Read The Fairies and the Christmas Child Page 9

  Chapter IX

  The Little White Feather.

  If you've ever tried to count the raindrops, you will know how I feltwhen for three whole days it poured in torrents. I was alone in thelibrary, watching a hole in the wainscotting through which a mouse hadjust poked her head, when some one said "_Guten Morgen_" in a pipingvoice, and I knew this must be a Kobold. I was rather surprised that Ihad not met one of these House-Spirits before.

  He was sitting on the edge of a bookcase--a little brown man with awrinkled, good-natured face, and wearing no clothes. He chuckled when Isaid that I would rather speak English if he did not mind, and remarkedthat all languages were the same to him.

  "I believe you have met some cousins of mine, the Brownies," he wenton affably, kissing his hand to the mouse, who popped back to her holeas if he had shocked her. "They are good little chaps, but quiet andhumdrum. You always know what a Brownie will do, but as for us--mortalscan never tell what a Kobold will be up to next. We make ourselves quiteat home in their houses, and really own them, if the truth were known.But excuse me--I should not appear before you in this undress."

  In the twinkling of an eye the Kobold had changed himself into acurly haired boy, with smooth pink cheeks and a red silk coat, andknickerbockers of dark green velvet. "This is my best suit," heexplained proudly, turning himself from side to side. "I usually wearit when I play with children who were born, like yourself, at theblessed feast of Christmas-tide. It is only one of my many disguises,however, though I seldom allow myself to be seen at all. I can evenhide in the cast-off coat of a harmless snake, and woe to him who laysstick upon me or seeks to drive me away. The Heinzelmaenchen, as we arecalled, can be bitter foes as well as powerful friends, and 'twas anevil day for the city of Koeln when we marched out of it. It has neverprospered since."

  "Why----" I began, and the Kobold held up his hand to stop me, puckeringhis baby face into a dreadful frown.

  "Why? Why? Why?" he mimicked. "How like the child of mortal man!Everything has to tell its reason--you rob the peach of its velvet bloomthat you may find the secret of its ruddy splendour, and the fairy gemson the grass at dawn are to you but water distilled from earth! Youwould know how the tide finds a way to turn, why the light of the starstranscends your rush-lights! Elves and Fairies and such-like things aredriven away by your curiosity, as the Heinzelmaenchen were by Rosetta."

  I was going to ask who Rosetta might be, but I remembered just in timethat this would be another question. The Kobold chose a more comfortableseat, and told me of his own accord.

  The Sin of Rosetta.

  "Toward the end of the eighteenth century," he began, "theHeinzelmaenchen, took up their abode in the city of Koeln, where JohannFarina distilled the sweet-scented waters now famous all over the world.When first he blended the fragrant oils of bergamot, citron, orange androsemary, it was we who whispered to him in what proportion he shouldmix them, and how to imprison their lasting perfume. Not only him didwe help, but wherever we came across a worthy fellow who was poorbut honest, we gave him a lift up; such was Rudolph the tailor, whomwe found when a lad on the steps of the great Cathedral, without a_pfennig_ in his pocket, and with a wolf inside him big enough toswallow a little pig. When we saw how readily he returned a _thaler_that rolled to his feet to the feeble old woman who had dropped it,though he might well have said he had not seen it fall, we took him toour hearts, and swore to befriend him.

  'So!' we said, one to the other. 'Rudolph is worthy to be our comrade.He is a good lad, and henceforth we will see that he does not want.'

  The first thing to be done was to procure him decent clothing, for noone would employ him while he went in rags. We did this by pointing himout to the wife of a rich merchant, who fancied she saw in his pinchedwhite face a likeness to the son she had lost long since.

  Touched by the poor lad's poverty, she gave him a suit of clothes whichhad lain by for many a day, and on finding he was an orphan, apprenticedhim to a tailor. The lad worked well. We took it in turns to sit besidehim, showing him just where to place his needle, so that his seams werealways neat, and guiding his scissors so that he cut the cloth to thebest advantage. So skilful did he become that, when his time was out,his master begged him to stay on with him as head assistant, and gavehim a good wage.

  A fine young spright was Rudolph now, with jet-black hair and eyes likecoals. His master's daughters, Euralie and Rosetta, both looked on himwith favour, and for a time it seemed that he knew not which to choose.Euralie was small and slight, with eyes like a dove's; Rosetta was talland buxom, and had she been free from the vice of curiosity would havemade him a model wife. She was clever and industrious as well as witty,and when Dark Rudolph passed by the gentle Euralie, and took Rosetta forhis betrothed, it was only the Heinzelmaenchen who shook their heads.

  Never was grander wedding feast than his. While he and Rosetta wherestill in church, we brought to his house the finest drinking vesselsthat we could lay our hands on, and pots and pans of beaten copper thatwere the envy of every housewife bidden as a guest. There were fairycakes in the silver dishes, and luscious fruits such as grew in nowestern lands; the wine in the ruby goblets was honeyed nectar, andthough his friends quaffed deeply, their heads remained quite clear. Aproud man was Rudolph as he drank to his bride, and she looked so happyand gay and bright, that we resolved to take her, too, under ourprotection.

  And this we did. When her children came, we rocked the cradle and sangthem lullabies while she baked and brewed, and when they slept wescrubbed and polished from garret to cellar, until her house was thepride of the street. Often she would ask to be allowed to see us, but wealways refused, telling her to respect our wish, and be content. Stillshe would not rest, and nothing that Dark Rudolph could say to her wouldinduce her to hold her peace.

  He had now three shops instead of one, and counted lords and baronsamong his customers. No one could fit as he could, for we were always athand to nip in here or let out there, and many a fine straight figurewas the result of our cunning skill. His fame spread far through theneighbouring towns, and one spring a great noble travelled to Koeln toorder some rich apparel for himself and his suite. Our busy tailor wasat his wit's end how to get it finished in time, for all his assistantswere working their hardest, and still they were behind.

  'Have no fear! Dark Rudolph,' we cried, when we found him alone. 'Sendyour men to rest, and leave it to us. When you wake in the morning youshall find all done.'

  We lost not a moment that livelong night--it was as if our needles hadwings. Just before cockcrow, the door of the workroom creaked softlyopen, and there stood Rosetta in her white nightgown, with her hair intwo long plaits, peering round the corner to see if she could catch usat work. We were justly enraged, but since we heard her in time torender ourselves invisible, and also because we loved Dark Rudolph, wedecided to give her one more chance.

  It was our custom to leave the lower part of the house at the hour ofmidnight, no matter what we might be doing, and climb the steep stairsthat led to the bedrooms, to watch that the ghosts which were free toroam till cockcrow might not ruffle the children's hair, or wake themwith their long-drawn sighs. Rosetta knew this, for she had often heardus comforting the little Rudolph when his sleep was disturbed by a baddream, and with gross ingratitude she tried to be-fool us. One night,she strewed dried peas on the top steps of the winding staircase, sothat when we came up we should lose our footing and fall to the bottom,and thus she might see us struggling on the ground. We knew perfectlywell, however, why she had bought the peas, and stayed below. When sherose next morning, she forgot the trap she had laid for us, and tumbledheadlong down the stairs. While she groaned and moaned over her brokenankle, the Heinzelmaenchen marched out of the town to stirring music,which was heard by all the citizens. We sailed down the Rhine in aphantom boat, which you may yet see floating on its waters if you lookfor it at the right time. And Dark Rudolph and his Rosetta sighed forour help in vain."

  The Kobold was a most entertaining li
ttle fellow, and stayed with me allthe morning, telling me of well known House Spirits of days gone by. Oneof these tales was about

  The Little white Feather.

  "Hinzelmann," said the Kobold solemnly, "was a Spirit who haunted thecastle of Hudemuehlen, though it was not until late in the sixteenthcentury that those who lived there were aware of his presence. He seemedof so friendly a disposition that the servants became quite used tohim. They never saw him, but he would often talk with them while theyworked, telling them of what went on in the Underworld, and of themighty Giants of bye-gone days who had been created in order to protectthe Dwarfs from savage beasts, but had become themselves so savage inthe course of the ages that they had to be done away with. In time thelord of the castle heard of his strange visitor, and sent him a messagesaying he desired his presence at a certain hour.

  'No need to wait until then, good Sir!' laughed Hinzelmann over hisshoulder. 'I assist each morning at your lordship's toilet, though youdo not perceive me, and I blunt your razors when you are out of temper.'

  This displeased the lord of the castle, for he thought it unseemly to beon terms of such familiar intimacy with a bodiless House-Spirit. When herebuked him for his presumption, Hinzelmann laughed more loudly still.'Better men than you have to put up with my company, if I will!' hecried, 'and, believe me, I do not intend to leave you!'

  The nobleman grew more and more uneasy, for it disturbed him to feelthat he was never alone. Hinzelmann whistled and sang through the Staterooms, and when his lordship expressed irritation this was theHouse-Spirit's favourite song:

  'If thou here wilt let me stay, Good luck shalt thou have alway. But if hence thou dost me chase, Luck will ne'er come near the place.'[1]

  [Footnote 1: The Fairy Mythology]

  He hummed this morning, noon, and night, until the lord of the castlewas sick of it. 'Since I cannot drive this fellow away,' he said atlast, 'I must e'en go myself;' and telling no one of his intentions, hesummoned his coach and set out for Hanover. On the way he noticed thatno matter how fast his horses went, a little white feather danced abovetheir heads. Although he wondered at this, he did not connect it withthe House-Spirit, and when he arrived at his chosen Inn, sought hiscouch with a mind at ease.

  'Thank heaven,' he muttered, as he turned him over and went to sleep, 'Iam free at last of this troublesome Hinzelmann. By the time I see fitto return home, he may have gone elsewhere.'

  A little white Feather danced above their heads.]

  Next morning he missed his fine gold chain, which was an heirloom, and,greatly distressed, he haughtily demanded of the Innkeeper that hisservants should be searched.

  'They have robbed me,' he cried, 'and they shall suffer for it! Cannotone sleep at your house without meeting with knaves and thieves?'

  At this the Innkeeper was very angry. Instead of condoling with thenobleman on his loss, and offering to make it good, he roundly rebukedhim for taking away the character of honest men without due proof. Thenoble was leaving the Inn in much haste when a soft voice asked him whyhe was troubled.

  'If it be on account of the bauble upon which you set such store,' itcontinued, 'look under your pillow and you will find it. You cannot geton without Hinzelmann after all!'

  'I would I had never known you, base spirit!' stormed the nobleman. 'Youhave put me greatly in the wrong with all these men, and my journey hasbeen for nought, since you are here. If you do not quit me I will leavethis country; it is not wide enough to hold us both.'

  Then Hinzelmann spoke to him with much reason, pointing out that hewished him no harm, and that it was impossible to shake him off, sincewherever the lord went, he could follow.

  'It was I who flew as a little white feather in front of your coach,' heconcluded. 'You played the part of a poltroon when you fled from whatyou believed to be evil, instead of fighting it on your own ground. Comeback with me, and if you give me your friendship, I will work but goodto you and yours.'

  So the nobleman went back to his castle, and Hinzelmann lived there withhim. A little room was set aside for his use in an upper story, and herethey placed, by the nobleman's orders, a small round table, and a tinybed. No one could ever make out if he slept on this, but once when thecook entered very quickly, to take him the dish of new milk and wheatencrumbs which was placed each morn on his table, she saw a shallowdepression on the down pillow, as if something very small and soft hadrested there.

  When the time came for Hinzelmann to leave the castle, he presented itslord with three fairy gifts, the last of these being a leather gloverichly wrought with pearls in a curious pattern of snails and scrolls.So long as this glove was in possession of his house, he told him, solong would his race flourish. And thus he requited the kindness whichhad been shown him. There is nothing that we like better than to helpour friends."

  "I know," I said, nodding my head. And the House Spirit smiled as ifthis pleased him.

  "We need take no credit for this," he remarked, "since the Dwarf Kinghimself sets us the example. His rescue of the poor old couple atSchillingsdorf is but one of many instances of the way in which hegladly helps those who show hospitality to him or his.

  Caught in a storm, he wandered from door to door, entreating each personwho answered his knock to let him enter and warm himself. One and allthey refused, for his green velvet garments were stained and draggled,and they had not the wit to see that in spite of his dripping clothesand dishevelled beard he was still every whit a king. At last he came tothe hut of an ancient shepherd, whose little old wife was as thin as he,for food had been very scarce. The moment she saw the wanderer, herheart went out to him.

  'Come in and welcome, you poor little fellow!' she said, setting wideher door. 'Our fire is not much to boast of, but 'tis better than noneon a night like this.' And the shepherd hobbled to the inner room thathe might bring his Sunday coat, and place this round their visitor'sshoulders while his own lay drying on the hearth. Then the old womanspread a white cloth on the table, and gave the Dwarf her share of thecoarse black bread which was all her cupboard contained.

  'I thank you, my friends,' he said, breaking the bread into twofragments. As he did so, one became a fine white loaf, and the other anoble cheese. The Dwarf laughed at the old couple's amazement, and badethem feast to their heart's content.

  'So long as you leave on the platter a crust of bread and an inch ofcheese,' he said, 'so long will a fresh loaf and a fresh cheese springfrom these fragments during the night; but if ever a beggar entreatsyour help, and you refuse him, they will turn to dust and ashes. Now Ibid you farewell, but ere long we shall meet again.'

  So saying, he went out in the rain, despite their entreaties that hewould at least stay with them until the storm was over.

  Little sleep did they have that night, for wind and rain swept throughthe valley. Torrents roared down the mountain side, flooding the woodenhouses, and even worse befell at daybreak. An enormous rock snapped offfrom a topmost peak, and carrying with it great masses of stones anduprooted firs, crashed down on the little village. All living thingswere buried beneath its weight except the shepherd and his wife, whosecottage yet was spared. Tremblingly they stood on the threshold, forthey thought their last hour had come.

  'Thou hast been a good wife, my dear one,' breathed the shepherd, as hedrew her frail form close to him.

  'It is well that we should go together, since thou hast lain by my sidefor nigh sixty years,' she whispered, hiding her face against hisbreast.

  'How now?' cried a reassuring voice. 'Dost despair so easily?' Andlooking up they saw their friend the Dwarf riding on a rough raft inthe centre of the stream, and steering before him the trunk of animmense pine. This he proceeded to fix crosswise in front of theirlittle garden, so as to form a dam. The torrent now passed by thecottage, leaving it undisturbed, and the voice of the wind was hushed.The sun came out, and the birds sang; but the only people alive inSchillingsdorf were the shepherd and his old wife."

  "'How now?' cried a r
eassuring voice."]