Read The Farthest Edge Page 7

  She then, handle down, spun the whip in a circle in front of her before she sent it spiraling and skidding across the floor to the other Domme.

  She turned back, hoping to God Branch had pulled his shirt on because she’d lose her mind if he’d disobeyed her.

  He’d put his shirt on.

  “End of your belt out of the loop,” she bit out.

  He studied her silently but his hands moved to pull the end of his belt out of the loop.

  His easy acquiescence was a shock she didn’t allow herself time to fall into the wonder of it.

  She approached him again, latched onto his belt and tugged him hard, stomping toward the door.

  Those close who’d watched the show got right out of their way.

  Those who were not as close and involved in whatever they were doing didn’t even notice them so it took some zigging and zagging to make it to the door.

  Evangeline made as short a trek of it as she could.

  And then they were free.

  She thankfully breathed in clean air and pulled him into the gravel, hoping to all that was holy that her talents in heels led her through the stone without her turning her ankle, going down and breaking her wrist, which would mean annihilating her ego.

  “Not surprised that one scored a tight ass,” one of the “security guards” muttered loudly.

  She ignored him and kept dragging Branch, who was letting her, something she wasn’t concentrating on or she might not turn her ankle in the gravel. She might do something wholly un-Mistress-worthy and sink to her knees in gratitude.

  Once free of earshot if not eyeshot of security, she yanked him to a stop and turned on him.

  “Where’s your truck?”

  “You wanna lead or you wanna follow?”

  He didn’t sound amused but somehow she got that from him.

  And it ticked her off.

  She let go his belt but grabbed his crotch again and squeezed.

  His jaw went tight.

  Oh dear.

  That sure was pretty.

  “This once, handsome, I’ll repeat myself,” she snapped. “Where. Is. Your. Truck?”

  He jerked out his chin. “Last row, under the trees.”

  She loosened the pressure but didn’t release him, smiling sweetly, and all fake, saying, “That wasn’t so hard, was it?”

  Of course, he made no reply.

  She grasped his belt again and stormed through the gravel to the last row, well away from the warehouse, close to where she’d had to park but because she’d gotten there late.

  She had no idea if he came late too.

  She also didn’t care.

  When they arrived at the last row, she thanked the heavens there was only one GMC SUV to be seen, and led him there, right around it, to the hood.

  There she stopped, lifted a hand and shoved it with all her body weight into his chest.

  He went back against the grill, lightly, but at least her shove wasn’t for naught.

  She got in his space.

  “Beep the locks.”

  He stared down his nose at her.

  She pressed closer, doing so pushing her breasts to his chest.

  “You wanna ride the edge, Branch?”

  He kept staring down at her.

  She tossed her head toward the building they’d just vacated. “You think that’s riding the edge? That Domme taking a whip to you, out of her mind on junk, wasted? Is that what gets you off? Not the ‘lame-ass shit’ you think you’d get from me?”

  He said nothing, just continued staring down at her.

  She again cupped his cock and balls, hard, knowing from what she’d felt before what she’d find.

  He’d been getting hard before. Now he was fully hard, straining against her hand.

  So who was lame-ass?

  She almost smiled.

  She did not.

  She pressed closer and tightened her hold.

  “That’s not what gets you off,” she whispered, dragging the apple of her palm along the length of him. “And it’s not what you need.”

  She couldn’t be sure but she thought she heard him drag in a breath.

  She decided to go with that.

  “You’ve been bad, baby,” Evangeline kept whispering, rubbing her palm along his still-growing dick, feeling his physical excitement start to throb between her legs. “And even big bad boys get punished, yes?”

  He said nothing.

  “Yes?” she pressed, verbally and physically.

  “Yeah,” he bit out.

  “Yeah what, handsome?”

  He didn’t reply.

  She gripped him, didn’t go lightly, and enjoyed the heck out of watching his jaw get hard again.

  “Yeah, what?” she demanded.


  She waited for it, staring up into his eyes, but he didn’t give it to her.

  He finished with, “Ma’am.”

  Not “Mistress” as he should do (and he knew it).

  He’d called her “ma’am.”

  It wasn’t what she wanted or what she deserved, liberating him from that cesspool and simply being who she was.

  But from him, she’d take it.

  “Beep the locks, Branch,” she demanded, releasing him. “Then turn and put your hands to the hood of your truck.”

  He hesitated, but only a second, before he dug into his cargo pants and pulled out the keys.

  He beeped the locks.

  She snatched the keys from his fingers and took a step back, crossing her arms on her chest, her baton still tucked with her purse.

  He didn’t hesitate again.

  He turned his back to her and put his hands on the hood.

  When he’d done that, she went directly to the driver’s side, opened the door, threw her baton on the seat and pulled her purse down her arm.

  She opened it and dug in.

  She left the Mace where it was tucked inside.

  The other things she brought with her (outside her ID, phone, cash and credit card) she pulled out, and shielded by the door so Branch couldn’t see, she tucked them into the back waistband of her trousers.

  She then slammed the door, pocketed the keys and walked back to Branch, who watched her do this with a vacant expression on his face, but he hadn’t moved.

  Evangeline did, settling in right behind him, and she didn’t delay in reaching around, finishing releasing his belt and going for the button and zipper of his pants.

  She did this rough and close, her breasts brushing his back.

  And she did it talking.

  “I’m annoyed with you, baby,” she told him quietly. “Annoyed enough at you being naughty not to wait. You get your punishment here. Right here. Take a step back so you’re bent into the hood and spread your legs out.”

  To her astonishment, he did as told immediately.

  So she returned the gesture, rocking his hips to yank down his pants and boxer briefs, exposing his ass.

  Tremors shot up the insides of her legs as his pants caught on his spread, solid, honed upper thighs.

  She’d been taking so much in the first time she’d seen him naked, she hadn’t taken in just how fine of an ass he had.

  But right then, in the moonlight, she saw it.

  It was so beautiful, it could be pitch black and she’d simply sense its sheer perfection.

  Nothing could make that ass better.

  Not a thing.

  Except the sapphire of her plug winking at her.

  Which she was going to witness that night.

  Fuck yes, she was.

  Through the shadows between his legs she saw his balls high and tight, but full, and got a hint of the length of his cock, hard and heavy.

  “Give me your ass,” she snapped.

  Again, without delay, he tipped for her.

  Her legs trembled.

  God, God, God, she’d missed this.

  The control. The hunger. The excitement. The wet gathering between her legs. Th
e thrum at her clit. Her breasts swelling, nipples hardening. The gorgeous sight of a sub obeying. Ready to take what she had to give.

  Moving for it. Tipping for it.

  Asking for it.

  Needing it.

  How could she ever think she could live without it?

  And God, God, God, taking him in, she’d never had the kind of beauty that was Branch being hers to do with as she wished.

  Damn, but she wanted to sink down and bury her teeth in his ass, crawl under him and draw his sac in her mouth, grasp his dick and swallow it.

  She didn’t do any of those things.

  She positioned at his side.

  Then she reached out.

  And she spanked him.




  And she kept doing it, in quick succession.

  She cracked his ass relentlessly, to the point she felt the heat and pain in her own hand.

  But she didn’t stop.

  When she noticed his legs were braced strong, he’d pressed his thighs out further, his pants biting in, she knew it was time.

  So she kept at his ass, reached in front and grabbed his thick, hard cock.

  She stroked, tugging down, holding firm, and watched his head fall back, his back arch, his ass tip up, his roughened jaw a line of granite in the moonlight.

  God, what kind of beauty was this that was Branch?

  She didn’t know. She’d never had it.

  And, Lord help her, she could lose herself in it.

  She kept stroking, and tanning his ass, as she asked, “You like being bad, Branch?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he ground out between clenched teeth, head still back, taking his spanking gloriously.

  Getting off on it.

  Yes, she could get lost in him.

  She knew but asked anyway.

  “You like being spanked?”

  “Yes,” he pushed out.

  “Have you been naughty enough to deserve more?” she demanded, still working him, cock and ass.

  “Yes,” he grunted.

  “Say it, Branch. Tell me you’ve been bad.”

  “I’ve been bad, ma’am.”

  Lord, beautiful.

  “How bad, Branch?”

  “I deserve more.”

  Still working him, she forced it.


  He didn’t make her wait.

  And his tone was low, almost hoarse, as he gave her what she wanted in more ways than one.

  “Please, ma’am, spank me more.”

  Unbelievably amazing.

  It had been so long, it was going to take everything not to come simply by giving him this.

  But she held back and pushed it.

  She had to, he needed it, they needed it.

  But mostly he did.

  And she had to give it to him.

  So she jacked his cock and spanked his ass until her hand stung so badly she couldn’t do it anymore, which was at the same time his head dropped.

  Only then did she move in, pressing close to his side, gripping his dick in a tight hold at the base and sliding her flattened hand from the small of his back downward, digging her middle finger into the crevice, finding his hole and burying her finger to the second knuckle.

  A noise sounded in his chest, there and gone, but as elusive as it was, it exploded between her legs like she’d made him roar with his orgasm.

  Her legs were shaking but she had to go on. It was crucial.

  Or she’d lose him.

  So she did just that.

  “I’m claiming you, Branch,” she told him, shocked her voice came out as strong as it did when it was taking all she had to stop her entire body from trembling, or instead climbing on the hood and ordering him to fuck her silly. “I don’t care you don’t want my ‘lame-ass shit,’ you’re taking it because right now, I own you.”

  He stayed still, her finger up his ass, her hand wrapped around his dick, his head bowed.


  Maybe the most exquisite thing she’d ever seen.

  “Do you understand me?” she asked.

  He took a breath she could feel him take as her body moved with it.

  Then he said, “Yes.”

  “Who owns you?”

  “You do, ma’am.”

  “Yes, I damned well do,” she forced out, extricated her finger but started stroking his cock as she reached back to the waistband of her trousers.

  She unscrewed the cap with her thumb, letting it fall to the gravel, and still stroking his cock, she squeezed the lube down his crevice and she did that generously. Tossing the lube aside, she went back to him. Gathering it, she used it to ease her way as she fucked him with her finger, shallow, shallow, deeper, deeper, stroking at the front faster, harder.

  All the while talking.

  “Now, baby, I like how you take a punishment and can admit to being bad. So, we’re going to get in your truck, and when you walk to the passenger side, I want you to pull your pants up but when you position in the truck for me, I want your cock and balls out for me to see, to touch if I want, you got me?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said tightly as pre-cum hit her fingers.


  She’d earned his cum.

  That Domme inside hadn’t even made him hard.

  Now, after just a jacking, a spanking and a hint of a fucking, she had his cum.

  A drop.

  But she was damn well going to take it.

  And get more.

  Her pussy quivered, her lips curled up and she kept stroking and fucking while talking.

  “I’m going to drive us back to my house and then you’re going to show me you can be a good boy. Right?”

  “Your car,” he bit off.

  She slid two fingers inside him, drove deep and heard his bitten-back snarl.


  She pressed herself closer to his side as she pushed him further, fucking him harder, jacking him faster. “Don’t worry about my car, baby. I got it covered.”

  She didn’t but she hoped Josh and/or Barclay had their phones close, were light sleepers and could lend her a hand for the promise of a generous gift card to wherever they wanted.

  “Ma’am,” he grunted in a way she focused sharply on him.

  It was a warning.

  “You need to come, handsome?”

  He puffed out a shallow breath as answer.

  An answer she correctly guessed was yes.

  She tightened her hand on his cock and quit stroking as she slid her fingers out of his ass.

  “No coming, Branch. Not until I say.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Now, one more thing before we go.”

  She couldn’t see it, but she felt it.

  He braced.

  She was taking him there.

  He was fighting it.

  But he wanted to go there.

  She felt like screaming in glee.

  She didn’t.

  She reached behind her and slid the plug out of her waistband.

  Staying pressed close, she got up on tiptoe, kept hold of his cock and slid the tip up and down his crease.

  “Look at me, handsome.”

  It took a moment but slowly, unbelievably slowly, he turned his head and looked down his shoulder at her.

  She felt his eyes.

  She felt his need.

  She felt everything.

  Now it was her job to make him feel the same thing.

  “You feel that?” she whispered, gliding the plug back and forth through his lubed crack.

  “Yes,” he whispered back, that tone she’d never heard whispering over her nipples, her clit, beautiful agony.

  “That’s me, baby,” she told him. “The woman who owns you, it’s me. And you’re going to take me inside. I’m going to fill you with me, Branch. You’re going to sit beside me in your truck with me inside you, seated deep. And when we get to my house, you’re going to wait un
til I pull you out of this truck by your cock and I’m going to pull you into my house by your cock because that’s how I want to lead you into my house the first time I take my big boy there. Then I’m going to let you go. When I do, you’re going to walk to the front of my house, up the stairs, take off your clothes and lie in my bed, naked on your belly with your legs spread for me, so when I follow you, the first thing I see is your ass with me planted deep.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he replied without hesitation.

  She caught the tip of the plug at his hole and held his gaze.

  She felt him go slightly up on his toes.

  Heck yes.

  He wanted that.

  But she had to be sure he knew what he was getting.

  “Do you understand what I’m saying to you, Branch?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “No, baby,” she pressed closer, got up higher on her own toes, sliding the plug in barely half an inch. “Are you going to take me inside?”

  She felt him still.

  She also felt his silence cover her, shroud her, shroud them, as his eyes looked into hers in the moonlight.

  The silence lengthened and that shroud turned heavy and suffocating.

  And just when she thought he’d pull away, he said low, “Yes, ma’am.”


  Now was when she felt like screaming with glee.

  But it had to be him.

  She would help and did, sliding the plug in another half an inch.

  Then she ordered, “Take it.”

  He stayed still and stared at her.

  “Take it, Branch,” she demanded.

  He didn’t move.

  “Take it,” she whispered.

  “Fuck,” he bit out.

  She twisted it lightly. “Take me inside.”

  His gaze burned through the moonlight.

  Then she held his plug steady as he eased back. She watched his white teeth appear, sinking into his bottom lip, and she experienced a heady, sweet, convulsive mini climax as he opened for her then closed around her as he took her inside.

  She cupped his ass, feeling the cool of her jewel against her fingers and thinking it might be the loveliest thing she’d ever touched.

  But she didn’t dally.

  And she didn’t care a bit her voice was breathy when she ordered, “Pants up, handsome, climb inside. Cock and balls available for me to play with on the ride. Let’s go home.”


  He Was Fucked