Read The Fire Page 1

  This story was written for my friend.

  And I appreciate all the support of family and friends!

  My nan and Graham are my life force doing this, always pushing me to do more with it! I hope to make you both proud!

  I hope you enjoy this story!

  Keep a look out for part 2 called The Lily!

  Seycora Thomas

  The Fire

  “Run” screamed Tyler. Lola was coughing close behind him. All around them the flames got higher and the smoke got thicker. They were stuck and running out of air. Both of their heads jerked up when they heard a baby crying above them. They headed for the staircase, running whilst flames licked at their feet. Two steps at a time they run to the top of the stairs dodging little patches of flames. Just as they get to the top of the staircase, it got weaker and gave way. They watched relieved they had got to the top in time. Tyler motioned to Lola to keep going. Softly and swiftly moving down the hallway they followed the cry to a baby’s room. Tyler looked around the room; the baby’s wardrobe was engulfed. The toys and flooring were melting under the flames. Hopping over the patches of flames Tyler gets to the window and pulled down the half burning curtains, stamping on them to put it out as much as he could. Tyler struggled to open the window. Lola had picked up the baby and was hushing and cooing to keep the baby calm. Tyler saw the fear in her eyes.

  Would they make it out?

  Tyler used the adrenaline and pushed the window open. He leant out and waved his arms wide to get the fire fighters attention. The men got to work to get them out. Tyler got Lola and the baby close to him and the window. Within a few minutes the fire fighters had got to them. Lola handed them the baby. Tyler motioned to Lola to go next. As she was about to climb out she say Tyler look at the door. She looked too. Then the room started to spin. Lola felt herself hit the floor. She tried to open her eyes but everything went black.

  Tyler awoke with a jolt.

  What happened?

  Where am I?

  He looked around,

  Where is Lola?

  The room was white. Only a sink with a light and a mirror, toilet, bed and a barred window was there. He looked down and saw he was in a hospital gown, to the side was grey plain jogging bottoms and a white t shirt, Tyler got changed. He felt incredibly strange. Something had changed. He walked over to the sink and jumped as he looked in the mirror. His green eyes had turned to a deep electric blue. His blonde hair had turned black with tints of blue. He stepped back a few paces and turned to run for the door. He grabbed the handle and pulled; the door flew of the hinges and hit the barred window. Tyler shrieked in shock. Tyler stared at the door backing into the corridor. Tyler ran. He ran past conference rooms until he saw another room like his. He peered through the small window and saw a girl. It was Lola, except it didn’t look like Lola. Her hair was red; dark red.

  “Excuse me” said a voice from behind him. Tyler turned around. It was a doctor. A tall male doctor had a lab coat with pens in the pocket and clipboard in his arm. The man had dark hair with strands of grey.

  “What am I doing here?” asked Tyler. The doctor asked Tyler into one of the conference rooms. He asked Tyler to sit down not taking his eyes off the doctor. The doctor started to tell Tyler about the fire. How they were unconscious and the fire fighters had climbed in and gotten them out. How the baby was alive because of them. However he couldn’t explain how they had changed.

  “Tyler do you remember anything?” asked the doctor. Tyler thought about the fire. It was all a blur in his mind. He remembered looking at the doorway. There was something in the doorway. “No, I don’t” he said quietly. The doctor leaned back. “Would you like to see your friend?” Tyler nodded. He led Tyler back to the room where he had looked in the window. Lola was sitting on the bed looking away from the door. She looked at Tyler as he walked through. Lola stared at Tyler taking him in just as he was doing to her. The doctor was close behind; he stood by them and started total to them. They couldn’t stop staring at each other, bewildered. Some words the doctor was saying was suddenly sinking in.


  Flash of light.



  No scientific understanding.

  Tyler looked just as confused as Lola. “You haven’t told me your name yet doc” he said. The doctor nodded and replied “I’m Doctor Rees, I’ll leave you two to talk”. Lola shot up. “What the hell happened to us?!” Lola stammered trying to keep her fear inside. “I wasn’t really listening. I’m sorry. I was in a lot of shock” he replied. Lola walked over to the door and held the handle. Tyler held his breathe watching her, waiting to see if she was like him. Lola pushed the handle down and opened the door. The door opened with no problem. The doctor was outside waiting to give them a fresh set of clothes and showed them to the showers. After they had showered and dressed they were taken to a small cafeteria and given warm food. After the food they were shown to a small conference room with a presentation set up. It was meant to help them remember more about that night. Lola sat fidgeting, Tyler turned to her and offered a reassuring smile to soothe her. Lola gave a soft smile back as they watched the presentation.

  As pictures of the fire come from the projector; they started to remember. Flash backs of running through the flames, the baby crying, the window and the fire fighters. Then there was the door way. What else was in that house? The doctor sat next to Lola and passed her a piece of paper.

  It reads...

  You cannot leave here

  You could be a danger to the outside

  We need to understand what you are

  You need to try and remember what you saw


  Lola passed the note to Tyler. When the presentation was done Tyler whispered to Lola “I think they know more than they are letting on” Lola nodded “I don’t feel safe here”. Tyler agreed. He took Lola’s arm and lead her to her room. “We need to get out of here, we have changed, we don’t understand what or how but we aren’t ourselves anymore” Lola held out her hand and a red ball appeared. Lola smiled at Tyler. Tyler winked. A doctor walked in and Lola quickly closed her hand. They both looked the doctor “We need to take some blood tests”. He stepped aside and in came two nurses. “Ty” Lola whispered backing away. The doctor looked at Lola, Tyler took her hand “I don’t agree with what you’re thinking” Ty said to the doctor. Lola looked at Tyler “what?” she whispered. The doctor pressed a button on a cord around his neck. The nurses scarpered and security ran in the room. Tyler laughed. One officer came up behind Lola and grabbed her. Immediately Lola started kicking and restraining. Tyler had two of them against him. He picked one up and threw them in to the corridor. The next one punched Tyler square in the face, knocking him off his feet. Getting up off the floor Tyler saw Lola wiping the blood off her head. She’d been smashed into the wall. Tyler wiped his bloody lip and a red light sent the officer into the doctor. Lola stood there looking at her hand in amazement. An officer came at Tyler. Tyler tackled him and picked him up. Lola come behind him and hung the guy by his underwear. Tyler laughed. “Had to keep it old school” she smirked. “Let’s get out of here” Lola took his hand and started to run at a wall. A WALL?! Tyler couldn’t read her mind, panicking he tries to slow them down. Lola held on tighter. Tyler saw a blinding light. He closed his eyes, when they stopped, he opened his eyes. They teleported to Tyler’s house, through the window he saw his parents. His mother looked tired and worried; his dad was trying to comfort his mother. Lola looked at him, “you have to tell them Ty”. Tyler looked down; then shook his head. “So you’re just going to disappear?”

  “It’s for the best Lola and you know it” Tyler ran his hand through his hair. She knew he was right, didn’t feel right th
ough. Within seconds they were gone again. They had nowhere to go. They sat in a park; in silence. Lola started to fidget; she was getting nervous about their situation. She looked at Tyler and smiled. Tyler looked at her and smiled back. He stood up and took her hand “come on Lola, Lets walk”.

  They walked and walked and walked. It began to get dark. No words were spoken. They were thinking about what had happened. What could they do next? Obviously the scientists want them in cages in the labs they just escaped from. How could their instincts just tell them to trust their new powers? So many questions they couldn’t answer. They were beginning to get hungry and cold. Wandering through the lanes in the dark until “we’re here” said Lola. Tyler stopped and looked around the small chalet park. A row of 6 or 7 small white chalets were next to a small paddock. “I need you to work your powers of persuasion to get us a chalet” whispered Lola. Tyler gave her a cocky look and clicked his knuckles walking towards the office with a devilish smile. Lola could see him working his way in on who she hoped was the owner’s daughter. Young thing only looked about 18. A few moments later Tyler came out with keys. Lola met him at the chalet. “You owe me” he joked. Tyler went inside and turned on the light, they took a small