Read The Final Moment Page 5

  “Hey Jack, why weren’t you there for the warm up before the game? Was it your dad?” I ask Jack. “Yeah, again, like the fifth time he has done this,” Jack replies. Megan not knowing what we are talking about asks: “What does he do?” “He likes to make me miss or be late to games and practices. He never has anything good to say about my game either,” Jack responds with a slight hint of anger in his voice. “That is so horrible, especially when you are the best receiver on the team,” Megan replies. “Yeah, and the coach says he might kick me off the team if I keep missing or coming later to practices,” Jack says. We all fall silent and everyone just eats their food.

  After we all finish our entrées Jack asks, "Who wants a sundae?" "No thanks, I'm full," I respond. "Can we share one Jack?" Riley asks. "Yeah, us too Pat?" Megan asks. "I'm not eating from theirs Meg," she reaches over the table and punches Patrick and says, "You know what I mean." "Sure," Patrick and Jack reply. Now Connor, "I'll take my own, fatty for the win!" We all laugh. Connor isn't fat at all; he is strong, thin and shorter than Jack and Patrick.

  "I'm full after that, best birthday party ever. Well not really, but a great one for sure. A win against USC and linner with my best friends at UCLA," Jack says as he takes the last bite of his sundae. "What in the world is linner?" Megan asks. "You know how you have brunch? Linner is lunch and dinner," Jack answers and asks the waitress for the bill. "Let us pay for it Jack," Patrick says. "Why? You are my guests, it is my birthday dinner," Jack tells him. "How about think of it as a birthday present," Patrick offers. "Fine if you guys insist," Jack gives in.

  We get back to the school and as I am about to step out of the parking I hear Connor say, "Hannah, wait up." He reaches me and I ask, "What's up?" "You free tomorrow night?" he asks. "Why? Anything happening?" I ask. He says "Well, I hope, can I take you out to dinner?" Trying to tease him I say, "Well let me check my schedule," I pull out my iPhone, "I have Church in the morning, and then I am working, and look I have dinner plans." Connor looks slightly down, "I guess another time then." "Why, you are the one that wanted to go," I say. "But you just said you have dinner plans…" Connor then realizes what I said. "You are my dinner plan Connor," I say and look up into his eyes, such a nice shade of green.

  Chapter 8: Connor

  "You look beautiful," I say to Hannah. "Thanks, you look nice as well," she responds. This is the fourth time in 2015 that we have gone for dinner just the two of us. We have gone countless times with Patrick and Megan or Jack and Riley. Hannah and I love this Greek restaurant, they have the best humus in the world and their moussaka and hot platter are both excellent. Today we get the hot platter and Greek salads.

  "How did it go?" Jack asks. "Fine, or well, or whatever you say," I respond. "We have almost made it through our second year, you going anywhere for the summer?" Jack asks. I pick up a XBOX 360 controller and ask, "Hey, can I join?" "Yeah, so where are you going for the summer? Have any plans yet?" Jack asks once again. "I probably shouldn't be telling you this but I trust you. Yesterday I was approached by some man who told me about this summer camp thing for some special force for people in schools and at work places. He said that if I pass the training then I can join. It sounds interesting, but I'm not really sure I want to do it. He said that it will be really hard training." I tell Jack. "Oh, I had that happen to me as well. I won't go as a student though, I don't really like that. But I bet you ain’t man enough to do it," Jack replies. "Oh yeah, you just wait and see; I'll be some Special Forces thing that you will just wish you could be. I'll be more man than you will ever be in your whole life time," I tease Jack. Then he says, "Next time don't talk about it to anyone like the man told you, it can get you in a lot of trouble, you are lucky that I know about it." "How do you know what the man told me to do?" I question. "Remember, he came to me too," Jack responds.

  Finally the day is here and we arrive at some fort. I don't know the name of the fort because the bus that I am in has blacked out windows. The bus stops and the doors at the front open. We walk out and there are three people standing in civilian clothes with ski masks on, wearing a vest with magazines in it, a thigh holster with a pistol and an assault rifle or sub-machinegun across their chest or back. We walk next to a row of tables with all kinds of things on them. First thing I get handed is a bullet proof vest, then a thigh holster, next a pistol the man told me it is a Glock 22. Then I get handed what the person says is a UMP9. I move down the line and tell that to a man who then hands me ten magazines of bullets for my assault weapon and ten magazines for my handgun. The last table is a man with a bunch of papers and pens. The papers are forms that if we die it is our fault and all of that kind of things.

  We first go to our bunks where they tell us to sign the papers then drop everything on our bed and put on the vest, holster with the pistol in it, and carry our main weapon outside. We get a crash course on our weapons from the Sergeants who have the same weapons. Then it is off to the firing range. They have stacks of magazines filled with bullets and we just take the ones that correspond to our weapons. I am really good at this; I am hitting the center of the target almost every time. Then the endurance and strength training; surprisingly 5 of the 15 members quit or are taken out.

  The room to room shooting with simunition is also hard and three more people are taken out because they get the hostages shot a lot of the time or are getting ‘killed'.

  Chapter 9: Jack

  It is fun to shout at the people doing the training. Teaching them the right way to do things then them executing it is a great booster. Connor is doing really well in the training and has not faltered even once. I can’t wait until we do the training with a partner or partners, I hope I get him. Of course some people need to succeed in the training missions so that we can make it happen. This is my first time that I am training the new recruits. My other years I had more training in tactics and with my team.

  “Connor White!” I shout. “Yes Sarge!” I get in response. “You go into that building and save all hostages and you will not let any of them get killed. If you are shot or one of them is killed you get three more chances. If you fail all you are ejected from this training program. Do you understand?!” I shout out the orders. He looks kind of bewildered then shouts, “Yes Sarge!” I grab him by the shoulder as he turns around then whisper, “You are the best here, and whoever gets through has completed the training and will move on to group training with us Sergeants. Go save them.”

  Only Connor and two others made it through. The others were given three other chances but failed all of them. It is time for us the Sergeants to reveal ourselves to the new members of our Special force, and then we get to pick out partner. First Thomas Clark takes off his mask and chooses Scott Jackson with the same assault rifle, he is great at this, good speed and is quick with his judgment and good reflexes. However I think sometimes his judgment is too fast and he can make mistakes. Larry Anderson a great friend of mine and fellow Sergeant takes his mask off and picks Frank Thompson. Frank is big and very muscular, he is great at wrestling and hand to hand combat, and he is also very precise and quick. Frank also has the same assault weapon as me, the most people get by with that weapon, it could be a coincidence but I like that. I am the last to take off my mask and I see Connor’s face, it is the best expression, his eyes get all wide and his jaw drops.

  At chow time I ask Connor, “So how do you like being a Special Forces member that I apparently am not?” “Well obviously you are one, how come you didn’t tell me before?” Connor asks. “Well I cannot tell you who I am if you are not part of this project. But congratulations on making it through, but this next part is kind of tough. It is basically running different scenarios all day long and spending time on the practice range. Sometimes it is boring,” I tell him.

  At the end of our meal I take him to our armory and ask the private behind the counter, “Give me a Glock 27 with 40 real ammo mags, an inside hip holster and a conceal and carry permit for Connor White please.” “Yes, one moment Sarge,”
the private replies. I get the material and tell Connor, “Here, put these five mags in your bag and get your assault weapon and your other Glock down to the range, we need to practice. I want my partner to be prepared, not a wild shooter.”

  Part III

  “It is time for us all to stand and cheer for the doer, the achiever – the one who recognizes the challenges and does something about it”

  -Vince Lombardi

  Chapter 1: Megan

  Ahh! I love dolphins. I work at the Aquarium of the Pacific. I swim with many types of fish; it is very cool. By far though, the dolphins are my favorite; I don't know what it is about them. My job is to play with them and feed the fish and/or the dolphins; it depends on the day, though. It isn't a full-time job, obviously, because my studies are more important. I only got interested in dolphins this last year. However, I have been scuba diving for a few years and I sometimes go with Patrick. Connor has joined us a few of those times as well.

  I walk out of the aquarium and walk towards the bus station. I put in my ear phones and am about to turn on the music. I then hear someone call my name. I turn around and see Jack's mustang. I stop and wait for the car to come up to me. I pull one ear plug and bend down to the height of the window. Patrick is in it. So I ask: "Patrick, what are you doing in Jack's car?" "It isn't his car," he responds. "Last time I checked it was his," I tell him. "He got the 2015 hard top convertible version, and he was trying to sell this and he asked me. I don't have a car and I could use one. It is only like five or six years old," he explains. "Can I get a ride?" I ask. "No, that's not why I drove here," he says sarcastically. I open the door and hop in.

  "So why did you buy it?" I ask thinking his explanation was not all. "Well, I thought that maybe we can go somewhere for the Christmas break," Patrick says. "Yeah, well, there are a few weeks left of school. It is not even the beginning of December yet. How much did you pay for it anyway?" I ask. "I won't say, but it was pretty cheap. Jack also said that if our team wins the Rose Bowl with me as quarterback then I can get it for half the price. So overall it will be a cheap car," he says with a smile. "Alright, let us go," I say and we roar off.

  I get to my room and put my purse on the table. "Hey, Julia," I say. Julia is my roommate. "Hi, how are the dolphins?" she asks. "They are fine and well fed as well," I say; then flop on my bed. "Do we have anything due on Monday?" I ask. "Nope, but we have that biology test," she reminds me. I let out a groan. Then I stand up and get my books. "Have you started studying?" I ask her. "Yeah, I am basically done," she responds. "Can you quiz me on these things?" I ask Julia. I hate school work, homework, and tests, just like a lot of other people.

  "What is…" she suddenly becomes quiet and then stares behind me. “EEEKK” she shouts. I spin around and see this big spider. I take off my shoe and start backing up; Julia just runs out of the room. I slowly walk out and bump into someone while trying to keep my eye on the spider. "Oh, hi Lucas," I say. "Hey, what's up with the shoe?" he asks. Lucas is the first string nose tackle and he is really big.

  "Well there is a really big spider in our room," I tell him. "Oh, you want me to kill it?" he asks. Julia immediately says: "Yes please!" Julia is terrified of spiders. I don't like them but if I have to I will kill them. "OK, you want me to use your shoe or mine?" he asks me pointing at my shoe. I put my shoe back on and say, "You can use yours." Lucas walks into my room then pulls off his shoe. I hear a slap as his shoe hits the wall. "Where is the trash can?" he asks. “Under my desk,” I tell him. He walks out then says: “It is all clear ladies; the spider is dead.” “Thank you for your services Lucas, you might have saved Julia’s life,” I respond, the last part being a joke.

  Chapter 2: Riley

  It is a chilly December evening as I am walking home from the mall after getting a new pair of running shoes. I love my morning runs, sometimes. Sometimes it is easy to get up and out, but other times I am too tired to do it but I still should. I walk past a dark alley way right before the school and hear some noises. I see a man look around and run out the other side of the alley. I hear someone groan. Should I look and see who or what is in the alley or walk out? I decide to take a peek to see who it is. I check my purse and feel for my gun, yep it is there.

  “Hello?” I ask hoping someone will respond. I hear a loud groan and see the silhouette of a person sitting up against the wall. It looks like a bum with his bottle. I turn and start to walk away then I hear him say, “Help.” It sounds like Devon from my drama class and is the first string running back. I walk closer and see him. “Oh Devon!” I say shocked, “What happened? You’re cut.” “Yeah, he almost slit my throat then we heard something so he stopped and ran. He also beat the heck out of me,” Devon croaks out.

  “Don’t speak so much, can you walk? Just nod your head,” I ask him. “No, I think he may have broken one of my legs, or else it is just badly bruised,” he speaks again. Why won’t he stop speaking? I call 911 and explain the situation. An ambulance and cop car arrive and ask me a couple of questions. Right before Devon gets in the ambulance he grabs my arm and says, “It was Carter Brown.” “Carter Brown?” I ask surprised. Devon nods yes.

  Carter is big but a nice guy for all I know. “Did you say Carter Brown?” a cop asks. “Yes, why?” I respond. Looking at some device the police officer says, “He has been charged twice a few years ago with assault.” This information is also a surprise; I don’t know what to say so I just say, “OK. I can go now, right?” “Yes you can,” the officer says.

  I get back to my room and just lay down; I think I’ll go to bed early and not hang out with anyone like usual. I hear a knock; I guess I won’t go to bed now. “Come in,” I say. It is Jack, “Hey, how are you?” “I’m fine,” I tell him. “Great. Was Devon at drama today? We had a team meeting a few minutes ago and he wasn’t there, we need him for the upcoming game,” Jack says.

  “Yeah, how well do you know Carter Brown?” I ask. “Well, he is the second string, he is a power back and not fast, he could do better at fullback. But I only know him from practices. Why?” “Well I found Devon in an alley all beat up and he said that Carter did it,” I tell Jack. “Really? I can tell Carter wants the spot but he just has to wait until Devon leaves this year. Do you think Carter would beat people up for a spot on the team?” Jack asks. “I don’t know, he is very buff, and Devon is smaller and faster,” I respond. “I’ll ask Carter at practice tomorrow.”

  The next day I knock on Jacks door about an hour after his practice. He opens up then invites me in. “So, what did Carter say?” I ask. “Well, he said he knew nothing about what happened in the alley last night. But that is the strange thing, I only asked him if he knew what happened to Devon, I said nothing about where it was or at what time. So I pointed that out and he tried pulling my helmet off and tried punching me. I tackled him and twisted his arm around his back then the coach got in. Now we are both suspended for this next game. But, I think that Carter did it,” Jack says. “I asked you to ask him, not fight him. Sorry for taking you out of this next game,” I say. “It wasn’t your fault,” he responds.

  Friday is the best day of the school week. My first class is math, yep, I hate it, it is even worse than Bio; but the rest of the classes are great. I normally sit in the back of the class with Hannah and Megan. We just talk and sometimes listen to the professor, sometimes. “Like I have said many times before, what or where in the world will I be using this stuff?” Hannah whispers. “I know right? All of this is useless,” Megan responds. “Megan!” the teacher shouts, “Stop talking and listen up, this will be on your finals.” Everyone looks back at Megan and some are giggling. Megan always gets caught talking in class, it is really bad. She looks at me with an angry face and I shrug my shoulders like ‘What did I do’?

  Suddenly the door slams open and a person with a ski mask and gun bursts in. He shouts at all of us telling us to put our mobile phones on our desks and hands on our heads. I reach in my purse and feel my gun; I look in to take the safety off
. I take out my phone with my other hand, I look up and the man grabs my hand with the gun. His grip is so hard that I let go of the gun; it clatters to the floor.

  Chapter 3: Jack

  In PE we are playing flag football. Of course, Patrick and I are team captains; we can never be on the same team. All a sudden we hear loud screams and see people running out of one of the school buildings nearby. The physics teacher runs over to us and tells us: “Men with guns have taken over that building, run away before they take you too.” Then he and others start running. I look at Connor and we race inside to get our stuff. I rip open my guitar case and throw the guitar out. I pick up my vest and put it on and put my thigh holster on as well. Connor does the same. Out of the corner of my eye I see Patrick doing it too, he pulls out a HK416 and I remember that he is part of our group as well.

  I snap a magazine into my M4 and run to the school building. The police are already there and have set up a perimeter around the building. I ask one of the officers if they know anything, all he told me is that SWAT will be there in an hour. That is too long. I tell Patrick and Connor to follow me, we run to the closest point to the school building where the police are and someone stops us.

  He asks: “Are you SWAT?” “No, but we are close,” I respond. “Then no one passes here, Williams’ order,” he says. “Well we work for Mr. Williams,” I say then try pushing past. He stops us. “Look here, if you don’t let us in then people are going to die,” I tell him. “Just doing my job, now please step back,” he tells me. “Well I need to do my job as well,” I say then knock him out. I didn’t want to but he gave me no choice.

  We are half-way between the police and the school when the second floor window breaks and something comes flying out. It lands on the ground with a metallic kind of sound. I walk up to it and it is a gun, it looks a lot like Riley’s. I then ask the others: “Do the girls have math on the second floor?” “Yeah,” Patrick responds. We race into the building and start going from class room to class room looking for people to help.