Read The Final Moment Page 3

  The dinner is great and we are having a fun time. I almost forget that Jack has to leave in the morning. That is, until he reminds us, “Ok guys, I know it is still early and the night is young, but I need to go get some rest. I gotta catch an early morning flight.” We fight over who will pay, he wants to because it is our last meal with the two of them. I want to as a goodbye gift. I end up paying for the food because I remind him of the time when I had to leave in a jiffy.

  We say our goodbyes and Jack and Riley drive off back to their homes. Emily and I stay and buy a few more drinks. We recap on our experiences; some of them were with the other couple. We also think ahead and try to make out what we will be doing in the future.

  Part II

  “It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog.”

  -Archie Griffin

  Chapter 1: Jack

  Today is Monday and there are just two more weeks until I start college. I will be leaving on Friday to go visit and stay with my grandparents until I start. I had moved over to Maryland from California only three years ago, and I am going to go back. It isn't really hard for me to leave the house; especially since my dad won’t be around to ruin my chances at playing football and saying negative things. It is not that I don't like it at home; I just like to go on adventures. I'll also get to have more friends, not like I already have enough of them.

  You may not know this but, I like to camp a lot. Climbing and going for long walks or hikes are also fun, especially with our group. I kind of miss Chris and Emily, it was really fun being around them, and too bad we may not see each other for a while.

  I call Riley and ask: "Do you want to go to the park and take a walk? Then, grab something to eat?" "Sure thing Jack," she responds, "Can you pick me up in around 30 minutes? I am packing a few things away." "Fine with me, will we walk to the park?" I ask. "Yeah, fine with me, bye," she says then hangs up.

  That reminds me, I probably should start packing as well. I won't need a lot of these pictures or my TV. I think that all I need are my clothes, my car, my XBOX 360, and my laptop. I mean what else is there to bring? Oh, right, pens, pencils, paper, my math stuff, and my caps. What else? I open my laptop and ask Google what to bring. Google is like my best friend, all I have to do is ask it a question and boom the answer is there. It even gives me the amount of milliseconds it takes to load the page, not like anyone cares.

  So, I open a link and I find so many things that I haven't thought about, or are crazy. Like why would you need a few rolls of quarters? So, to add to my list I will need laundry detergents, extension cords, and hangers. I put all of that out of my mind and get my running/walking shoes on and head over to Riley's place.

  I had napped Riley before any other guy could. When she started at BCC it was our second semester of our junior year. She was captivating from the moment I saw her. A few months later we were hanging out more often. I later found out that she is a Christian and that she went to a different church. I invited her and her family over to our church and they haven't gone back to that other church since. Later on I asked her out and things went on from then. It would soon be our one-year anniversary. I don't really know what to do yet, maybe dinner.

  I meet her outside her house and we start walking. She is the first to ask: "How was your summer vacation? Was it fun in Cali?" "Yeah, it was nice. I also got to check out the campus, it is nice and it is big" I reply with a smile. "How was your holiday?" I ask. She responds: "It was great, we went water skiing, and the islands were amazing, you should go there." "Umm, where did you go again?" I ask. "Come on, you know where I went, the Caribbean," she says with a ‘don't you remember' face. "Umm, what?" I ask. Raising her voice she says: "Don't you remember Jack, the Carib-" she pauses, "Jack are you OK?" Feeling a bit woozy I say: "Yeah mom, I'm fine." I want those words back in my mouth, when I put sarcasm in things you can tell, but this time it isn't sarcasm. "I mean Riley," I correct myself trying to hide the fact that I might not be OK. "I don't think you are fine," she starts then takes my arm, "Come on, let us go back home now."

  It turns out that I was just dehydrated because I have not had anything to drink since breakfast this morning. Most of my clothes and bigger things were taken over to my grandparents' house when we visited them during the summer break. When my mom, dad, Ryan, and I went to see the school, hung out at the beach, or visited some old friends. Steve was working here during the summer break and didn't want to take a break because he wanted to earn more money. I don't see why when our family is rich already. Someone knocks on my bedroom door, "Come in," I say. It is Steve, "Hey Steve, what's up" I ask him.

  "Hey, so you are going to grandma's and grandpa's right" Steve asks. "Yeah, why?" I ask. "Well I didn't get to see them when you guys went and you are driving all by yourself over there. So, I am wondering if I could go with you," he says. "Fine with me," I start, "But how are you going to get home? And is mom OK with this?" "Yeah, she is OK with it, I asked her before I came here. I'm flying back the Sunday before school," he replies. I say: "Alright pack your stuff, we leave tomorrow at 6:00, bring your iPad or computer, we can use my phone as a hot spot for internet."

  It is kind of misty at 5:30 in the morning as I walk into the garage to load my brother's suitcase into the car. I already ate and just finished making the final preparations. I walk upstairs to read my Bible and have some quiet time. After reading I look at my watch, it is time to go and say goodbye to mom and dad. I walk down to the hall and like all moms, mom is crying hysterically as I say goodbye to her. I look at my dad and think of just passing by him and head straight for the car. I hesitate and give him a goodbye hand shake. I don’t say anything. Then I continue towards the car.

  After the goodbyes I shout to Steve: "Steve! Let's go now!" He hollers back: "Coming!" He finally gets in the car and I start explaining how it is going to work, "So, we drive for eight-hours then take a four-hour break to cool off the car, get something to eat, and sleep if you want. We will switch driving after each break, which will get us there faster. OK?" "Sure thing Jack. Are we going to visit any places on the way?" he asks. I respond: "Maybe we might detour to Vegas? Oh, and when you are driving don't use all the horsepower please, I don't want any fines or stops along the way." "Yeah, don't worry about a thing Jack," he says impatiently. After that, I put it into reverse and take off for the highway.

  Chapter 2: Hannah

  It is such a beautiful afternoon, I'm glad that I ended school early today. The beach is wonderful and the water is really warm; I can't wait for Riley to get here and enjoy it with me. She also mentioned that she was going to bring someone along with her; I can only assume that it is Jack, her boyfriend. She has been talking about him ever since school started and all of them are nice things about him.

  A girl walks by me and kind of stares at me with her sunglasses on. It then hits me; she is that girl from my tennis training. She is such a brat of a girl, she always thinks she is the best and tries to impress everyone with all of her so-called great ‘smashes' and between the leg shots that fail. Her name is Jeannette or something like that. She is like those ‘cool' girls in the movies who are always mean and hitting on the young teachers. Ugh, I loathe her, I probably should not because I should love my enemies, but it is hard with someone like her.

  "Hey! Hannah!" Riley exclaims as she waves her arms at me. I wave back and sit up. She has two men or young adults with one either side of her; one of them has a backpack and the other a guitar a case. The one with the guitar comes to me first and holds out his hand and says: "Hi, I am Jack. And you must be Hannah right?" "That is correct, it is nice to finally meet you Jack, Riley here has been going on and on about you," I reply with a smile. Next is the boy with the backpack, he too holds out his hand and introduces himself as Connor. Boy, is he handsome, but there is no time to think about that and I should not. I already have a boyfriend, his name is Conrad.

  Conrad and I are going through a difficult time and he might breakup
with me, I don't want our relationship to end, I want to fight for it but it seems he has given up, and he is way late, he should have been here half an hour ago. It seems Riley notices it as well, she asks: "Hey Hannah, where is Conrad? Shouldn't he have been here by now?" I give her a saddening look hoping that she would understand that this could be it. It looks like she didn't get the message so I am about to tell her when my phone rings. I pull it out of my bag and see that it is Conrad; I pick it up and say "Hello." We exchange a few words then he tells me the words that I dread, "With you at UCLA and me at USC our relationship won't work, it hurts me to tell you this but I am breaking up with you, I won't be seeing you anymore." My tone starts to change and I am heartbroken, trying to hide my emotions from the others; I try my best to say goodbye happily to Conrad.

  I look over at Riley and ask: "Do you need to go to the bathroom Riley?" I say it in a way that she knows something is up. Riley replies understanding my situation with a, "In fact I do need to go." We both get up and Connor, having been walking with Riley and Jack, asks Riley: "Didn't we just stop because you had to go to the bathroom?" Riley stops for a moment and I assume she gives him a stare. As we are just about to go out of range from the boy's voices I hear Jack say to Connor: "Women."

  By the time that Riley and I reach the bathroom I have already told her what happened. Right now I am kind of shocked, kind of sad and for some reason a bit relieved. Riley trying to act happily and comfort me says: "Well I guess it was for the best right? I mean if he doesn't want you, you should not be with him and he doesn't deserve you. I haven't known you for a long time but I'm sure that you deserve a better man." "You really think so?" I ask. "Yes I do," comes the reply. "But I am heartbroken; I mean why did he have to leave me?" I start to cry. "Now, now, Hannah, it is better that he left you. It is better to have no boyfriend than a boyfriend that doesn't like you," Riley says trying to comfort me.

  After a few moments of silence Riley speaks up again, "I can pick up your stuff and drive you back to our room if you want. Come on, let's go." We start walking and then I stop. Riley asks: "What's up?" I look her in the eyes and say: "You know what, you are right, screw him, I am going to go back and lie down and have a good time with you and your friends and enjoy the sun." "Are you sure you want to do that? You can always meet them another time," Riley responds surprised. "No," I say, "I want to forget about Conrad and just move on, what does sulking accomplish?" "OK then," Riley starts, "Let's go and enjoy their company!" "But wait," I start, "Don't tell them, OK?" "Fine, but what if Jack asks, I'm sure he is going to," Riley asks me. I ponder over it for a bit, then say, "OK fine, but not that other guy, not now at least."

  Jack is turned around and is scanning for us on the other side; Riley holds up her finger to her lips indicating to be quiet. She then sprints at Jack trying to tackle him. Just as she is about to hit Jack he spins around and catches her in his open arms. Riley lets out a loud "Dang!" and while both of them are laughing continues: "You always turn right as I am about to get you." Jack puts a big grin on his face, and then asks: "What took you girls so long?" I am about to open my mouth when Riley says, "I'll tell you about it later, let us just enjoy each other’s company for now, eh?"

  I sit and we speak about our first days at UCLA and our impressions of the school. "Say Hannah, what part of the US are you from?" Jack asks. "Well, both of my parents grew up in Orange County. They met at USC and I am the first of three daughters," I answer. My turn: "And what about you Jack?" "Well," he starts "I grew up around the Long Beach area south of here and my parents are both from LA as well. I have two brothers; one is in his junior year of college and the other a senior in high school. And as you probably know this friend of yours is my girlfriend, Riley." "What about your friend Jack, where is he from?" I ask. "I'm Connor, in case you forgot already, I'm from North Californian, but I spent most of my life in New England. The place where I was born is a small city in North California named Eureka. Don't ask me how they came up with that name cuz I have no clue. You know what, it probably came from a guy who was trapped out in the sea for a few days then landed at a small tiny village then screamed EUREKA!!!" We all laugh at Connors joke. It is hot out and I really want something to drink but I am hoping that one of the boys will offer so I don't have to get up.

  It is like Connor is reading my mind or something, because right after I am done thinking about drinks he stands up and asks: "You girls want anything?" Jack gets up as well and offers to go with him. "Oh, today has just the perfect weather for a nice ice-cold Arnold Palmer," Riley replies to the boy's offer. I would love an Arnold Palmer, but a Coke sounds amazing as well. Oh, I wonder what a mix of those two would taste like, so I order, "I'll have a cup, one normal Coke, and one normal Arnold Palmer. And by normal I mean non-diet no fake sugar nasty stuff in them."

  Chapter 3: Connor

  “Dude, Hannah, she’s so hot, what do you think are the chances that I can get her?” I ask Jack as we walk to get some drinks. “Oh,” Jack starts, “Just about no chance; one, because as far as I still know she has a boyfriend. Two, she is a Christian and you are not.” “You must be joking, have you seen the way she has been eyeing me since she got back from the bathrooms? She definitely does not have a boyfriend,” I reply to Jack’s comment. “Yeah well stop thinking about her, OK? As long as she is a believer and you are not you have no chance,” Jack says in a serious tone now. Jokingly I say, “Well, if I don’t tell her…” Jack turns and looks me in the eyes and says, “You better freaking tell her, you go out with her not knowing you’re a dead man.” “Wow, I guess you guys really mean it then,” I say quietly looking down. Jack responds, “Yes, but that last part was a joke, but still tell her before.”

  It is amazing how fast a semester and a football season can go by. I am already half way through my freshman year at college and it feels like it was just yesterday that I started and the first day I met Hannah on the beach. Oh Hannah, I can never get her off of my mind, I think I’m in love or something. I just finished my classes and am heading back to my dorm and my roommate. Jack is a really nice guy, I have no clue what makes him so good. Well actually I do, he thinks that it is because of “God” that he is a great person. I guess it could be true but I don’t really know, he is always talking about Him and inviting me to all sorts of things his church does. They had a 2014 New Years day party that sounded pretty fun but I already had plans.

  I finally reach the building that my room is in; which is quite far from my science class. I step into the warm building and it feels like the air is polluted compared to the fresh air outside. My room is relatively small, there is like 4 feet between the two beds and just enough room between the two individual desks and our beds when someone is sitting there. It is around the size of a dining room that can fit about twelve people. I walk in and the air is definitely polluted, I am wondering what Jack has done in here until I see Lucas in our room. Lucas is quite tall and big, I mean really big, he is our nose tackle for our football team, and trust me; he can really stink up a room. He is like a skunk when he has something with more than like 1/2 a cup of milk in it, that stuff that comes out of his rear end is just revolting. I mean it is like you can see a cloud in the room.

  “Hey Jack, look who is here, it is Connor,” Lucas says and glances back at the TV. “Jack, why is he in here, and sitting on my bed!” I shout. Jack with his head half out the window replies, “Sorry, I forgot he could not take milk!” “Well I hope this is a good reminder not to feed him anything again!” I shout back at Jack. I reach under my bed and pull out my scuba diving equipment. “Wait,” Jack starts, “You actually have that here? Give me some of that!”

  “Hey Lucas, you might want to get showered or something before dinner, it starts in half an hour,” I remind him. “Dang, you are right. Hey Jack, thanks for that hot chocolate, your fault you put milk and not water,” Lucas says with a smile. As Lucas leaves I frantically look for some air freshener in one of the closets. Yes, it is a little dusty but
I hope it works. I hold it up in the air and press down hard. Nothing happens. “Hey Jack, do Riley or Hannah have an air freshener?” I ask him. “I sure hope so, let me call them,” Jack responds and hastily goes looking for his phone. Jack explains the situation and begs Riley to bring it over.

  We hear a knock and I open the door, instantly Riley lets out a little squeal and tosses the can into the room. Jack and I burst out in laughter and quickly move towards the can to spray that lovely smell around the room. I get it first and let out a long spray from the can and twirl it around the room. Jack goes outside to hug Riley but she refuses. Apparently we are too stinky. Jack comes back into the room and grabs his showering things then says to me, “The girls will meet us at dinner and we can sit with them if we take a shower and put on different clothes. Oh, and we can keep that can.”

  This dinner is probably the best dinner we have eaten since we started here at UCLA. The food isn’t bad but it gets kind of bland after a while, and home cooked food would beat this any day. As I am finishing my drink Jack says: “So Connor, do you have any plans for Super Bowl Sunday? Redskins v. Patriots. We are having a ‘Super Bowl party’ at our youth pastor’s house, do you want to join?” Ugh, he is inviting me to another church event thing, when will he ever stop. Riley and Hannah join in both saying, “Yeah Connor, it will be really fun to have you there.” Well, it cannot hurt to go; and plus, I have nothing else to do that day anyway. “I know the date of the Super Bowl, after all the Pats are my team. I’ll come; I want to see your face when those Redskins of yours lose.” “Great, I’ll tell him that we are all going. I can take everyone, but it might be a tight fit.

  We arrive at the pastor’s house 30 minutes before the game starts. Jack and Riley have their Redskins jerseys on while I have my Patriots jersey on. Hannah likes the Chargers and as we all know: a chargers player with a Super Bowl ring is a thief. We walk inside the house and there are about ten other people there not including the pastor, whomever he is. He walks out of the kitchen with some snacks and greets us, “Hi, Jack, Riley, and Hannah, how is it going?” Turning to me he asks: “Hi, you must be Connor. I am Jim, the Youth pastor. You are always welcome here.” “Yes I am, and thank you. Can I help you with that?” I reply pointing at his full hands. “Oh, yeah, there is some dip on the counter if you can get that,” Jim tells me as he walks into the living room.