Read The Final Moment Page 7

  I get back to my locker and my team mates crowd me wondering what happened to Jack. They know what Jack’s temper is like and that is why they did not approach him before. I tell them the story and then the coach comes in and asks: “What is this gathering about?” There is a moment of silence and then I say: “We were discussing your decision to kick Jack off the team. We don’t think it is right. I mean, the only part of practice that he misses is the warm ups. And they aren’t the most important thing are they?”

  Then the coach says: “That isn’t the reason. By showing up late he shows that he really does not want to be on the team; he is showing laziness and does not commit to the team.” “Do you even know why he is late? It is because his dad is trying to ruin his chances at becoming a star receiver. Every game that you let him play he works his hardest and we seem to win most of those games. Don’t tell me he does not work hard,” I say starting to get mad. Bad move by me, he can easily kick me out as well.

  “Well that still changes nothing, Jack is not on the team anymore,” the coach says sternly; “And watch your mouth or you will be next.” Then he starts walking away. I think for a moment; weigh the chances and the stand up and say: “Well then you can count me off the team as well.” I’m not going to play if Jack cannot because of something he doesn’t have control of. The coach turns around and says: “Don’t go there Patrick.” Then Connor says: “Let Jack play or you can go find another cornerback.” The coach looks at Connor and says: “You don’t know what you are getting into Connor.”

  Then the rest of the team one by one say they won’t play unless Jack comes back. Eventually the coach is left with no team except for his assistant coaches. I look at one of them and it looks like they want to do the same but they have their job on the line.

  Chapter 7: Riley

  It is a nice September Saturday morning; and the smell of the trees and the fresh-cut grass is amazing. What makes it even better is that I am playing golf with Jack. ‘Smack!’ Jack hits the ball and it flies into the air; you can hear it passing through the air. It lands right in the middle of the fairway.

  Ever since Jack and I started college here we have played more and more golf. The reason is that you can play all year round. As a result we now have gotten pretty good at golf. Jack puts on his bag and we walk to the women’s tee box. My hit does not sound as loud as Jack’s; but it is just as straight.

  I push my bag on a cart. Jack and I like to walk as much as we can. In a buggy you can’t walk and it isn’t as fun, I don’t think. I put my driver away and walk next to Jack. “That was a nice thing that your team mates did the other day; standing up for you,” I say. “Yeah, it was a good thing that everyone else did it else Patrick and Connor won’t be playing,” Jack replies. “So have you told your dad yet?” I ask. Jack replies: “Nah, I won’t until later. Just so I don’t come to practices late.”

  “So is there anything special you want to for our 4th anniversary? Like have some people along or just us two?” Jack asks changing the subject. “Since when are we married?” I ask joking. “Ugh, you know what I mean,” Jack says smiling getting the joke. “You want people to come?” I question. “Well, only our best friends. What do you think?” he responds.

  “If you really want to, but I don’t really want to,” I tell Jack. He looks at me and gives me the puppy eyes, and then he asks: “Please?” “Ugh,” I sigh and lift my head to the sky. Jack then says: “OK, so what is the problem with others coming?” “I don’t know, it is just, yeah,” I reply. “What in the world does that mean?” Jack asks while chuckling. “I kind of want it to be just us? I don’t know, I want to be with the others as well, but also only with you,” I reply.

  Jack thinks for a bit then says: “So do you want to do dinner on the day with the other or the day after with the others?” “Well which do you want?” I ask. “Whatever one you choose I want,” he replies. “But I want whatever one you want,” I say insistently. We reach my ball and I take a club out. Then Jack says: “Let’s not do this. Let’s say that whoever gets the most stableford points on this hole has to choose one. And you have to try your best.” “Fine then,” I reply and hit my shot. It lands just before the green; however, it rolls all the way to the end of the green and exits.

  We walk further to Jack’s ball. He pulls out a nine-iron. His practice swings are very rhythmical. He steps up to the ball and hits it with a nice, easy swing. It flies in the air and heads straight at the pin. It bounces right next to it and stops after the first bounce. It then proceeds to backspin into the hole. Eagle! “Oh wow!” I exclaim and raise my hands up. “So what are we doing?” I ask. “Well, I think that you can still tie the hole if you hole your chip; you get one more extra stroke than me,” Jack responds.

  We walk up to my ball; there is some distance between the ball and the hole. I am on the fringe stuff but there is too much to putt. I take out my seven-iron to hit a bump and run chip. It is a bit off to the right because the break is going left to right. It curves in towards the hole. It hits the flagstick and bounces off to the right. I look at Jack and ask: “So, now what do you choose?”

  Friday the 23rd of September arrives and it is the 4th anniversary of Jack and me. Jack and the other boys said that they would meet us at the restaurant later. So, as a result, I am in the car with Hannah and Megan on our way to the restaurant. Jack wants to keep the location of the restaurant a secret from me. All I know is that I might be near the coast because we have taken the coastal Highway.

  As we are driving along Hannah and Megan want to stop to take a picture of the beautiful water and the sun, which is halfway setting. There are still a few hours left of daylight. “Hey, look there is a parking lot, let’s take a picture,” Hannah suggests.

  We park facing the beach and Megan asks: “Can you take the pictures Riley?” “Sure, just use my phone?” I reply. “Yeah, that is fine,” she responds; then says: “One with Hannah and me, then one with only me, and then one with you. OK?” “Sure thing. Anything else my queen?” I ask sarcastically. She smiles then replies: “Yes, I’d like my dress dry cleaned and if you could…” I interrupt: “OK, OK. It was a joke, just let me take the picture.”

  Chapter 8: Jack

  I can see the girls from where I am with Patrick and Connor. We are crouching behind palm trees in our suits when Patrick asks: “Hey, should we go now? She is facing away from us.” “Yeah, let’s go,” I reply and we get in my car. I plug my phone into the speaker system because I need to play a song for this.

  I turn the car on and ask the others: “So are you guys ready?” “We aren’t doing much, you are the one popping the question,” Connor responds. “Oh really? I thought you would do it for me,” I joke. Then Patrick says: “I hope she says no.”

  I look at him and then say: “You know, you were going to be my best man. Connor, would you like to be my best man?” Before Connor answers Patrick quickly says: “Hey, it was a joke.” “Yeah, I thought so,” I reply. I turn to Connor and say: “Sorry, job is taken again.” “It’s OK. You got the ring?” Connor asks. I pat my pocket and drive out of the parking lot.

  Since it is a nice sunny day, like I was hoping it would be, I keep the top down. I drive into the parking lot where Riley is, which is across from the one where I was. Hannah and Megan look at us briefly and run up to look at the picture which Riley took.

  While Riley is still facing the water I pull up right next to Patrick’s car; the car that they took, and my old car. I pick up my phone and press play for Marry You by Bruno Mars. It is an instrumental so that we, Patrick, Connor and I, can sing it instead of lip-syncing. We jump out of the car without opening the doors and we run out in front of the girls as the music starts.

  I am in front and the other two are behind me and one slightly to my right and the other to my left. “Hey, Jack,” Riley starts. I hold my finger up to my lips motioning to be quiet. The intro finishes and I start singing. I guess that Riley knows where I am going with this because she star
ts to cover her mouth and laugh.

  I finish the song and walk up to Riley. She starts to cry, they are tears of joy though. I then say: “Riley, I love you very much. Some of those lyrics aren’t what I mean; like ‘were looking for something dumb to do’. This isn’t dumb, and you are the love of my life. So…” She lets out a scream as I take the box out.

  I laugh and then kneel and open the box. I can feel the butterflies rushing around in my stomach; I continue by asking: “So, Riley Amber Hardy. Will you marry me?” She still has her hands over her mouth; she nods her head and says: “Yes.” The others cheer and I stand up. I take Riley’s left hand away from her mouth and place the ring on. She lets out a little yelp of excitement. I look at her and then embrace her.

  I motion for the others to get going to the Montage Laguna Beach, which is one minute away, and tell everyone else to prepare. The four others get in Patrick’s car and leave. I look at Riley, she is beaming with happiness. I kiss her then say: “Come on, let’s get to dinner.” “Where is it at?” she asks. I smile and say: “That will still be a secret.” “Wow, really?” she asks. “Yeah, now let’s go,” I reply and take her hand and pull her to the car.

  We get in the car and I ask: “Can you put this blindfold on?” “Why?” she questions. “Because there is another surprise for you,” I respond. I engage Riley in conversation while I make turns to get back where we started from. By talking with her she cannot keep account of how many turns I make and which way.

  After 10 minutes of driving in circles I finally pull up in the parking lot of the Montage Laguna Beach. I walk her to the private room that I booked. I invited Riley’s parents, grandparents, and sister; my parents, grandparents, and brothers; Chris’ and Emily’s families. Of course Connor, Hannah, Patrick, and Megan are also invited. I close the door and take off Riley’s blind fold.

  “Congratulations!” everyone shouts. Riley’s jaw drops and she looks at me. I lift her jaw back up to close her mouth and motion for her to go and chat with everyone. She immediately runs up to Emily with her left hand up showing the ring. I lean back against the door and watch her thinking about all that we have done together and been through.

  I feel a tap on my arm, it is Chris. He holds his hand out and says: “Congrats, when is the wedding day?” “Thanks. We just got engaged like 10 minutes ago. We’ll probably get married in December though. I want to get it done before the Combine and Draft because I won’t have time then,” I reply. “You got a best man?” Chris asks. “Yeah, Patrick. If you had not beaten us last year then I would have let you,” I respond. He laughs then says: “Fine then, I guess I’ll be the first pick in the draft. I would have let you be picked first, but no best man, no first pick.” “Fine, the Redskins won’t get a first pick, they’ll win the super bowl this year,” I reply and we move to talk with others.

  By the time we start eating dinner everyone has congratulated Riley and me. The food we have is a four course meal and we get to select two dishes for the entrée; that makes five dishes. It is also really expensive; so I am very happy that my parents want to pay. If they did not I probably would not have dinner here or invited many people.

  The waiters serve the third course. When you arrive at the Montage you have to order what you want. I ordered Roasted Veal Ribeye and Grilled Beef tenderloin for my entrée. Yeah, I like meat. After the waiters finish serving I stand up and tap on my glass, then say: “Thank you all for coming. It means a lot to us. Also, thank you Riley for saying yes. I don’t know what else I would have done with all these people and this reservation.” Everyone laughs.

  Riley’s dad stands up, lifts his glass and says: “Jack, I can think of no other person in this world that I would like to give my lovely daughter to. May God bless your lives together and I can’t wait until the wedding so I can actually give her to a godly man like you.”

  We sit back down and Riley asks me: “Jack, how did Emily and Chris get here?” “I flew them over here, but they need to leave in the next two hours because he has a game tomorrow,” I reply. “You mean that he may not get sleep and he will be tired for the game?” Riley asks. I take a bite of my veal, oh, it is so good. It is like a billion different flavors that work so well together. I can’t even describe it, it is that amazing.

  Riley nudges me and says: “Jack.” “Oh, right. Yeah that is true, but it is like the beginning of the season so he still has a few games left,” I respond. “But still, it is nice of them,” Riley says. “Here try this,” I say and give her a piece of my veal. Her eyes get wide and she says: “Wow that is amazing. Can I have some more?” “Um, how about you have your ‘lovely’ brussels sprouts,” I reply. “What a fiancé you are,” she replies. “I guess so,” I say and pause. I continue: “OK, have some more.”

  Chapter 9: Patrick

  The 16th of December 2016 comes around and I am standing next to Jack in a church close to the Montage Laguna Beach. Jack and Riley flew their pastor in from Maryland to conduct the ceremony. “You guys have the ring?” Jack asks. “Yeah, don’t worry about it,” I respond. Right after, the doors open and everyone stands up.

  Riley and her father come through the doors and walk up the aisle. Riley’s father then gives Riley away and the pastor does his thing. “Do you, Jack, take Riley to be your lawfully wedded wife?” the pastor asks. “I do,” Jack responds. “Do you, Riley, take Jack to be your lawfully wedded husband?” the pastor asks again. “I do,” Riley replies.

  Then they exchange their vows. Jack goes first and says: “I, Jack, take you Riley to be my wife, before God who brought us together; to love and cherish you even as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for it, to lead you and share all of life's experiences with you by following God through them. That through His grace, Riley, we might grow together into the likeness of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. I choose you to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish as long as we both shall live.” Then he puts the ring on Riley’s left hand.

  Then Riley says: “And with this ring, I, Riley, take you, Jack, to be my husband, before God who brought us together, to love you, cherish you, to submit myself unto you in all things, and to follow you through all of life's experiences as you follow God. That through His grace we might grow together into the likeness of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. I choose you to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish as long as we both shall live.” Then she puts the ring on Jack’s left hand.

  They finish and the pastor says: “You may now kiss the bride.” Riley stands on her tips and Jack bends down a bit so that they can kiss. That is the problem with a 6’1 groom and a 5’6 bride. At least Riley isn’t 5’2 or lower; then they would have a real problem. Then Jack sings Hide Your Love Away by Anthem Lights. In the last line he changes the lyrics to: “I found out your name, Yeah.” I don’t really understand how that song really fits in the beginning, but that is why I didn’t pick it.

  We do the whole walking out stuff and outside before getting into the limo Riley throws the bouquet backwards at some of her friends. Megan catches it. Jack taps me and says: “Hey buddy, it looks like you have to pop the big question soon.” “I’ll do it when I feel it is right, not because of some dumb flowers,” I reply. “Sure, meet you at the reception,” Jack says. Then he and Riley get in the limo and drive off to the Montage Laguna Beach for the reception.

  It is amazing how fast the wedding, Rose Bowl, and the Senior Bowl went by. We won the Rose Bowl and lost the Senior Bowl. Jack, Connor, Lucas, and I were all invited to the Senior Bowl and we are also invited to the Combine. The Combine starts tomorrow; the last days of February 2017.

  Jack ran a 4.23 and a 4.21 unofficially in the 40. I watch him as he takes his stance on the white line. He blasts off the line. He finishes it in 4.17 seconds, a new record. Jack is officia
lly the fastest person ever in the Combine. His vertical was like ten inches higher than mine. Jack is definitely a first or second round pick; if he does not get picked then some people don’t know their stuff.

  He walks over to me and says: “Did you see the Redskins coaches watching?” “No, were they?” I ask. “Yeah, they were at the end and I saw the look on their faces after I burned that track,” Jack responds. “Yeah, congrats on breaking the record,” I respond. “Thanks, gotta go, talk to you later,” Jack says.

  I watch as Connor runs his 40-dash. His unofficial runs were 4.43 and 4.42. This time he runs it in 4.35. That is pretty fast for a cornerback. He might get picked in the first round, but the second or third round is what I will predict. I stand on the white line in a sprinters stance. I leap off the line and see the 40 yard a few seconds away. I run as hard as I can, huffing and puffing. I reach the end.

  I look back and see my time; I ran it in 4.85 seconds. Not bad I guess. My vertical jump was 29 inches and my hand size is 9 7/8 inches. I guess that isn’t bad either. I hope I can get picked in the third or fourth round, hopefully not any later than that. Chris got a 4.42 that is quite fast for a quarterback. Chris is more of a mobile quarterback than I am. I like the pocket much better; I hope I get drafted by the Chargers, they have good linemen.

  On the plane ride home Jack asks me: “Do you want to stay over at our house when we get back? It will be late and I’m sure your roommate won’t like it.” Jack and Riley rented a house close to UCLA after they got married. “Are you sure? Won’t Riley like want you to herself?” I ask. “Hey, you ain’t sleeping with me, you have the guest room if you want it,” Jack responds. “I don’t mean it in that way,” I reply. “Oh, I’m sure that she will be fine with you coming over, you won’t be a disturbance,” he answers. “Thanks. I’m pretty sure Nick won’t like me coming in at like two in the morning,” I reply.