouth wide open as she brandished long fangs. However, just before she reached him, Ai appeared between them, standing with the same resolve as the great wall of China, ready to protect his conjurer. He used his katana to block a vicious swipe delivered by the vampire with her dangerous claws before pushing her back. Abha got to her feet and she was immediately joined by Cody, his brown hair hanging sloppily across his face, creating a devil-may-care look.

  "Abha! Cody! Lilith is using you! You have to fight it!" screamed Elliot. "Don't let her take away your free will! I'm your friend, Elliot!"

  The vampire pair gave him confused looks before lunging towards Elliot and Ai.

  "Don't hurt them! They're being controlled!"

  "Yes, my conjurer!" said Ai as he kicked Cody in the chest with such force that he landed ten feet away.

  Abha grabbed at Elliot who took her by the arm and threw her off, causing her to roll several times across the grass.

  "Let's do this!" said Elliot, clearing his mind and focusing on Abha, who was getting to her feet.

  When she ran towards him, she was immediately surrounded by a a metallic cage. Abha roared angrily, wrapping her hands around the bars as she tried to free herself just as Cody and Ai fought with each other mere feet away. He looked back, seeing Adam struggling with Ezzena who was holding an unrooted tree in his arms, swinging it at him wildly, Adam's wall of ice laying in pieces. Moments later, Elliot was lifted off his feet and thrown bodily into a tree. He slouched on the ground, seeing his cage had been torn apart. Ai was struggling to subdue Abha while Cody was grinning, walking towards him with his teeth bared. His friend snarled as he raced towards him but, Elliot maintained his focus, quickly conjuring a wall between them. He then swung behind the tree, racking his brain for an answer. He tried thinking as quickly as possible, aware of the danger that awaited him, before his lightbulb suddenly switched on.

  I sure hope Aki Fuki is a fan of classic vampire stories! This has to work!

  He saw Cody demolish the wall with several thunderous blows. Elliot jumped out from behind the tree and, the next moment, a second cage had materialized, this time surrounding Cody. However, Cody's pale blue eyes looked fearfully at the cage constructed of pure silver which now enclosed him, not daring to attempt to break free.

  "Elliot, SAVE ADAM!" shrieked Julie's voice from behind him.

  He spun around, seeing Adam laying on the ground, his sword several feet away, as Ezzena stood over him, holding a massive boulder. Elliot immediately plunged deeper into his aura supply, conjuring an even larger cage which materialized around both Ezzena and the rock he wielded. The vampire abruptly dropped the rock, backing away from the edges of the cage. Julie ran over to Adam, helping him to his feet. Elliot whipped his head over to Abha and Ai, knowing that Ai's time was almost up. He quickly repeated the conjuring process, using it on Abha, and felt his aura drop severely, just as Ai vanished. Ai's aura remerged with his own, but he could still feel a sharp drop in his energy. Julie supported Adam, his arm wrapped around her shoulder, as the battered and bloodied pair slowly walked over to Elliot.

  "You said that you found Lilith?" asked Adam, breathing heavily.

  "Yes, I did. But where is Aki Fuki?" asked Elliot.

  Julie shook her head, her nose bleeding slightly.

  "We don't know. We didn't see him. This group just attacked us out of nowhere," explained Julie.

  "Adam, can you teleport? Do you have enough magic left?" asked Elliot.

  "I can manage a single trip but I have to know where I'm going," explained Adam, wiping his bloodied lip.

  "Julie, how is your aura?" asked Elliot.

  "It would be dangerous for me to summon anything else. My aura is too low," she said, looking down defeatedly.

  "Adam, if I tell you how the place looks could you teleport us to it?" asked Elliot.

  "I'll try," said Adam, closing his eyes.

  Elliot placed his hand on Adam's shoulder.

  "What about them?" asked Julie, looking over at Ezzena.

  "We know where they are now. We'll come back for them but I have to see if Rosewielder is alright. I have a bad feeling about where Aki Fuki might be."

  "Do you think this was a diversion?" asked Julie, terrified.

  "I don't know, Julie," said Elliot, reluctant to answer truthfully. "Okay, Adam, the place we're going is on the edge of this forest. It's overlooked by a cliff and it has hardly any trees. Also, the moonlight shines right through it," explained Elliot, praying his information would suffice.

  They waited, listening to the horrific shrieks of the caged vampires and their own labored breathing, Elliot's heart feeling like it would jump out of his ches
t and search for Rosewielder, itself. He struggled to maintain his patience for nearly two minutes until Adam quickly opened his eyes with a shocked look on his face.

  "I see them! There's three of them! We must go there!" he yelled.

  "Take us there!" bellowed Elliot with raw emotion.

  Elliot was so worried for the Fair Elf Princess that the teleportation process could not go quickly enough; it felt like an eternity. All he could think about was Rosewielder. He knew such thoughts were selfish but he didn't care. Every corner of his mind was jam-packed with images of her beaming eyes, her bright smile and the warmth he felt in her presence. When it was finally complete, he appeared before a scene that seemed to play out in slow motion. It was like he was watching a play, specifically designed to tear his heart out of his chest so that it could be fed to piranhas.

  Rosewielder was standing over Lilith who was laying on the grass with her hands protectively raised. Her sword was raised, her features radiating divinely, seeming to conquer the dreariness of the forest, and mere inches behind her was a short-statured man in business attire with dark hair and eyes and glasses, moving towards the Fair Elf Princess with huge claws. He looked to be of Asian descent. Elliot began the conjuring process but stopped as five sword like claws pierced their way into the back of the Fair Elf Princess. She looked down at the razor sharp claws that had impaled her, a mistake, for the next moment, Lilith dug her claws into the Fair Elf Princess from the other side. The Fair Elf Princess turned her head towards Elliot who was too haunted to move, convinced he was dreaming. Had the universe really grown tired of its magnificence being downsized by this glorious godsend from the otherworld? She smiled before dropping her sword and collapsing with her hand held out to her Grandmaster Swordsman.

  "It..can't…be," muttered Elliot, streams pouring down his face as he saw the one he loved, who was habitually filled with great vitality, lifeless and still.

  Lilith got to her feet and stood beside the man, her vampire puppet. She was smiling, seeming to admire her work. The Grandmaster Swordsman began walking towards the pair, undaunted, zombie-like, as if no force on heaven or earth could halt his march of pure rage. The man snarled, baring his teeth, before jumping towards the Grandmaster Swordsman, but was instantly trapped in a silver cage, causing Lilith to jump away. The next moment an enormous vanquishing orb had appeared between the Grandmaster Swordsman's hands, illuminating the whole area in which they stood, an ear-numbing chiming echoing loudly through the night like an outside manifestation of his heart's turmoil.

  "Elliot, stop it! You'll kill yourself. You don't have enough aura left for an attack that large!" yelled Julie's voice from behind.

  "You think I care!" roared Elliot.

  The Grandmaster Swordsman ignored her warning, glaring at the vampire whose face exhibited, for the first time,…fear. However, as he stood there, enslaved by his own wrath, he was haunted by the face reflected in the vampire's eyes. It was his own but it was distorted, resembling a dark angel void of anything accept hatred.

  No, this isn't right. I'm letting my anger control me. I'm being just like Lilith. I must know myself… This is not me.

  The vanquishing orb quickly vanished, leaving only the moon's light. Lilith ran towards him and he was knocked to the ground, the wind pushed out of his lungs. Lilith stood with her leg placed firmly on his chest.

  "I thought you had me for a second but you were to weak to follow through. You humans are pathetic without your precious conjuring. Your friends were lucky that I cured them of their sickness, the sickness that is humanity. That's why you conjurers bring us spirits to this world, right? It's because spirits are superior to humans, especially vampires," spat Lilith.

  "You may be stronger than me," coughed Elliot, finding it hard to breath. "But you're not too bright."

  "What?! Are you suggesting that I am dimwitted?" asked Lilith, pushing her foot deeper into his chest, baring her fangs.

  "What do you think, ugly?" asked Elliot viciously.

  "Are you crazy? I'm not-," she began before her head was engulfed in a huge flaming sphere.

  Lilith immediately jumped off of Elliot, concealing her face as she dropped to the ground, rolling around uncontrollably. Her shrieks and screams echoed noisily, producing a sound that made the wind's howl sound as innocent as a baby's cry.

  "MY EYES! I CAN"T SEE! I"M BLIND!" she screamed like a banshee.

  He ran to the side of the Fair Elf Princess who was sprawled on the grass, moving ever so slightly, her brown corset drenched in blood as it fluctuated due to her erratic breathing. Her lilac eyes were glassy, but regained their focus, studying a place just behind him. He looked back and saw a hideous creature crawling towards them on all fours. It was Lilith, her once beautiful features distorted beyond recognition with one eye being welded shut while the other was a mere screen of gray, her nose melted into her face.

  "Look out!" roared Adam's voice as he suddenly appeared between them.

  Lilith whipped her head around at the sound of Adam's voice.

  "Adam, is that you? Won't you let me have some of your blood? It will fix this sorry state-," she began before she was encased in an enormous mountain of ice with only her grotesque head showing.

  "No, you are unworthy! I saw what you did to Rosewielder! That was dishonorable! You slither around like a serpent, controlling people! I no longer desire the taste of your venomous lips!" said Adam.

  He placed his hand in his pocket and removed a round object. Only when he set it atop the mound of ice by Lilith's head did the moonlight reveal it to be a red apple with a single bite. Julie came limping to his side, looking totally drained. They turned to Elliot, ignoring Lilith's sobs, and they both kneeled beside him.

  "You fought valiantly, Earth Elf," said Adam.

  "Thank you, Ice Elf. I've misjudged you. Please forgive me," whispered Rosewielder, her breathing growing more faint.

  "Rosewielder, I'm sorry for how I've been acting towards you and Elliot. I was jealous of you, of your beauty, and the bond you two shared. You must think I'm a horrible person," said Julie shamefully.

  "No, Julie. I can't blame you for your feelings. I, too, would envy any maiden fortunate enough to feel Elliot's heavenly embrace. I forgive you."

  Her eyes looked upon Elliot, and with shaking arms, she raised her hand to his face. Elliot placed his hand over hers.

  "Thank you for not caging me. Thanks for letting me be free. I enjoyed the time we shared together in this world. I could not keep my promise to defeat Lilith. I lied. Please forgive me, but I want you to know that…I love you," said Rosewielder.

  Her eyes closed, her arms went limp, only being held by Elliot's quivering hands.

  "Rosewielder, I love you too! I love you! I love you with all my heart!" screamed Elliot as he cradled her in his arms.

  "Julie, can't you save her?!" he screamed desperately.

  "I'm really sorry, Elliot, but if I use any more my aura I'll probably die," said Julie, shaking her head as tears flowed down her face. "Judging by your aura, you're in the same boat. We need to get help. Adam's magic is too low. We have no way to get out of here," said Julie apologetically.

  "I'm not going anywhere! If she dies, I die too. I'm not leaving her! I can't leave her! We are one!"

  "I understand how strongly you care for Rosewielder. I was wrong when I said she was your puppet but…Julie's right, Elliot," said Adam, placing his hand on his shoulder.

  "I don't care. Nothing else matters right now. It doesn't matter if I die and our bodies rot. It doesn't matter if our bones turn to dust. We just need to be together when it happens," said Elliot, holding Rosewielder's limp head towards his chest. "I would die for her and, I will die for her!"

  Elliot released Rosewielder's body which laid motionless on the grass, clearing his mind and feeling the sparse bit of his aura that flowed within h

  "Elliot, what are you doing?!" cried Julie, her face going white.

  He ignored her, placing his hands over Rosewielder's wounds, imagining a healing bush from Fantasy Lotus as best he could from his memory. Elliot felt the life be literally sucked out of him as a winding stem of roses coiled around Rosewielder, the petals seemingly reaching into her wounds and remedying them as the blood that soaked her clothes gradually disappeared. He remained still, unable to move, breathe, talk, or even blink. Several moments went by as Adam and Lilith yelled his name. Rosewielder's body stirred slightly before she bolted upright, breathing heavily. She looked at her Grandmaster Swordsman and reached out to him, pulling him towards her. He collapsed in her arms, having been granted the one thing that kept him from death's door.

  The Awakening

  For and unknown period of time there existed only a cold darkness, disconnected with any movement save for that which resided on the outside. There was nothing, and no awareness. However, the time came for there to be light and warmth which Elliot Clementine would know again. Elliot opened his eyes, seeing himself floating in an abyss of darkness accept for a warm brightness which radiated a long ways ahead of him.

  I must be dreaming. This can't be real

  His own thoughts seemed to echo loudly throughout the dark abyss.

  "This will be the most important dream you've ever had," said Julie's voice.

  Elliot turned around and saw Julie, Adam,Ai, Tenzin, Wisteria, Grandma Wu, his Great Uncle Baum, his mother, his father, Faiga, Cody, Abha, Ezzena, and Elvira floating right behind him, their faces wearing the same grave expressions.

  "What are you all doing here?" asked Elliot in surprise.

  "We exist in your heart, Elliot. My son, you are about to leave this world forever," said Mr. Clementine. "Don't break our hearts."

  "What's going on?" asked Elliot, aghast.

  "You must follow the light, my conjurer," said Ai, pointing towards the brightness shining in the distance.

  "Become one with that which bonds you to the outside world," said Elvira. "You are in the realm between life and death."

  "You must hurry!" yelled Tenzin, pointing down at Elliot's legs.

  He looked down and screamed, seeing his legs dematerializing before his very eyes.

  "Go to the light, now!" they yelled in unison.

  Elliot turned around and flew as fast as he could towards the brightness, gleaming in the distance, knowing he would die if he did not reach it before dematerializing into nothing. He looked back, noticing his legs had no feeling, and saw that they were gone. Elliot turned his focus forward, and raced as fast as he could. After approaching within mere meters of the light, he gasped, watching a golden figure comprised of light holding out its hand, an intense warmth radiating from its angelic presence. He felt his chest go numb just as he grabbed its hand, and an intense feeling of relief coursed through him. The being of light held him close, its face so bright that no discernible features could be made out.

  "Rosewielder, is that you?" asked Elliot.

  "Yes, I am Rosewielder but I am also you. I am all," spoke the being in a divine voice that seemed to be neither male nor female.

  The atmosphere instantly vanished. The feeling returned to his legs. He was warm, and no longer surrounded by darkness. He opened his eyes finding himself, surrounded by sunlight with his arms wrapped around something blue and…feathery.

  "For the one-hundredth time, I'm not Rosewielder," said a woman's voice. "Geesh, are all the humans so strange when they're ill."

  Elliot gasped, releasing the feathered mass at once. He looked down at his hand, noticing he was wearing Tenzin's ring. He gasped again, seeing himself laying snuggly on a kingsized bed embellished with fluffy white blankets and pillows. Even odder, was were it was situated. The bed sat comfortably, surrounded by a large hilly area decorated with trees, flowers, and other natural aesthetics. It wasn't long before he realized where he was because he only saw individuals like the one beside him at Tenzin's shrine. A strange being stood before him and he felt certain that she was a spirit. She had the face of a beautiful woman with delicate features, long blonde hair and neon blue eyes which sat below a magnificent golden diadem encrusted with a shimmering red gemstone. However, a set of brilliant golden wings could be seen slowly stirring from behind. Her upper arms looked human while the lower portion was much less forgiving, being feathered and accompanied by large fierce- looking black claws. Her legs were well toned and connected to a set of enormous bird-like feet, their claws digging into the grass. The harpy was wearing a blue corset and a golden breastplate along with a short black skirt with golden buttons. She stood nearly eight feet tall. She was staring at Elliot with a peculiar expression.

  "You have finally awakened, dream savior," she said, folding her arms. "It seems the council's efforts were successful at pulling you back from the brink of death."

  "So, I did just almost die," said Elliot, sliding out of the bed.

  "Yes, you nearly depleted your aura. That was reckless of you," said the harpy. "I am Agathe, daughter of Adonia of the harpies. Tenzin instructed me to look after you."

  "Rosewielder?" began Elliot.

  "Is alive," said Agathe. "She is in low spirits, however. She's been weeping for her…Grandmaster Swordsman."

  "She's alive?!" asked Elliot in disbelief.

  "Yes, you traded a life for a life, your life for hers," answered Agathe, her blue eyes, carefully surveying him.

  "What about my friends, the non-conjurers? They got turned into vampires! Please tell me they're alright," begged Elliot.

  "The Fairy spirits are currently working to restore them to their natural states,"explained Agathe.

  Agathe walked towards Elliot who barely came up to her chest.

  "I will take you to your friends," she said, placing her claws softly on his shoulder.

  The next moment, a numbness clenched his entire body and he felt a potent onset of disorientation as he lost all sense of direction. He endured the strange sensations for what only felt like seconds until it abruptly stopped. They were standing in the same chamber he and Rosewielder had found themselves in after being swallowed by the dragon. It was much more lively. At least two dozen cat-sized people with butterfly wings zipped skillfully through the air all around them. They were dressed in odd brightly colored clothing and they communicated with each other using fast paced high-pitched voices. Elliot surmised that these were fairies. He looked through the ruckus and saw that a group of them were hovering around several large objects. He walked closer to get a better view and saw several pairs of legs laying atop masses that seemed to be composed entirely of magnificent flowers. His heart skipped a beat upon the realization that it was Cody, Abha, Ezzena, and Mr. Aki Fuki after seeing the top of Cody's head through the group of little people. He bent over, noticing that they all seemed to be asleep.

  "I believe the cleansing process is nearly complete," said Agathe's voice from behind, making him jump. "They will have their memories regarding last night's events and their time here with the spirits erased from their mind. They'll be sent home afterwards. Please follow me."

  Agathe put her claws on Elliot's back and led him to a group of people standing in front of the giant statue of Tenzin underneath the large peculiar bluish light which seemed to float above them all. They turned towards them as they approached. One person abruptly broke away from the group, dashing towards him, her hair flowing gracefully behind her as her arms opened like the gates of heaven. Elliot ran towards his other half and they were united. The Grandmaster Swordsman and the Fair Elf Princess embraced each other.

  "I thought you were dead, Elliot!" Rosewielder cried, her eyes watering. "I thought I'd lost you forever."

  "I'm sorry, Rosewielder. I'm here now. You don't have to worry," said Elliot. "I'll never leave you."

  "Elliot, I'm so happy you'r
e okay," said Julie's voice as she and Adam ran over to them.

  "What you did was noble…Elliot," said Adam as he placed his hands around them.

  "Yes, the events of last night were unsettling, and things may have ended worse if our comrade, Mr. Anghel, had not shown up when he did," said Tenzin's, voice.

  Elliot looked up, seeing Mr. Anghel and Wisteria standing on either side of Tenzin while Elvira stood with her arms folded, her expression livid, about five feet away.

  "Tenzin, it's my fault. It was my idea to search for Lilith. I put all our lives in danger," said Elliot.

  He walked from the group, facing Elvira.

  "Elvira, I understand if you hate me for getting Julie mixed up in this. Just know that I dragged her into this," explained Elliot.

  Elvira remained silent, glaring at the group.

  "Don't lie, Elliot!" yelled Julie, walking over to his side. "I begged him to let me join them. I wanted to test myself as a conjurer."

  "I will stand by my Grandmaster Swordsman as his spirit partner. I eagerly joined him on his hunt for Lilith," said Rosewielder, folding her arms.

  "And I, the Ice Elf, actually felt like I was where I belonged for once," said Adam, standing beside Rosewielder.

  Tenzin left Wisteria and Mr. Anghel, walking over to the young group, and observed them as closely as one would a puzzle. His eyes made Elliot feel naked, but he stood firm, nevertheless. They all did.

  "Two young humans and two young elves. You all have warrior eyes. Your faces are filled with such fierce determination that it reminds me of a young girl I took under my wing almost seventy years ago, now," said Tenzin.

  Tenzin looked up at Elvira who rolled her eyes as a child would, her face embarrassed. It was bizarre hearing Tenzin say this, looking young enough to be Elvira's son.

  "Although what you did tonight was dangerous, it was impressive that you all managed to stay alive against the vampire and her minions. It provided the council with a good idea of your skill levels. That is but a taste of our world. As council members vampires are just one of many spirit types you'll come across," explained Tenzin.

  He folded his arms, looking up thoughtfully.

  "How about I start you all off with light missions? Would you mind running errands for us and gathering information about groups of dark conjurers and spirits? We will progress from that point," said Tenzin.

  "Yes!" said Elliot and Rosewielder simultaneously before giggling.

  "I am a warrior and I'll do my best to ensure that this world is safe," said Adam firmly. "It is my home now."

  "I have to choose my own path even if mother wouldn't approve. That's why I wish to be a council conjurer!" said Julie.

  "That's excellent. In the future, please don't hesitate to ask the council for help. Accidents happen. Conjurers make mistakes but that's what we're here for. We want our world to coexist harmoniously with non-conjurers," said Tenzin.

  They all nodded.

  He then turned to Rosewielder and Adam.

  "I know, as spirits, there aren't many who you can relate to. If you shall ever need a place to stay then feel free to make this shrine your home. The shrine is hidden from non-conjurers to protect the spirits that live here, explained Tenzin.

  "I appreciate your kindness, Tenzin, but my home is by the side of my Grandmaster Swordsman," said Rosewielder, grabbing Elliot's arm. "However, I will come visit."

  "I find the shrine fascinating. I didn't know that there were other elves. We really bonded. However, the person I bonded closest with is right here," said Adam, turning to Julie, his glorious eyes fixing on her with the utmost admiration. "When we were in that forest together we protected each other with our lives. I didn't think humans could ever see us spirits as equals but she changed that."

  Julie and Adam embraced warmly.

  "Tenzin, what about Lilith? What happen to her?" asked Elliot darkly.

  A sorrowful expression befell Tenzin's face.

  "Oh, yes, the vampire. She is being held in the pits."

  "The pits?" said Elliot questioningly.

  "It's a enchanted prison uniquely designed to hold dangerous spirits, an unpleasant place. A spirit's stay is based both on their crimes and their behavior while imprisoned," said Tenzin, looking down.

  "I see."

  "Elliot, it is time that we get you back home. Your family must be worried, but I'm convinced I can persuade them to give you the time you'll need as a council member," said Tenzin, closing his eyes.

  "How?" said Elliot, flabbergasted.

  Tenzin's white robes were instantly replaced with a black business suit that covered a white shirt with a light blue tie. They appeared with matching black pants and shinning formal shoes.

  "Have your parents entertained the thought of you getting a job?" asked Tenzin, looking handsome with his hair tied back in a ponytail.

  "Uh, I don't know."

  "Well, I guess we'll find out," said Tenzin, smiling.

  After watching Julie bicker with her grandmother for several minutes about letting Adam move in with them, Elvira begrudgingly agreed to allowing the Ice Elf to take up residence. She, Julie, and Adam said their farewells to Elliot and Rosewielder before disappearing, being teleported back to Elvira's house by Agathe as only certain members of the council could teleport in and out of the Shrine.

  "You haven't told your family about Rosewielder, have you?" asked Tenzin, studying them.

  "No, I don't think their ready to know about our world," answered Elliot. "I will tell them when the time is right."

  "How has she managed to remain unseen?" asked Tenzin curiously.

  "Well, she stays in my room when she's not at the shrine."

  "I see, should I take you there?" asked Tenzin.

  "Yes, Tenzin," answered Rosewielder. "I'll be waiting for Elliot there. It is where he conjured me, my birthplace."

  "I see," he said calmly.

  Seconds later, the group was teleported to Elliot's room, the door hanging slightly open.

  "I'll be here waiting for you, my swordsman."

  "I shall return, my princess."

  Tenzin placed his hand on his forehead.

  "And now, we will be invisible."

  Elliot watched as his and Tenzin's bodies vanished. He felt Tenzin grab hold of his arm before they were teleported again right in front of the Clementine household's front door. Only when a minivan had finished passing down the street did they become visible again.

  "Here we are," said Tenzin.

  Elliot breathed deeply before ringing door bell, seeing both of his parents cars still in the garage. The door swung open after mere seconds, and Mr. and Mrs. Clementine appeared. Both of their eyes were red as if they hadn't slept in days. They looked down at Elliot, apparently speechless, before screaming joyfully, wrapping their arms around their son.

  "Honey, where on earth have you been?!" screamed his mother, her eyes dashing back and forth between him and Tenzin. "You said you'd gone to work on a chemistry project but you were gone for the rest of the day."

  "You have worried your mother and I sick, son," said Mr. Clementine, wiping tears from his eyes. "They said that three students at your school went missing. Abha, Ezzena, and Cody's parents have been calling us all night, looking for their children."

  "I'm sorry," began Elliot before Tenzin interrupted him.

  "Good afternoon, Mr. Clementine. I am Tenzin. I am solely responsible for your son's absence. Please forgive me. He was actually helping me perform community service. I'm afraid I lost track of time when he was doing one of my errands," explained Tenzin. "I assure you that it will not happen again."

  "Community service?" said Mr. Clementine questioningly. "What kind of community service?"

  "Just your basic clean up. Making the world a cleaner, better place for people to live in," explained Tenzin relaxedly.

father scratched his head.

  "Well, at least we know that you are safe and were doing something good. Nevertheless, we don't want you staying out that late," said Mr. Clementine, placing his hand on Elliot's shoulder.

  "I understand, dad, and it won't happen again. But I still want to continue my work with Mr. Tenzin. He's offering me a job," said Elliot.

  "Honey, you have school. That is what you should be focusing on," said Mrs. Clementine, resting her hand on the doorframe.

  "I agree with your mother, Elliot," said Mr. Clementine. "A job is a lot of responsibility."

  "I know that. Look, I use to spend my time just sitting around playing video games all day. Well, now I can better the world and the responsibility will make me a better person," pleaded Elliot, staring at his mother and father. "Please give me a chance."

  His parents both sighed, turning to each other, exchanging resistant looks, for a good while before his father finally looked at him, smiling.

  "Okay, my son. If you can balance school and this job then I will place my trust in you to take care of both of your responsibilities," said Mr. Clementine, looking down at his watch. "But no staying out past midnight. The school day today is nearly over."

  "I know, dad. I won't. Thank you. I won't let you down."

  And I won't let the world down.

  "I am happy to make your acquaintance, though I wish it was under better circumstances," said Tenzin. "Good luck to you all, and I'm looking forward to seeing you at work next week, Elliot."

  He bowed.

  They gave Tenzin their farewells. His family spent the next half hour questioning him about Tenzin and his new job over dinner. After his third helping of his mother's finely cooked Schnitzel and Lo mien noodles, he explained the array of activities encompassed by community service. Only the news seemed to unglue their eyes from him as a red haired news lady disclosed that the amber alerts for his missing friends had been canceled much to Elliot's relief.

  So the council managed to save them, after all. I am thankful. However, I can't stop thinking about what Grandma Wu said about yin and yang. I wonder if Lilith could ever show her good side. Well, that's why I like the future. It gives us hope.

  After dinner, Elliot made his way up to his room, opened his door, and was greeted by a warm presence that fell into his arms. It was his spirit partner, his guardian angel, his Fair Elf Princess. Elliot and Rosewielder gazed into each other's soul, seeing their own reflection looking back at them. He held the Fair Elf Princess in his arms, not noticing the sensations of teleportation taking hold of him, the entirety of his mind, his soul, being occupied by a single thought.

  "Have you figured out where I've been taking you?" said Rosewielder as they stood, embraced under the apple tree which stood above all that surrounded it, the sun blessing them with its glory.

  "Yes, it's where I-," he began, stopping. "It's where we are reborn as one. I love you, Rosewielder, my Fair Elf Princess."

  "I love you too, Elliot, my Grandmaster Swordsman," said Rosewielder.

  Their hair danced splendidly in the wind. The Grandmaster Swordsman brought his lips to the the doors of paradise and the doors opened.

  The swordsman and princess would remember this moment for as long as they lived, seeing it as a ray of light, a beacon of hope, to clear their path through an uncertain future.

  Elliot was true to his word. That Friday evening he and his parents entered into a large auditorium filled with people in countless rows of black chairs, fluorescent lighting gleaming upon a set of towering golden curtains on a large stage ahead. A portly woman in a red dress held a microphone to her mouth, announcing the upcoming musical performance.

  "I present to you the South Star Middle School junior orchestra," she said excitedly before walking off the stage as the golden curtains were pulled back and the lights dimmed.

  A group of about a dozen finely dressed youth were seated, most holding small violins while a few towards the back had clarinets. A short bald man dressed in black walked onto the stage, carrying a small baton. They proceeded to play Prokfiev's Romeo And Juliet: Montagues And Capulets. Mr. and Mrs. Clementine whipped out their cameras like many of the surrounding parents, proudly clicking away, attempting to freeze the joyful moment in time. A sensation of tender warmth seized Elliot as he watched his sister's merry face, knowing her brother was there for her.

  Not everyone's siblings are there for them. Like Julie's brother. Nothing can replace the time with my family regardless of what I decide for the Conjurer's choice. I will cherish these memories…forever.