Read The First Book of Demons Page 50

“Wake up,” Alexandra said softly as the tears streamed down her dirty cheeks. She'd already tried to heal Balthazar's wound, but it wasn't working. She felt completely drained and she didn't even know how she had healed him the last time.

  “Balthazar, please,” she said, leaning in close to him. She had managed to put his head in her lap, but blood was steadily oozing from the gaping hole in his midsection and she didn't know what to do about it. She shook his body gently, trying to wake him up. She knew he healed fast, but it didn't look like the bleeding was stopping. His face was so pale and there was blood everywhere. She couldn't tell which of it was his and which was Baal's. She refused to turn her eyes towards the headless corps of the demon that had kidnapped her. She didn't know what the hell he was planning, and she was thankful that Balthazar had killed him, but she didn't want to see the gruesomeness of his death. Balthazar coughed, spewing little speckles of blood into the air as his eyes suddenly popped open.

  “Stay awake,” she said grabbing his face in her hands, “Please be ok.”

  He lifted a bloody hand to hers, wrapping his fingers around her wrist as his eyes looked up into hers.

  “I'll be fine,” Balthazar groaned, “I can heal, but we need to find somewhere to rest.”

  Balthazar struggled to pick himself off the ground, but he was weaker than he thought and he stumbled a little. Alex tried to help him but he pushed her gently off.

  “I tried to heal you, but it wouldn't work,” Alexandra said, watching as he struggled to stand.

  “Be quiet, girl,” he said, as he reached around her slender waist and pulled her tightly into his chest. He had a smirk on his lips and Alex had never been so happy to hear him call her 'girl'. At least he was keeping his twisted sense of humor during this. She relaxed a little, knowing that he would eventually be alright. She felt the nauseating sensation of moving in Balthazar’s demonic speed. When they stopped Alex could feel Balthazar fall to the ground next to her, but she couldn't see anything. They were in complete darkness.

  “Balthazar,” she called out, straining her eyes to see through the darkness. Her voice echoed around her, but he didn't reply. She groped around in the darkness, trying to find him. Her hands touched something very hard, very cold, and very wet. Her mind couldn't fathom what it was but she continued to pat the ground around her feet until she felt the warm skin of Balthazar's body. She crouched down low next to him and sat on the ground. He was out cold again.

  Her eyes began to adjust to the darkness and she could see that they were in a cave. They were fairly deep inside, and judging by the rushing sound of water in the distance, they were behind a waterfall. She looked at the crumpled body next to her with a heavy heart. He'd said that he would be fine, that he would heal, and she sorely hoped he was right. For now all she could do was wait for him to regain consciousness.

  Alex felt her way to the mouth of the cave as the pounding rush of the waterfall threatened to drown out her thoughts. She tore a small swatch off her dirt-smeared robe and rinsed it off in the waterfall. She made several trips back and forth from Balthazar to the waterfall, each time using the wet fabric to wash away a little more blood.

  Finally, it was all gone, save for the fresh blood that was still oozing from Balthazar’s torso. She tore off several more pieces of her robe, and tried as best she could to stymie the flow of blood by bandaging his midsection. The chill in the cave ate through to her bones and she curled up next to Balthazar, trying to get warm. It wasn’t long before she was fast asleep, the hope in her mind that when she woke up he would be healed.


  Balthazar woke next to Alex. His wounds were again miraculously healed and he felt better than he had in a long time. He looked over at her, huddled up next to him. Her torn skirt had ridden high up her leg exposing the round curve of her bottom. The morning sunlight filtered through the water and into the cave, making her porcelain skin glow. He turned his body towards her and wrapped an arm around her waist pulling her closer to him. He was so thankful that she was alive and well and he just wanted to hold her close to him, smother himself in her scent.

  Alex was half asleep as she felt Balthazar stir, and she allowed herself to be pliable in his strong arms. She felt something hard pressing against her backside as he planted light, open mouthed kisses down the back of her neck and shoulders. She moaned at the pleasure that ran through her and Balthazar’s chest rumbled in response, vibrating her entire body.

  Balthazar wanted more, so much more of her. Almost losing her had given a new urgency to the desires that he had and he couldn't stop his body from reacting to the closeness of hers. He gently pulled her onto her back and climbed over her, finding a comfortable spot between her legs. Alex looked up at him with hooded eyes.

  “Balthazar,” she whispered breathlessly as he kissed her neck, her mind still a little muddled with sleep. “I'm so glad you're alright.”

  “You're going to have to learn how to heal me when your awake,” he said with a little chuckle as he lifted his head to look at her. She smiled up at him with relief in her eyes and he felt his chest tightening. His fingers stroked gently at her soft hair.

  “I was so worried about you,” he said, his voice a husky whisper. He hadn't realized just how much she meant to him until he'd almost lost her.

  “Me too,” she said. He bent down and captured her lips again. Her hands wound around his torso and slid up his back, holding his body to hers. He deepened the kiss by moving his tongue against hers and she responded by moving her body against his. His hand gripped her thigh and pulled her even closer to him.

  He pulled his lips away from hers to trail kisses down her neck as his other hand wrapped around her breast. She arched in to his touch and it encouraged him to continue. Lowering his head, he nipped at her breast through the thin fabric of her tattered robe. He lifted himself onto his knees, and used a claw to carefully slice through the remaining fabric, revealing her shapely form to his eyes. He looked hungrily at the beautiful creature that lay before him. He had never seen anything more incredible in all his years. He hardened painfully.

  Balthazar lowered his mouth to her bare skin as a little whimper of anxiety escaped her lips. He teased her a little, prolonging her suspense as he hovered a breath away from her exposed nipple. Her fingers dug into his back, begging him to come closer, to claim her body as his. He felt himself throbbing with desire as he snaked his tongue out to swirl around her hardened nipple. A deep moan erupted from her as he assaulted her with his tongue and lips. His hand continued to roam her body, trailing lower to her hips.

  Electricity shot through Alex as the tip of his finger found a spot between her legs that was more sensitive than anywhere else on her body. He flicked at it as he pulled her tighter to him, his hardness pressing against her thigh as she shifted frantically under his attentions. Balthazar rubbed his hips rhythmically against her leg as she fought against the sensations that were attacking her body.

  She was fighting to hold back the flood of pleasure that he was bringing to her. Balthazar left a trail of open mouth kisses up her neck, his hot breath tickling her ear.

  “Let go, Alexandra,” he whispered, his deep voice husky. “Just enjoy this.”

  Her eyes clamped shut as her body shuddered with the overwhelming ecstasy brought about by his well-trained touch. Balthazar’s strong arms held her firmly to him, as her head lolled back and she moaned loudly.

  He snaked a hand behind her head, gently tangling his fingers in the hair at the nape of her neck. He pulled her closer to him and captured her lips with his one last time. Her green eyes slowly opened to look up at him, wide and searching as he adjusted his position over her.

  “I hate to interrupt,” a voice said, cutting into their haze of desire. “But we weren't quite finished with the girl.”

  Before either one had time to react, everything went black.
