Read The Feeding Season Page 26

Out in the lifeless wastes moved something unknown. An ancient metal beast was on its way to its destination, smashing everything in its path. The view was so amazing and terrifying that whoever witnessed this striking scene was sure to tell stories about it for many years to come. But there were no people outside, only a few green slugs, who however, couldn't talk, and weren't even interested in such impressive events.

  With every step, the Consummator caused a minor earthquake and raised a high cloud of dust. Nothing was able to stop it and it had covered most of the distance to the fortress in only a few days.

  The only rational passengers on board it were spending their time in uninterrupted and unmolested sleep. Bars was resting in his Shell, while Thirteen laid coiled up and covered with clothes on the overly decorated throne. From time to time, a piece of the partially destroyed ceiling would fall to the floor, but that was completely normal keeping in mind the condition of their vehicle.

  When the signals sounded to alert them that they were nearing their destination, Thirteen was the first to wake up and she immediately reached out with her fist to turn it off. After a few random hits, she finally succeeded in hitting the correct button and the alarm stopped. The Mechanic yawned and moved into a more comfortable position, so that she could continue to sleep in the chair. After a few seconds, however, she threw off her covers and jumped up.

  “We're here!”

  In his suit, Bars didn't hear anything as he was in a deep sleep. This forced his traveling companion to find the closest dislodged metal pipe, which she then used to hit his Shell as hard as she could. Upon hearing an angry roar and ancient curse from inside, Thirteen threw the pipe to the side, happy with herself.

  “Why is it that you...,” murmured unhappily Bars.

  “Because we're here!”

  “We're here?”

  “Well, almost... there's only a few kilometers left, but the braking process has already begun,” added Thirteen. “This Consummator is very big. It needs time to come to a complete stop, but when it does, we'll be parked right under the Fortress!“

  “That'll be great!” exclaimed Bars and quickly shook off the remaining signs of his sleep.

  “We have enough time to prepare for the welcome. Can you imagine their faces, when they see what we're coming back in!” exclaimed Thirteen, while looking for an appropriate piece of cloth, to put on.

  “Yeah!” replied Bars with a grin on his face.

  While the two of them were enjoying their successful return, the Consummator activated its braking system. The whole hull shook mightily and continuously.

  “What's happening now?” questioned Bars.

  “That should be the anchors!” replied Thirteen.

  The huge hooks that had been dropped behind the Consummator dragged along the ground behind it, leaving deep wounds in the surface. The metal chains were stretched to their limit, several of them broke, but at least the monster's speed started to slow. The chimneys that were blowing smoke reduced their output twofold.

  “I hope you entered the exact coordinators, so we don't end up bumping into the Fortress,” said Bars

  “I know the coordinates by heart, ever since I was little,” replied Thirteen.

  Then there was a new powerful quake, but this one was different.

  “We're getting close and it's noticed!” said the Hunter. “Get ready!”

  The approach of such a huge mass of metal didn't go unnoticed, especially with its dropped anchors. When the huge hull was only a few meters from its goal, the earth under the Fortress began to crack.

  When the Consummator stopped, the lurking monster attacked.

  Giant tentacles shot high in the air, scattering dirt everywhere. Some of the tentacles wrapped around the legs of the Consummator and started to pull down hard on them.

  “It's got a strong pull, damn it!” exclaimed Thirteen, while she was rocked about on the chair.

  “Wait a minute. Let it tire itself out!” said Bars grinning, who was really enjoying his revenge.

  All the tentacles had attached themselves to the metal legs of the Consummator and they were pulling it down, but they didn't have enough strength and stability to overcome the Consummator.

  In the meantime, the Fortress had turned on additional searchlights, once they realized what was exactly happening underneath them. The strong earthquake warning alarms turned on with a deafening wail.

  “Everybody knows we’re here! Let's show them how we’re going to put an end to this pest!” announced Bars and gave the sign to Thirteen. “Smash it!”

  “With pleasure!” She replied in amazement and hit the button for landing with her fist.

  The propulsion systems started to shut down one at a time over a period of several minutes, but once they shut down completely, the huge body of the Consummator started to slowly lower itself to the ground. It had earned its rest. The metal legs began to fold, crushing the gross tentacles that were wrapped around them. From the severed limbs squirted monstrous fountains of blood, while the detached pieces that had fallen to the surface flopped about. From the depths could be heard a muted, but powerful roar. The Consummator continued its descent, crushing the rest of the tentacles, which just helplessly writhed about. When the structure had reached the ground, it was already completely covered in the monster's blood.

  “Well! It was a pleasure to push the button that turned that stalking monster into jelly!” declared Thirteen in celebration as she was seated on her throne.

  The Fortress earthquake danger sirens were still working, while the searchlights probed the Consummator nervously.

  “Let's let them know who freed them of this plague,” said Bars. “Let them come and see! We don't want to keep them in suspense.”

  “Ready!” replied Thirteen and she activated the emergency hatches that could be used to enter the Consummator. Hatches opened in several places on the surface of the structure that were marked by working signal lamps. They were big enough for a human in a mechanized survival suit to pass through.

  “Now all we have to do is wait and I hope it doesn't take too long because I think I've got food poisoning from that rotten food,” said Bars sourly.

  “Soon you'll be able to try the best food in the Hive,” Thirteen comforted him. “And they'll examine your head, which I injured.”

  “I've already gotten used to the pain,” tiredly grinned Bars.

  “From now on, everything will be alright. You won't have anything to worry about. You'll be taken care of by the women of the Hive, and your only obligation will be to sleep with them.”

  “I love to sleep! Especially when you're not around to wake me up with a metal pipe,” Bars said laughing. But his laughter stopped when he saw the look on his traveling companion's face. “And you? What will you be doing?”

  “You're the Hero. Their whole attention will be focused on you. At that moment, I'll try to sneak back into the Fortress.”

  “I wouldn't have succeeded without you. You have to come with me!” Bars reached out to her with his healthy arm. “We'll return to the Fortress together!”

  “No!” replied Thirteen categorically. “At no time are you to mention my name! A harsh punishment is awaiting me, and I'd like to avoid it.”

  “You're the first female Hero! They....they, have to take you back!”

  “That's impossible, Bars. You don't know her.” said Thirteen shaking her head in fear. “SHE won't allow it!”

  “What are...”

  Suddenly a quake shook the entire Consummator.

  Thirteen fell to the floor, and Bars flew to the side and crashed so hard into the wall that he almost broke his other arm. Before either of them could get to their feet, another stronger quake hit, accompanied by an enraged monstrous roar.

  “It's still alive!” yelled Thirteen in horror.

  The metal structure began to quake and bend from several fierce hits from below the ground. The surface split apart into huge chu
nks and from below leaped out new, much bigger and healthy monstrous limbs. These weren't just some slimy tentacles, they were covered in a thick defensive shell of gigantic claws, which immediately grabbed on to the Consummator and pierced its hull.

  The control panel in front of Thirteen lighted up with all kinds of red lights.

  “It seemed like we’ve just annoyed it!” shouted Bars.

  “It is trying to drag us away under the ground” said Thirteen in astonishment, while the floor was shaking constantly.

  The monster's strong growths tore off pieces of metal from the Consummator. Black smoke started to pour out of the gaping holes in the hull, so dark that it could hardly be penetrated even by the searchlights of the Fortress.

  “Let's change to killing mode!” roared Bars.

  “Let me!” Thirteen shot over to the panel and quickly activated the system for collecting resources, before the next powerful quake knocked her to the floor again.

  The Consummator gave a savage mechanical roar and a new portion of smoke and solid fuel erupted from its chimneys. While the drilling probes activated one after the other and spun up, the strength of the quakes entered a new phase. Bars tumbled about on the floor, his suit giving off sparks. And Thirteen lay unconscious, caught between the bars, while blood flowed from her nose.

  When the metal points of the probes reached the stalking monster, it gave off a painful roar. In its attempt to swallow the Consummator whole, its limbs had attached themselves too tightly and too deep in the metal base. And now they couldn't free themselves. The machine continued to drill into the monster's maw, piercing its flesh, causing huge amounts of blood to flow out of it.

  “Hold on, Thirteen! Only a little while longer and the pest will give up!” yelled Bars, once the quakes began to subside.

  Gradually the choking roars of the monster stopped completely and Bars understood that it was dead. The Consummator however continued to tear apart its flesh long after that, until its probes were completely entangled in the monster's tough innards. The system blocked and heated up causing a fire that caused many large explosions. And when the lights went out Bars realized that the Consummator was also off-line.

  After so much shaking, Bars' head was still jumping around even though everything else was deathly quiet and immobile.

  “Damn it!” he cussed, when he understood that his searchlights were busted.

  When he was unable to find his companion in the impenetrable darkness, he called her by name.

  “Where are you Thirteen? Do you hear me!?

  There was no answer from darkness.

  “Thirteen!!? I know that you're there somewhere! It's over. We're home!” desperately yelled Bars.

  The Hunter wandered about, but even then he didn't succeed in finding the body of the Mechanic. Fearful that he might crush her, while he walked about in his suit, he stopped and decided to wait. Maybe Thirteen would come to pretty soon.

  “Come on get up! We have to prepare for the welcome! We can't mess it up! We're true Heroes now!”

  After he didn't receive an answer again, Bars stopped and waited all alone in the dark.

  The earthquake danger sirens stopped and several searchlights pointed at one of the open hatches on the Consummator. Soon after that several suits descended from the Fortress, attached to metal chains. Upon arriving at the opening, they quickly entered the dead metal base.

  The pain in Bars' head unexpectedly returned at full strength. The piercing pulses were so strong, that he could even hear the throbbing. Now that he had become a Hero, he deserved some medical attention and he hoped that he would receive it very soon. It was still difficult for him to believe, that he had succeeded in getting this far. After all the mishaps and dangers, he had returned to the Fortress in one piece and almost without any damage. What luck! Well, from here on out, everything was going to be alright....

  After several hours alone in the dark, Bars heard a strange sound.

  “Thirteen?! Hey, is that you?” yelled the Hunter.

  However, the sounds were coming from the ceiling, which soon gave way and the light from several searchlights burst into the compartment. Two suits descended through the hole amidst a cloud of dust. They immediately noticed the troubled Shell.

  “Here he is!” yelled a female voice.

  “Lift your visor!” ordered a second female voice. “Name and serial number?!”

  “Bars Ibis,.. 28791403,” replied the Hunter blinking against the light.

  Two metal spears were pointed at him.

  “Stay there!” they ordered him again.

  And while Bars wondered what was happening, through the opening in the roof descended another suit.

  But this one was different.

  Hanging in the air, the huge silhouette turned smoothly, while from its limbs flew crackling electrical impulses. The helmet represented the roughly cut line of a face, whose shining eyes stared straight at the horrified Bars.

  “Who are you, Bars Ibis?” asked the deformed voice of the metal face.

  Once he overcame his initial shock, Bars succeeded in answering.

  “I come from the Fortress! I left it this year...” began to explain the anxious Hunter.

  “Why did you come back?” the voice interrupted him.

  “ destroy the monster that stalked under the Fortress....,” confused, Bars stopped talking, upon seeing how the surface of the huge suit, started to give off a light, that was glowing brighter with every second. “There will no longer be any sacrifices during the Descent...”

  A powerful electrical burst illuminated the interior of the Consummator. Bars collapsed on the floor with his eyes burning painfully. Once the buzzing noise in his ears quieted down, he heard the chilling voice again.

  “There will be sacrifices!” now the voice was barely recognizable, almost inhuman. “So many more sacrifices!”

  “The monster is dead!” yelled the blinded Hunter, frightened to death. “I killed it!”

  “You, Bars Ibis, destroyed our only Protector, who defended the Fortress from invasion for centuries!”

  “I'm ….. what?!” It now made sense to him why the hostile spears were pointed at him. Bars tried to get up but without effect. All his systems were off-line. His Shell was red hot and smoking, forever motionless.

  “Soon the enemy scouts will understand that we are defenseless. It's only a question of time until they organize a massive invasion!”

  “Those others were scouts?” Bars said stunned.

  “We aren't alone in this wasteland, Bars Ibis!” the voice continued. “And as you already know, they will do everything possible to destroy us. Now, thanks to you, they'll succeed!”

  “But why did the monster attack us, while we Descended?! We didn't represent a threat to the Fortress!”

  “The Protector had to be fed regularly! Every one of you that it devoured increased its strength,” replied the metal mask without a trace of feeling.

  “That's wrong!” yelled Bars helplessly, his whole body shaking from the anger he felt.

  “That was our only chance for survival! Who are you to tell us what is right or wrong?!”

  Bars' head was starting to get dizzy from the unclean air in the burned Shell.

  “I saved the next generation! I killed the monster under the Fortress!” Bars succeeded in saying. “I'm a Hero!”

  “No! You're not a Hero, Bars Ibis!” the voice pierced directly into Bars' consciousness, clear and completely understandable. “You are our destruction!”

  The levitating suit stood over Bars and reached out with his hand. An electrical charge shot from his hand, which licked at the motionless suit and its hatch opened.

  “Come out of your Shell immediately!” ordered the voice and shot another electrical charge. Bars' body collapsed on the floor, and he lifted his head showing his bleeding eyes.

  “You'll be punished! Right now!” the voice one last time pier
ced Bars' consciousness. “Coma!”

  Bars felt the burning energy, but only for a moment. After that, the pain in his head vanished...

  The sinister mask stood there motionless while it looked at the fallen Hero. Before it ascended, it ordered:

  “Bring his body into the Hive!”

  The End

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  About the Author

  Stoyan T. Stoyanov is a concept artist in the gaming industry during the day and addicted to writing author at night. He is deeply inspired by the imaginary worlds of gaming and his writing reflects the scenes and graphics he builds up out of a scratch. He currently lives in the capital of Bulgaria (Eastern Europe). When not writing, he enjoys skateboarding and mountain bicycling as well as travelling and adventures.

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  Stoyan T. Stoyanov

  Copyrights: Stoyan T. Stoyanov 2014

  Stoyan Todorov Stoyanov owns the exclusive rights to this book.

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