Read The Feelings Are the Same Page 9

  Once they were in safely in space, Ickcy came to tell them they could move around. "You might want to go to the lounge area. It is more comfortable there. The transport has gravity and we have set the environment to be confortable for the you."

  That meant that he and Mckcy had to wear their suits, thought Suki as she followed Ickcy back to the cockpit.

  "What are you doing?" he asked.

  "I wanted to talk to both of you," said Suki.

  He sat down on the copilot seat. "What about?"

  "Did we really get away?"

  "Yes," said Ickcy. "We are definitely on our way."

  "Hmm," sighed Mckcy.

  "What is wrong?" asked Suki.

  "We won't be able to come back," said Mckcy.


  "Central Command demanded we return and we had to ignored their requests," she said.

  "She will lose her pilot's license," said Ickcy.

  "Are they going to send someone after us?"

  "I don't think so," said Ickcy.

  Suki was again amazed that their punishments were relatively mild. On Earth they would have been thrown in jail, or worse, maybe blown out of the sky.

  "Suki?" Ickcy turned away from the controls to look at her. "Have you ever seen someone act like Subject #30 before?"

  "Like Enrico did to get on board? No. Not personally. Humans do have some violent tendencies. It happens everywhere we live, but I am lucky it has not happened to me."

  "We don't have such violence," said Ickcy.

  "It was very disturbing," said Mckcy. "I did not know what to do."

  "So besides abducting humans, you do not have violence?" asked Suki.

  "We don't violently abduct humans," said Ickcy. "They are selected gently. We don't mistreat you and we provide everything you need. In most cases you live better and longer than on Earth."

  "But what about our freedom? What about our family and friends?"

  "I know that most of the humans selected do not have many friends, or family. Was that not so with you?" asked Mckcy.

  It was true with her, but "I have my mom."

  "One family member," said Mckcy.

  "Yes, but it is a very important member," said Suki. "I miss her. It's not the number of family members or friends, it is the bond you have with them that is important."

  "Like you and Enrico?" asked Ickcy.

  "There is no bond there. There might have been a little attraction that vanished when he didn't believe me. Even if there was anything, it would have gone when he threatened Inga."

  Ickcy turned back to the controls. "I wonder if we should do something so Enrico does not threaten anyone again."

  "I still can't believe we are doing this," said Mckcy. "I can't believe we actually going to Earth."

  "This is the easy peasy part," said Ickcy.

  Mckcy glared at him.

  Suki went back to the lounge area where everyone had assembled. There was a big empty area where the sofa had been, but luckily enough other seats had been found so that everyone could sit.

  The lounge had the best viewing besides the cockpit. The large windows covered most of one wall and the stars outside were mesmerizing. As she pulled her eyes away from them, she noticed that the opposite wall had a counter that looked like it could be some sort of kitchen. There were also several boards attached to the wall with some writing, but she couldn't read them. They were in some other language.

  She saw that Enrico was sitting by himself in a corner of the lounge, looking out into space. She was not going to sit by him and decided to join the older couple. She introduced herself.

  "My name is Nina and he is Charles," said the woman. "We are married."

  "I know we don't have a document that shows we are married," said Charles. "But we did our own ceremony and made vows to each other."

  "I believe that is what counts," said Inga.

  "Although the paperwork is always good to have," added Matilda.

  "How long were you in Humex?" asked Suki.

  "How long has it been, dear?" said Nina as she looked at her husband. "Forty five years?"

  "I have been in Humex much longer," said Matilda.

  "Where are you from, on Earth?" asked Inga.

  "I'm Canadian and she is from Bombay, India," said Charles.

  "I think Bombay became officially known as Mumbai," said Suki.

  "Really?" asked Nina. "It was called that in Marathi, but in Hindi we called it Bambai. I guess this is just one of many changes we will see."

  Suki nodded. "And you Inga, where are you from?"

  "From Stockholm."

  "And I am from the greatest city on Earth," said Matilda.

  What could that be, wondered Suki and noticed the others had the same wondering look on their faces.

  "New York City," said Matilda, as if that was obvious.

  No one disputed it, but no one agreed either.

  Chapter 32

  Later that day Inga and Suki went through the transport's storage area to see what there was to eat. Ickcy had brought plenty of vegetables, eggs, cheese and some other items. It was hard not to notice that all the food was geared to what Suki ate.

  "We could make a cheese omelet filled with vegetables," suggested Inga.

  "That sounds fabulous. I can help," said Suki.

  As they gathered ingredients and took them back to the kitchen area of the lounge, Nina and Charles offered to cook the meal the next time.

  No one had talked to Enrico yet and Matilda didn't offer to help.

  As Inga finished chopping the vegetables Suki went to check on the pilots. "Would you like us to make something for you?"

  "We don't ingest your food," said Mckcy.

  "I know. But Ickcy said you 'ingested' a blue liquid and I thought we could make that."

  "It is too complicated to tell you," said Ickcy. "I will make something for us after you are done."

  "All right," said Suki and returned to the lounge kitchen.

  There were a few tables around the lounge and they gathered around them as Suki and Inga served.

  "I checked the pantry and there isn't any meat," complained Matilda.

  "Meat could be harder to get or maybe it is harder to preserve for the trip," said Inga.

  "I'm a vegetarian," said Suki.

  "Of course," said Enrico. They had made an omelet for him and he was eating it sitting where he had been most of the day.

  The others turned to him for an explanation.

  "That alien caters to her for obvious reasons," he said.

  Suki didn't know how she could have liked him. He was clearly a jealous, irrational person.

  "Well, the vegetables are very fresh," said Nina.

  "They are and the omelet is delicious ladies," said Charles.

  "Thank you," said Inga.

  "Too bad there is no beef or fish or even chicken," said Matilda.

  Ickcy came in the lounge as they were finishing and he started making his food. Suki went to watch.

  He put in different powders into something that was similar to a blender. Then he poured a dash of water into a white milky powder and shook it. It became a goopy substance. He added that to the blender and mixed everything well. It didn't look hard to make. It was like a protein shake and it smelt like lilacs.

  "I don't advise you drink this," he said as he saw her interest.

  "Yeah, I don't think I will although it doesn't look bad and it smells very nice."

  "That is the flavoring I used. The main ingredient, ethylene glycol does not have any smell. Was your meal all right? I didn't have too much time to gather the food."

  "It was perfect, Ickcy. Thank you. We are going to take turns cooking for the others."

  "Sounds like a good idea."

  "How long will take to get to Earth?"

  "About four days."

  "Good." It wasn't that long, she thought.

  "It kind of depends on the weather."

  She grinned. "Space weath

  "Yes, there are solar flares to watch out for and sometimes there is space debris one has to avoid."

  "Oh." He had not been joking. "By the way, what do those boards say?" She pointed to the walls.

  "Ah, yes, we Overseers have similar boards in our break rooms. One had to do with safety and the other covers the company policies. These are written for the Pickers since this is their transport." Ickcy read silently. "For example one of the safety rules says you should ensure all your digits are out of the blender before turning it on."

  "Oooo," said Suki. "That one is kind of obvious."

  "We have four arms and fourteen digits so it's not as obvious as it sounds."

  "Tell me one of the company policy ones."

  "The meaning of the second one is, you should not waste other people's time, but if the boss wants to chat, always be available."

  She smiled. "That sounds human."

  "We have that same policy in our break rooms." He glanced at the other rules. "Most seem to be the same as the Overseer policies." Ickcy finished pouring the shakes. "Well, I am done. See you later."

  Suki studied the board a bit longer wonder which of the symbols was the word for blender.

  Ickcy took their food to the cockpit and gave Mckcy one of the shakes.

  "Thanks Ickcy," she took a sip. "It's very tasty. How are things back there with the humans?"

  "They seem," he paused for a moment, "peaceful at the moment."

  "Like before a storm?"

  "I am not sure what that means."

  "That is what the humans say," said Mckcy. "I know it means you are expecting something bad to happen when things are going well."

  "I wouldn't go that far. Everyone seemed to enjoy their dinner and they were conversing with each other. I think they are getting to know one another."

  "Was Subject #30 with them?"

  "Yes. He was eating although he was still keeping to himself"

  "At least we know where he is. What are we going to do with him?"

  "I don't know. I asked Suki to keep an eye on him. She watched me make our shakes so I was able to talk to her in privately. She said next time, she would like to see how I make the blue plasma drink we had."

  Mckcy looked at Ickcy, "You told her about our date at the Blue Plasma?"

  "Well, no, of course not about our date. I told her what we ingested during our date."

  "You speak too much to her."

  "Well, she is easy to talk to and she is inquisitive," said Ickcy.

  "Harumph," said Mckcy.

  That sounded dismissive, thought Ickcy. If Mckcy were a human, he might have thought she was getting jealous of Suki, but since they were superior beings, that couldn't be. She must have something stuck in her throat.

  Chapter 33

  Suki went to visit the cockpit shortly after breakfast. "Hi Ickcy, Mckcy, how is everything?"

  "Fine," said Mckcy.

  She sat down right behind Ickcy. "Did you get any rest?"

  "We took turns," said Ickcy. "We don't need as many hours of sleep."

  "How many do you need?"

  "It varies a bit, but for me four is ideal."

  Mckcy looked at him.

  "What do you need?" asked Ickcy.

  "Actually I need some time away from the humans. Some of them are driving me crazy."

  "Why is that?"

  "Most of them are nice, but they keep asking me questions I can't answer. They think that I have some sort of connection and know more than I really do. And then there is Matilda, who somehow can complain about everything. I needed a break."

  "Oh," said Ickcy.

  A few moments went by.

  "What kind of questions are they asking?" asked Mckcy.

  "Is it still two days until we get to Earth? Who is going to get dropped off first, or are we all going to be dropped off together?"

  "To answer the first question, yes. The answer to the others, I don't know," said Ickcy.

  "I think you should drop all of us together," said Suki. "You can't be seen on Earth and if you are flying from place to place there will be more chances of that."

  "Does everyone come from places near each other?" asked Mckcy.

  "No. Also remember that for most, they have been gone for many years. Places are going to look very different for them."

  "That will cause some confusion," said Ickcy. "What central location do you suggest?"

  "I was thinking New York City," said Suki. "Matilda is from there and it is a place where one can catch a plane to other destinations." Then it hit her. "Oh no."

  "What is wrong?"

  "They won't be able to travel anywhere because they don't have cash."

  "Cash?" asked Ickcy.

  "Money, you know. You use it to purchase things."

  "I don't understand," said Mckcy.

  "If you wanted new clothes," she said and then thought that was stupid, "or different food, or you went to the Blue Plasma and ordered a drink. How did you pay?"

  "They know us and take it from our salary."

  "So that sounds like credit, but what if you don't work?"

  "If you're very young, you go to school and get a salary for that and the old get a salary for being older. Everyone else has a job," said Ickcy.

  "Really? No unemployment?"

  "No. Usually no," said Ickcy.

  "Okay, what if you wanted to go to the Blue Plasma every night and drank many blue shakes every night. Would your salary cover that?"

  Mckcy laughed. "Why would you do that?"

  "It would be crazy," said Ickcy swaying. "I guess at some point your salary would not cover it."

  "But what would happen then?" she asked.

  "You would not get any more blue shakes."

  "So you would only get as many shakes as you have money," repeated Suki. "Basically you have no credit." It was sounding like a debit card.

  "Suki let me explain. Suppose I make 100 bits a week and I spend 80. The remaining 20 bits is halved and 10 goes into a savings plan and the other 10 goes to the government. They use it to pay projects and I am sure it helps pays the salary of the very young and very old. The 10 that is in savings can be used to buy bigger items, but it takes one week to get it out of the savings account. So it can't be used for stuff like blue shakes at the Blue Plasma.

  "Oh. You never go over your 100 bits and most of the time you are under?"


  "Speak for yourself Ickcy. I always come out even," said Mckcy. "I guess my expenses are higher."

  "Okay, maybe they are, but you humans don't have something like us?"

  "Well these humans have not worked on Earth in years, so no. They have no salary and they have no credit."

  "Well all of them, except you and Enrico, are old. Don't they get salary for that?"

  "In some countries it is called social security, but you have to work to put money into it the system and eventually you are allowed to use it. Not all countries have it."

  "Ah yes, I forgot you have different countries with different languages and customs."

  "Very much so."

  They sat quietly for a moment thinking of that and watching the stars go by.

  "Suki?" asked Ickcy.


  "Did you think that we're going to stay on Earth?"

  "Well I thought you might visit for a while before going back to Neubulis."

  "I don't think we can go back for a long time," said Ickcy.

  "So you are thinking of staying on Earth a long time?"

  "No. We would not do well in your environment. It contains too little CO2 for us."

  "There are some cities that have more CO2 than others. We can check those out when we get to Earth. I think I better get back to the others and tell them the answers to their questions."

  "Yeah you better," said Mckcy.

  "I am sure I will be back with more questions soon."

  Ickcy swayed slightly.

  After Suki left, there was silence
as Ickcy thought about the implications of what they had done. Mckcy was probably thinking the same thing.

  "You told her the name of our planet," said Mckcy.

  "Yes?" Ickcy was not sure why that was important.

  "You told her the name of our planet and you told her about our date, and what else have you told her?" she seemed a bit annoyed.

  "We talk about a lot of things, we are friends."

  "Are you sure that is all you are? You might think that that is all there is, but I think she is thinking something else."

  He laughed. "What could there be? I think you're wrong."

  Mckcy threw him a glance and didn't say anything.

  "Wait, you're actually serious?"

  "Yes, she likes to be with you and she asks questions to know you better. Why is that?"

  "It's because we are friends," he said but somehow the words didn't sound as convincing.

  "You are such a typical male. A lot of males miss the signs," said Mckcy shaking.

  "Come on Mckcy, it would be too strange. We are different life forms."

  "I'm not saying it is physically possible. It may be just feelings, but we know the human feelings can be strong."

  "I will talk to her and set her straight," he said.

  "Make sure you do it soon. These feelings can grow."

  Chapter 34

  They were racing towards Earth now. The ship was not going any faster, but as they passed Jupiter late that day, it seemed as if time had sped up.

  The group watched the giant planet drift by the window. And there was a rare moment of calm.

  "It is so beautiful," said Inga.

  "Yeah, makes you think about space travel for a living," said Suki.

  "I would never think that," said Matilda. "I just want to get to Earth as soon as possible."

  "We should have a lottery," said Charles, "to determine who will be dropped of first. It is the only fair way to do it."

  His wife agreed.

  "Of course Nina would agree," said Matilda. "There are five of us and you two count for two fifths of the voting."

  "Do you have any other suggestions?" asked Charles.

  "It is not a bad plan. I want to be dropped off in New York and I know Suki was living there before, so we are two fifths as well," said Matilda. "And I am older than any of you so that should count more."

  "Wait, Matilda, I do not want to go to New York," said Suki.

  Matilda looked at her as if she had betrayed her.

  "My home is in California. That is where my mother lives and I want to go there," said Suki.

  "Well I could vote for New York with you Matilda," said Enrico.

  "You don't get to vote," said Suki. "You're not even supposed to be here. Anyways, I don't think they can drop us off at different locations."

  "Why not?" asked Matilda.