Read The Fifth Stone Page 19

  He wondered if he would ever tell Sara about his past. As far as his other friendships, it worked in his favor to keep his past to himself. It would be easy to say he was helping an aging uncle who had passed and left him an inheritance. He supposed, due to his near-homeless situation, no one would question his explanation.

  He dialed Sara from his hotel phone. “Hey, Sara, it’s me.”

  “Hi, Michael, I’m on my way to physical therapy.”

  “I won’t keep you. I am on my way to the big moment. If all goes well, I’ll be back in a couple of weeks, or even sooner.”

  “It will be great to see you, Michael.”

  “I’m thinking of buying Mrs. De’s place. I could keep one room in the back for a small office and rent the front. I’ll touch base later.”

  “All the best, Michael.”

  A certain peace fell over him as he ended the call.


  Michael walked to the bank in slow motion. He opened the door and surveyed the foyer; he could see Yossi close by, and Sven was approaching.

  “Sven, is...”

  Sven interrupted, “All is in place, and I will be in the meeting room.”

  Michael observed Sven. He did not display any outward angst. His voice was calm; it was more about his body language. He moved his head in a clipped fashion, sort of birdlike; his eyes darted between Yossi and the door. Yossi was his usual icy self, guarded and beady-eyed.

  Sven disappeared into the private office. Michael retrieved the cover and left it in Sven’s hands. As he left the room, he uttered, “This is it, Sven.”

  He passed Yossi and hesitated; Yossi was calling Sven, announcing the imminent arrival of the three men representing Trinity. They and their guards were about a block away. Michael scurried out and across the street. Within minutes, three limos arrived; the passenger windows were tinted black. All three men exited, carrying identical hard-shelled briefcases chained to their wrists. Three more guards appeared from inside the bank; he guessed they used an elevator from the basement. These guards joined the rest of the Irish assemblage. Michael had never experienced anything like it, although, it did make sense.

  Sven called Michael and spoke in a low voice, “Yossi informs me there are three more identical limos plus an armored car in the bank’s rear underground area. It is the same armored group we use. The truck and limos are visible on our security videos. You will not see them leave, only the decoys leaving at the front of the bank.”

  Yossi escorted the men into the assigned room where Sven was waiting.


  Inside the room, Sven shook hands and answered a few questions. “Well, gentlemen, there is a little paperwork today. It addresses the fact you are accepting responsibility for the cover once it is in your hands.” The papers were signed, and all was in order.

  The cover was once more revealed and observed in detail by the purchasers. A cashier’s check for the remaining amount was handed to Sven.

  “Gentlemen, as you might expect, the manager will need to verify this. He will return in a moment.”

  After a thumbs-up from the manager, Sven inquired about the plan for the cover’s return to Ireland. The scheme was a good one. The cover would be taken to the underground armored car by three of the Irish security guards with Yossi as further backup. Yossi would then return to Sven. The armored car in the basement was identical to the bank’s armored vehicle. From the basement, it would then drive to a private airport with its precious cargo. The cover would be transported to Dublin in a corporate jet with an ambiguous logo. All three Trinity men who came in the front door would exit through the same door with their briefcases still chained to their wrists. Each man would enter a separate limo and proceed by three different routes to the Zurich airport.

  Yossi opened the bank door and motioned for Michael to return.

  After entering the bank, Michael felt like he was in a sudden vacuum. It was over—he was free as the wind. He didn’t know what to do at this moment; he had not prepared himself. What should he do next, just walk out the door? Invite Sven for a cocktail? He stood immobile for what seemed to be an eternity.

  Sven sensed Michael was at a loss. In an enthusiastic gesture, Sven shook his hand. “Michael, it is hard to believe—the deed is done. I suggest we decompress at the Savoy. It is time to celebrate.”

  “You know, Sven, I’m numb.”

  They headed out via elevator into the underground area. A private car was waiting. It was done; the whole thing was fait accompli. Thank God!


  The restaurant was elegant; Sven knew the maître d’. They were escorted to a secluded table, and a celebratory bottle of Dom Perignon was brought to their table. Their conversation was light, and once again, Michael observed the variation in Sven’s demeanor. He became more animated and somewhat lighthearted. Well, lighthearted for Sven. Michael enjoyed himself as he slowly but surely crossed over the threshold into reality. He would meet Sven once more before his departure. He wanted to give him more details regarding his incredible journey. His ticket home was out of Dublin. He would leave Zurich the following day.

  A new chapter was unfolding, one of monumental and pleasurable responsibility. Thank God things had turned out so well. He had a future with a purpose, a future that promised personal fulfillment.

  He called Sara. “It’s as if I’ve walked through a tunnel, and the sudden climax snuck up on me.”

  “What is your next step, Michael?”

  “After I’m in New York for a few days, I’ll visit the LA firm handling the stateside issues of this transaction.

  Sara spoke in a confident tone. “This one firm encompasses every issue that you need to address.”

  “I was wondering if you could contact Mrs. De’s realtors and see what’s going on. I’ll return there and work on purchasing her property.”


  “I believe her place is still off the market. I’ll let you know when I’m due to arrive in New York. See you soon.”


  Michael had his final meeting with Sven. A list of questions for the Los Angeles meeting was formalized. Money was made available for the purchase of an apartment in New York. Michael was ready to share more details of his past few years with Sven.

  He spoke about being homeless at the time he discovered the tin. He described his discovery in detail. He underscored the fact that there was nothing underhanded about the surrounding circumstances. Sven was intent during Michael’s tale and shook his head in amazement.

  “This is an incredible story, Michael. For some reason, fate has chosen you to become a philanthropist. Quite a transformation, I must say. If there is anything I can do on a personal or business level, please know I am here for you.”

  Michael chose not to share any details of his life prior to arriving in New York. There were times he felt he could get through the saga without breaking down; this was not one of those moments.

  It was time to say goodbye. The two men shared a hearty handshake combined with an impulsive, awkward embrace.

  Michael walked down the street to prepare for his departure. So much had happened in the last year. He could not put in words how he felt.

  He was rejuvenated; his self-respect had resurfaced, and he was confident he could keep his ego in check. It would be a kick to recount this story to his pals; however, it would be inadvisable. He flew back to Dublin and boarded the plane to New York. Home sweet home!


  The flight back was a dream; Michael slept most of the way. He arrived in the morning and headed to Mrs. De’s to freshen up. The next stop was to see Sara and Danny.


  Danny looked up from behind the counter. “Michael, is that you?”

  “Hi Danny!”

  “Good to see you—sorry to hear about your uncle. Does Sara know you’re back?”

  “Not yet; I will head up to see her now; then I’
m going over to the realtor’s office to speak with them about Mrs. De’s property.

  “Yah, I heard it’s still off the market. Go on up, she’ll be surprised!”

  Michael climbed the familiar stairs. He was brimming with anticipation. He had gifts for Sara and couldn’t wait to enjoy the moment. A feeling of calm came over him; he was back with the people he had grown to love. Love, that four-letter word, had not been in his vocabulary for quite a while.


  “Michael! My gosh, you’re really here!”

  He entered the room in a more timid fashion than usual. He wasn’t sure why. He walked over and gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek. He caught the familiar scent of her powder. The moment was frozen in his mind. He sat down and smiled. With a cautious demeanor, the cat sniffed around him for a second then jumped on his lap as though no time had elapsed since his last visit.

  From the moment he saw Danny and Sara, it was all he could do to appear composed. He felt warmth on his cheek, then embarrassing tears. He tried to disguise them as he blew his nose and cleared his throat. If Sara saw his tears, he knew she would make no mention of it. When he looked up, he saw his tears mirrored on her cheeks. It was obvious to Michael her ego was intact; she brushed them away, unashamed.

  “My lady, I come bearing gifts,” he chuckled. He reached in his bag and brought out the gift-wrapped watch. As she opened it, her eyes danced.

  “It’s beyond gorgeous, Michael! It is so beautiful!”

  “It’s more than a pleasure; I think it was the pink color that grabbed my attention.”

  “I don’t know what to say!”

  “Say nothing, my friend. I have a few more trinkets. He reached into his bag. The second gift was in a smaller box wrapped in the classic European tissue-like paper.

  “A cameo!”

  “A souvenir from Venice.”

  “The peach color is exquisite!”

  “We might want to make a trip back to get the matching earrings.” He scolded himself; better to give the idea of a trip overseas a rest. He had to admit he wanted to read the look on her face.

  She had an embarrassed, but bashful smile; without looking up, she murmured, “That would be very nice.”

  He was relieved—a future trip was still on her radar.

  “I thought you might like this for our trips to Manhattan.” He brought out a cashmere scarf in a powder blue, burgundy, and white plaid. “This plaid is commemorating Princess Diana.”

  “It’s so feminine and soft.”

  “And here are a couple of Irish charms for your bracelet.”

  “Michael, you are so thoughtful. I do appreciate it.”

  “You’ve been a beacon of light during this venture. I can’t imagine how the whole thing would have come down if I had tried to do it on my own.”

  Her face revealed her embarrassment, and she quickly changed the subject. “I have news, Michael; the realtor said Mrs. De’s property would be back on the market soon, and at a reduced price.”

  “The original price was fair; what was their motive for the reduction?”

  “I think they just want the matter settled. I’m really not sure. You mentioned you had an interest in buying it?”

  “Yes. I’ll have my office in the back and research potential charities here. It will probably involve a trip to Zurich now and then. As you know, I wish to lie low about all this. I will need some private office space.”

  “Is Los Angeles your next trip?”

  “Sven is calling them; he’ll do a conference call with his accountant and lawyer to fill them in. Once I hear from Sven, I’ll make the trip to L.A.”

  They passed some time looking at his photos of the nanny’s cottages and the countryside. He left Sara and headed for the realtor’s office. The realtor revealed that Mrs. De did want the place sold as soon as possible.

  “I have decided to buy it myself. It will be an all cash offer at the original asking price.”

  The realtor sat forward with a curious look; her face highlighted her surprise. “Really?”

  “The original price was fair. I have come into an inheritance; I won’t need a mortgage, and the funds are available now.

  “This is wonderful, Mr. Evans. Congratulations! I’ll overnight the papers to Mrs. De Marco.”

  Michael digested his change of lifestyle; once more, he had a home of his own!


  Things were continuing to move along, including Michael’s trip to Los Angeles.

  He would leave in a couple of days.


  The sisters were overjoyed to see him. He kept the conversation superficial regarding his absence. As usual, they did not press the issue. He kept his eyes open for any way he could be of help. From this point forward, his assistance would be gratis. He would indicate that inherited money had changed his lifestyle. He left money in the “poor box,” knowing they would suspect he was the benefactor.

  “Sister Bernadette, I’m going out of town for a few days; make a wish list for my return.”

  “Aye, Michael, and we’ll have your favorite breakfast a waitin’ for you.”

  “I will never forget your kindness during my difficult times.”

  “Go on with ya, Michael; we’re in this world together.”

  He continued to experience predictable twinges of guilt when he visited them. He would make sure they were well cared for.


  Michael and Sara had dinner on the eve of his departure for LA. It was as if the last few months had never taken place. However, there were two huge differences: he now owned a home, and he was about to embark on the most wonderful mission he could wish for. The big plus was that he would share it with Sara.

  “I’ll call you after the meeting in Los Angeles.”

  She waved goodbye from her window. As he made his way home, he reveled in complete contentment.


  The flight to L.A. was a breeze; the firm had a town car waiting for him. He was sporting a short, cropped, three-day beard, a crew cut, and the same sunglasses he used in Zurich. He stayed in a boutique hotel close to the firm’s office. He chose a linen suit to wear for the meeting and continued on to the firm of Cohen and Bradford.

  The Century City office was tastefully decorated with Japanese décor. They planned to meet again the following morning, which would include a conference call with Sven. They began at six a.m., which would be afternoon in Zurich.

  All in all, Michael was pleased with the group. It turned out that other than the initial set up, little would be done stateside. It was their hope American taxes could be avoided for the foundation, as the money originated in Zurich and would be distributed from there. This would be Michael’s only visit to Los Angeles. Although the weather was enviable in Southern California, he preferred the New York lifestyle.


  Michael’s return trip to JFK was tedious; he was anxious to get started on his new life. He would ask Sara to help him decorate his apartment. He wanted to preserve Mrs. De’s essence; the chiming clock and cookie tin would be permanent fixtures. After what seemed like the longest flight ever, the plane landed, and he made his way home.


  Michael visited Sara the following morning. Danny grunted, “Haven’t seen you in a couple of days.”

  “I needed to tie up a few loose ends.”

  Danny looked a little uneasy, “Looks like your life has taken a big change. I hear you’re taking over Mrs. De’s place.”

  “Yup, I’m about to become a homeowner, but I’ll still be able to continue helping you, Danny—if you like.”

  “Great, was my concern that obvious?” Danny appeared embarrassed.

  “I’ll be back on the job in about a week. I need to get settled in at Mrs. De’s.” Michael wondered—would he always refer to his new home as Mrs. De’s? Maybe.

  He knocked on Sara’s door and entered. Michael had s
ensed a different body language in Sara since his return. Perhaps it was just wishful thinking. He felt that most folks knew inherently if another person was attracted to them. He would take it slow, but he did wish to further their relationship—if she gave him any signals.

  They discussed the L.A. trip in detail, and their day ended with a walk and dinner. As usual, Michael carried Sara upstairs. They had been sharing this moment like brother and sister for years. In the past, it was like carrying a child, but this time it was different. The electricity of being close to her was in full force.

  He sensed that she felt something different too; she seemed embarrassed. He felt clumsy as he sat her in the wheelchair; he felt awkward and a little flustered. He tried to regain his composure by fixing her blanket.

  “Sorry, just a little clumsy today,” he was aware his face was flushed.

  He bent over and kissed her cheek, paused a moment, and gave her a hesitant hug.

  Michael knew they both lingered in the moment; without saying a word, he was sure they both acknowledged a flicker of a new type of emotion. Michael hid his trembling hands in his pocket.

  His affection for Sara was undeniable, yet he wasn’t sure how to handle it. They had been friends for a long time. He didn’t know how to deal with his new feelings. How does one bridge the gap from being close friends to an intimate relationship? A sudden flash of memory took him by surprise—images from the distant past that he worked so hard to keep at bay. His attraction to Jenny had started the same way.

  His departure was a blur. He noted a little confusion in her face. He felt they were both awkward, but in an affectionate way. It was clear that an emotional escalation was at hand.

  He wondered if he should tell her of his past—she deserved to know. It would be difficult; he had never spoken about that night; the pain was too deep. He wanted to escape the whole subject—forever.

  He walked over to Mel’s, hoping Adam would still be at the bar. He needed to spend some downtime with his pal. He opened the door; it was like no time had passed. Adam was at his usual place, and Joey was in the back, playing pool. The rest of the evening was devoid of serious talk. Michael realized how much he had missed the camaraderie at Mel’s.