Read The First Book of Demons Page 9

Alex waited for the camp to die down, all the demons sleeping peacefully in their tents. She had tucked the spoon that came with her dinner into the blanket that was wrapped around her. It had a bit of a rough edge to it, and now she was furiously trying to use it to cut through the rope that was tightly knotted around her ankles. Finally, she felt the last fibers snapping and she was off that horrid cot a split second later.

  She ran as fast as her legs would carry her. Droplets of sweat began to bead on her brow as she fled through the trees. She had no idea where she was going, but that didn't matter. Her heart beat heavily against her ribcage, her legs aching with the exertion, but she refused to stop. She had to get away. She had to find a way back. Back to her friends and back to civilization with actual human beings.

  In the distance behind her, she heard a feral howl cut through the night. She pushed herself harder than her quickly numbing legs were already working, trying to put as much distance between her and the demons as she could. Her foot caught on a root and she fell to the ground, a whimper escaping her lips as her knees and hands were scraped trying to catch herself. She struggled to pick herself up.

  “Well, look what we have here,” a voice said behind her. “Aren't you somethin' special.”

  Alex whipped her head around to see a demon in filth-stained clothing standing over her. He lifted his crooked nose, his nostrils flaring as he scented the air.

  “You smell good little girl,” he said, a smirk playing across his face that showed gapped yellow teeth. “We're gonna have fun with you I think.”

  Alex glanced around her and saw two other figures hovering around her in the darkness.

  “What do you want?” She demanded, trying to pick herself up off the ground. They ignored her question, stepping closer and closing in on her.

  “Hold her down,” the demon spoke again, “I found her. I get her first.”

  The other two grabbed Alex so fast she didn’t have time to comprehend their movements. She struggled as best she could against her assailants, but it was no use. They were inhumanly strong and she was already weakened by what she had been through. She was forced to the ground and held firmly in place. The demon came closer, untying his cloth belt, with a sickening grin on his face. His teeth had the same pointed canines, but they were yellowed and decaying, not white and elegant like the others she had seen.

  “Leave me alone!” Alex shrieked, struggling with everything she had. The pointy tips of their dirty claws dug into the skin of her arms. She winced as droplets of blood leaked out.

  The demon climbed on top of Alex, his rank breath filling her nostrils as he settled himself between her legs. He ripped through her pajama pants, his claws tearing into her flesh in his haste to remove her clothes. She screamed out at the pain. The filthy demon’s chest rumbled in pleasure, a purr that showed his clear enjoyment at her distress. Alex turned her face away, closing her eyes as she readied herself for what was to come.

  Hot droplets of wetness fell onto her cheek and the demon above her stilled. She opened her eyes to see the demon frozen above her, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. He was flung away from her like a rag doll, blood gushing from a gaping wound in his neck.

  Alex looked up to see Tavi, blood dripping from the claws of his right hand as it held a chunk of bloody flesh. He looked down at her with what could only be described as annoyance.

  “Stupid girl,” he grumbled. “You're going to get yourself killed.”

  He turned to the other two demons, still holding Alex down. They released her arms and stood ready for a fight. Tavi answered their looks with a sharp growl.

  Faster than Alexandra’s eyes could follow, he was before one of the men. His hand wrapped around the throat of his victim, crushing his windpipe. The last demon turned to run, but Tavi was already beside him. Placing one hand on his shoulder, the other went right through his turned back. Blood poured from his shredded torso as Tavi released him.

  Tavi stood a small distance from Alexandra, panting slightly, his clothes and hands bloodstained. He turned to look at her over his shoulder, his eyes narrowing.

  “I…I’m sorry,” Alex said, visibly shaking. She tried to scoot away from him, but her body was too sore and beaten to function the way she wanted it to.

  Tavi snorted, appearing before her in an instant and yanking her off the ground. She was bloody with numerous wounds on her delicate frame, barely hidden by the remnants of her pajamas. Tavi tossed her easily over his shoulder and took off in the direction of the camp. Bloody and exhausted, Alex felt utterly helpless. She was a prisoner to this demon, even if he did just save her life.
