Read The Final Prophecy Page 13



  “Excellent!” said Gabriel. “That has to be it.”

  Ben beamed while Hob congratulated him with a pat on the back. “So, what is Casey supposed to do with the charm?” he asked, “and what do you think the charm will do to get us out of here?”

  “I don’t know for sure, but Marcus’s instructions were to give it, so we have to assume that he means for us to give the charm to Arinya.”

  “Just how do you suppose we are going to pull that off?” asked Hob.

  “I have an idea,” said Gabriel. “Arinya is very proud and sure of herself. She thinks she is invincible now that she has claimed Long Lake for her new home and, in her pride, I’m certain that she would rise to any challenge we present to her.”

  “Pride goeth before a fall,” Ben quoted.

  “Very wise words and very true,” said Gabriel. “And that’s exactly what I’m counting on.”

  “So, what’s your plan?”

  “Follow me and play along. You’ll see.”

  Arinya was waiting for them when they returned to the beach. She flowed to the edge of the shore and rose up out of the water until she appeared to be standing on the surface of the lake. Her boat was nowhere to be seen and without the ghastly craft she did not appear quite as menacing. “Have you decided to accept my offer?” she asked. “If so, I must say I am somewhat disappointed. I expected you to hold out longer than this.”

  “We have dealt with you once before,” Gabriel replied. “We held up our end the bargain and you honored yours. Will you deal with us again?”

  “The boy is not negotiable. There are no deals to be made. I WILL have him.”

  “We will not give him to you, but we will leave him here on the island if you will let us return to our friends on the shore.”

  “That is the offer I made to you earlier. What is this deal you speak of?”

  “We will agree to the offer you made us if you will bring the boy a trinket from his sister. It is a little thing that will bring him a small measure of comfort when we leave here.”

  Arinya’s liquid green eyes narrowed in suspicion. “I don’t like it,” she gurgled. “You sunlighters are full of trickery; always twisting your words and speaking half-truths to advance your causes. You are up to something. The deal is now off.” The nymph turned away from them and began to slowly sink back into the green lake waters. Before she disappeared, Gabriel called out to her.

  “Wait! There is no deception here. Rest assured, we will come back and rescue him. When we return we will bring large boats that you cannot topple and we will bring many of them; hundreds of them, if necessary. You may be able to hinder one or two of them, but not all of them. We will take him from this island and there will be nothing you can do to stop us.”

  Arinya shot up out of the water and loomed as far over the land as she was able. “There are no boats that I cannot topple,” she screamed. “I draw my strength from these waters and Long Lake is both vast and deep. I will get this trinket for you and when you return with your little boats you will see my true power.”